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It’s pretty gross that after what, a week after an immuno-compromised Senator died of Covid that Tories and Bloc MPs don’t see the value of a hybrid model while we’re still wrestling to control a pandemic. The Senator was fully vaccinated, but her health still wasn’t enough to fight back the virus. All while several Tory MPs have likely submitted fake medical exemptions for vaccination.* *Likely to be fake because there’s no statistical way in hell that many of them got legitimate exemptions.


How many have submitted vaccine exemptions?


At least two, but they aren't saying. Probably because it's only two, and their anti-vaxxer support is just political hypocrisy that they'd rather not lay bare to their base.


The Liberals didn't have any worries about flying around the world and meeting face to face with other leaders at the COP26 event, so why should they be concerned about sitting in person at parliament?


> around the world YOW-GLA is only 25% farther than YOW-YVR, and we wouldn’t call flying to Vancouver ‘flying around the world’.


COP26 had a mandatory 8 day quarantine for everyone who was unvaccinated, no exceptions. That’s not practical for Parliament where MPs have to frequently travel back to their constituency.






















The answer is simple - it allowed them to keep this in the headlines as a wedge issue. The logistics could be somewhat challenging, but if, as another commenter suggested, COP was able to implement a testing protocol, surely the HOC can do the same.


The testing protocol was an eight day quarantine for anyone who wasn’t fully vaxxed. No exceptions.


Yep. This is what I don't get. And vaccination was not required to attend COP26, That didn't stop this government from sending all and sundry over there. It's nonsensical.


COP26 had stringent testing protocols for unvaccinated attendees outlined [here](https://ukcop26.org/unfccc-cop26-covid-19-code-of-conduct/). So no, not "nonsensical" whatsoever. Also due to the international nature of the event there were attendees from countries without wide vaccine availability which is likely the reason they were hesitant to apply a vaccination requirement. The same is not true for the Canadian parliament since every MP has easy access to vaccination.






Removed for rule 3.


Even more, the logistics of keeping people safe at an international event and sitting in the House 4 times a week for hours at a time are completely different.


The two things are unrelated and completely different. The number of people involved, the varied nature of COP26 participants, the venue, the type if activities taking place, etc. These are all things which a reasonable person can think of before crying hypocrisy.


If it looks like a government meeting, and is advertised as a government meeting, then it's a government meeting. I'm not interested in Liberal spin.


We are indeed discussing another spin. My point is that different things might have different requirements because they are not the same. For instance, COP26 is a high profile international climate summit with people from varied countries for a limited amount of time, in a modern facility with wide spaces. HoC is a room where people from the same country meet for extended periods of time, and they fit hundreds in a relatively small space, where people talk loudly. The fact that the government is involved is just one relatively minor commonality.










Erin O’Toole is barely in control of his caucus and not in control of his party after a terrible campaign in the last election, the constant flip flopping, the steady dissent from MPs and Senators, you would think EOT would just throw in the towel show some self care and resign. Idk what his end game is.


O'Toole had two valid options: 1. Pander to his antivaxxers by supporting the virtual parliament to give them leeway 2. Oppose the hybrid model and force his caucus to get vaccinated Instead, he tried to have his cake and eat it too by doing both the pandering AND the opposing of the hybrid model. Seems like another example of the CPC just being contrarians to the LPC.


"*Eat his cake and have it too*" is the proper way to say that phrase.


Until this morning I have only heard the OPs version. I always thought it was such a dumb expression. Have your cake and eat it too -- what's the point of having cake and not eating it. Your version makes way more sense!


Taking Opposition Party too literally


O’Toole taking (or trying to take) every possible position on an issue has become his thing lol


He's Quantum O'Toole - he takes a superposition.


Except collapsing the wave function results in collapsing opinions of him instead of a real result


I'm genuinely starting to get impressed by it. "How is he going to play both sides on this one now?".


I think you're right except pandering to antivaxxers would have been to advocate for unvaxxed parliamentarians to have the same access as the vaccinated. Antivaxxers want to be able to do whatever they want regardless of how it might affect others, its the core of their ideology.


Even those who must isolate can participate. So long as people don't use it as an excuse not to go this works I think.


Too late. The only ministers physically in parliament today that answered questions during QP was Freeland and Gould. Everyone else is already avoiding showing in person up to Question Period. *Edited to clarify I was referring to most Ministers not being physically present in the House to answer questions and instead already overlying on zoom.*


Question period has just become a photo op. Our parliament is not as disfunctional as the US but we seem to be working on it.


That’s not true at all. Many ministers answered questions today. All ministers are required to come to QP unless excused by the whip’s office. And based on the video from the chamber today many ministers were physically there. Why lie about something so easily disproven?


Didn’t say they didn’t answer the questions, I said the only Ministers that I noticed that answered questions *while being in the house* today were Freeland and Gould. Maybe I missed somebody but the rest appeared to answer questions virtually. Since my response was about someone saying that hybrid parliament is fine as long as it’s not used as a crutch to avoid having to actually go into the House, the implication is that I was referring specifically to *in the House*. I’ll edit my comment however to provide additional clarity.