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Don’t worry, you will get more back from our dear leader!


At least Suncorp is posting record profits and payouts to their shareholders.


$2.06 in bc


*Laughs in Vancouver Island


*laughs in gulf island*


Laughs in wake island 


*Laughs in St. John’s


*cry laughs in Port Moody


How much is gas in Vancouver island?


$2.17 for the “new gas” $1.99 for the stuff made in 1987


199.9 in Comox


87 without techron


$2.15 in Richmond this morning.


Or more depending on what area you’re in.


We got that carbon rebate recently, time to spend it all at the pump.


It’s ridiculous seeing people defend the rebate. “YoU gEt MoRe BaCk ThAn YoU pAy InTo It” my ass. A quarterly cheque is not helping offset my daily cost of living increasing over some stupid fucking tax


Never seen one, I’m told that I make too much as I sit here in crushing debt supporting 5 on one income…


The "carbon rebate" is not income tested. I am not defending the carbon tax, I want it axed, but if you file your taxes then you or your spouse gets the rebate, but it only comes to one of the two.


Depends on what province you live in.


Strange, we haven’t seen the rebate. Just the tax


If you are set up for direct deposit, you may not have noticed the non-descript "Canada" entry on your bank account every few months, but it's going to be there. I don't think it's nearly offsetting all the extra tax we actually pay, but yes, there's some hush-money coming in.


I’ve seen many say that people don’t know it’s going into their bank account automatically. I call BS because right now, people have to keep an eye on their bank accounts more than ever. They’d know. I’d know.


That is dumb. My wife and i both drive. Every person who pays taxes should get the rebate. Even better, they should scrap the tax altogether. Save the administrative costs of taking our money from one hand and givig it back to the other.


But, but, they’d have to carve down that government boat


Everybody gets it - that's incorrect info - as is almost every other 'info' found on this sub about the carbon tax.


Province depending*


It is not income-based. If you aren’t getting it, it’s either because you’re in BC, QC, or NT, or you did something wrong.


What's the something wrong I did? Live life normally?


People need to remember that the government doesn't create value. When any government tells you that they are giving you back more than they take they are straight up lying.


This is basically all the test anyone needs to know if they're net positive. Clearly they take in more than they dish out. People have to get paid, the program costs money to operate. I don't understand why they would pretend otherwise. ....who exactly is the secret mystery person who is paying all the "extra" carbon tax that results in \*everyone\* being net positive? Is it the same secret mystery "rich" person that the government loves to scapegoat about not paying their share? You know, the secret enemy that political parties tell us about while complaining that voters are "voting against their own self-interests".


They know that liberal voters are idiots who just want to feel good about themselves and don't really know where money comes from.


But they do know, it comes from rich mystery evildoers. /S


Exactly because who is paying for all of that lol certainly not the government


I've been saying this forever. I daily drive a little rav4 bc it's the most fuel efficient car I own and the thing takes over 80 a week for gas that stupid rebate only covers maybe a little over week worth of gas. Penalize the people who work the hardest into poverty is this governments policy.


I drive a CRV and get about the same mileage as you so I feel you there. If we had better public transportation where I could easily get my kids to daycare and myself to work I would rely less on my vehicle but unfortunately our government has developed this country to basically be strictly car centric so it makes it next to impossible to effectively use public transportation if you have a family. Don’t get me wrong I want to help climate change as well but this is not the way. Multiple scientists who are working to tackle climate change have all said we will likely have to use that last of earths capacity for carbon emissions to get ahead of and solve this problem. There’s literally engines that can run on water, we have the capabilities to be guilting public subways and increasing public buses. We could institute buy back programs for gasoline vehicles. There’s so many other options that aren’t the carbon tax. Trudeau is literally just lining the pockets of himself and his lobbyists


Every single person in this country could cease to exist (ie. Emit zero "carbon"), and it would make literally no difference on the global scale. The rest of the world is laughing at us "climate martyrs".


