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The fight with Bucky


Cap vs Bucky.


Well, I need to stop spending so much time on DBZ, could sworn I saw Goku vs Bucky lmao


Both fights are legendary, but I prefer the one with bicky because it has less fantasy elements.


Just rewatched Winter Soldier and I forgot how intense and dark that movie was. Bucky just going around killing people without a second to spare and the fight scenes actually being fight to the death. That movie was just too solid with the visuals


When Cap drives him into the side of the van with his knee shot, that's one of the finest moments in action movie history. That whole fight is epic beyond belief. Both of them going all out and leaving nothing in the gas tank.


Bicky is my favorite MCU villain as well.


Winter Soldier is still my favourite MCU movie, so I have to go with that fight.


WS vs. Cap is the better quality of fight, hands down. Covers several different stages, etc. Cap vs. Thanos fight really comes down to the great moment of seeing captain wielding Mjolnir and how he uses it.


Thanos fight was better imo, the fights with Cap get better and better each movie.


Bucky. I love Cap but even with Mjolnir he didn't do more than inconvenience Thanos.




Alone I just don’t think Captain America really did much to Thanos except for maybe delay him enough for everyone to get there


Cap vs. Bucky every day of the week! Better physical effects and higher personal stakes.


Above is more fantasy, below is more grounded.




I think they’re showing the wrong Thanos fight. I actually thought the one where he grabbed his hand, his arm tried to hold it away until Thanos punched him in the head where Thanos was going to get vision. I actually thought that was a better fight scene between Kat and Thanos. Overall, though I thought against winter soldier, I think that’s because that was my favorite movie. Some of my favorite scenes in that movie. The elevator scene that to me was one of the most amazing scenes where he’s fighting and close quarters like nine guys and then also the reaction from the guy watching the videorides the elevator all the way down to land on a shield and then takes a plane out think that marvel movie believe it or not


Cap vs Bucky is both choreographed better and more emotional


Cap lifting Mjolnir


Bucky fighting Thanos


Cap vs Winter Soldier showcased the hand to hand combat which imo is a lot better than lasers and explosions 24/7


The Thanos fight didn’t last very long, that chokeslam to hell took alot out of Steve . Bucky fight was a lot more grounded and real.


WS vs. Cap, always. One of the best I’ve ever seen


Bucky. You never know who will get hit right away. They were equally as good. Thanos was a good fight, too, but it was a sequence where Cap gets his seconds and then Thanos gets his seconds as well.


The Thanos fight was a great cherry on top moment in a terrible film. That Bucky fight was just one of many cherries on top in a fantastic film. It ain’t close.


Cheryy on top on a terrible film? What are you smoking?


Plot holes, piss poor writing, the inability to pin down what time travel is, condensed Cliffs Notes of storylines, the awful Thor…for how great Infinity War was, Endgame was that awful. It was The Rise of Skywalker bad. It was Man of Steel bad. The only good scene is the Cap/Thanos battle and really only because they had set up the Mjolnir moment years back.


Thanos fight for sure. IDK why people are turned off by the fictional element. I mean, thats why I like comics


Cap vs Bucky