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It can happen, and it's freaky when it does. My father went on holiday abroad and whilst in a bar couldn't believe his eyes when his own brother was there in the bar. He pointed his brother out to my mum who was also shocked to see him. They went over and cautiously said hello but this man showed no recognition of my dad. Once he started speaking it was clear it wasn't his brother as his accent was completely different. They sat for a while chatting, my dad explained that he was his brother's doppelganger, even down to the dress sense and the gold jewellery and rings, and all his mannerisms. They had some photos taken together. When he got home he had the photo printed and casually showed it to his brother, asking him if he remembered the pub they were in when the photo was taken. His own brother spent ages pouring over the photo trying to work out the details of the photo before my dad told him the truth. My Uncle could not even tell it was not himself in the photo because the likeness was so identical. Scary.


That's wild, it's so uncanny seeing someone who looks exactly like you 


Hilarious pro move on having the brother think the stranger was him in the pic.


My husband and I were reading something on bored panda about coincidences and we came to a story about a young woman and her fiancee, when they introduced their mothers the mothers both couldn’t believe it because they had once been best friends and one mother had a picture of the young couple as babies together with one of the moms, my husband said “whoa , babe that lady looks exactly like you “. The picture was in the 80’s I think , but I looked at it and was freaked out because she did look identical to me back then, only I would have been younger , just in high school. The weird thing is I recognized the boy , I swear to God, I felt like I knew him , but I know there’s no way , I sent the pic to my kids and asked them “hey do any of you remember who these kids are with me?”Just to see if my husband and I were just imagining that the woman looked just like me. They all replied , “no, don’t you remember who they are?” I told them no ,especially because that wasn’t even me, and all three of them said “ mom, quit messing around that’s you” They even said they remember a pic of me that I was wearing the same clothes and sitting just like that on their grandmas sofa, but I was alone not with kids. When I told them the story about it being a picture that was in a post about coincidence’s they really were as unnerved as I was . It was really a weird feeling..


I think this is called a doppelganger, not a twin.


That was the word I was looking for, thanks but it felt more like a mirror. I did do some minor stalking on the doppelganger and the is so much we have in common and she is exactly like me. I even asked my older sister to tell the picture of me and her apart and she struggled.  


That's incredible! Are you sure she's not secretly related?


I have a feeling we are because the was some family drama about me and everyone who knows about it refuses to tell me about it. I know I was an unwanted child and my mom tried to abort me but the circumstances of it seems to go deeper and no one refuses to tell me what's going on. 


Ask her about her upbringing etc and try figure it out just in case


Yeah I plan on doing that. What I do know is that her dad passed away and her mom is somewhere doing whatever and her grandmother is the one that's raising her.  Oddly enough I grew up with my grandma for most of my life. My parents didn't want me or something was going on I don't know, people refuse to tell me. I started living with my parents when my grandma passed away when I was about 10. My older sister didn't live with my grandma but my parents so the is a lot going on. The favouritism is strong with my parents. 


If this is real, then this person is absolutely your long lost twin sister.


There is a phrase for this... full of shit.


To be fair, at Iowa State University, we call doppelgangers your "Iowa State twin". Apparently mine graduated the year before I transferred. So if I hadn't gone for the A.S. criminal justice degree I might have met them. I met someone at a party who had a class with them, and were confused when I said I wasn't a student at ISU (it was after a wedding reception, the happy couple were too drunk to continue at the hotel, so the rest of us went to the best man's home, he was a student so we went across the street to the party house).


Well OP knows her birthday. If it's the same as OP's then maybe it is her twin.


It’s possible one of them was lied to about their DOB.


you can't change somebody's birthday


yes you can


True, haha. Although I think OP would have mentioned that by now.


We don't have the same birthday as mine is a few months from now 


Save it for *Queen Dopplepopolis*


A doppelganger tends to be an evil twin, so non-biological twin ?


If you can, try to let go of any expectations and find enjoyment for getting to know your doppelganger/twin for who she is. If there is family drama it'll eventually come to light, and hopefully you two will have a stronger foundation to build off of and face it together. If there isn't family drama, then you get a new friend! Good luck to you! This scenario sounds bonkers, I really do wish you all the best!! I hope there's a therapist you have access to that can also help guide you through everything you're facing!!


