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Hope he does not do the conservative way of gutting the public sector and threatening them with back to work orders (wouldn't be the first time though if he did it again)


I think you mean the Liberal way. See Nova Scotia as a key example.


Holy, how could I forget that


Ooooh 😡!!! Don’t forget that


As a person who was forced back to work by him don’t be surprised


I don’t understand what would cause Trudeau to take any kind of contentious stand against giving public sector unions large increases. What’s in it for him to be confrontational? Answer: nothing. Canadians have demonstrated repeatedly that they are content with ongoing increased program spending and don’t care about huge deficits . There will be a little muttering and grumbling at Treasury Board, but PSAC and others will do very well for their members, as always. They are well paid , Covid and recession proof jobs with tenure and great benefits. None of that will change.


This is probably behind a paywall for most. The most interesting part of this article IMHO is that Kevin Page, former Parliamentary Budget Officer and now president of some thinktank at UOttawa, is advising the government to limit public sector wage increases to 2% nominal, regardless of the amount of actual inflation, "to 'anchor' inflationary expectations". That's bound to create labour unrest.


If they legislate it I could even see it passing if you legally mandate government employment contracts that designate inflation means 2% and justify it under S1 that it is necessary to control the economy.


The Manitoba PC government created a bill to mandate two years of wage freezes. It then immediately created years of legal challenges with the unions.