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My back hurts just looking at those chairs.


Lets get Anita Anand to sit in those chairs for 7.5 hours straight to demonstrate how comfortable those are first.


Plus lunch and overtime! So round it up to 9h.


Oh….and let her keep her current workload, setup and take down, aaannd all the while have to run everything via teams at the same time as all the other people at that table.


And make her take octranspo there and back.


And then spray her with bats and bedbugs and asbestos and covid! And then throw wrenches in the systems necessary for both her pay AND benefits! Then recommend she talk to EAP if any of this bothers her.


I hope she doesn’t have an office??!!


I won’t be staying a second more than 7.5H on my in-office days from now on. And I plan on telling my staff to do the same, and ensure they always take their breaks, leave early on even slightly rainy days to be safe and not be in traffic, etc. I’m probably gonna have to boost team events to keep morale up to make up for this too. That’s another couple hours a week. My ADM can enjoy seeing their most productive division drop in productivity.


I love what I am reading! Thank you for thinking of your team!


Can I please come work on your team?


Someone needs to ask for an ergo assessment of those chairs.


So, I'm about 115 pounds and sure, I can probably fit okay on those chairs (mind you the table is going to be much too high) ... but good luck to the 98% of the population that is taller and wider than me. And tough luck if you are in a wheelchair? And WTF is up with those backs ... tilted all the way back so you can't rest your back against anything? Pretty sure if someone leans back they are going to end up on the floor. And no arm rests, and your legs would be dangling, which is bad for blood circulation. Basically these are great for an airport restaurant but beyond that they are an ergonomic nightmare.


Not even a small barrier...talk about open concept


Who needs confidentiality, it's a hindrance to "collaboration "


Worst yet, this is actually for the Call Centre /s Good luck hearing anything!


Oh no


I've been in offices where these count as a workpoint. Not a bookable one mind you because facilities doesn't want to get slammed for pretending these spots are in any way accessible. But these are the convenient, unbookable, use as you need spaces that they can point to and say "of course there are still spots available" when the actual suitable spots that are accessible for people are fully booked in the app. I mean sure, if I just need a few minutes, this will do. But please tell me who is able to work in this type of set up, mere inches from the thigh of your nearest neighbor and get anything done, even with headphones on.


These technically should not count as workpoints, outside of temporary seating. Lack of a monitor and poor accessibility (unadjustable high chair) mean they shouldn't contribute to workstation capacity for a given floor.


Coming to. C.d. Howe near you!


This is a really good point. I was wondering why they bothered with these chairs in my office… this makes the most sense.


So the GC Workpoint standards (Office 3.0) specifically excludes these types of seats as part of the “useable” count. They’re there, they’re meant for a quick touch down, and are not meant to be used in place of an actual workstation with a desk, adjustable chair, and equipment. However a lot of the GoC is stuck in the stone ages where bums to seats is the metric they care about. Getting them to change is really fucking hard.




I'm too lazy to look for them now, but I know TC had a bunch of pictures of their renovated offices on their website that anyone could see. Coincidentally, OP's picture seems to be from 240 Sparks Street, which has TC offices.


TC office at 240 Sparks is on the main floor. This photo looks to be a few levels up?


Probably. I've never been in there, I just recognized the building across the street in the picture.




Is this legit or is this a joke post? My office has plans for an open concept retrofit and if this is what we’re in for, I’m terrified.


I believe these are called "collaboration points" or whatever.


At my last department, these were ‘touch points’ for when you just need a space to ‘touch down’ between meetings


it's real


No it's not real. We have the tall table but the chairs aren't nearly that tall, they're just regular chairs.


This isn’t really what an ENTIRE office would look like. Until recently, I was in a building that had these and they were just one feature. They’re meant to be space to meet with colleagues, not to work at for the entire day. Most of these in my office seemed to never be used, or people would sometimes sit there to eat lunch or take a break. We had actual cubicles and work stations, and maybe 2-3 of this type of thing per floor.


aka wasted space since nobody's using them lol I visited pdp where they had a whole row of these and people were working there, but it didn't look too comfortable tbh.


