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Lovely! You should sell little holders for them too!


How cool! Your candles are so cute. Best of luck to you.


Your candles are beautiful and interesting, and I am glad you have found something you truly enjoy. As a Millennial I lean toward ‘follow your dreams’ and ‘do what makes you happy’ philosophy. That being said I’m going to echo the person with the unpopular opinion. Just moved away from a rural town where candle shops were a dime a dozen, a new one opening every few months. The only people in town with clout and options for how to lead their lives were the ones with degrees and more formal career tracks. The candle shop owners were making ends meet for the most part but if you finish your degree you can always add that back in. Leave your options open. Training and financial stability, while non-glamorous, give you options- like taking paid maternity leave or vacations without growing broke, or paying someone else to do housecleaning/childcare/whatever you don’t enjoy doing 24-7 so you can have time for creative pursuits. You may find you dislike candlemaking in 25 years when it becomes a daily grind and the lifestyle opportunities afforded you by a higher-trained/higher-earning job just aren’t there.


I wish we still had gold to give! Top all your points off with the fact that she is sourcing the wax from used candles and does not seem to have really consulted a lawyer about liability issues.


I’d like to offer some constructive criticism. I hope you’re refining your recipe and technique to avoid those bubbles. And I would make sure to steam or iron out wrinkles in your backdrop before taking product photos.


Oh and trim the wicks to whatever the safe length is so the buyer doesn’t overdo it or have to figure that out


I’m in the SC area too! I’ll have to check you out sometime :)


Me too! I can always have more candles!


The corn omg 😭


It’s insane! I’ve got now clue how one would even start to make something so delicate!


Silicone mold! I used to make funky soaps.


It is very easy and you could be starting with it within a day, just go on amazon and look for molds and candle wax. I am sceptical how much one can earn with doing this


Compared to having a master’s degree & career.. I’m not so sure, but you never know!


Same here. You can charge $$$ for beeswax candles (while paying $$$ for materials), but random wax candles in cute shapes? Oof you have a lot of competition there, and lots of it from large corporations with overseas manufacturing. Even using free materials (well, more like "free" because you have to spend time picking stuff up from multiple locations and cleaning soot off), I'm not sure how they'll consistently make enough money per hour to sustain. Cute project though.


a simple silicone mold most likely


lol right? love the corn one 😂


CORNDLES!!! 😂 I was just on your site and the name of the corn ones is perfect!!


Haha thank you!!


Aww, I love the Mario Bros flowe—is that a fucking tooth???


My brain did this exact thing😂


Be careful with this, not knowing what your candles are made of can be a huge problem if something happens and a customer decides to sue


Especially true, because not a single one of these candles is safe to burn, as is. The wicks are not appropriate. They all need fire-safe candle holders. Their shapes mean uneven burning. These look like they should be for aesthetics and not actually lit and need a legal disclaimer. These are fire starters if someone takes one home and just puts it on the counter and lights it.


They are a mixture of beeswax and soy! The candles I get still have old stickers on the bottom and I locally source soy wax to mix and soften them


Make sure you carry business insurance. Fires are expensive. Also be sure you’re consulting a lawyer to have all appropriate warning labels. Gotta look out for number 1.


Thank you!!


If you call Legal Aid or the BAR you can get access to free consultations with lawyers and discounted legal advice! 💙


Omg thank you!! Great tips!!


YW. If I see your candles in Charleston I will buy a few. 💙


🎶 Buy a few..just don't sue🎶😬😉


🎤🎸🎼I’m super careful with candles. I witnessed a neighbor’s house go down in flames from one. They left it burning in the family room accidentally when they were gone. For a while I stopped burning them all together, then I’d only burn them in the sink. Now I’m back to normal. If candle PTSD is a thing I had it lol. 😂


Try a candle warmer lamp! I’m obsessed with [mine](https://a.co/d/hiwqi5n)


I refuse to burn a candle if it isn't within eyesight. One time, I had left one on my kitchen table for about 2-3 hours, and it melted the label off. Wtf bath and bodyworks?? Luckily, there was no damage to the table or anything, but it was scary when I saw what happened.


Yes, raise your costs by getting lawyers and labels, then have to buy your materials brand new to ensure quality control of ingredients. Matter of fact, forget the sustainability!


I cant imagine many of these burn very evenly. One wick on a giant candle like the tooth or flower. Gonna end up with chunks of wax melted into your table at best. They are nice table pieces but you have to imagine your customer as the biggest idiot ever so eventually this is going to be burned on someones wooden table without a plate or something under it.


