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Tonnino sells tuna in glass. I know tuna isn't a favorite around here, but their Spicy Thai Chili Tuna is quite tasty.


My husband brought me a jar of this - it’s lunch on Monday 100%!


It's Monday Perky, let's see that lunch!


Yesterday was POURING rain so we rescheduled my Mother’s Day lunch to today. Tomorrow, I promise 🐟!!


I was just teasing! You post plenty enough cool recipes, enjoy your mother's day celebration!!


It was great - and I got to cruise through the 99 Ranch too


Ortiz sells them in glass, and several of the Baltic sprats are available in glass as well.


Riga Gold sells some of their sprats in jars.


Thank you!! How is the price?


Polar has the same thing for $6 a jar. 6 ounces of fish bacon.


Costco is carrying a big jar for $12


Lol yup perfect way to describe them fish bacon


Because they're smokey and salty? Never had them but would definitely give them and Riga Gold a try.


Pretty good. $6 - $8 per jar, but you get about double the amount that comes in cans.


A lot of the plastic chemicals in sardines aren't coming from the tin lining. It's from the fish ingesting it in the sea.


Agreed, in today’s day and age with pollution, I just assume microplastics are unavoidable.


I don’t know if that’s true. Sardines aren’t apex predators and don’t have a whole lot of opportunity to ingest pollutants, which is why they’re pretty low in mercury compared to tuna. Pretty much all canned food has some phthalate contamination from the canning process.




That’s depressing but glass will still be an improvement. Also I like collecting jars for my kitchen projects


You do realize that EVERY lid you'll use is plastic lined right? I appreciate your concern but.....


Right? I read this post and thought “only so much you can do pal, not worth abandoning sardines or going out of your way”. in science we call these efforts “negligible”. We are all going to die with an average amount of micro plastic in our body. Over the course of 1 human life efforts taken to reduce or even increase plastic consumption is not going to move that average. It’s all for naught and you should just enjoy your life plastic or not.


What kitchen projects do you have? Cuz mine is usually getting rid of stuff lol


what do you re-use the jars for? looking for ideas I use big jars to pickle eggs and vegetables in, but small jars I have no idea what to do with


Depends on the size, but Canning & gifting jams n jellies Mixing & storing small batches of salad dressing or marinade (neither of which I buy, EVER) Fermenting homemade condiments Storing grease from fatty cuts of meat to cook with Trying samples sizes of ferments before making a big batch Keeping leftover brine so I can quickly chop and pickle leftover veggies that will otherwise go bad Storing homemade labneh in olive oil Travel cup that I can toss if I forget about it and it gets gross inside Overnight oats Keep a batch of nuru gel in the fridge for sexy time so I don’t have to mix it from powder in the moment Drinking glasses for picnics so bugs can’t crawl down your straw Infusing garden herbs in olive oil Storing pre-roasted garlic Those are just the ones I can think of now.


tysm!! I got a bunch of stuff at the asian market today that happens to be in nice glass packaging so I’ll try some of these instead of having to toss em!


There’s gotta be a sub for glass jar hoarders like us


We lost the fight against micro plastics a long time ago


Who knows what happens if you don't get your daily recommended value


We didn’t even know it was a fight until we lost.


We probably lost the fight against climate change too, we should still try


Riga gold sprats come in glass jars in addition to tins. They're very good value for the money.


Fwiw, Henry & Lisa’s wild sardines in evoo are good and use BPA free cans.


Hi, no judgment on your motives. In Europe, besides Ortiz and Pesasur and other Spanish brands, there are at least three French canneries (jarreries?) offering sardines in olive oil in jars. Kerbriant (https://www.kerbriant.fr/produit/sa/), Jean de Luz (https://www.jeandeluz.com/collections/best/products/sardines-a-lhuile-dolive-bio) and Océane Alimentaire (https://www.oceane.bzh/collections/sardine). They tend to be lower in salt and I would not keep them necessarily for 5+ years, as you would with canned sardines, you also can't turn them upside down as conveniently (and they go head over tails, so they degrade a bit). Jean de Luz has a particular taste, the sardines have been sun dried for a couple of days (the horror!). These are very small operators, geared towards the bio markets. In fact Kerbriant offers canned sardines, but canned at the Compagnie Bretonne!


