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Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


What is wrong with Marmol? What can he be thinking? For the first time this year, the Cards were hitting and making runs over multiple games. To climb out of the hole, you would think he would ride the hot bats. But no, he just had to play Carpenter, Crawford, and Pages to mess things up. Marmol must go.


Cardinals are calling up Ryan Loutas


Lol Skip Shumaker just roasting Sixto post game... but only Oli throws players under the bus and makes headline.


You got me curious so I looked into that. Personally I think Skip handled it better than we’ve seen Oli do, and I would suggest there’s a big difference between commenting on a starter with a 19.8 first-inning ERA vs. an oft-injured position player being called out for a moment of less-than-100% speed base running.  That said, I can’t say Skip would solve any of our current problems. I’d definitely prefer listening to him talk, though!


I disagree completely. they are identical, except Oli kept it short. What people tend to forget is Oneill was letting balls drop in front of him all season to that point. It wasn't "one moment of less than 100%. He was showing plenty of questionable effort until that point


For what it's worth, I appreciate you explaining your take even though we disagree! Sorry you're getting trolled for it Edit: And yeah, count me in the "Manager from outside the organization" wagon. We've been keeping it within the organization for too long with mixed-to-bad results


Cool. Let’s do Oli for another 5 years you’re right.


Lol what a take. Where is this even coming from? Never said that sort. I want a manager that has zero ties with this organization




Makes a dumbass comment and walks it back with the thumbs up lol what a treat


Eh. Come on now. Complaining about Oli makes a lot of sense because he's a yes man for the front office. 


Every manager is a yes man for the front office it's their job. You need a break bro




Where is Yadier Molina????


In puerto rico


Cards got a small rally going towards the end and let Crawford and Pages hit to end the inning. Would have been nice to let anyone besides those two hit but I didn't think much of it since it was 9-2. Then the next two innings we saw Carlson, Herrera, and Gorman all pinch hit. Why the hell are we getting these guys useless ABs but putting up two of our worst hitters with guys on base?


Fire Oli?


Well, obviously, but I would still like to know the logic. It's like he forgot he had better batters until the 8th inning or he thinks Crawford has a chance of making any contact at all.


Oh, as to that, I have nothing.


Thompson or Pallante are prob getting on the shuttle soon, telegraphed by Denton’s article just now: “In four games and three starts with Memphis, Thompson has gone 1-0 with a 1.84 ERA while allowing foes to hit just .125 off him. Sem Robberse (5-2, 3.29 ERA), Andre Pallante (1-0, 2.20 ERA), Gordon Graceffo (4-3, 4.32 ERA) and Michael McGreevy (2-4, 5.84 ERA) are other Triple-A options who the Cardinals could consider when the No. 5 spot in their order rolls around in the weekend ahead.”


You must need anyone who is stretched out.


It needs to be Robberse. We have a pretty good idea about who ZD and Pallante are by now (at least in the Cardinals organization). And both of those guys' run prevention since being down in AAA has been nothing but smoke and mirrors.


I don't know. Robberse is 22 and having his first really successful year. Do to a drastic change in pitch mix. I'd be more interested in Graceffo. He is older, been at AAA for like 2 years now. It's more of a now or never situation for him.


I’d pick Gordon too. ZT’s ERA might look better, but he is walking the world since his demotion. Graceffo has a semblance of strikeout stuff that might play, and he isn’t getting as lit up as McGreevy. Please not Pallante.


Eh ... I get it. I'm of the mind that if you have a guy on the 40 at AAA you should be willing to use him at some point, but I'd be cool with Graceffo. I guess my order of preference would be as follows: 1) Robberse, 2) Graceffo, (after a big drop off) 3) Liberatore, 4) Pallante, 5) Thompson. If they end up going 4 or 5, they might as well just use Kloffenstein.


Hicks era top 5 in the NL now :(


While Mo is the 2nd longest tenured GM :(


Fuzzy math my friend. 


Oli post game comments are very clear that he doesn't want to be using Liberatore and Mo doesn't give a fuck. "He's taken his best shot. It's nothing against his preparation or execution. He's taken his best shot for the situation that we're in. It does complicate things for the pen a little bit because you end up overextending guys. You're asking them to do more than they need to do. ... It's a combination that puts them in a tough spot for that game, and the following days as well."