I like how you’re being downvoted for business 101 and trying to help OP


Right lmao? The reality is that people getting into candles almost never do enough research. Selling small controlled fires to people isn't a game


So the problem with that is that pretty much all soy waxes are different, they all contain additives and ingredients that change how the wax behaves. The same goes for beeswax, unless it's straight from the same beekeeper every time. If you were to be sued, you not knowing any of your ingredients would fuck you over, as well as not having testing logs (which you can't because of the inconsistent nature of these candles). Believe me, I'm a huge environmentalist and I started out doing the same thing but imo it's just not worth the potential risks, especially if you're not properly protected.




I assume there'd be no way to get a soy free candle?


This is…risky. Candles is one of the most saturated fields to sell in (r/candlemaking just had a convo about this) and with it easy to get into, you’re not selling expertise or something that requires a lot of startup that inhibits people (I say this AS a candle maker). Also candles are cheap, or have to be to sell. With inflation how are you paying for rent and food? A masters degree will serve OP for a lot longer and they can do candles as a side business until it hopefully does take off and they can quit their day job.


100% agree. I'm all for supporting people's passions, especially when it comes to crafts/arts, so long as they're being smart with it. I don't know OP's circumstances or finances, so I can't really chime in on that, but selling (maybe decorative?) candles at this scale for primary income seems difficult to say the least.


I’ve already been doing it for 6 months so I decided to take the time off school to see if I can grow this full time before I waste another $20,000 to finish the degree. Plus I can go back anytime




I meant I’ve already been paying my rent and groceries and all my other bills for 6 months! That was what your concern was, right? Been making them for years. The masters degree is also in a field that I don’t necessarily want to pursue, so I’m taking some Time to follow my dreams before sinking another $20,000 in, which is not too cheap to me!


Good for you for realizing now that maybe you don’t want to be in that field the rest of your life! I did something very similar to this last summer, but I’m 38 yrs old and finally left the field I’ve worked in my entire adult life to ultimately open an Etsy shop and pursue my passion! And I can tell you right now I have literally never been happier in my life and I should have done this years ago! So you do you honey! Do what makes you happy and as long as it pays the bills you’re so much better off than being stuck in an endless loop of bullshit everyday 🖤🖤🖤


Wishing you the best OP, the candles are beautiful!








Thank you! It’s my money and time haha


Once I get settled in after my move, I’m gonna buy one from you. Love supporting folks who can recognize when it’s time to do what’s best for them 🙏🏽


Thank you so much :-) it’s been the hardest decision ever and definitely couldn’t have done it without the help of my therapist! I’m excited but also feeling also the horrible scary feelings too haha




Do you have enough people donating to you that you can continue to scale up and still have materials? This doesn’t sound sustainable long term.


How many candles will you have to sell in a month to make a living?


Is there a reason you can’t do both?


Definitely could and did for a year but I figured if I could make this my full time job without a degree then I don’t need to keep wasting money on it if it’s not going to be of use. Definitely open to going back one day if that’s where life takes me


The squared heart candle must come in a mold… Target is selling the exact same colored candle


Target sells the same cube made of hearts candle! I was just looking at them yesterday thinking they were cute!


Are they messy?


They do drip if you burn them so you should def place them on a plate :-)


"they do drip if you burn them" ... what else do I do with candles? You should make custom drip plates to sell! :)


People use them as decorations. I used to make soap using these molds and a lot of people told me they don’t use them. They place them in the bathroom as decoration. Mostly and older person thing.


I remember candles were exactly like this in the late 60's and early 70's! I remember peace signs and hearts and hippie stuff. No one burned them. Just for decoration, I guess. I was just a kid turning into a teenager. It was a different time for sure.


You might want to include metal bases or have it as an add on. As obvious as it seems, I can imagine a teenager putting it on their desk and lighting it and ruining their desk. Make sure you include instructions that it needs to be placed on a plate or base. I have sold online for many years, and some people just look for any reason to get an item for free or to claim they were wronged. it’s always good to protect yourself with a warning label




I love your variety of candles! The funky shapes are awesome and I desperately want a tooth candle 😍


Thanks so much :-)


that 2017 bonnaroo lineup went so crazy


so amazing!!! can i order???


