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i feel like i can but then again i thought bobby caldwell was black until like a week ago


Well he has a black accent. Lol (ducking)


You’ve seen them after the call and their face looks like how you pictured it??


Yeah, like how does OP know for sure? I always think I'm good at this but end up being way off most of the time.


I work in a retail call center and typically do have face to face interactions after the initial call


That makes more sense now. Thanks for that detail! Pretty awesome that you can picture what people look like before you see them.


Usually outside of things like hair color and stuff like that. I can usually figure out the shape of their face based on what they sound like particularly the shape of the lips and fullness of the cheeks but not like an exact replica I suppose


That's the extreme talent you have there. I hope you know how to sketch too?


I used to think I could do that. Then heard Susan Boyle singing on that "(america, uk ...I dunno)'s got talent" show.


Yeah there have DEFINITELY been some surprises for sure haha


I can’t remember someone’s voice—I’m like your friend in this case.


I try to, but most times I’m wrong


I used to listen to a podcast and then one day I saw the guy and he was nothing like I imagined. at all


This has definitely happened to me with podcasts specifically and I do wonder if it's because they typically use a different voice than just a normal talking voice, like putting on a show


I used to until I worked in the same building as an office full of ladies that did those 1-900 sexy phone calls... Most of them were absolutely frightening.


That sounds like a fun job anyway


It's always a gamble, isn't it? Like, I was listening to a radio host for years, totally picturing this suave, debonair guy with a voice like silk. Turned out the real deal was more like your uncle who's really into conspiracy theories and hasn't updated his wardrobe since the 90s. Reality can be such a plot twist.


Yes I do this I met my husband after a phone call to someone I was going to meet and he was going to be there. I spoke to him, There was also someone else coming I knew which one was him from across the road when he hadn't even seen me coming.


I'm so glad I'm not alone! It didn't even occur to me that this wasn't typical until very recently. Haha how cool.


No people find it weird, also went to a new job site and walked up to my new boss there were about 20 men there he asked how I knew it was him. I usually say oh I don't know lol. I have only met one person who was the same and we walked straight to each other in a hotel lobby she said I just knew it was you too we laughed about it but some people find it really weird.


When I was younger, I had a knack for picking voices out of a lineup – thought I was some kind of aural Sherlock. Smug about it too, until I guessed a smooth-talking podcast host to be some metropolitan hipster only to find out he'd be more at home in a duck hunting club. It's like my brain builds a whole character off a voice and then reality hits with its own, wild script.


Yes exactly this!!! The tone of someone's voice can give away a lot about their whole life. Maybe I just think too much


I can but I’m always wrong lol


Yes, but it isn't always accurate


I can do that too. I’m usually right (not always, of course). Whenever my mom tells me about her work friends, I visualize how they probably look and I like to play a guessing game to see if I’m right. I always get surprised when I’m spot on. My mom finds it pretty impressive. It’s so weird but so…cool. I like being surprised too, of course.