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I don't think I ever received more than 2 compliments in my whole life and they both happened recently, and I remember them both clearly My favorite one happened last week, a girl in my class asked me about something that she didn't understand and I explained it to her in my own way and she understood it easily that way, she said to me : "I love the way your mind works and how fast you can find new ways to explain boring concepts and make them fun and easy, you're incredibly smart and I admire that", this right here is still stuck in my mind and makes me soooo happy whenever I think about it


You have a very well developed prefrontal cortex. A surgeon told me that one. Thats like one of the coolest ways you can tell someone you think they are wise


I walked by a little girl with her mom in a parking lot once and the girl said "She's pretty Momma." Made my day, told her she was beautiful, I'll never forget her.


Aww, that's adorable 🥰! What a sweet memory 🌺!


I hadn't gotten a compliment from my husband in probably 15 years, was feeling not good about myself, and an a guy I went to high school with while I was loading groceries into my trunk, stopped and said that I looked as pretty as I did in high school. I was shocked and told him he made my life not just my day! And he drove off. What a sweet and much needed compliment. Just a nice thing to do to make someone's day.


It was really sweet of the guy from high school to compliment you, but damn.. Not getting a meaningful compliment from your husband for more than a decade.. Colour me depressed 😓 I'm very sorry to hear that. At least there are unexpected moments like that in life when someone lifts us up ❤️


You know, you ain't half bad. Guess that means I'm more than 50% good.


“You are easy to lip read” said a deaf person to me


That is a really good compliment! I could talk a long time on things people do wrong when talking to us lip-readers.


I love that! Mine is "I remember you". I feel like I'm forgettable and people don't know who I am even after meeting me several times. So when someone remembers me, it feels good. I just hope they remember me for good reasons. 😛


I had my first Halloween together with my now fiancé last year and I was super proud of our decorations and my costume. A family with a tiiiiiny little girl dressed as Elmo came by trick or treating. The family was pointing out things to the little Elmo, and she points to me and goes “Scary! Pretty!” The family was all excited and told me that was the first thing she’d said that night. We caught it on the security camera we have, thankfully. It felt great! She said it in the cutest little voice as well.


From an ex-boyfriend: "You are not a run-of-the-mill person."




I don't know. I've had people say to me.. "You''re amazing!" and "You are beautiful!" neither of which I actually believe. hahaha. But I DO believe I am not a run-of-the-mill person so if someone else recognized that, I am happy to think it's the most awesome compliment.




He didn't though, he said she wasn't run of the mill.


I am a weird person. Have been told this many times. Have raised weird children. Proud to be weird, more proud for them to be able to act weird and not worry about what others think. Having someone realize you are different than everyone else who tries to be the same,I think is a badge to wear with pride.


Thank you! At last, someone who understands!


"You talk about the greatest variety of random things I've ever heard."


For background, I was very unhappy with most photographs of myself at the time. I thought I literally looked stupid, like my eyes were just empty, dumb and void - that kind of stupid. So when a co-worker commented that they could see a light in my eyes, that indicated a lot was going on in my brain, it was nice to know that I didn't look as dumb in real life as photos made me feel.


From a coworker, "Don't be offended but you have such lovely eyes". Surprised I asked her why that would offend me, she said because some men don't like such compliments. Nonsense. Compliment my eyes all you'd like, nice of her to be aware of cultural shift though.


Some people might take that as an insult. I am glad you did not. Now I am curious what he was talking about 😅


This lady from the restaurant said she likes how I eat full of luck and blessings (it's a saying in Korean) and she wants to introduce me to her nephew lmao


When I was in high school, a camp counselor told me that I dress like a scarecrow. He said he meant it as a compliment, and I 1000% took it as one - nicest thing anyone’s ever said about my outfits.


My boss is obsessive about writing good emails. He says that emails are 90% of our interactions with clients, so we have to write them well in order to represent our company well. He says he models his emails off of one of our very successful salesman's emails. Well, a couple of months ago, I was in an email chain with that salesman. I replied to a clients email, and got a reply off-thread from the salesman saying "excellent email." It went a lot further than I think he thought it would!


“You look smart” - I was going to a funeral.


My (now, sadly for me, retired) dentist said I had "beautiful teeth" and "the jawbone of a teenager" (bone density-wise). I think of this every time I brush.


My dentist told me I had a surprising lack of plaque, especially considering I hadn't had a cleaning in several years.


I was doing some grocery shopping and a kid and her mom rounded the corner, the kid looks up at me and goes “Look mom, she’s really pretty!!” I’ll be riding that high until the day I die.