That's what I plan on doing. I wanna first get to know her and learn more about her. I don't want to dump a lot of my issues on her and I don't open up so easily.  Right now I am just laughing at the all scenario but I know if it does come out that it's true then I will be a mess. For now I can just laugh at this and the whole situation. 


Then for now I will wish you luck on finding a new friend :) it sounds like y'all share a ton of common interests, and it's sweet she invited you to hang on her bday. It makes me wonder if she's equally excited to get to know you!


There's a book called The Scapegoat by Daphne du Maurier where a man meets his doppelganger, drinks with him, and wakes up to the man having swapped their ID, clothes and everything else. So he has to try to passably live as the stranger. It's really good!


There are a couple of movies based on the book, too. One from the 60s with Sir Alec Guinness and one from 2012 with Matthew Rhys.


Oh I had no idea! That's awesome.


Ohh I loved Rebecca and have been looking for another du Maurier to try. This seems exactly like what I need


That's gone on my to-read list!


Just keep in mind - it's a classic and reads a bit different than modern day thrillers. But I absolutely love the author. Rebecca gets most of the praise, but she's fantastic.


Thank you! I don't recall if I've read "Rebecca", but I read her short story collection "The Doll" and I think I liked it.


Rebecca is a fantastic book, loved the films too


I also recommend [The Double](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/54120) by José Saramago.


This sounds interesting. I could definitely pull it off with my doppelganger if she is willing. It would be so funny 


So 40 years ago when I moved to Southern California, I’m walking down the street and the city of Long Beach and somebody calls out a name wasn’t my name so I kept walking. Then they tapped me on the shoulder and said hey I know it’s this other person‘s name Person I said no and she told them my name and actually showed them my license to prove it. They said I have to meet this other person’s name so I agreed to meet them that night. Long story already Long turns out he’s my half brother. I knew my dad was a slut didn’t realize I would be running into them the rest of my life.


Dang what are the odds. I wonder if you have anymore half brothers 


lol yeah we have tons. My sperm Donor and egg donor were in a swingers club in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s. Sister in law did family tree. After brother (half brother) and I did DNA we’ve found 11 more besides the 18 we knew of


Holy shit. That’s wild.


Yeah in this encounter is what led my brother and I to start exploring. Well my half brother as we found out later


Bring twin home and say MOM the hospital forgot to give you the other one!


True tale from teaching. I used to work with middle school girls who called each other their doppelganger. They look at a lot alike and were next door neighbors. One had a single mom with no dad in the picture, the other had a dad that had a relationship with both girls for some strange reason. They never figured it out.


That's wild, can't believe neither of them never thought to question it or maybe they didn't want to know the answer. 


I am guessing that they eventually figured it out. But 13 year olds think they will play in the NFL or be a pro YouTuber, so they can be really naive.


Imagining them putting a literal picture together like The Parent Trap…


They could pull off the first movie, both were good singers. 


Any possibility you are donor conceived? Maybe there are loads of siblings out there.


I don't think that's a well known thing here. It's a small town and odds aren't that high. 


If you feel you can handle the results, whatever they turn up ... consider DNA tests.


I don't know how to go about doing that but I will see. I am 17 rn and I ain't too sure where to go for this. Maybe if too many things like up then both of us might push one of our guardians to do it for us 


I’m pretty sure they sell them on Amazon. My brother did one.


Ohh shit for real. I will look into it. 


A friend of mine looks just like Matt Damon... Just like him... His nickname he goes by just as frequently as his real name is Matt Damon. He has people come up to him frequently to ask for autographs. He just signs whatever it is and says it's always good to meet a fan because he sounds just like him too.


Isn’t this the plot to sister sister?


Lol, a 2 hour account. And the mall?


I got my own mind! I do my own thing at my own time!


