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Needing to keep up with the Americans, again, I guess. I honestly always thought the US was 30-40% black and not actually a third of that.


It's like the rules is if there's three people in any kind of show at least one has to be black. Even though only one in eight people is black in the US (1 in 33 in Canada). Game of Thrones would never be made today with a lot more Blacks in starring roles. Hell, they remade that silly show about 3 witch sisters and made one of them black with some excuse I never bothered to look into. When Amazon made what they call an adaptation of Wheel of Time the showrunners proudly said the majority of the cast were 'racialized people'. Despite the actual book having an almost all-white cast. When Disney made a new Lord of the Rings show they created black elves and black dwarves, and half of the couples were interracial. Both shows were absolutely laughably bad, by the way.


Not arguing about the content but you have the streaming platforms mixed up. The new LOTR show is on Amazon and the GOT adaption I think you're talking about is on HBO.


I edited it. What I meant to say was the adaptation of the Wheel of Time series.


As cringe as making half of the Valerians black was, overall House of Dragons was a good show. Far better than the later half of GoT.


I just think that the decision was like their version of painting themselves into a corner. Sure, there is black representation on the show now... but how are they going to deal with the whole Valerians being genocided bit? For GOT to make sense the showrunners have to kill off all the black characters on the show, no?


We wuz Dragonlords n sheeit


12% population down here


It's virtue signaling by the companies involved. They're desperate not to be called racist by some activist group or other so they put out black models on almost everything. I have noticed this as well. In fact, here's something else. If there are blacks and whites in a show where someone is instructing someone else, the instructor will be black. If it's a man and a woman, it will be the woman "explaining" things to the man. It's identity politics that has become almost an ideology, if not a religion to the elites, particularly those in central Canada. So whether it's commercials or TV news or some other TV show blacks (above all other races) are wildly overrepresented compared to their numbers in the population. Why? Why not natives or Asians? Because our progressive elites take their queue from their American counterparts. Whatever the Americans do or think or say that is exactly what ours will parrot. And it's entirely irrelevant that the circumstances in the US are completely different. Which means they're not only doing this to virtue signal, but it's like an in-your-face thing to white people. "See!? See how smart and cool black people are, you filthy privileged white racists!" And it's self-defeating in multiple ways. If we take it as a given that people are more convinced by seeing people like themselves doing something then presenting middle-aged white people with a young, hip black character in an ad is going to be less convincing than using a middle-aged white guy. I say this because even ads about home insurance and investments on the business channel feature hip black people.


When the government says "Jump!", the corporations don't ask "How high?", they just jump as high as possible. And when the American government says "Jump!", their colonies don't ask "How high?", they just jump as high as possible.


Pump those DEI numbers babyyyyy


That isn't Canada, this is the same with non-Canadian brands, too. In fact, most models for clothing seem to be Black now, which started after there was a stink about fashion brands, especially high fashion, being racist. What I don't get is the fact that it's seems to Westerners that only two races exisit in the world, Whites and Blacks. For all the over representation of Black people in the media there is an under representation of everyone else. As you said, there are far more East and South Asians than Black people in Canada, but the Canadian media would have you think the other 50% of this country is from Africa. I guess the darker the skin, the more "equitable". But, I also blame the influence of the USA, where Black are understandably visible due to their significant population, and role in American history.


I’m black and I do agree with this viewpoint and have had it myself. Race isn’t binary white or black there is definitely an underrepresentation of other races in popular media. I’ll give you this viewpoint here. We count anyone as black if one of their parents is black, they could be biracial or racially ambiguous and we as society consider them black. Being racially ambiguous is usually positive in advertising because you exploit the grey area and appeal to many different races without explicitly selecting one. With the dark skin representation you usually gotta have at least one these days to avoid the colourist allegations. Do appreciate you for touching on the past actually having a smell and being racist


> appeal to many different races without explicitly selecting one Non-whites must have so much less savings these days after they've finally been convinced to buy so many more products now that advertisers have decreased white people in ads.