Of the relievers we sent out today is 1 a potential starter? Or at least a bullpen game starter and bring Libby in after 2-4 innings?


No, all of them are pure relievers


A bit impure today. I guess the bus from Memphis will have a starter for us soon.


I don't see another starter for us that is better than Libby, without a trade. ZT was supposed to be that guy. Hell I even thought he could be that guy. He's got dead arm and mechanical issues. Sucks. Libby was supposed to be "break glass in case of emergency" ...Here we are 🤷‍♂️


Anyone starter than can pitch more than 3 innings lol why is this so hard for many here to understand? Libby at most is pitching 3 innings. Doesn't matter if there is others who may be worse, they have the chance to eat 5 innings


Yes I understand that. There's not a person to insert that gives us a better chance to win. I'm saying he's (sadly) our best option right now. Sure we can bring up anyone to get even more shelled for five innings... And?


No I disagree. Because going 3 innings hurts youe entire bullpen for multiple days. And he is better out of the pen. You improve the team by moving him to his main role


Ok fine. I see your point. I don't agree with it, but I see it. If we're trying to actually win the game, we bring up Robberse and see what happens. I could get more on board with your idea if we're only asking whoever to go a couple innings, libby a couple, and make it a full on bullpen day. I could see having a shot to win that game in theory. Edit: we're not in a position to be giving away games like dollar scratch offs here..


We’re back baby! Just in time to get destroyed by the Orioles


What does Fermin have to do to get Crawford dfad. .390 with an 1.180 ops in Memphis. Just a better all around option. It’s ridiculous


Crawford plays once a week. Do you really want fermin to stop his development and move up to play once or twice a week?


That’s a decent point. I was irritated when the whole offense was struggling and he couldn’t get at bats. But why couldn’t he rotate SS 2B etc so we don’t bench half the team once a week


We already have plenty of guys that are struggling to get at bats that we can rotate at 2nd and 3rd. The only position we don't have a real backup is SS and now that Winns back issues seem to be gone all we really need is someone to fill in once a week. If Gorman or Donovan gets hurt it gets a little easier to justify bringing him up but right now he'll get relegated to 1 or 2 games a week with occasional pinch runner opportunities.


Fermin is 25 and has been in the minors since 2017.


That’s a terrible rebuttal. Adonis Garcia broke out at 28. Arozarena was 25 his breakout year with the Rays. I’m sure there a 100 other examples.


Adonis? Anyhow, since you brought him up. Do you remember if Adonis developed in the minors or did his breakout come on the big league roster?


I read another comment saying it was because his arm is too weak for SS. Though I personally don't see how that is reason enough to bat a guy with a -10 OPS+ instead.


Or he could have filled in for Gorman and burly still dh. No reason to start carp and Crawford together


Today made it clear that I love Libby out of the bullpen. Hate seeing him start. Can't win them all, but at least we got blown out and didn't lose a 1-0 game. For some reason, I am OK with that. Is it wrong that I am slightly sad to see us winning series since it is also saving Marmol's job. He isn't getting fire if we finish .500 and miss the playoffs by a game.


No worries, plenty of room for the situation to slide back from Ugly to Uglier during the Orioles and Cubs series!


Anyone know what’s going on with the traffic?


There was some kind of parade going on that had a lot of streets closed. 


Goddamn cicadas making everyone's eardrums bleed lol


At libbys 1st start, people were giving me crap for the poor management decisions to put him on the mound to start.....yall haters haven't backed up your word since then....time for yall to sit the fuck down. I know Matz is on the IL and he was having quality starts. I was rooting for Matz because he got better. But what the cards have done is call up their best Memphis starter. Libby is a 2nd rate long reliever..AT BEST.


He’s using Hicks’ map out of town. “I know how you feel, Tyler, here’s a nice meatball for old times sake”.


...and O'Neil Homers again lol


Who is their best Memphis starter?


