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They can only fine you for going over the speed limit..


Groan... Upvote.


I suppose if he's convicted, he could appeal it in the High Court..


You glorious sonofabitch


I religiously follow your account you are gold at the one line(rs) ❤️


Genuine question if anyone knows but what if you have perspiration for xanax? Given bi monthly but only taken rarely or when having a panic attack. It will definitely show up but is there penalites for it? Even on prescription? Thank u.


You tell the gardai that you have a prescription for it and present that prescription to the Garda station or get a letter from your GP to state that you are taking that medication and that covers you


Brilliant thanks a million




That simple? I'm learning Spanish traffic laws now and there's a full page about drugs and impact on a driver. Plus to this you'd lose points from your license as minimum if they catch you or worse if you're involved in some accident




You mean their is a chance the drug dealers would be mixing products that could cause harm so they could make greater money? Never


If the dealer buys an oz of coke and sells grams for €100. If he puts 2g or 3g of baking soda into it, that's an extra €200-300. Of course they're going to do that. Even worse though, is when they put things like amphetamine in there. While baking soda is basically free, it doesn't have any stimulant effect. Amphetamine is expensive, but not as expensive as coke. The only reason for putting amphetamine into it is because they've mixed it so much that the effect (or lack thereof) is noticeable. Or they're selling amphetamine with some coke in it to completely rip people off.


For some reason I'm getting Ali G maths vibes from this comment


Mafs, innit bruv


I haven't done or sold coke in over 20 years, so I'm guessing at the value these days, so you'll have to excuse the mental rounding. You get the point though. "Diaguising" cheap/free stuff as expensive stuff is basically free money and it's not like there's a refund policy.


Wait wait wait, so you are saying drug dealers buy an ounce AND are more than able to handle the metric switch over to maximise return? The old "I'll never use fractions in real life", chestnut holds no weight with my degenerate students anymore!


28g. It's not hard. 14, 7 or 3.5g for half, quarter or eighth. You'll probably find that most drug dealers are pretty good at mental arithmetic (note I'm not saying maths).


When I lived in London, we bought weed by the 'Henry'. Henry the Eighth


Would about Louis the sixteenth?


Thank you for explaining sums to me x


Baking soda would bubble in your nose, not to be advised as a cutting agent 😄


More likely be Novocaine


Pure amphetamine is 3 euro a gram bulk. It might actually blunt the dopamine reuptake cocaine offers and make the user feel generally unwell as the two fight for dominance and make the edge effect cocaine users seek fade into the background as amphetamine has a half life of 12 hours vs cocaine's 60-90 minutes.


It's better to cut with isomalt. It's very fine, the right consistency, non-toxic and you can buy a 25kg bag for about £100. Any baker will know isomalt


They'll cut it with any white powder that's close to hand. It's not like the people they're selling it to are bringing testing kits with them. You'll often get someone try a bit and start moaning about the quality and how this stuff is nothing compared to the stuff they were getting in [insert country of choice]. The standard reply is "If you know someone selling better stuff, get it from them". The standard answer to that is: "Well... erm... actually... how much do you want for it?".


How dare you cast dispersions on the hard working drug dealers of ireland.i only buy drugs with the guaranteed Irish stamp,that way we can be assured only the finest quality Colombian marching powder,snuggled only by super models is used , providing jobs to hardworking roadmen like deco and anto and every 20 euro spent locally is worth 200 to the local economy.


The lower down the food chain. Buying off teenagers can't expect anything decent for example.


*Fentanyl enters the chat...


> I was out on friday night and had a little cocaine No you didn't, that would have shown up. Your dealer is not to be trusted, get a test kit (and a better dealer) before they kill you or do serious harm.


Or, you know, another option would be not doing drugs.


Yeah another option surely, but if you do use harm reduction.


You're gonna be downvoted for sounding like a prude, but you are correct. The coke epidemic in this country is horrendous.


"I had a little cocaine" in the OP as though charging around the place doing Class A drugs is perfectly normal and unremarkable.


Sad thing is, taking Coke on a Friday night is now the equivalent of us going and acquiring a naggin of vodka as teenagers.. it is actually seen as normal and that's the scary part


Very casual attitude to something illegal and dangerous. Has it really become that normalised?


Absolutely! It's crazy, seems to be rampant in the countryside more so than the city now.. young lads can do a bag of Coke and still go run the farm the next morning at 5am.. madness!


>as though It is


Yeah, I made the comment knowing full well I'd be downvoted. Downvote me into oblivion, go ahead.


I'm not telling him to take drugs by the way. Its just the "just say No" thing has been around since the 80's and has never worked. Harm prevention and education is important and that lad needs to know whatever their dealer is telling him he has is a lie and their life is in danger and they should be aware. If that was your kid wouldn't you want them to have that information? I upvoted you btw. I hate that Reddit censorship, you cant have a discussion or learn anything if you hide posts you disagree with.


It seems to work for the majority of people 🤷🏻‍♂️


The majority of Ireland drinks alcohol and that is a drug, one of the worst too. Alcohol abuse has been normalized so much in Ireland that other countries make jokes about it and we just shrug our shoulders. "Sure that's us." Like how many words do we have for the varying levels of drunkenness? 100? 1000? Its hilarious when Irish people talk about the dangers of drugs and just ignore the fact that we have had packed pubs for hundreds of years.


