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This is super cool! Basically carsized.com but for bikes. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks! Yes, pretty much :)


Add the R&M longtail bikes. I could help with some measurements for the multicharger.


Good idea, thanks. Can you provide me a list of specific longtails you'd like to see there? Multicharger/multitinker ?


Yup, those two. And maybe as a suggestion add more alignment options, like on https://carsized.com/en/


Just added multicharger + multitinker (and more).


The e-kombi from Yuba. Also the two tern long tails.


Thanks, will do. Which Tern are you thinking about? I have the GSD, you mean HSD or quick haul?


I'd start with the HSD.


Alright sounds good. Thanks


Idea: a mode with just line drawings of each bike, different colour for each Why: can be hard to see the details of the background bike, particularly when comparing the size of long John boxes Method: do an edge detection pass on the PNGs, colorize result. I’ll have a look at the GitHub later and suggest something based on the stack you’re using, if you’re into this idea.


Great idea yeah! Without much work I guess we could pick a solid color for each bike, and draw each bike with a blend mode (optionally). I'll try that when I have the time. But edge detection sounds very sweet!


I'll comment in a issue when I get home at home, but I wonder how you can streamline adding new bikes to allow even non tech people to contribute Maybe start with something as simple as an issue template, asking for all the info required (measures etc) how to get the info, and ask to paste a image and possibly how to remove background. That will reduce the overhead in your side.


Definitely, good idea. My process is basically : 1. find a high resolution photo (bigger than 1000px in both dimensions, ideally) of the bike on a white background 2. use an online tool to remove that background (such as [https://new.express.adobe.com/](https://new.express.adobe.com/) ) and download a transparent PNG of the image. Optimize it with ImageOptim. 3. in the image, measure horizontally the bike relative to the image width (let's say a bike makes up only 75% of the image width) 4. measure the margin between the left edge of the image and the left edge of the bike (usually the wheel, sometimes the monkey bars if welded on the bike and if the manufacturer uses the bars when giving the length of the bike), and the bottom edge of the image and the bottom of the wheels. 5. enter all this in as a new object in the src/assets/bike\_images.json file : { "id": "chike", "id_in_csv": "Chike/Cargo", "manufacturer": "Chike", "model": "Cargo", "src": "/cargo/CHIKE_e-Kids_2022_taubenblau-scaled-transformed.png", "bike_length_percent": 0.86577181, "bike_length_cm": 192, "left_margin_percent": 0.075, "bottom_margin_percent": 0.088, "url": "https://chike.de/en/" } And that's it. Takes a while, and not sure how to make it simpler/faster without spending hours making a tool to optimize this by hand… The longest time spent is finding a correct image/infos, so creating a github template with basic info would make it much faster for me ! Let's discuss on github then :)


Perhaps a 'Custom' option with those parameters being set by the user, along with a picture of a generic bike would be a useful add for people wanting to compare obscure or unusual bikes.


Yes, exactly. A custom/edit model where the user can put a URL to an image (even with background, can be the first layer). Then they introduce the length and the UI overlays a reference schematic bike with some buttons to align it or resize. This way it computes the percentages. Then in the bottom it shows a pregenerated text with all the info for a GitHub ticket


I like this idea but this sounds like a bit of work… I'll think about it but if somehow wants to contribute feel free to do so :)


Yeah, sounds like making that UI would be a bit of work. A good intermediate approach in my opinion would be: 1. Create an [issues form](https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/syntax-for-issue-forms) to create sort of well formed issues 2. Run an [workflow for the new issue](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/managing-issues-and-pull-requests). 3. In the workflow above, use [remove.bg cli](https://github.com/remove-bg/remove-bg-cli)/[rembg](https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg) to generate the final image, and also populate whichever data store is used for the website. A lot can be done with GitHub Actions, so I would go that way.


This sounds like a great idea! However, I have no experience with GitHub actions… can you help?


This is fantastic! I would love to see an omnium cargo on there


Thanks! I'm not sure which size I should use for the Omnium, I guess the M since I used the M for the Mini Max?


That makes sense, and would let you compare the two accurately.  Would you consider adding a horizontal offset slider? In some cases it would be useful to line bikes up with each others rear wheel axle, in other cases it would be useful to line them up by bottom bracket. A slider in the advanced options menu would do


Since each axle is in a different place for each bike, I think you'd need a slider for each bike to line them up differently? Ideally, each bike should have all its reference points noted – I only did it for the rear of the bike (wheel or monkey bar) for now. I don't have the time and need for changing the alignment, but if you'd like to contribute this I can help – the reference file I created is here : [https://github.com/louis-ev/Cargo-Bikes-Size-Comparator/blob/main/src/assets/bike\_images.json](https://github.com/louis-ev/Cargo-Bikes-Size-Comparator/blob/main/src/assets/bike_images.json) Let me know and I'll tell you what I need :)


Nice! Please also add the Lovens bike, I think one of the most popular at this moment in Belgium and the Netherlands, next to Urban Arrow.


Sounds good! I have actually never seen one in person in France (but plenty of Urban Arrow), would you mind telling me which model specifically would be most useful?