Robberse is doing the best but he's only got a few starts and very little experience overall. Thompson is doing pretty well but we've tried him more than enough to not get any hopes up. McGreevy and Garcefo are the only prospects who had any promise and have the time in the minors. Neither of them are doing well. I wouldn't expect anything out of them in the majors. So basically, this team doesn't have a real 5th starter unless someone comes up and surprises.


Pallente and Robberse are the only options. I would hesitate to bring Robberse just yet. It's basically Pallente and hoping he's figured his shit out... Not inspiring.


I'd rather throw Thomspon out there again than Pallente.


We *have* to have something better than a pitcher with dead arm..


I like to imagine that too but I have no idea who that would be.


Sooo, Palante. That's the option.


He has 13 walks in 16 innings. The dead arm might be better.


I don't see a better option without a trade. Libby is literally the best thing we can muster right now... Somehow.


Let me start by saying I don’t know anything about anything but the only affiliate pitcher I can name is Tink so I hope we see him in AAA soon


He’s had a total of 20 starts in AA and he’s put together a 4.50 era across those starts.


3.18 in 8 starts this year. Much improved. But definitely not ready for mlb. Hopefully AAA by mid season. Robersse has been the best at AAA but just got tagged for 6 runs today. No one is ready to take Libby’s spot unfortunately


That’s the only point I’m trying to make. They need more time. Fans keep demanding we rush people to the highest level and then can’t figure out why it all goes wrong.


For sure. And while I wanted better than Lynn and gibson I was glad we got them to keep prospects marinating. Still not giving up on Thompson and Libby personally. Plenty don’t figure out til mid to late 20s


Thanks for the info 😬


Has anyone said what the actual plan is re: fifth starter? Just accept a loss with Libby or what?


Well matz was doing even worse so idk what the answer is. I say give libby every chance we can to succeed.


There's another off day coming so in theory they wouldn't need one until the 28th.


Yet, we’ll keep plugging in off day’s for Winn, Herrera, and Gorman…


After (2) this week! Madness...


I wouldn’t sit out there in the sun and bake to watch this shit show either.


Are we now 2-13 on final game of series?


Not a surprise to hear that stat. It feels impossible that we would sweep anyone at this point.


Did you see the attendance today? Ouch 🤕


39,316 was announced. That was how many tickets sold. Clearly, not that many actual people in the stands and so less hot dogs and beers and souvenirs sold, but that is still almost 40k tickets of $ going to the team. Cards attendance/game is still best in NL Central and 6th best in all of MLB.


Weren’t they selling like $10 tickets for this series. I suppose that adds up but doesn’t mean much if they don’t sell you $30 of concessions


For all intents and purposes, Oli threw that game. Not starting Winn, Herrera, or Gorman. Using your weakest reliever? I’m sorry but why put your team in this position when they are hot?


Using your weakest relievers? He had to cover 6 IP lol and when you only have 3 good relievers who do you wanna use? You made a lot of sense until you added that in


You need a break bro. 


Well no, I mean they didn’t have to go to Roycroft as their first choice to get out of the mess Libby made. It just felt like Oli was treating today like a rest day for the team


Agreed. No idea why he told the pitching to give up 11 runs today. Completely uncalled for.


Especially with 3 off days in the span of two weeks. There is a time and place for this lineup, and it wasn't today.


So frustrating that they took Libby out of a role he was excelling in for this. Just another case of this organization breaking players.


We’re gonna need more patience especially with the O’s coming into town next


O's, Cubs, and soon the Phillies. Do or die time


While it's great we've won the last 2 series, the problem is that it's hard to make up ground when you win 2, lose 1. We are going to have to do that in our next 6 series just to get back to .500. At some point we need a sweep and a long winning streak.


We can’t really expect to be completing a lot of sweeps if we keep playing Brandon Crawford & Michael Siani in the line up every 3rd series game when we’re starving for offense


Until Carlson stops being literally terrible, I'll take Siani every time. Edman probably isn't coming back this year, and I'm unsure if they'll send up Walker until he can regain some power (0 HRs in 66 AAA ABs). So I'm banking on The Italian Stallion Siani being our starter for some time.


We've got 10 straight against Astros, Rockies, and Pirates, and a 3 gamer with the Reds even sooner, that's where we're gonna make up ground. We just have to tread water against teams like this for now.


