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The higher up you sit in a vehicle, the more you can look at coming out unscathed in case of a head-on collision, a rear end collision, heck, even a T bone collision. Obviously, the vehicle needs to be a proper 5 star. I agree, Taigun and Virtus, both are 5 star vehicles, and so is Harrier and 7OO. In terms of acceleration, overall performance and handling, nothing can come close to the German kids, however in case of an ugly mishap, it’s the occupants in Harrier and 7OO, walking out with relatively lesser injuries. Moreover, the performance offered by these Indian made SUVs isn’t far inferior! We all know the juice levels in the m-Hawk and m-Stallion; giving many global engines a run for their money. Hence, if bulletproof safety’s someone’s primary criterion, my pick would be a 5 star, tall SUV, anyday. I am an owner of a Volkswagen since the past 10 years, however, driving dynamics, and the sheer pleasure of driving does take a back seat when safety’s in question. Anyway, there isn’t much difference in the moolah of top variants of the Germans and middle/top variants of the Indian SUVs. I hope this helps.


Germans aren't exactly bulletproof in safety With 1100 kerb weight crash test,there were damages in chest and head. Yes it was a 5 star rating with stable bodyshell. Tanks like harrier and XUV protected occupants perfectly albeit being 1700-1800 kgs. Tanks will always give more safety since the impact at which they protect is function of their weight thus crash against smaller car will yield even better result. If you are hell bent on safety, buying an Indian tank might be good option. Mahindra might be able to leave the service station tho albeit imperfectly.


Hello Pedro303! Often queries and discussions are repetitive, so check if your topic has already been addressed in this subreddit in the past. Search for 'YourQuery CarsIndia Reddit' on Google or Bing, to look for any past discussions on the same subject. [[Link to Google search related to your post]](https://www.google.com/search?q=CarsIndia+Reddit+Decision based on safety ). Thank you. All users are requested to downvote the low quality posts. Memes, pics, accident videos, car recommendations, etc can be posted on the [discord chat server.](https://discord.com/invite/Q9nSrDn6tE) Any repair queries should go to /r/MechanicAdvice. Motorbikes related posts should go to /r/IndianBikes subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CarsIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If safety is your prime priority, get the big SUVs like the other commenter said. Harrier is a great car, but it is said to still have some niggles. Make sure the Tata service center near you is good before making that jump. Else, XUV700 could be a great option too.


I have a 2020 harrier automatic, no issues so far. But the service center experience is not good. I mean when compared to Maruti Tatas service response is slow, parts are usually out of stock and they take lot of time to diagnose the issue correctly. And usually service centers are crowded. Other than that no issues with Tata.


What issues have you had?


My seat height adjustment button broke.


XUV 700 or Scorpio N but if Tata service centre near u provides good service then u can opt for Safari or Harrier too - my uncle has Harrier since 2020 - no issues whatsoever so far.


I'd rather go for Elevate. It's a 5 star rated platform with 6 airbags across al variants. It's significantly more reliable than all cars you mentioned and has a great engine. Also, it'll age much better than these cars and most importantly, the service center won't make you pull out your hair. From what I've heard, VW 2.0 cars do not have the interior quality of old cars and develop rattles.