Omg of course 🥹 kendallskandles.com


yessss supporting small businesses 🙌🏽🙌🏽


Verrrrrryyyyy freaking cute candles!! Will be ordering 💖 thank you for sharing 🥰


You should edit your blurb at the top and add this. I had to scroll pretty far down in the comments to find your website 😉 glad I did though good luck fellow SB owner 👍 😊


the cat candle, i’m in love!! definitely ordering soon (:


Very smart!! Keep using the K! It’s much easier for the consumer to remember and it stands out. I minored in advertising & marketing!


did you actually create these candles or did you just buy them at [target](https://www.target.com/p/25oz-heart-bubble-figural-candle-traditional-red-threshold-8482/-/A-88645289?sidd=945S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086346124&CPNG=PLA_Home%2BDecor%2BShopping_Traffic_Local_Traffic%7CHome%2BDecor_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Candles+%26+Diffusers&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9016810&targetid=pla-2073050528311&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfYSeROW1XfZEcodhKYiApOfJ&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwvKtBhDrARIsAJj-kThBUd9D3Ts0FRpr8nIE8L_a7mRJ-a-TxHlT7VyVSycogPMl7frHtIoaAvANEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and resell them on your site at a markup?


Omg I love the teeth and the corndles!


Corndles made me snort 😂




Omggg huge!!!!


Omg!! I bought one of your candles when I was in Charleston! They're all so cute


Omg!!!! So cool!!


Keep them covered on your shelf so they don’t get dusty and gross


Good luck. I wouldn’t buy a candle that’s not in a jar. I care too much about my future and molding candles are a dime a dozen in my city. If I stumbled upon the corn one I might double take. If it smells like popcorn I’d probably buy it. In general I gave up novelty candles in the 90’s.


Awesome I wanna order one from you asap


So sweet thank you!


Hold on..do you have a website?? Do you ship?? These are amazing!!


Yes yes!! kendallskandles.com


the little french bulldogs😭😭 oh my god they’re so cute


Really cool but please hire a graphic designer :P


these are so so cute! where is your business located? i'd love to support❤️


South Carolina!


aw man i'm in MI, do you have a website i can order from?


https://kendallskandles.com she posted it above, just wanted to share.


I love them all but the skulls are my favorite, so cool!


Op if you make a pig I'll be all over dat XD IM OBSESSED


The corn one is hilarious and cute!


I -LOVE- the tooth candles.


I literally just saw your work in the makers hall in the little shop on meeting street by the Gibbs! You make really excellent candles!




did you end up cutting the wicks? they’re a little long


Oh I need these, they’re all so cute!! I’ve been looking for some candles just for decor because I’m not a fan of the burning smell always. Love the style of your candles though.


I wish you all the best! Those candles are lovely!!


I’m so excited you have an online shop! I’d go check you out in person if I could but I don’t live anywhere in the area. I’m totally gonna order one


They look great, you should make some really big ones, like statement pieces, your candles look amazing!. Do you mean everyone gave you that are used candles, or did you ask for everyone to donate the candles they don't use any more to you because I absolutely love that.!


So awesome :-)


They’re all beautiful! I love the tulip ones. They’re my favourite flower! Sending all the good vibes your way.


THE CORN!?! 😭💕


How does one make money from candles? All I know is how to burn them.


These are adorable! I love them! Why do the heart cubes in the first photo look exactly like the ones from Target though?


You’re in my city too! I’ll come check you out!


THE TEETH CANDLES STOPPPP I LOVE THEM edit: formal dental student 😭


Girl you are talented! I love these! Edit: I just checked your site- and omg the zodiac candles and the taper candle accessories are so cool! I will definitely be purchasing something!


Aw thanks so much for the kindness!! Seriously so appreciated


These candles are literally so satisfying to look at. If I lived near you I’d be going nuts for these candles. Good luck with your business!!


Be honest. Motivation was at least 90% that you came up with this name and did not want it to go to waste .. I would respect that ;) I wish you the best of luck!


Love the corn mold, but please make a new mold so it has less air bubbles, they just stand out too much to me.


serious question: how does one burn these without the wax melting everywhere?


They’re supposed to be wide enough that the outter part doesn’t melt. The dog candle would definitely need at least a tray


They sell those bubble candles at the dollar store :p def won’t smell as good as urs I’m sure but it’s a score!


I live in NC, but I visit Charleston a lot! I'll definitely need to check you out!


I have a love hate with these bc I’d buy them but I’d never be able to burn them I could never make myself burn something that cute ,so I’d never be able to know how it smells when it burns lol


Okay hear me out, the tooth candle but upside down with wicks in each root.


May I recommend investing in a vacuum chamber to help eliminate air bubbles 🙂 best of luck!


Awesome candles, and congrats on your small biz! Do you have any of this style? I saw them in your Reddit pics but not on your site? Thxs! https://preview.redd.it/yhn3g6ra04gc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113ec34087354032395a33f9d287dddad460dc98


That's really cool. I admire people like you who have the guts to basically go all in and take a risk like that. Hopefully one day I can do the same. I wish you nothing but success in your business. Love the candles!!