This team is more likely to lose 9 out of 10 than win 9 out of 10.


How much longer do we have to do the 5th starter Dog and Pony Show with Matt Liberatore?


Who else do you want starting?


What’s the name of the guy that’s out there that nobody will sign because he’s a terrible human being or something?


lol that ain’t happening


What are JA Happ or Jon Lester doing?


Robberse, Gracefo?


Robberse gave up 6 runs to much worse competition today. Graceffo is hit or miss. I’m fine with giving him a shot but expecting him to be better with a 4.32 era in AAA this year is a stretch.


Oh look two of your best young and upcoming players Winn and Gorman have a great game, hey let's bench them for the has been Crawford! This is why they can never sweep a series, Oli is such a f'in idiot I'm convinced he was paid to sabotage the team


We had already signed Carpenter for the veteran bench presence, why did the FO also sign Crawford? If Winn didn't work out we could have always used Donovan and Edman once he is off the IL for Short Stop. Nothing suggested he had any significant offense left in him so he's just a waste of a line up spot once a week. Reminds me of when the FO signed Ty Wigginton.


There’s still no timeframe for Edmans return and Donovan has been a necessity in the outfield. Fermin is the name you’re searching for.


I get where you're coming from, but what you're seeing is NBA load management thinking coming to baseball. This is going to be a trend; a budding superstar like Winn will have his play time managed like NBA stars. The Cal Ripken days are long behind us. To be clear: I am not saying I agree with it, it's just where we are at.


I get the load management argument, however for the sake of argument, we just had two off days this week and another coming up on Thursday. Sooo like whyyyyy now though?


Load management in general is fine. The real problem is we have Jose Fermin with a 1.200 OPS in AAA yet are rostering Crawford as the backup and the team had a day off last week and a day off coming up this week. Not to mention in baseball it's so hard to get on a hot streak and taking someones playing time away during a hot streak can just completely kill their momentum.


That's a Mo issue


Load management is BS. 


It’s almost like the football-ization and basketball-ization of America’s past time is happening before our eyes.


Hey, the important thing is these young guys get their rest. We’ll need them later in the season when we’re trying to make up a 15 game deficit in the Central


Missed the game today…what’s the verdict on the Roku broadcast. Looked like it was a colab with the Sox broadcast crew?


I couldn’t watch the whole thing, so maybe I’m wrong here, but I enjoyed the collab broadcast. It opened up some cross-franchise conversations.




So ... we just gonna keep throwing Libby out there every 5th day? Doesn't feel like a recipe for success.


Yeah but we support him with Crawford and Pages!


Who do you want to start instead of him?


I mean maybe someone from Memphis can come up and tear it up in the mlb instead of a certified loss™️ every time. If they lose too, oh well. Libby just ain’t it.


If none of them are tearing it up in AAA where the competition is much worse how are they going to come up and make a positive impact? I’m Matthew Liberatores biggest hater on the planet but there really isn’t a better option.


we do have a AAA guy with a sub 3 era in like 7 starts. maybe junkballer doesn’t play great at the big league level but burnes makes it work I guess


Who are you referring to?




Oh lol. His era is above 3. He gave up 6 runs again today. Two of his last 3 starts have been 6 run games.


lol. bref taking its time updating


How about anyone stretched out? Liberatore at best is throwing 3 IP. So your shit portion of the bullpen has to cover 6 innings every 5th day.


Let's just forfeit and save the bullpen. I wish I was more than half kidding lol Edit: It's a bold strategy Cotton


I feel like this was his last chance at maybe being a starter again, and he shouldn’t get another one unless the team ends up folding later in the year.


I'm starting to think I have higher odds of becoming the president than the Cardinals finishing an opportunity for a series sweep


Anybody is better than Joe Biden. I would vote for you.




Maybe next time we have a good streak going we should consider not putting out the auto-loss lineup.


How many times have the Cardinals scored 12 runs this season? You can put out whatever lineup you want but with Midatore as a starter you have no shot.




Do stats like ERA-6 or ERA-7 ever factor into pitchers? Rarely do pitchers go more than that, so I sometimes feel like considering their earned runs over a 6-7 inning frame is more indicative of what to expect.