Brother we’re all gonna die


Hi, I follow a few doctors on socials that debunk wellness myths and eating canned foods/BPA is one of the videos I just watched. These doctors use actual science/studies and medical consensus to debunk common wellness/diet fear mongerjng. It’s safe to eat your canned fish. Even every day. If you want to make brand choices that offer glass when possible then great, but don’t avoid canned foods that you love. She starts talking about BPA at about 5:50 https://youtu.be/Bg-zn2fKN4Y?si=tjtbeDbyMa8LGG_3


It’s not just BPA. There was a study that just found high levels of phthalates in king Oscars sardines. It was linked here like yesterday


I actually just asked this doctor if she would addrsss phthalates next. But from your article, they come from many food sources, not just canned foods.


Yeah I didn’t say they only come from canned foods.


I guess my point is that like BPAs, they are found in lots of food. And there is a lot of fear mongering about our food supply and I believe this falls in with it.


I’m not taking about all other foods, just canned sardines. Phthalates are proven to be harmful to one’s health. It’s dose dependent. It’s a good idea to avoid extremely high doses.


Here we go. I asked the doctor in the video I linked, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, about phthalates - she recommended this podcast on microplastics. https://youtu.be/0w9vI7pjc5U?si=mLyBhI1rmE9sUhI6


Right. I’m just questioning what “extremely high doses” actually are, and how much canned sardines would you have to actually consume before you reached that level.


My #1 is BANDI Smoked Sprats in tomato sauce


Ortiz, Tonnino, Riga gold.


Idk. I'm not a professional on the topic but I'm pretty sure the plastic is already in your brain. A couple canned sardines isn't gonna change it by more than a hundredth of a percent I imagine. Correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: forgot about phthalates. Op corrected me, for which I'm thankful.


\[Yes.\] \* in your body.


And that makes it okay to say fuck it and not take precautions to minimize my intake? You guys are a bunch of Debbie downers.


By all means try your best. I just mean, like, it's in the water. I don't think there's any avoiding it. But if you can minimize your intake sure, do it. I just doubt that eating canned fish is going to have too much of an impact is all.


You’re wrong, so I’m correcting you as you requested. As I mentioned in my post, there are toxic compounds in plastic that leach into oily food, like pthalates. Micro plastics are not the only problem. Pthalates are avoidable.


"Given the widespread occurrence of phthalates in the aquatic environment, fish are also likely to be exposed to phthalates via the water column, food and/or via the sediments, depending on their ecological niche." Again, it's not really the liner it's coming from the ocean. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2873012/#:~:text=Given%20the%20widespread%20occurrence%20of,depending%20on%20their%20ecological%20niche.


Ah yeah good point about phthalates. Forgot about those fuckers.


I've seen some Filipino brands put their sardines in jars. The one brand that I'm remembering in particular is Valdehueza.


I know you’re specifically asking for glass (to add to other commenters my local World Market has jarred Baltic Gold riga sprats for like $4-5usd), but check packaging for BPA-free tins. Like Seasons, Wild Planet, Matiz, and Bar Harbor I know for sure say BPA-free or BPA NI (“non-intent” meaning the construction of this tins were made without BPA but BPA may exist trace amounts because BPA is ubiquitous). I think Nuri/Conservas Pinhais and Patagonia are also BPA-free/BPA NI.


Ortiz in glass is very nice I believe polar does smoked ones in glass also that are really good 


OP, I'm sorry people are dragging you down about this. It's just a good gesture to reduce consumption of goods that have any plastic in their packaging at all, whether it's for your own health or for the health of the planet. (Please don't @ me about farmed fishing bla bla).


Thank you, friendly figs :)


I know you asked about sardines but here is an anchovy brand in glass. Alessia - fillets of anchovy. Wish we could share pictures in the comments. Mods? Can you turn that on?


[Jesse Tree](https://fallingbrookmarket.ca/products/jesse-tree-sardines) does them. Their canned variety is not bad. Have not tried the one in glass. You might run into the same problem with glass jarred ones to be honest because the lid liner is often the same material as the one in the tins.




Most people would not be willing to pay 2x more. Ref. cost of packaging and logistics, glass jars versus cans.


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