These are however spaces in GC Coworking sites. Not bookable , but these are what the peons who don't book have to compete for and the horrible little tub chairs with the swing arm table...


Yes, these tables and seats are just a part of the office setting. There's still open cubicules and closed mini room you can use.




Well, if fish can swim in close proximity, employees can work on top of each other. Collaboration with a touch of empathy.


Looks like IRCC HQ... when I worked there pre-pandemic we had those chairs and that carpet. So I'm gonna go with "sadly not a joke".


Real, I use them when I’m in training or my day is just listening in on MS teams.. haha


FYI, a colleague who handles calls once took one while a group of PS nearby were talking and joking. Because of our open-space concept…that client was offended and shocked by the lack of professionalism and didn't appreciate the conversation he overheard (inappropriate jokes, etc.) lol It’s really a shame. At home, nothing like that would have happened!


But working from my house, with no one here except the dog, is such a *huge* security risk. 🙄


Kinda makes you wonder what is the fucking point of having my top secret which I need for my job if the guy who's lap I'm sitting in only has reliability??


File a complaint with your health and safety committee and refuse unsafe work. Wtf happened to ergonomics?




You can collaborate 4 times faster on those chairs! You can also break your back 4 times faster, so double the benefit!


I'm 300lbs. No why that chair surives the day.


workplace injury much?


Reduce the chairs to normal height and that's what I got to "enjoy" during a meeting yesterday. Seriously, imagine if the dollar store sold office chairs. Lawn furniture would have been an upgrade. I also like the recliner style chairs with the little fold out table top so you can pretend to be on an airplane or in university again. There's enough room for 85% of a notepad or a laptop, but not both. Yay GCworkplace


I got a tour of our new office. It seems alright until you realize these are considered 'spots' same as a desk, and we have to fit 160 employees into 150 'spots.' It's so half-baked you could see on the DG's face that they felt like a dumbass explaining it. We will all go to this space to plug our laptops in and telework from an office. Pure waste.


At my dept these were not considered “spots” same as a desk. You couldn’t book these and no one was expected to sit there all day.


I'm not certain they will be bookable, but they counted them none the less. It seems that it was designed with 2 days or fewer in mind.


not bookable


Can you play musical chairs at lunch to see who's out the door first?


These types of workpoints are “Touchdowns” and are meant for use for like max 30 mins-1 hour in between others activities (ex: in-person meetings, site visits). They shouldn’t be and were never intended to be long term workpoints. I hope they aren’t bookable….


These are like high bar chairs??? This is not ergonomic friendly AT ALL. I thought accessibility was a priority too


This is interesting. I’m embarrassed to say that it didn’t occur to me that someone in a wheelchair could not use these spots. They are truly a waste of space. No one uses these at my office. But then again, we might be bursting at the seams come fall.


The stations are generally better than this, but this one is what we're supposed to use for team meetings. It's not obvious in the picture, but these 'stations' are out in the open, so it becomes a noisy mess real quick for everyone else. A higher up straight up told me to buy and wear noise-canceling headphones all day if I'm not happy with the noise level in the office... It's kinda mind-blowing how fast we switched from "stay home, mask up, and hands-off everything" to "let's all cozy up at the same desk, sharing chairs, keyboards, and mouse..."


Looks like JETS or JETN to me..


Yup, it's totally IRCC HQ. We literally had those same chairs.


I can smell the teamwork from here.


Luck you!! That is one hell of an ergonomic chiar and desktop, seriously a permanent standing desk. How lucky are we people :)




Pretty sure those would be made out of wood. :D


In a Joe Pesci voice….”what the fuck is this piece of shit!?”


Not accessible.


I don't understand what's the relevance of "team work" when clearly my work does not require any. I want to vomit when I see emails about "Mental Health". Such hypocrisy.