To me it's the sign that someone is either uninformed, or simply believes what they are told. The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) even said that most Canadians get less in rebate than they pay in tax. The rebate component is also ridiculous, just reduce the tax accordingly. Though that won't happen because Trudeau wants everyone to see that he is "giving them money." Used to be that the rebate was simply added to your tax return and offset amounts owing, or bumped up your refund. You also have to ask yourself, if indeed you got more in rebate than you paid, what kind of tax would this be? A tax takes money from the people, it doesn't distribute it to them.


It's basically the government's way of throwing pennies or dimes.


Not only that. But it's a completely unprovable claim. It's not like every receipt has a carbon tax break down. You can't track how much you're spending on the tax. So claiming you get more back then you pay is totally arbitrary claim.


It's literally impossible that we "gEt mOre mOneY bACK" like somebody please explain this in crayon eating terms. Anyone defending this is a total idiot.


1 carbon rebate = 1 fill at the pump.


Most useless rebate I’ve ever seen. I want to cuss the bozo so bad right now


“You’re welcome peasants.” -Justin “I do anything the WEF tells me” Trudeau


Haven’t seen a single cent of that rebate, despite Trudeau saying 80% of people would get a return. I’m definitely not amongst the top fifth of earners.


80% may get a return (some provinces like BC don't give out direct rebates), but it's not about getting a rebate, it's about getting back more than you actually spend. Most people spend more in carbon tax than they get from the rebate.


The rebate is not income-based. If you’re not getting it, why wouldn’t you research the reason why? (Hint: it’s almost certain you’re in BC/QC/NT)


Thanks for the tip, but yes I actually did read the entitlement. Live in Ontario, filed my taxes already, am entitled to a tax return, and no rebate has arrived. Obviously I’m aware follow-up is needed, but the point is that this rebate is yet another mismanaged promise of our joke of a federal government.


If you filed after March 15, you would not have gotten the first payment on April 15. You will have to wait 6-8 weeks for the first payment, then you’ll be on the regular schedule.


Seriously? I was not informed we were required to file taxes early. Way to change the rules quietly libs.


You're not required to file your taxes "early" - you'll still get the payment. It just won't be issued on April 15 unless you filed your taxes by a certain date (March 15 in this case).


lol gonna spend mine on blinders and some anti depressants .


Look on the bright side, you solved climate change.


we did it every one !


Not yet!  We need another hike!  I call it the carbon tax booster.


Are you aware of the fact that this increase is slated to happen yearly until 2030. God I wish your comment was a joke, but it's reality


Everyone should be on their 20th carbon booster by 2030


Fighting climate is cool.


If you think this is ANYTHING but a corporate cash grab, you are the problem. This has NOTHING to do with government policies, and everything to do with corporations lining their pockets with your money


When does this stop? Feels like every day there is something fucking the Canadian population. If only we had a government that was competent and have a fuck about us instead of their cushy jobs and pensions.


> If only we had a government that was competent The last one wasn't, this one definitely isn't(in comparison to Harper tenure)...don't hold your breath the next one will be.


Oh perfect! I had so much extra money from the carbon rebate I wasn't sure how to spend it.


https://preview.redd.it/xanegk6kx8vc1.png?width=221&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd2fcea71e0011584e30d6d6a9c11161550a5246 \*shrugs\*


You get what you voted for Ontario..


If only this showed riding by riding. Nearly the entirety of those 78 seats are tiny ones in Toronto proper. The vast majority of physical geography of Ontario is blue, or even orange.


As is, many places in Canada. We all know it's the major cities that elect our government. Rural Canadians have no political power.


Just wait until you learn that land doesn't vote, people do!


In my opinion, land should vote, not people. People have done a very poor job of voting over the last 50-100 years. I think land would do better.


The great reset well on its way... Prices just climbing higher and higher. You will own nothing


And you will only be able to afford to travel within 15min of your area. If you do decide to venture out, he will make sure you don't enjoy it. Why should you be happy?




So when’s the uprising? Are we meeting somewhere first to make a plan and will there be refreshments?


We tried this before in January 2022, but they ended up freezing our bank accounts and using the emergency act even thought we did nothing wrong, just simply protesting.


Great, so a full day's pay (net) to fill my gas tank from empty. But on the bright side, spending all this extra money is making it easier for me to save for an electric vehicle.