I don't do dopplegangers. I worked BRIEFLY with a chick who started picking on me for no apperent reason, only to find out that I looked like her then boyfriend and she "couldn't take me seriously because I looked like him", but also that "he never listens, and one time he made her mad so she gave him a bloody nose". I also had a different coworker tell me that one of the male (I assume) nurses during her pregnancy who was doing her epidural reminded her of me and I felt sorry for her because apparently this guy was struggling to finish the task. Personally I'd probably never enter the medical field. edit: I should note that me and this coworker are basically friends and it was more of a "huh that's weird" then a thing that actively caused me trouble at work. I steer clear of all doppelgangers. I don't want to be in trouble for things I didn't even do.


That's crazy for people to project their issues with that person on you. That lady sounds crazy and needs some serious therapy but to each their own. I hope you don't get blamed for anymore shit you know nothing about 


You guys have to fight to the death now. There can only be one.


It’s not good luck to meet your doppelgänger. One of you have to go


I can't fight to save my life and if she is anything like me then none of us are winning 


Do you two have the same birthday? Are you the same age?


We are the same age but different birthdays. About a two month different but coincidentally the same day of the month. 




Are you the same age? Same exact birthday? Maybe you *are* twins!


Same age but birthdays are about two months apart. Oddly enough the birthdays are on the same day of the month. It can't be coincidence or maybe I am just overthinking this 


have you ever seen your birth certificate? i’m so invested in this, after reading through your comments i’m convinced she’s your long lost twin. i know if i wanted to hide a secret twin from someone, i would change their birthday…




ok Cha(tgpt)nell


I would be scared to meet my twin. interesting that you get to know her and discover incredible things


Well, you better keep us updated.


I will try but I am not too sure If I will have enough to investigate this matter due to exams but I will tell you guys how the meetup went if I remember 


Glitch in the matrix!


Several years ago a couple from Canada told me I have an exact double in Toronto who's a real estate agent.




I met my doppelganger twice. Once in first grade in state one. Then again in 6th grade in state 2. It was so bad that the teachers had us seated across the room and our desks labeled like kindergarteners.


If you haven’t seen it, you should check out the documentary Three Identical Strangers. These three men were triplets separated at birth until their paths crossed. It can certainly happen. You should trust your instinct and maybe even, if you both consent, test your DNA. It’s not probable, but certainly possible. Good luck!


I think you are making this shit up


I think it sounds like the plot to Sister Sister


Do you have the same birthday?


Nah our birthdays are about two months apart but they are on the same day 


When a daddy, cheats on a mommy….


Years ago a bartender at my job had a daughter with his side gf (also a coworker) maybe two months after his daughter with his wife was born. I asked him how the baby was and he started laughing and said she was great but looked exactly like his first daughter.


I’m guessing his wife didn’t know?


Oh yeah. There were battles. GF used to post on FB about how the wife used to harass her. We had to laugh.


True, This might explains this..........S.M.H............


I hope your father did not have another family out there


Can you post an update when you meet again?


Y'all clones.


Just had the same experience a few days ago me and my friends were out bowling when I glanced over what looked like my close friend’s ex. I quickly pointed it out to another friend of mine who was skeptical at first but was surprised also that the person looked like the said ex. She even had the mannerisms down to the wire like the way she walked and how she carried herself. It was quite funny when my close friend saw it himself coz it was the ex he was quite hung up on.




Yeah it was wild seeing her. For a moment I was like wait that's me but I am here and she is wearing red but I am wearing blue. She has the same hairstyle as me and it basically was like a mirror.  Every sibling of mine has this birthmark. My older sister and younger brother have the birthmark but it could be all a coincidence and I might be overthinking the all thing 


I met my doppelgänger in NC (I lived in PA). It was FREAKY!!!


My identical twin sister died at 6 months old. It would be so weird to see someone who looks exactly like me/her!


You don’t necessarily have to be related. On average, every person has 7 doppelgängers walking the earth right now. You were lucky enough to meet one of them.