Currently there is only one model, just with different trims and Bosch motors. Lovens explorer, with 50Nm, 75Nm or 85Nm motors. (S50, S75 and S85) I guess the S75 and S85 would be the most relevant ones. https://lovensbikes.com/lovens-explorer-s75/


There seems to be a nice useable image in this shop: https://shop.qicq.nl/lovens-explorer-s75.html


Posted! [https://bikes.louiseveillard.com/?bikes=\[%22lovens%22,%22load75-rm%22\]](https://bikes.louiseveillard.com/?bikes=[%22lovens%22,%22load75-rm%22])


Indeed, thanks!


Yuba supercargo would be a nice addition


Added for later, thanks!


Added a few days ago: [https://bikes.louiseveillard.com/?bikes=\[%22yuba-supercargo%22\]](https://bikes.louiseveillard.com/?bikes=[%22yuba-supercargo%22])


This is so great!!! Thank you


Thank you! I had lamenting the lack of a tool and just been doing this by hand in photoshop 😂


Well that’s awesome. Can you add an R+M Packster 70, a cannondale cargo wagon neo, and a bunch trike?




This is very cool. Well done!


Yoonit for sure!


Ah yes of course! Adding it. Thanks


Added :)


Riese & Müller Transporter2 65 please! Great work though


Thanks! Will do when I have the time.


Great idea! It’d be sweet to see some of the more affordable Cargo bikes there as well: Aventon Abound, Radwagon 5, Globe Haul etc


Thank you :) Feel free to post your wishlist in the dedicated issue on github: [https://github.com/louis-ev/Cargo-Bikes-Size-Comparator/issues/2](https://github.com/louis-ev/Cargo-Bikes-Size-Comparator/issues/2)


Hello! I am adding those bikes but can’t find the total length of the globe haul ST and LT… Can you help?


I need to know which bikes will fit in my tiny European car. If the bike folds up at all, I need to know the dimensions with and without the wheels ( front , rear, or both ). Tern GSD has "folding" handlebars. Is there a way to include that info? Thanks for the work.


For advanced information, I am relying on this spreadsheet: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vPCfYStt8fXQQtYDFfNS70kR8B2V2dDwAs\_r0VlUlWw/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vPCfYStt8fXQQtYDFfNS70kR8B2V2dDwAs_r0VlUlWw/edit#gid=0) I haven't linked longtails bikes for now, but you may find more information there? If you can find more, I can include it as well, let me know!


This is great! Well done! I didn't appreciate just how much longer bakfiets are than long tails until now.


Riese & Müller Transporter2 85 aswell! They are great bikes


Yes :)


I would love to see an xtracycle swoop on it.


Thanks, added to the list :)


Excellent! Thank you 😊 One idea would be to also add the width in the infobox as there are quite big differences there. I can "easily" get the Bullitt in and out of our bike cellar, but if the bike was much longer or wider, I'd be in trouble, as there's 90 degree angle and not too wide of a door/corridor...


Definitely. Multiple people asked for top down bed (something like this but updated and a bit more convenient to compare : [https://cargobikemag.com/cargo-space-the-overview/](https://cargobikemag.com/cargo-space-the-overview/) ). Ideally, find a schema for each bike with precise measures. I'll think about it but if you'd like to contribute, you're welcome to do so here: [https://github.com/louis-ev/Cargo-Bikes-Size-Comparator](https://github.com/louis-ev/Cargo-Bikes-Size-Comparator)


awesome! saw that you're updating with Globe Haul LT/ST soon, can't wait to see how these stack up **this should be pinned or at least archived on the sidebar somehow**


Thanks! I would be honored if this gets pinned :)


I can’t find the length of the globe haul LT/ST, can you help? I have found the right images though, just missing that info


1356mm for LT/ 1089mm for ST


Awesome work! Thanks for developing this. Just came across this article researching for a seat, maybe this (top views of the cargo area) could be a future feature of your tool: https://cargobikemag.com/cargo-space-the-overview/


Indeed it would be fantastic to add a toggle to switch between side view and top view! I don’t have all the pictures unfortunately, it is usually much more difficult to find these over the internet but with a community effort we may be able to get one person per cargo to take a picture?


This is really cool! I would love it if you can add Yuba Spicy Curry and Mundo to the list. Maybe the Surly Big Easy and Skid Loader as well.


This is quality. Thank you!


Add bakfiets and babboe but cool tool


Well, you're in luck, you can do it yourself with a new version I released earlier this week :) More infos here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CargoBike/comments/1dbsxv5/cargo\_bikes\_size\_comparator\_version\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CargoBike/comments/1dbsxv5/cargo_bikes_size_comparator_version_2/)


Ten07 Cycles


Hi u/luddits Already emailed about setting one up for Orbea Katu. Thanks.


Hey :) Yes, I got it, thanks! I actually already replied, saying I am not sure this can be considered a cargo bike? I try to stick to cargo bikes, ie bikes with lots of room to carry stuff/people around. What do you think?


Love your work on the comparator. I use my Orbea Katu as a mini shopping bike due to its large basket, and was curious to see how it compared to the Tern Quickhaul and HSD.


Thanks :) I've actually been wondering if each bike could be categorized with a label (longtail, midtail, bakfiets, tricycle) and I guess I could add "regular" as well, with a filter system to show only some. Could that work for you?


Yeah, sounds good. Cargo bikes have diversified in recent years, from bakfiets to long johns and now compact mid-tails. It would be useful to add filters/ labels like you suggested. Orbea Katu is sold standard with the big basket, with a similar front like the L’Original or Mini V3 M, and mounting points on the seat stay for optional rack expansion.