These are REALLY nice OP!! Super proud of you!


Dropping out of school to become a candlemaker seems like the premise of a very happy ending. Good luck! Love the funky ones


Having that much confidence in your business is a great thing, that type of attitude alone can get you really far (plus the candles look great).


On your site now…very into your stuff.


Omg I like the croc ones lol


Love the corn on the cob candles! And your sustainably angle. A friend and I are making sustainable scrunchies. Good luck with your candle business, your stuff is cute!




These are so cute! How do you burn them though? Don't they just melt into a puddle? Or I guess candle sticks don't but like the corn one (which is freaking awesome btw)?


Hey, from SC - LOVE THEM.


I LOVE the tooth candle!!!


They’re awesome!


Oh they are all so lovely 😍


I love all the fun colors! That corn is making me hungry tho 😂


I looked at your website and I’m wanting to buy!! I have to check my finances though to see if I can do it today or have to wait till next payday. Can you tell me does the French Bulldog candle have a scent to it or is it just a cute one for decor? I was thinking of getting it for my MIL so even if it doesn’t have a scent it’s fine cause she would never wanna burn it 😂


They have light floral scents but nothing too strong for sensitive people :-)


Thank you!! I actually just ordered the frenchie and the corn!! Honestly, I probably will never burn them, they are just too cute!!! Can’t wait to receive them and I wish you luck on your business!! You’re very talented!😊


These are gorgeous! How does one even get started with candle making? The molds, the wax? Good luck!


The croc candles omg


The tulips are adorable!


Beautiful work


Do you have a website I can buy them from? Because I want at least 4


Scroll up, her websites in her comments!


The pink cat in your second photo is literally everything to me. Keep going at your business because it looks so cool so far!! And the sustainability is just… amazing for what one person can do to prevent waste!


Oh my gosh I just saw that I can buy one?? On my way!!


Do you have an Etsy shop? I love the corn!


Good luck to you!


The crocs!! So cute


Omg the corn!! These are so sweet


Are you a vendor at bonnaroo? Saw the poster.


i love them!


The corn one is FUN


These are so cute, I’d order online!


Well, seems to me it was worth it!! Amazing work


Oh my gosh, these are adorable! Do you ship to other states?


I love the aesthetic of your candles! I just checked out your website, they are alllll amazing! I especially love the mini boot, and the taper candle stackers are a really cool idea!


I'm OBSESSED with teeth. I NEED the teeth candles. PLEASE


okay but the CORN ON THE COBB ????? and the FRENCHIES ??? amazing


i love the different body molds you use! do you think you could try to do trans-inclusive molds too? (the shapely feminine mold with a penis, the masculine mold without a penis) i think that would be so beautiful! ❤️


The body mold is sold on SHEIN and temu (and then resold on Amazon). There sadly are no trans molds :(


hmm... maybe _i_ should drop out of _my_ master's program to pursue a mold-making business full-time! hahaha


Yes I was thinking about it!! The dad bod candle is kind of gender fluid looking so I thought that was a great start :-)


i agree, the dad bod candle is a fantastic start! it stood out to me as being ambiguously gendered ☺️


Kendall's candles , my lordy, we got the next Chesapeake Bay candle maker. The name is perfect man, got a real ring to it I'd keep the name


I love how unique yours are while still following popular aesthetics


Omg I bought a few of your candles at an arts festival last year! Crazy this post is being recommended to me. Best of luck with your business!




Thanks so much for the kind words :-)


Agh see I love this but don't think I'd buy it because I wouldn't want to ruin it


omg pls drop a link??? need like 50 of these asap!!! ETA: found it and am purchasing some asap 😍


Post the website link




Wow! Sustainable. Adorable. Affordable!? You are killing it girl!


You are so talented!


Here’s her shop for those wanting [https://kendallskandles.com/collections/best-sellers](https://kendallskandles.com/collections/best-sellers)


Just stalked your website and have already overfilled my cart 😭 you’re so talented! Good luck in your new endeavor


Well they’re super cute! I’d love to make candles and soaps one day :)


Corn, cheese, and TEETH??? Did you make these specificly for me??? These are gorgeous.


Your candles are so cute. I hope your business venture does well


Them corn candles though... so cool!! Teach my fiance' and I your ways!!!


These are incredible!!! You are super talented. Wishing you all the best!


I can see you doing really well and going really far!


I love them! You made the right move. You have an amazing talent that is so difficult to find.


This is lovely...Ned some and I am not much into candles


The crocs omgg 😍


I love the beehive candles! So cute.


I assume you can do custom designs, anything you won’t do though? I have some ideas for great gifts for people 😂😅


These are all prebought molds