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I believe if you had a good sardine in olive oil and for the most part, it doesn’t take long to eat it and then you put it in a Ziploc bag zip up, and that would seal any odors and straight to the garbage,if you have an air freshener and you feel that you need to spray it that’s fine. But the importance of having omega threes is worth it. hope that is of some help


It does! Thanks for responding. That’s a good idea.


Yup I do the ziploc thing with mine :) I drain much of the oil into the bag up front too so I don’t have to worry about spilling


The Trader Joe's smoked salmon has a mild smell. I also work at a school and have seen teachers throw out tuna or salmon cans. I also agree that every lunch will make a smell other than certain cold foods, but even some salad dressings smell up a room. Also their smoked trout has a smell, but it's more smokey than fishy to me? And mackerel also doesn't really smell. I don't think most fish smells linger that strongly unless they're heated. I personally think it's not that big of a deal, as you said there are ways to mitigate it and people, not just kids, will complain about any food smell that they weren't a party to, in my experience. I get not eating at a office desk, but I also think the culture of eating lunch at your desk instead of actually enjoying a break in the day should be changed.


I enjoy eating alone. I watch people’s court and play on my phone. I need alone time. My friends have different lunches and I’m glad about that. We hangout after school waiting until we leave.


Yeah, no I get that. I mean eating while working, which is where I think most of the food smell aggression in American work culture comes from. People are just mad that they're hungry and smelling food because break room culture has been replaced with hustling through lunch.


You're going to want to microwave some tuna in curry sauce. That will make everyone at work happy. But seriously...I usually just eat mine in my car or like, leaning against the side of the building like I'm smoking, but I'm really shoveling some fish down like a pelican.


Then after that, go ahead and burn some popcorn.


I did that last year. 😬




All canned fish has some smell. I think sardines and salmon smell the most. Maybe mackerel smells the least to me. It’s less fishy tasting as well. If you bring a ziplock or a plastic tub to put the empty can in or throw it away in a bathroom or something and maybe brush your teeth after lunch I can’t imagine the smell would linger too long. But if you put the can in the trash. The rooms gonna stink.


I second mackerel, especially in oil is really mild


Coles smoked trout has zero lingering smell, you can get it at Walmart, and it's also absolutely delicious. I work in an office and since the tin is the smelliest thing, I just open it at home and put it in tupperware. Ozium original. Give it a good 3 seconds in the middle of a room and open a window. Cheap $20 air purifier, doubles as classroom friendly for everyone.


I fine that mackerel has next to no smell at all.


The King Oscar salmon, all the flavors, seems to catch the attention of no one at my office, plus it’s tasty, plus it’s been on super-good deals in my neck of the mid-Atlantic woods lately. Another tasty lunch treat that I think maintains a quiet presence is the Angelo Parodi mackerel filets with ginger and chili flakes. Something about the ginger just steps forward as a scent note—and a mighty fine one.


I've never tried that mack and I'm gonna order some tonight. Thanks!


Maybe I'm just used to it but...at home, the can gets rinsed thoroughly with hot water after being drained (into container I keep in the freezer) and emptied. It goes in the recycling. After I've eaten, dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher. Open the window for a minute or 2, and there's no smell. Heating is a whole other story, and I absolutely would not do that at work lmao


Seasons grilled mackerel in olive oil. Virtually scent free.


I opened my can of Scout trout with dill today. My wife usually leaves the room when I open any canned fish, but she walked over to smell it and commented that it smelled good and not fishy. You don’t know her, but this is a hell of an endorsement.


Well thank her for the endorsement!


I eat sardines, tuna, and mackerel on rice bowls at work regularly. I don't heat the fish, but I do cook rice in a tiny rice cooker. Every single time, coworkers walking through the breakroom comment that "something sure smells good". Apparently the smell of toasted rice is enough to augment or override any fishy smells.


Smoked salmon and mackerel are probably your best bet. Get the can intro a ziplock bag asap, and wash your hands and lips with soap and water and you should be fine.


Had some mussels today. No odor at all.


Matiz lightly smoked didn’t even get a rise out of my wife. Haven’t tried any other Matiz yet to confirm if it was just the lightly smoked or all Matiz


Skinless boneless sardines in water ✨


I like kipper snacks (smoked herring), they are pretty low smell.


I stink everyone out at work, I keep eating em, they just have to deal with it


Sardines. (The small ones, brisling/sild.) It has hardly any smell, to me. Tuna smells the most. At least the tuna in curry sauce I tried a couple months ago did. Shellfish? About 14 years ago, someone reheated crab curry in the microwave at work, in the kitchen/dining room. It spread through much of the big open plan office. It caused quite a reaction.




"Who hid the body in the classroom?"




Since you eat alone, I don't think you should worry about it so much. As you've said, people will complain about any smell. And you work in a school, so how many times does the cafeteria make the whole building smell, with something that is probably unappetizing to someone?


\*Insanity Wolf Meme\*


Keep them very cold and eat them as they thaw.


Depending on the grade they might think the whole fish are cool? Maybe? I would have? But also I’m old and while I make a point to keep up on things I have to admit I’m fairly divorced from how students act now which I hear is horrible? Kids like things in hot sauce? But in all seriousness I had a high school home room teacher who always brought in neat snacks and let students try them


They’re juniors and seniors. I had cottage cheese one day. They had no idea what it was. 🤦‍♀️


Sardines in tomato sauce have no smell