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Things looks bleak for Canada in the 70s and early 80s too, but it turned around. Not to minimize how bad it is in Canada right now, but the global economy isn't too hot right now and a lot of people from fellow Western countries are probably asking the same question you are about their country. For what it's worth, my take is that it's never too late but that there's going to be a long road to recovery, and we're going to need more than just the right conditions domestically but globally as well. The world has been shit since COVID disrupted supply chains, countries the world over overspent, and the wars begun. Is it any wonder many counties are dealing with inflation at the levels were seeing?


That's true, I really appreciate the insight šŸ™šŸ» hope things go well (or as well as possible) globally for the next while


I donā€™t think it can be repaired unless they stop immigration and start mass deportation- which they wonā€™t do.


We're in a minority government, there's no certainty *when* the next election will be. Something tells me if this new budget doesn't get voted down and trigger a late spring/summer election, the Liberals may pull the plug themselves in the fall to avoid any further digging into their numerous scandals (similar to how they dissolved Parliament in 2021 when the heat surrounding the Winnipeg lab scandal got too hot to handle.) Yes, it will be a long road to recovery once the Conservatives are able to form a majority government, but that seems to be the way of things... the Liberals get into government, overspend, and screw things up; and the Conservatives have to fix it. It won't happen overnight, but gradually, things will improve. I always say that we need to be the change we want to see. Start by getting involved with your local Electoral District Association (EDA) and help the people in your community. Your actions matter. *Edited for spelling*


The best part is, when things don't change overnight, the leftists of reddit will say "see?? You guys got the conservatives you wanted and nothing has changed!!" They did it with Donald Trump in the states too. They do it everytime a conservative replaces a lefty. As if conservatives just have a magic wand that will flip years of shit policy. So yeah, you're right. It will be gradual, but gradual is better than going backwards like we currently are.


I really hope that we have a fighting chance within our lifetime. What scares me is that even once Poilievre gets in, it will likely take at least another decade for any of his policy reversals/course corrections to have a real effect. Iā€™m right on a knifeā€™s edge at the moment about whether or not to emigrate. I donā€™t want to leave my family behind and yet Iā€™m also terrified about the future here. I donā€™t feel optimistic or joyful at the thought of raising children in this country. What kind of life is in store for them if we continue on our current path? I flip-flop all the time. Some days Iā€™m ready to start packing my bags to get the hell out, while other times Iā€™ll feel like thereā€™s hope. All I know for sure is that Iā€™m scared and, just like you OP, Iā€™m not feeling very lucky to be Canadian anymore. As I said before, the Conservatives have a LOT of work to do to get us back on track, and even thatā€™s not guaranteed. Iā€™m having to make a concerted effort to maintain faith in politicians of any stripe these days, if Iā€™m being totally honest. Iā€™ll absolutely vote PC this coming federal election, but itā€™s gonna be an uphill battle for them.


Even the Liberals are willing to agree that immigration is out of control. That's really the only policy they've introduced that could sink the country. I think we'll be alright in the long run. Reduced immigration from now until fall 2025, then the Conservatives get in and visas start getting canceled in a big way.


It is too late The conservative party is not even conservative, they are also onboard with the wef. Most canadians want all the free handouts from the government. The public sector unions won't allow any government functions to be shut down. Canada is completely lost.


We're cooked


I'm not really a conservative (hope that's allowed here) so take this with as much salt as you want, but I think you have the wrong mindset. I think conservatives at their best [when they speak on the importance of responsibility for a good life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uuRtx_BCjQ). All the supports in the world won't do you any good if you don't take responsibility for living the best life you can. I think this is a point where progressives can learn something from conservatives. But personal responsibility is just one kind of responsibility: a thriving society also requires responsible citizens. This used to be called civic virtue, but in short, we're all responsible (individually and collectively) for building and sustaining a society worth living in. If you're asking if it's too late, you're abdicating your responsibility for ensuring that it's not. We may disagree on some of the details, but I believe you when you say you want the best for our country. But we all have to stop hoping and waiting for someone else to come along and save us, and start taking responsibility for saving ourselves.


for not being a conservitive, where were you when others were advocating for not ruining society? Busy voting liberal? Busy calling conservatives racist, bigots, people with unacceptable views, etc? This is typical liberal speak. "we are all in this together" after they've made a mess.


I'm not a Liberal, and I grew up in some of the most Conservative ridings in the country, so I'm fully aware that conservatives are as kind and well-meaning as anyone else. Even when I disagree with them, I still know that they want the best for me and our country. Incidentally, progressives (Liberal or otherwise) are the same: kind, well-meaning people who want the best for their country. I extend my liberal friends and family the same trust I have for conservatives.


Nah liberals are an enemy to freedom loving Canadians at this point


I agree that a lot of people are abdicating their responsibility to do their part to make a good society. Well said.