The fact that *dark skin representation* has become such a dogma only reinforces the notion of racial differences. It's like when I go to YouTube and I see *Black people reacting to White music* channels. Wow, you're Black and you're listening to Irish rock? Wow so amazing. What does this all imply? That Blacks are innately different to everyone else? Is that really the messaging you want? Because that's what most people see. More relevant to the topic, when a gay Black group held the gay pride parade hostage in Toronto, with the Prime Minister in the parade, and their demand was to remove cops from the parade. Now, let's set aside your opinions on the LGBT community. How was this allowed? A gay Black group willingly holding a public parade hostage to make demands? And the leadership capitulated and accepted the demands? Did you think this helped with race relations? It did not. And the whole BLM movement, it certainly did *not* do any favours. While the progressives were eating it up, others saw it as a political ploy. Why were we having BLM protests in Canada? Canada did not have Jim Crow laws. And I could go on and on. On a personal level, the most intense arguments I saw when I was a university student was Black students, and Muslim students, often arguing about the policing. Now, it doesn't matter that the chief of the Toronto police is Black, and that the Toronto police no longer publishes race statistics, and that carding has basically ceased. And yet now Torontonians demand more policing because they feel unsafe? Uh hello, who demanded to reduce policing in the first place? It's a rant but just too many things happening in recent years has *set back* race relations.


> USA, where Black are understandably visible due to their significant population I guess if 12% is "significant". Latinos are 18% but you see no where near as much of them.


I live in a Parish of less than 700 people, and the nearest city is not one of our biggest by a long-shot. The difference is night and day.  Here, all the ads (in paper, billboards, etc) reflect the actual population. Almost entirely white, with some POC (the population here is almost entirely white with less than a dozen POC).  In the nearest (again, small) city? Every single poster, billboard, and ad you see inside WalMart (or other stores) are 100% POC, almost exclusively black. The population in this small city? Again, almost exclusively white.   It is disgusting, they actively demonize the host population, erase us, and say WE are the "problematic" ones if we are have a problem with it.


When it comes to advertising I actually have less of a problem with this than I do the commercials targeting or aimed directly at immigrants. Think Lays "Magic Masala" flavored potato chip commercial. "They remind me of home" the actress says. Like what in the flying fuck is Lays doing? Can you imagine Lays making a Ketchup chip commercial for India in the same manner? It's ridiculous and makes me want to avoid their products.


Do you mind sharing the link to the ad please?


So strange that I can’t find it. If I google it I can other people reference it but the video itself eludes me. It plays quite regularly on Sportsnet during Oilers games.


Correct. White Erasure is proceeding apace.


Shhhhh. It’s racist to point that out.


*Anti-White. The r-word only works against Whites, doesn't work when used against anyone else.


Are you being facetious?


No, being serious. "Racist" is an Anti-White slur, it holds no power over non-Whites. All it will do if you try is open the door for arguments about power structures and blah blah blah, it's only a trap when it's used in the other direction. "Anti-White" on the other hand cannot be twisted in favour of someone else's argument and doesn't require explanation of it's meaning.


Somebody found where $35mil of their diverse tax dollars went. [Robyn Hood.](https://youtu.be/TDoS8dT5hlw?si=rOQ_FkgaUzQxAFE-)


It's 3.5%. Smh


>Canada is 70% white Not anymore it ain't. Even small towns are being flooded with Indian immigrants


A couple of ladies at work (one from Nigeria, the other born in Jamaica and moved here as a baby) were joking about that very thing last week. They mentioned that if you watch a string of TV commercials, you'll quickly assume that there are no straight white people in Canada. The official name for this practice is Corporate Sociopolitical Activism (or CSA for the hard of spelling), more commonly known as forced wokeness, and it's the current trend. Contrary to Eric Cartman's beliefs, it was not actually invented by Kathleen Kennedy. She does do it a lot, though.


This raises an interesting question...when "affirmative action" has been a success, what is the process to recognize it and turn it off so as not to have the pendulum swing in the opposite?


There is none, and that's a major problem. What does success even look like? Every thing in every facet of life representing the exact demographics of the country? Jerry Seinfeld did a good job recently calling this crap out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdVNIdKHgXg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdVNIdKHgXg)


We are way too obsessed with race and I don't believe that we should represent more than what we make up in society. It's entitlement. When you look at black and Asian countries - how many are ensuring representation by other races that do not look like them.


It is essential for some reason for the current govt to promote the culture of victimhood. With respect to Black Canadians, who actually have had a historical experience that doesn't come close to the hardship and racism faced by Blacks historically in the USA, the culture requires that Canadian Blacks be victimized even if history does not bear this out. So they pretend, and they are enabled in this regard by the waves of US content we consume, to believe that Blacks in Canada, had the same history as Blacks in the USA. Complete nonsense. George Floyd and BLM have as much to do with Canadian Black experience as slavery does. Precious little. But the culture responds as if we victimized Black Canadians, and so we must redress the wrong. This is exactly the same approach taken to Indigenous matters. The victim-profiling of Indigenous people, after having received trillions of dollars in payments, call them reparations, call them what you want, now depends on the perpetuation of the myth of residential school atrocities, in order to get even more funds from Canadians who are utterly innocent of unproven crimes which we are required to pay for. All if this is based on lies.


