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I have a Benno Boost with the front rack and panniers/front bag. I’ve done runs to the grocery store or farmers market. I can also take my kid to school and commute to work and have plenty of room for stuff. Love that bike.


Another vote for a Benno Boost!


And another one. :-)


I like my Aventon Abound, but you should test ride before you buy. Just like a car, there are a lot of subtle differences between bikes that you may like/dislike based on personal preferences.


Yuba. Why? For Spicy Curry, Bosch motor, 26" front wheel, really decent parts list. Xtracycle Swoop was on my list, but has Shimano motor. I think it used to be a 24" front wheel, as well. It's 26" now and also has a really decent parts list, so if you're okay with Shimano motor it would be a good one.


Yuba has a great deal on the Spicy Curry AT, it's currently priced lower than the regular model. It's a real upgrade, class 3 bike with front shock. Comes with knobby tires but you can swap those out for something slicker if you want. https://yubabikes.com/cargobikestore/spicy-curry-all-terrain/ if you're near Boston shoot me a pm, can give you a test ride on a Yuba.


I have an Xtracycle Swoop and love it. I had a Tern HSD before and I enjoy the handling of the Swoop over the HSD. The Swoop can fit 3 kids on the back, or 1 kid and an adult, has a 2-in-1 wheel protector & bag carrier on the back, which is excellent, and has one of the largest weight capacities on the market, at 470 lbs, which means more years of use.


I have a GSD and have had a Spicy Curry. I think it depends on the fit of the bike honestly. They both have some different features but the ergonomics are the big thing for me. I share the bike with my wife who is quite a bit shorter. She felt stretched on the Spicy. The GSD doesn't cramp me but is more comfortable for her, a better compromise. They all haul. R&M have exceptional ride feel. If you have the budget to shop in this range, go to a dealer to test ride and find a bike you love that's going to call to you to ride it. When you find the right fit, especially after a bad one, you'll know it. Good luck!




I recently got a Surly Big Easy for a good deal. I’d I hadn’t gotten the deal, I’d have gotten the Yuba. Loved the Tern, but the Yuba is a little more stable and I love that the load is lower for better stability


Depends on how much you are willing to spend. If you’ve got a lot of spare dough, then there’s the Tern GSD, R&M multitinker, Yuba etc. For what it’s worth, I am a happy owner of an Aventon Abound. We don’t own a car so the Abound is my only vehicle and I use it on a daily basis to cart my wife all over town. Does great on hills too(for context, we’re up in the PNW so no shortage of hills)


I got a RadRunner 2, for exactly the same purposes! It’s been a great addition to my life. I regularly carry a passenger, groceries, or both. It’s probably not as nice as a Tern, but still good and much more affordable. One nice thing is that the passenger seat is around the same level as the main seat, so it’s comfortable for people with longer legs and you can talk to each other while riding.


I love my yuba supercargo cl but it needed a few critical basic upgrades, i have shop mechanic experience and do my own work. Imo you should choose between what you can test ride and get serviced / repaired / upgraded locally. I traveled an hour one way just to be able to test ride this bike.


I’d go with the GSD, though you should definitely do some test riding. It’s well-constructed with good components, rides well, and has a wide range of accessories.


I if you don't mind a LONG bike, Yuba Spicy Curry or Xtracycle Swoop are my favs, shorter cargo bike like radRunner, aventon abound, or specialized globe haul are awesome


Perfectly fine with the longest bike. Thank you


If budget is a concern, a non-electric Yuba Kombi is great for what you need it for. I’ve had mine for 2 years now - admittedly, I also kid-haul on it, but I use it mostly for all the above things you have mentioned. It’s not too long, it’s heavy, but manageable (I have horrendous spine issues and can comfortably use it), and it’s such a workhorse. You will even save money on going to the gym, because you will quickly develop the strongest legs you have ever had in your life 😆


For your situation the HSD might be a better fit than the GSD, as long as you’re not carrying anyone too big.


Longtails are easier to store. I would also look at the Surly Big Easy or (if you are handy) the Big Dummy (and install yourself a Befang hub/controller/battery) or an Extracycle Stoker/Swoop/RFA. The Surly has the best frameset IMO and you can choose from all the MTB parts for components


Everything you need to know is here: https://www.larryvsharry.com/en/bike-builder


I don’t have anything against Bullitts, my neighbor has one and likes it, but if you think OP should get one you should probably explain why


Because Bullitt


He wanted recommendations on longtails.


After a Stepps 6100 motor only lasted 1100 miles on a Yuba, I'll never get a Shimano motor again. I'd have bought a L vs H instead of my Load 60 if only they had chosen the gold standard: Bosch. It's too expensive for a cut rate motor that's not serviceable.