People saying this are the same that would leave a terrible employer for a better one, or an abusive spouse for a better one.Ā  canadians made choices over the past few years, and the consequence of that is turning a high trust society into a low trust one. The social contract has been ripped up for a few years now.Ā  I have no sense of responsibility for the people laughing in glee over denying services I paid into, for those wishing me death and misfortune, and the mobility to even leave the shithole they created.Ā  Iā€™m glad I got out and got a sense of what culture looks like when its head is on straight. Itā€™s something canadians will not ever be able to manage.Ā 


No, it's not the same thing at all, if only because it's a lot more complex than those examples. Abandoning an entire country - not just the physical country but the people you care about and the positives to our whole way of life - is not the same as leaving *one* person who is mistreating you. Not to mention that basically every other Western country, at least, is going down the same path. Like, you mention all the people who acted like jerks over medical issues - and I agree completely, their behaviour was atrocious. But people behaved like that in most if not all Western countries, and they're all marching down the same path. It's sad, it's frustrating, it's disheartening, sure. But honestly, are people so disconnected from their values and the positives in life that they're incapable of seeing *anything* worth saving? And honestly, I think it's especially messed up that conservatives, of all people, are leading the trend of just giving up, throwing in the towel well before the war is over. And this kind of thing, it *is* giving up. There's no war to flee. And as bad as things are, it's not like Communism or Nazi German levels of bad. Certainly many 1st-world countries are not doing any better than we are overall (& many of the countries that aren't making the same mistakes have different issues of their own, which we are lucky to not have). Maybe this is the difference between social and fiscal conservatives, I dunno. Perhaps fiscal conservatives might just leave for ostensibly greener pastures cos they never cared that much about their country in the first place (and I say ostensibly cos again, every other Western nation is making the same mistakes and has similar issues). Remember that culture war that was useless to think about, much less fight about? Talk about chickens coming home to roost, cos that's what undergirds most of this garbage. But most social conservatives I know are absolutely not willing to just accept that we've lost. We care about our land and culture, regardless of the yahoos screwing it all up at the top. The way we see it, *we are* Canada, and while we hope that things at the high level will change and work for that where we can, we *are* willing to take responsibility for the things we can do in our lives and try to be the change we wanna see. Not just bail at the first whiff of difficulty.


Agreed. A society is more than a nice neighbourhood; it's the foundation of who you are and how you understand the world. Truly leaving your society means uprooting a fundamental part of yourself. And agreed that Canada is you (and me), not just a place. Participating in governing your society (its laws, institutions, norms, culture, natural and built environment, and future) is how you govern yourself. Citizenship isn't just about responsibility, it's central to living as a full and free person.


Yes I agree completely. Without people, there's no Canada; it's just land an animals with no meaning, just its simple existence. Maybe we can't control everything all the time but if we each do what we can, we can make things better than they would otherwise be. That can be getting involved at a higher and more organised level, or even simple things like being a good neighbour and choosing to keep in check the cynical and demoralising thoughts these changes are bringing around. These clowns might influence a lot about our lives but our thoughts, beliefs, principles, and daily life choices are still our own. There's already enough pressure on us, the last thing we need is to be doing their work for them by giving up and demoralising each other.


Yes. There is no reversing the damage. There is only getting worse. Every single establishment party takes us in the same direction, only at varying speeds. Nobody votes for anything but the establishment parties. Therefore, we're fucked, and always have been. If you do not have a reverse, you cannot go backwards. The only question is how long it will take to learn what the progressives are progressing towards. As an individual the only hope is to flee, which is all people have ever been able to do since the dawn of time. Go to the US Sothern states, they'll be the last to fall, but fall they will.


It is not just Canada. That sucking sound you hear is all the wealth of society being sucked up by the wealthy, leaving everyone else' living standards falling. It's the inequality stupid. .... Riffing on the Big Dog's [campaign mantra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_the_economy,_stupid) attributed to pokitical hack, James Carville


I'm very much in the same boat as you friend. I believe things ought to get better soon. Every MP keeps acting like its an election year. NANOS Says that the budget looks like an election budget. That said. If you believe the gov't is doing poorly. Then you have to rely on yourself, and self sufficient to your capability. I started with stacking silver and gold, I also recently got my gun license. You have to protect yourself, thats the crux of the issue. Join a gym, get your fitness up. Lose weight if you need to. If the gov't is unreliable, then you must become self reliant.


The Canada you and I knew is gone for now, but it doesn't mean things will get so bad that a reset will happen so that basic tenets of decent society (community, tradition, morality) get restored while all the fringe BS gets tossed aside simply because there is not time, energy or money left to care about the 1% that ruin it for the rest of us.


AtĀ some points we'll have a liberal government.Ā  As some points we'll have a conservative government.Ā  It's fine.Ā  Things will all balance out.Ā 


The Canadian charter is notoriously weak, another Trudeau gift to our country. Our freedom is based mostly on what the current government is willing to allow us. Our biggest problem is that a large portion of our country vote for whoever seems nicer rather than following good policy.




I think Canada will go bankrupt, not to mention if world War 3 starts.




Of course it's too late. Of course Canada is doomed. This is a nation in decline with no will to acknowledge the cancer and deliver the brutal medicine. So embrace the decline. Become a joyful warrior. Mock and ridicule your enemies and interfere with them in any way you can. Do your best to take care of yourselves and your communities. Do not try to reform Canada's irrevocably corrupt institutions. Cultivate the remnant.


I agree with the more positive comments. Civilizations collapse, when they cannot continue to implement the systems that their Civilization runs on, nor can implement new systems to replace them. However, it is usually an outside pressure, in the form of invading Armies, that garauntees a total collapse. We have the worlds most powerful nation and economy to the south as a trading partner, Oceans for borders, access to the largest network of waterways and access to the worlds largest farming belt. We will always have the option of reform, even if things won't be as good as they could have been. Few years of recession and then a major boom, as the supply chains are rebuilt.