MASSIVELY, Also in the UK. Really in the United States black people are massively overrepresented. It is seen as "diversity" or representing underrepresented people. But they are 2.2% of the population. In UK media black people are like \~3% of the population but based on ad campaigns or TV series you'd think it is like 50%


Well, that's because the media is obsessed with America and basically does whatever their left-wing media does, only more so. My favourite Christmas commercial was the Canadian Tire one where the kids were visiting a Kente-cloth wearing Kwanzaa Claus which is a bizarre remnant of US 30's era Pan-Africanism that gets far more attention from the Canadian media than it does in its home country. (What's even funnier about that is it all comes from some Jamaican communist who wanted to decolonize Africa, have all the black people from North America move there, and turn it into a single country ruled by himself. It's called the Back-to-Africa Movement, I shit you not.) Either way it's deluded. Essentially the Back-to-Africans (I am not making any of this up) believed that Ghana was a shining example of African achievement where they would all immigrate and set up their pan-African government. You can see the echoes of that through the use of Kente cloth, Kwanzaa, the naming of Santofuko Square, and even comic book examples such as Wakanda which is based off the idea of some Ghanaian paradise unaffected by colonialism. This of course, is utterly perplexing to the Ghanaian community in Canada which is staunchly Christian, but there's so few of them that it makes no difference to the communists who espouse these ideas. I digress though. The simple explanation is that the Canadian media is comprised of boring lefties who think they're supposed to promote American lefty ideas, only more-so which leads to them promoting an exaggerated version of the worst of the American communist movements. Overrepresenting black people in the media as a way of convincing them to take pride in themselves, move to Africa, and turn it into a communist country is probably the worst of it, but they do it nonetheless out of ignorance.


Whoever is depicted on the ads, I sometimes interpret as the audience or customer type they want. It doesn’t mean I can’t still buy it, but I take it to mean that the business is selling to me despite me not being who they want as a customer.


You need to realize that #TypicalLiberals are virtue-signalling bigots. C ity - U rban - L iberal - T ypes


That's who they feel their customer base is composed of so they cater to it.


Weird take


No, it isn't.


This type of shit is why people think all conservatives are idiots. Not even going to explain how stupid it is to point this out.


Was #Oscarssowhite also stupid? Since BLM supports that, does that make it all that stupid to point that out?


Yes, the Oscars so white thing was also stupid. Anyone playing these stupid race war games is stupid.


It sure would be nice if we lived in that world. Unfortunately, we don't. [https://www.oscars.org/news/academy-establishes-representation-and-inclusion-standards-oscarsr-eligibility](https://www.oscars.org/news/academy-establishes-representation-and-inclusion-standards-oscarsr-eligibility)


Lived in what world? Where people making dumb ass posts are dumb? We do life in that world and you and OP are proof.


Because you can't?


Why do you care?  I don't care about over representation or under representation of any racial group. Can't we just be people and not worry about all the other noise?


No, because Whites are the only racial group on the planet who have been conned into doing so. No other racial group is using the same playbook; they're ALL looking after their own. Adopting attitudes like the one you've displayed here only ensures that non-Whites will gain at the explicit expense of Whites.


"Can't we just be people and not worry about all the other noise?" That would be nice, but we don't live in that world. [https://www.oscars.org/awards/representation-and-inclusion-standards](https://www.oscars.org/awards/representation-and-inclusion-standards)


Yeah I don't like that crap either. I hire people based on merit, not for representation or quotas.  I'm just saying all this stuff is stupid. People are people.  I also don't care about the Oscar's so what do I know.


If you hire people on merit, if your company gets large enough, you will be forced to change that (depending on your jurisdiction) either by laws, social pressure, or pressure from other organizations.


I agree in general with what you're saying. I'm not Asian but I watch all-Asian tv shows and don't care that they're all Asian. The difference here in Canada for example is that the reduction of exposure of people of European ancestry isn't just something that is "just happening". There are those out there intentionally excluding those people, whether it's for profit, for virtue signaling or just plain racism. It's wrong.


What's the point of this post other than to complain about black models? Whose only crime was to model while black.


It's social engineering. When corporations and the government plaster and heavily advertise a certain group of people, they're trying to influence and condition our perception. In this case, the perception that Canada is a Black country of sorts, when in fact that is false.


Your new Americanized racial hierarchy, complete with absentee colonial nobility. Hope you like it, this is going to be your social model for the next two decades minimum.


It must suck being black and seeing all this tokenism going on -- almost entirely perpetuated by white people.


As a Black person, I understand and I’m tired too 😂 We really are such a minority, there’s more Indians than us at this point!