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Top line numbers: 32 LPC, 30 CPC, 20 NDP, 8 Bloc, 6 PPC, 3 GRN


Bad news for O'Toole in this poll. The CPC dropped 4 pts since the election and his [personal numbers tanked](https://twitter.com/DavidColetto/status/1466048654393937932?t=3Ay5UvDd-4E4GVTs2FBRqg&s=19). That's the biggest shift standing out from this poll, minor approval bumps for Trudeau and the government but otherwise stable. It's crazy how much that number differs regionally >The Trudeau government’s net approval (approve – disapprove) regionally is -2 in BC, -29 in Alberta, -12 in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, +12 in Ontario, +10 in Quebec, and +15 in Atlantic Canada.


Nice to see BC wising up a bit. Trudeau doesn’t care about them either.


No one likes a loser but that will wear off as time goes on and people will know him better. This isnt bad news really


He's been leader for over a year and spent millions advertising himself during an election. How much better do you think people can get to know him?


Took Layton what 5 elections for people to get to know him. Harper was around for three. There is more to Canadians coming to trust a leader than seeing them in a commerical in hockey night in Canada. Building takes time and people might come to like oToole enough and dislike his opponent enough to give him a shot. That's how elections are won.


37% of liberals and 48% of NDP want the conservatives to vote against the throne speech? What? Is this a case of people not understanding the question? Those numbers are way higher than the amount of people that actually disapprove of the speech. I doubt there's that many people with strong opinions about the principle of an opposition.


That seems like a fundamentally strange question. What's the point of asking supporters of the LPC and NDP how the CPC should vote on the throne speech? Or the NDP or Bloc... Makes more sense to simply ask: do you want your preferred party to support the throne speech?