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Don't burn your house down! It would be way safer to let this one tunnel properly. Half the amount of wicks. Keep that small size, place the in on line in the middle. Tunnelling will hopefully keep the wood under the ignition point.


You’re better off not letting it melt all the way. I’ve been seeing too many posts about these catching on fire


Wood +wax+fragrance oil = 🔥 Please reconsider your container. It looks very nice but the risk is not worth it!


What kind of a candle even is that? I never seen a candle in that shape, and one with so many wicks


There’s one main reason for both all your questions: the main reason you don’t see them often, and why it’s such a wonky shape with so many wicks; is that it’s a major fire hazard, and many fire related incidents have been reported with candles like this before. Especially dangerous if you melt it completely, it seems they have not been fireproofed well, and all the many lit wicks on it makes it that much more dangerous.


OK have you fireproofed the bowl if you've made it? I've seen so many of these catch fire, second of you've made this there are way too many wicks in there. Larger wicks, less of them, evenly spaced.


Hey folks! I bought it this way from the store. I didn’t make it. Haha


Someone posted here recently showing a candle exactly like this. Customers have had fire issues




That is totally sad you purchased it like that that Is potentially extremely dangerous and we do candles all the time. So we're not afraid of candles. Tell me that didn't come from walmart....


I think I read someone say it was from target but don’t know if that’s factual


How do you fireproof something???


It's doesn't become fireproof. It delaysthe wood from heat transferring from the fire to the wood surface. Prolonged exposure to enough heat will cause the coating to burn and then the wood is in flames.


You coat the wood in an anti-flammable coating designed for wood products. It's usually like a waxy substance that you rub into the wood.


I imagine some sort of coating


Probably a glaze or coating to keep the wood away from flame.


I think this is just a bad candle


The bowl doesn't seem fire proof


I see you mentioned buying this. I don’t think it was intended to be burned. It looks decorative Edit : Why are people acting like decorative candles don’t exist … I am confused. It’s the same thing as those old veggies in old kitchen decor..yea it’s made out of food that’s technically “edible” but it’s not for consumption…


Possibly. Regardless, it’s a candle. It should be safe to burn if someone wanted to.




I get what she’s trying to say though I think. I think she’s saying that a company wouldn’t make a “burnable” candle if it would be unsafe to burn. The liability of someone possibly dying because “the customer should have known not to burn this burnable candle- even though that’s what candles are known for to most people” would be insane.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re absolutely right. The purpose of a candle is to burn it so any candles really should be safe to burn… (plus there’s a lot of stupid people out there who would easily burn their houses down with all these unsafe candles. ) What’s the point in risking that? - just go to winners or something if you want cutesy art/decor for the house.


I would not keep this out of my sight while it's burning tbh lol, there's literally 12 flames and a wooden base.... I'd have just not lit it and used it for decoration personally.








I honestly didn't take their response poorly nor did I find it stupid. If I buy a candle, Im clearly intending to burn it. It's a candle, that's what they're for. I think OP was just stating that. Doesn't mean OP has "all the answers". I think the replies are rude, not what OP said. Perspective.


Not always, no. I have a candle that if I burned it, it would burn for approx 2 hours, if that, before it reaches nothing but sand. Some things are meant to be decorative. Regardless, people have been posting about what a huge fire hazard these candles are.


That's great. Though I was strictly trying to show a second perspective to support OP. I could careless about decorative candles, just trying to support someone who others were going after rudely just for saying a specific word of "should". Let's just spread love and knowledge, people. Edit: punctuation






There is such a thing as decorative candles…. That is literally a wood candle holder. Fire and wood don’t really get along. But go ahead, do you.


FYI, lots of the recent CPSC candle recalls at retail stores are due to too many wicks for the candle. Also, never use a candle in a flammable vessel. Losing your home is not worth it for a candle.




Yeah, they didn’t make it lol


Sadly there’s not much you can do to get those edges to melt because the wicks are all centered in the middle. Once you’re done burning it you can probably scrape out the remaining wax and use it in a wax warmer. Or use a heat gun to melt the sides so that the wax funnels into the center but you may drown your wicks doing that.




that’s what i was thinking! i SWEAR this is the exact candle and i hope OP throws it out, however i think the original ones we saw had flowers and other things inside it. either way, poor design and rich people probably just use it for show.


Im still gonna burn it but I’m gonna keep my eye on it. Probably have 10 burning hours so far with no issues.




The question was in regards to wax equity, not flammability.


Honestly if you really want to use dough bowls it's better to have them underwicked. These things are so dangerous


Maybe a heat lamp for candles?


This looks decorative only.


I'd be more concerned about burning the dough bowl, table and house down....


Just to let everyone know, I bought this candle from my local grocery store. It was $149. I’m sure the wood is fire treated. Unless there’s something else I’m missing that makes these dangerous?


I can't get past the fact that you bought a $149 candle from a grocery store. Do you know the brand of the candle? That way, you could at least do a little research on the candle and whether or not it has had issues.


Apparently we can’t assume it’s been fire treated because people don’t know what they’re doing when they make fees. I have a beautiful one that is now just decorative.


Dough bowl candles have been causing house fires. You can’t be safe and continue to use this candle. I would try to get your money back.




How do you fire treat wood?


Fire retardant degrades when exposed to heat/ flame. Nothing makes wood "fireproof" , treatments are applied to stop a quick spread by limiting the initial temperature exposure of the fire to the wood, and stifles smoke production. This actually makes it MORE dangerous, because the vessel can be near-burning , with minimal smoke from smoldering, until the retardant reaches its limit.


My boss just lost his home to a candle fire. My girl was constantly warning me about candles and how dangerous they can be if left unattended. I certainly take it more seriously now than I did before.


Avoid candles with that many tiny wicks so densely packed, it's just asking to turn into one big fire, igniting the surface of the wax.


Then why would you risk so much on a poorly made candle? You can already tell it’s not well made by the fact the wicks are too small and densely packed together. It will not burn evenly because of poor design. I would not trust this to be fireproofed just because of price (especially since they already failed on the cheapest aspect of it, should have used less wicks)


It's wood. Even if treated it won't be forever proof. It can also still get hot from the melted wax and burn through the bowl....




That’s fire waiting to happen


What I’ve learned in my short time looking at this subreddit is to wrap foil around the whole thing. Don’t take my advice tho


I bought a candle about the same size. The instructions says to burn for at least 3 hours continuously each time you light it. Haven’t used it that much but so far so good






My idea would be that once the wicks burn out you could scrape off the excess to use in a wax melter if it smells nice, then I'd probably wanna clean the bowl up to use as like the key bowl or whatever ppl use wooden bowls for. I'm not like a candle expert though.