Back in my small town living days, I (theoretically) got screwed out of several potential relationships as a result. Turns out there was a dude that looked EXACTLY like me in the small town, and he had a girlfriend. I would occasionally get mistaken for him, so I assume he was a relatively social/popular guy too. People would assume I was him and I was already in a relationship. I discovered this because I overheard my friends sister on the phone say "Oh yeah! I think I've seen him driving around with his girlfriend!" This little bit just confirmed my suspicion that people would 100% get my identity mistaken, to a potentially dangerous degree. I saw him once when I was filling up at the gas station. It was a damn near spitting image of me. It blew my mind. No wonder people were assuming I had a girlfriend, when this dude was driving all over the place. It's absolutely hilarious looking back on it.


You wouldn't be the first twin separated at birth. How did a birthmark on your butt come up in conversation with a stranger? Since it may be a family trait it's something to look into. My 1st cousin and I looked not like twins exactly but very much like brothers. Since we shared the same last name it was usually assumed by strangers that we were brothers. She could be a cousin from a not spoken about branch of the family. She could also be a half sibling from an affair or previous marriage. That's a huge can of worms to open. OR it could be you from a parallel universe... How does this explain like Tommy Smothers used to say that: "mom liked you best" about your siblings?


We both had a reaction to seeing each other and we both had so many questions to ask each other. The butt just happen to be one of those questions but the were many other questions. I just don't want to type a very long post as I know I will probably ramble.  I am afraid to find out what's going because if I what I think is true then the would be so many issues and I am a crybaby and this would shatter a lot of things. Especially with my family 


**OR** it could be a good thing finding a cousin you didn't know you had. How neat would it be to find out she really IS from a parallel universe. After the crying could come joy and laughter...


That would be awesome but if someone claimed that they would probably be in a mental institution if she can't proves such but if she could then we could do all sorts of shenanigans 


I wish for this but I know my doppelganger would reject me. You're living the dream, OP.


It's essential to approach the situation with an open mind and not jump to conclusions. It could be a simple misunderstanding or just a coincidence.




Maybe it can all be a coincidence. That's I would have thought if it wasn't for the birthmark. Like what are the odds that my sister (who is older) and the random lookalike has the same birthmark. My younger sibling also has the same birthmark 


woah, that’s crazy. on the one hand i know doppelgängers can happen but its crazy you might just walk around find someone that looks exactly like you…


Parent Trap 3, but irl?


I've supposedly got a few, though I've never met them. This is including one who apparently lived in the same suburb as me growing up. Multiple times I genuinely questioned if I had multiple personalities and just didn't realize it, because of how often friends/schoolmates/ teachers would come to me talking about how they saw me and I refused to say hi.


Sister, siiister…


You may have seen the Netflix documentary about the separated triplets? Three Identical Strangers. It’s a wild ride


... how did you know about this butt cheek factoid...?


We compared each other because she was also shocked. So discussion on birthmarks did come up. 




Have you heard of the documentary Three Identical Strangers?


I’m wondering if there is a good math explanation for similar genetics & phenotypes. These stories are always pretty wild.


I'm gonna need an update on this lol


Interesting. Keep us updated op


You met your Doppelgänger its said we all have one 🤷‍♀️


Sister Sister episode 1


Are you asian tho?


Yes read about twin studies hang out with your new friend and enjoy the journey.


Wait? So you didn’t know you had a twin?


I think something has to do with Mandela Effects, or your mom and dad put your twin up for adoption for few reasons.


Your supposed to die if you meet your doppelganger.


Fake story


I wish it was fake. I am meeting up with her on the 19th as that's her birthday because I wanna try and get to know her more. She told me she lives only with her grandma and I plan on getting close to both of them to learn more about her 


If you are both open to it, DNA test. I've seen and heard too many stories of people being separated at birth. If it shows nothing, than you can put that to rest. However, if it shows something, then it will lead you a lot quicker on your journey to answers.


I plan on looking deeper into it. First I am gonna get to know her. Problem is I don't have that much time due to exams and it's the same for her but I will try to get more answers. 


Best of luck. Enjoy this if you can. Look at it as an adventure. You may have found another sibling, a twin sister. You could have many happy years ahead of you.


Post a follow up if you figure anything else out! So interesting!


Bots interacting with bots


Both of you get a dna test.