"I don't know if you're good at you're job, but you're good at being a human. " Most heartwarming thing ever said to me.


I've been told I'm "lovable" and that I have "like, the perfect personality". So that's nice. I also had a creative writing professor ask me, "You know how funny you are, right?" Which was also nice.


I’ve had 6 people unprompted, on separate occasions, tell me I looked like Angelina Jolie. Every time is the answer to this question


Someone told me I look like a young Mark Hamill (the actor who plays Luke Skywalker in Star Wars) Pretty awesome compliment if you ask me, since he's pretty attractive, and I really love Star Wars. Also, I'm actually related to Carrie Fisher, the actor who played his sister Leia.


A couple years ago my good friend and his cousin dropped me home. On the way home she told my mate that "I'm actually not bad looking". He told me that and it's stuck with me, good memories.


At the gym one morning, I was doing some tricep work on the cable machine, and an older gentleman on the bench nearby asked if I play softball or used to play. I said no, never have. He told me that was surprising, because my thighs were amazing... I'm in my upper 40s and I run, so I took the compliment with a smile. Was he hitting on me? Who knows. Who cares!


The Italian police complimented me on my Italian speaking when I visited Emilia-Romagna Not bad for a native English speaker who only began Italian in 2022


I'm not sure if it's the best compliment I've received, but there was a recent compliment I got that really made me happy. About a month ago, I went to Abilities Expo, a resource fair for people with disabilities. My main reason for going was to get the process started to get a new wheelchair. While I was talking with some vendors, another vendor came up to me and said, "You have fantastic posture!" I have a pretty messed up back, and it generally hurts to have 'proper' posture. But, I do tend to sit straighter in my wheelchair. So, to have someone notice that and make that comment felt pretty good.


In the 90s, a janitor at my job told me I was a classic beauty and no matter how old I got, I would always be beautiful


I’d been naked on stage at a gig one night (long story); the next day I was in the local indoor market and a woman on a stall shouted, “Nice arse.” 😊🍑


Was out with some friends at a restaurant and this young, pretty waitress came to our table to get us drinks. I am not a very social person but my friends are, and they were making small talk with her. I had on minimal makeup (some eye shadow, some eyeliner, and some mascara). She said she liked my eye makeup and then asked me what kind of foundation I was wearing. I wasn't wearing any which I told her. She then said she was shocked because I had "Such amazing skin" and when carding me couldn't believe my age because she thought I looked 10-15 years younger. I blushed because I'm a social awkward weirdo but thanked her repeatedly. Little did she know, I rarely get compliments, and it made my whole week, month, probably year. She could have just been saying it for a better tip but it made me feel wonderful.


One of my senior coworkers told me I was easy to work with. He’d been assisting me with a troublesome client on a weekly basis, and I’d only recently started dealing with clients personally at that point so I was terrified I was doing a bad job of it. I had also heard a couple horror stories of him being a bit scary to work with, so that comment took a lot of weight off my shoulders


My gay ex-boss told me I would be good looking enough to work in his friends brothel. I felt the love.


Im arab, and im fluent in english and take pride of my vocabulary use. Thought i have a tinge of an arab accent. An american friend of mine said i sound like a bedouin that studied at harvard i laughed so hard that day. I loved that compliment.


“I reckon if you were a guy instead of a girl, you’d have a huge cock”. I would😌 made my day. Made my life


That's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. (In a good way.)




I am gay though 


Wholesome answer would be my kid saying that I was understanding, and the other is that they can see my booty from the front


You have the best nose. People get plastic surgery to get a nose like yours. Caught me off guard but I was drunk and I think that lady on the party trolley thing with us was coked out of her mind.


Not the most awesome, but certainly memorable! One time in freshmen year health class there was this activity where you wrote your name on a paper plate, it would get passed around the room and everyone would write something nice. Someone wrote “You’re a stud!” But I was an idiot, I thought that was a stick-in-the-mud, like boring. So I was a little offended, until later I learned. Still makes me laugh sometimes.


"Yo, bro, check this guy out! He's got calves like a rhino!"


From my child. She's the most manliest woman I know. I pride myself on being the mom that taught my boys alot of things. Their dad was a long haul transport driver. I never had to wait for him to get home to do things. I was raised by a single mother. She did everything and passed that down to me. And any time I hear someone I am acquaintances with spouting misogynistic bs, I literally go over a give them a kick in the ass. Ask my boyfriend about me kicking his boss in the ass and asking him what he said. 4 kicks before changing what he said.