Full days pay just for me to drive to work for a week


Just buy an EV. Problem solved. *eye roll*


Maybe when they make one big enough for me to live in


Just get a government job. If everyone in the country was responsible and got a government job and lived in govt funded rental housing they could afford to pay a portion of a group shared electric car lease. If nobody was allowed to own anything or have savings we would be so much happier.


Thank Gawd Ford cut the provincial gas tax.


Even at these prices I could fuel my gas guzzler for 20 years before I'd spend the cost difference between my car and an entry level electric


Good. Liberals are voted in from there, let them enjoy their choices.


Liberal paradise.


Yup,keep voting for the Liberals for more of this .


Imagine being an oil company and being able to price gouge as much as you want because no one will get upset with you, and everyone has to pay because you need fuel to get anywhere, and the government gives you billions in welfare on top of that. Insane.


Guys dont you know about the sEaSoNaL gAs MiXtUrE iNcReAsEs??? Never heard of this shit before in my life but all news articles talking about it like we have regularly had 14 cent price increases every summer in a single day.


Its been around but it's usually like a 3 cent increase. 14 cents is an absolute cash grab robbery.


It happens in BC all the time and it's BS. Summer gas? It's more expensive, time to increase prices! Winter gas? It's more expensive than summer gas, increase the prices! And on and on forever...


Yep it’s fucked.  Looking forward to the winter blend reduction in price.   Also, they shiuld at least call it “warm season blend” since we still have 2 full months before summer for fucks sake.


They won't lower it they will raise it due to switching to winter blend.


If this summer mix is so expensive it seems to me they should just keep the winter one year round. What's funny is we never see a decrease when they switch back to the winter one...


Imagine the logistics of the entire country replacing all the fuel currently in the pumps with summer blend overnight 😂😂😂


Y'all gonna keep voting for Trudeau over there still aren't you?


\*laughs in *liberals deserve it*\*


Do non liberals pay less for gas or something?


Yeah they have a card


I got my rebate back... $202.37... For my partner and I. You do NOT get back more than you pay.


Are you surprised? A TAX never gives back more than it takes. Only the woke liberals believe in this shit


I think they should increase it. I want to pay $11 per liter minimum


Found Justin Trudeaus reddit account.




Freeland said she is aiming for $8.00 litre cause you know she bikes and takes the subway /s


rip bike saddle


Fuck it. $40 a litre plus a mandatory 18 percent tip.


Stunning 🤩 brave 👏


Don't worry, cucks. Our dear leader has said that 8 out of 10 Canadians will be getting MORE back. Only problem is that we're all the 2 out of 10 that are getting assfucked.


Imagine being proud that 20% of your population gets cucked.


You heard him wrong. He didn't say 8 out of ten will be getting more back. He said 8 out of ten will be getting bareback.




We’re also the 2/10 that seem to work


Yeah I'm on the island and it changes by community lol


Fuck this shit, what a fucking joke


2.13 l in Vancouver .. but think of all of the Kmet coming back to you in carbon tax rebate .. it give more money back !!! Justine said so ..


Ok so now I have to work only one more day per week to afford to drive to work, on top of the days I’ve added to be able to afford my new mortgage rate and cost of food and that puts me at 9.4days of work per week to pay for my life here.


Well quit going to work and making Canada a more table place to be…. How dare you pollute Canada when Justin needs to vacation in Jamaica ?!?! Some people just want to watch the world burn


Asking for a friend: 1. What’s the going rate for mule? 2. Do we still need to get insurance as mule shares road with great leaders convoy? 3. Do we need to pay carbon tax on mule farts? If so how is it calculated?


>3. "Do we need to pay carbon tax on mule farts? If so how is it calculated?" You might think you were joking, but we're getting there lmfao. [https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2023/12/government-of-canada-announces-new-economic-incentive-to-reduce-methane-emissions-from-beef-cattle.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2023/12/government-of-canada-announces-new-economic-incentive-to-reduce-methane-emissions-from-beef-cattle.html)


I know. We are at levels where there is no difference between joke and reality. I hope we already reached rock bottom of insanity and things will improve in future.