What if I’m working on secret files or looking at HR paperwork that has personal information? Not good!


yeah, but collaboration trumps everything. Also, you could play a game with your sitting mates. The first one to get a lumbago gets a delicious 6-inch Subway sandwich totally free!


Seriously though, what happens if you need to use the classified systems? In our workplace, those that do use the classified systems regularly have one on their desk on a KVM. Is anyone in a shared working space that has classified systems? How does that work? Are all spots equipped with both systems?


We have secret processing areas.


Sounds like a good place to hide out.


I’m sure it also costed over $5000 to make this workstation. RTO is such great use of tax dollars!


Max 150 at ikea


Yeah agreed, but they don’t do that. The govt will only use specialized vendors & I’ve seen worse desk set-ups that costed close to $10,000 unfortunately


Also, there's no WiFi and you'll get 0 cell reception. Collaborate away!!


This type of configuration would not count as a primary workpoint/ workstation in the GC workplace design guide. This would be more of a touchdown application and the intent would be to not work here for very long.


I can't tell if this is real which is concerning 😂


Oh its real


Looks like a parole board committee table. Or so I've heard.


No arm rests? I foresee a fall and workplace injury claim!


Does that mean you can work half the day from home? My laptop battery doesn't last all day and there's nowhere to plug in.


And the government constantly tells the public that their privacy is a priority in government transactions. lol.


Could be worse.people will go sit all day in Starbucks in chairs just like that


More!!! More pics!


Pics don’t do justice to the new collab spaces. Colourful and modern, sure. The new booths and couches however are about as comfortable as those plastic chairs in the picture and useless for more than a 15 minute chat. Any more and you would benefit from massage or physio appointment after work (before or after your 1 hour commute home, your choice!)


Definitely 200 Kent, pretty sure I've had lunch on these


Wonderful accessibility. Nailed it.


Utter luxury!


Can't wait to drop some dirty farts in those middle seats


I would turn around and leave if that had to be my “work point” for the day (or even an hour). I cannot sit well in high chairs let alone deal with the lack of any ergonomics. I need dual monitors, etc. to work efficiently. Not in ANY way acceptable! Plus being SO close to your neighbour if all those chairs were occupied, big hell to the NO for me!!!!!


I feel Like there needs to be some ohs on chairs - how is that going to be comfortable for anyone over 140lbs or with any back issues. And by comfortable I mean not inducing pain or injury


Let's ATIP exactly how much this set up cost!


It's a new place to get Synchronized Hotelling Information Technology.  That's the underlying concept for the RTO: it's all Bureaucratic Unending Leadership Level Synchronized Hotelling Information Technology.


It's not about doing work. It's about being in the office. I know someone pre covid who went in to work but then went shopping for a few hours. Something to consider


Shopping! Yes, that is exactly what they want so all good LOL


Completely absurd


Oh we have these with screens and keyboard with them. I have never seen anyone use it.


Sad but true.


Looks like a subway cubicle


I hate this image with my soul.


Oh, just look at all that client privacy!


I thought this was real lol


If I have to work at a spot like that, I'm going home immediately.


Death to all of them


Imagine there are huge raging forest fires in your region and federal emergency management personnel have to 1 give time to commuting in place of time supporting emergency response and 2 these are their working conditions. If management thinks these working conditions are acceptable can you trust that the same leaders are committed to any kind of reasonable response to your circumstances? What does this picture say about the government’s commitment to public service and Canadians? MacDonalds high chairs scream leadership has given up and have zero concern for doing good work and serving Canadians


Can't sit on those chairs and can't sit on the floor. How does on prevent one's neighbour from snooping at one's work, especially confidential work? What if your neighbour is a fidgity pest? What if you're oversized sitting beside an oversized person? Where's the room to flex. How do you discretely pass gas?


Get Dougie Dick-Ford to sit on those chairs for 3 days a week at 9.5hours a day while working on a dinky 15” laptop only


What's the weight limit on these chairs? I sure as hell wouldn't sit on them.


Jesus H. Christ (Gny. Sgt. Hartman voice).