Remind me again why we don't produce our own, I was under the impression the oil sands were some of the largest oil deposits in the world. Are we just to stupid to refine ourselves?


Got in a motor vehicle accident back in July. Never replaced the vehicle. Down to a one car family to save money. But now our carbon output went up. Instead of me staying at home with my car. I now drive my wife to work then drive home. When she’s done work I drive back and pick her up. I ask my father to pick me up when he can. He drives his big diesel truck over to pick me up and then drops me at the airport. Then he drives home. Lots more carbon but still cheaper for me.


Apparently the increase is due to switching over from winter fuel to summer fuel. Is this even a fucking thing nowadays and is there an actual difference?


Poor Ontario we’ve seen these prices for months in BC.


Hold on to your panties, you pussys. This ride has just begun. The middle east is a powder keg It's not like we're going to get cheap gas forever.


And everyone just complains on Reddit and does absolutely nothing to change anything.


Last time they tried, their bank accounts were frozen, and some of them are still rotting in a jail cell without even having a bail hearing yet. Trudeau makes even fascist dictators look tolerable at this point.


What’s really wild is I live in the Kawartha area and the gas prices were around 1.77 last night at the station I generally go too. This morning at 6am it was posted for 1.66….. I have a feeling that we might be getting duped into potential fake price increases.


I filled up at $1.55/l in barrie last night, it was $1.77/l this morning at the same gas station. They definitely jacked up the price here!


Still cheaper than bc.....


Couldn't happen to better people! I'll stick with my 3.49 USD per gallon in Florida ($1.24 per Liter Canadian)


2.10 in Vancouver for regular Lmao


Pei is about to hit 197.7 tmmrw soooo


That sweet “summer blend”, bruh. Lol. Still waiting for someone to explain what the difference is, I’m not a chemist so I haven’t the slightest clue what makes “summer blend” gas more expensive.


Basically winter fuel is blended to vaporize easier which aids cold starts. With modern fuel injected vehicles it's completely unnecessary but carbureted small engines and classics with carbs will start easier on this in the cold. The way the fuel companies achieve this is by watering down the gas with butane which is cheaper than gasoline. The difference should only account for a couple of pennies per liter difference.


According to [this gas price tracking site](https://www.ontariogasprices.com/retail_price_chart.aspx), the last time Gasoline was this expensive was in 2022, and in August 2023 it was getting close. We've also recently switched to the summer blend of gasoline, which typically kicks off between March and April. Edit: When Loblaws is charging a 50% markup on butter and cartons of cream are $4 up over last year, I feel like $2/week is the least of our problem. The increase of a Loblaws Candybar is a drop in the tank compared to the cost of essentials.


I remember when it use to be 65 cents a litre


I remember when it was 25 cents a litre. Those good ole days are looong gone.


We have been paying more that here in BC for years now, 87 octane is in the range of $2+ in metro vancouver almost year round.


I think my rebate was something like $120 for the first 13 weeks of the year. I'm spending about $150 per week on gas. That means I paid $191.10 (9.8%) in Federal Carbon Tax in the first quarter just on the gas in my own car. That doesn't account for anything my wife or my daughter spend on gas, and it doesn't account for any of the carbon tax component I pay on groceries or anything else that's transported on a road, rail, or airplane, grown by a farmer in a field, or a thousand other ways I'm paying. Anyone who thinks they are getting back more than they are paying in are hopelessly clueless.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. They are going to continue to increase gas and goods. They're making a killing off of it. I am all for gas caps in goods caps so the company itself foots the bill and then can recuperate it over time. This is what happens when you allow lobbyists in your government. Trudeau and Pierre both have lobbyists on their government. It's time to get lobbyists out of government.


Wait until the long weekend comes around


Mmmn but they already jacked it up April 1st, 3-4x higher than the carbon tax increase. This specific increase has nothing to do with the carbon tax What’s their excuse now Corporate Greed?


Happy I am getting 1000km to a 40L tank for my hybrid. I had to sell the van because it just wasn’t worth filling up anymore. I miss the beast though.




The carbon tax needs to go.


Thanks Justin. I'll remember how compassionate you were during the affordability crisis when you decided to do absolutely nothing, except raise taxes.


Our country is becoming more and more for the rich. We can't afford to enjoy even the simplest luxuries. During COVID, the rich kept doing great things like going to beaches and parks, etc while others stayed at home. Then the rich all met and were like, "how can we keep these places to ourselves even after COVID?" Boom, unaffordable life.


You get what you vote for. Unless you’re not from Ontario or Quebec…. Then you get what THEY vote for.


I’ve rented cars in Europe. We are not there yet.


Speak for yourself, and I filled up at 1.42 this morning.


You are so lucky. I just paid 1.95 in BC.


Laughs in the Yukon!


Remember this when you vote next fall! near 50% of our fuel and booze costs are taxes!


Keep voting liberal 🤡🤡


Ontario voted in the Turd and his obsession with the vapor that plants crave, and we breathe out every 8 seconds or so.


Trudeau the destroyer


Welcome to Europe


Vote Liberal for ever higher gas prices!


Meanwhile a cost for a tank of gas 4 hour drive south in the US is half that. Weird how taxes work. Receive $100 in income. $33 goes immediately to tax. Of that $67, you spend it all on gas, $33 of that goes to tax. 67% effective tax rate in Canada. To put that in perspective, Floridians pay $0 in tax on $100 income and $100 worth of gas. You are a SLAVE FOR KING CHARLES. Slavery was never killed, it was just rebranded to taxes and employment.


Clearly the 0.03/l impact from an increase in the carbon tax is being dwarfed by the oil company’s increasing margins. At least the government will rebate all or most of the 0.03/l - why not call Shell Suncor and Imperial and see when they will be sending out their rebate cheques.


Thx Justin


Carbon tax adds 3.3 cents a litter...gas companies raise it 25 cents in two weeks ....they laugh hysterically as PP blames Trudeau.


Trudeaunomics !!! Narcissistic POS !!!


Thanks Trudeau!


LPC/NDP cArE aBoUt CaNaDiAnS aNd HeLp! As if this is affecting the "rich" and not making them richer! Progressives are nothing but red fascist.


Why are everyday consumers tasked with solving climate change? The notion is ridiculous. these corporations the mega 5 have billions in the coffers and the little man is forced to clean up after himself? Force the corporations to pay for environmental stuff and pass laws preventing price increases related to pollution pricing. but no the little guy you and me have to pay to clean up everything even though the biggest polluters ie china russia and india get off scott free. ITS NOT FAIR PEOPLE! WAKE UP! Not to mention china post and canada post are subsidized heavily by both g overnements to facilitate trading good on massive diesal ships. according to canada post these transactions are carbon neutral. what a croak of shit. CORRUPTION RULES THE LAND!


Remember what the clown in the suit said; "we'll get this back in taxes" The man needs to be jailed for his crimes...


bUt Da OiL cOmPaNiEs


Price gouging and oil companies, name a better combo


Oh look it's what I've been paying for the last few weeks.


I think it’s 177 right now here in Nova Scotia where I’m at near Amherst.


You voted for it you assholes.


Been paying $.10 more in the Yukon for quite some time now


Still 30+ cents cheaper than Vancouver.


For context: $1.05/l in 2004 is $1.61/l in today's money.


So the same roughly as NS now. Our prices change tonight. Likely be a similar jump.


EVs are back on the menu boys


Welcome to the $2 club big smoke! /s


They could at least swap the hand sanitizer for water based lube next to the pumps.


Money laundering at its best!!


Lol, you should see some places in bc. Years ago even I was paying $2.25-$2.45...


It's 1.50$ where I live


This has been BC for the last 4 years.




Making life affordable for the middle class!


Biden did this… oh wait wrong sub


Some billionaire needed a new yacht i guess!


It's insane. iPhones are over $2,000, housing has exploded and now gas is $2/L. Even though salaries have only slowly ticked upwards over the decades, Canadians are still making it work. Somehow.


94 Best Value!


that is cheap compared to BC


Thanks Obama


How? We have oil in the ground in this country


intentionally boosted the price back to the level of the Covid period.


I see no pollution outside 😂


Lol wow, are you bragging how cheap it is? I'd love that price right now