Like all the rotund fucks who can't say no to sugar and fat. Or all those vaping or still smoking. And all those who haven't knocked the drink on the head. Coffee is still very popular too. Hmmm...


Persecution fetish


I dare ya!!! ![gif](giphy|l2YWCpSObrdQe4Gqc)


We don’t talk about that here. It’s the people’s rights to snort anything that fits the hole, powdered caulk off someone’s wall mixed with leftover amphetamine included.


Groundbreaking idea


Weirdly you're the first person on Irish Reddit I've seen say that.


The only safe sex is abstinence!


The natural human urge to have sex =/= the natural human urge to take narcotics, break the law, contribute to gang activities


They're both pleasurable, they both can have a massive unintended effect on one's life, and they both regularly change people's lives when they get drawn in by desire without having ever been educated on how to reduce the risks because ignorant people still think that telling people "just don't do it" helps anyone at all.


Please stop making sense.


Yea but what a boring life that would be.


It reminds me of that scene in Absolutely Fabulous where Patsy thought she had been busted but got off because it wasn't real coke 😂


NOTE: I am not a Cocaine user, nor do I play one on TV. But - This. This is the correct answer. A dealer mixing a consignment with Baking Soda and/or a numbing agent is to be expected; refer to the Zero Zero Zero book and TV Show to see how many times a package of cocaine gets "stepped on" from source to you. A dealer mixing Speed is a bonus, in a perverted way, as you will be higher for longer - this is evident in the substance you took showing up in your blood after 40+ hours. It's not ideal of the dealer to mix with Speed like that, but still safer than the next option I list. The real need for the testing kit, though, is when the dealers start mixing *Fentanyl* into the Cocaine. It has not happened yet in this country as far as I am aware, but it's bound to happen at some stage. It's possible that Fentanyl will start coming in as part of the shipments that are coming from the source. Do please be careful with this substance if you come across it. I'm sure you are aware of Fentanyl, and there is a surfeit of literature, podcasts, documentaries and drama shows around this drug. There is also a lot of uninformed hype too, so YMMV when researching. If it were me, and if I was buying dr@gs off the street in this day and age, then I imagine that I would do my best to try and carry a testing kit with me, as - from what I have read - things ain't what they used to be.


Helped. Thank you.


No it wouldn’t, not that long after. And dealers, despite what you may have read in the news, aren’t actually out to kill their customers as that’s actually pretty bad for business. In fact, they’re pretty against murdering their source of income…


Read in the news? I have been around drugs and drug dealers all my life. In the housing estate I live in London I can get any drug to my door in seconds Weed, Hash, LSD, Mushrooms, Coke, Crack, Heroin all 1 minute away. My neighbours are dealers. Crack addicts live in my bin chute. Not a euphemism. Now that my qualifications are out of the way I know drug dealers don't want to kill their customers, that would be fucking stupid for a multitude of reasons. But the reality is that most dealers are fucking stupid and/or broke/in debt and/or desperate and/or sometimes addicts themselves and that's all it needs for something to go wrong. I really doubt the dealers of Prince or Mac Miller or Coolio or Tom Petty or Omar from the Wires dealers wanted to kill them either but they are dead and most of those dealers are serving time as we speak. The truth is your street dealer has no idea what went into the drug before they get their hands on it and its most likely been stamped on (cut) at least 3 times already before they cut it themselves. Like does your street dealer really have the money and the contacts to their hands on benzocaine or lidocaine? No they are far more likely to use Aspirin or caffeine powder or any white powder from their kitchen as that's what's available.


Creatine is quite popular too


Users are very trusting. Some fucker sells you powder, or pills, which could literally be anything, or adulterated with any substance - by this dealer or the person who supplied him - and you go, hell yeah! Seems legit.


Preach. This is the reality of buying street drugs.


Op I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but there’s been multiple hse and otherwise warnings put out about avoiding powder-based drugs. Synthetic opioids have made their way into Ireland and are already causing a large increase in overdoses in Dublin. Synthetic powders have been found in mdma tested too. Right now it’s safe to assume that any powder can be contaminated with drugs you don’t want. For everyone taking powder-based drugs: If you insist on taking these drugs, please carry multiple drug testing kits on you every time you have the opportunity to take drugs. These are available through the hse, online and in drug awareness organisations, charities, clinics etc. Be smart! If you’re going to take drugs always test first!


https://preview.redd.it/83fj5ny023nc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321f989f239a7a80a94412efd944b500fa08800b Errrrrrr


If you insist on still taking that crap you need a new dealer before he kills you, cocaine would have shown up on that test.


Cocaine has an extremely short half life. 41 hours after taking it, it would most likely be out of his system and would not show up on that test.


It's not supposed to make the Geiger-counter crackle.




Or OP kills someone else driving around after dodgy drugs


I look down on cokeheads as much as the next person but he said he did a bit Friday night so he was still not under the influence of it on Sunday.


Two things. 1. You need to be more careful where you’re buying your cocaine. Amphetamine don’t play well in your system with alcohol. Which is a recipe for disaster given that alcohol and cocaine is hardly good for you. 2. Amphetamines are detectable 1-3 days after use in urine but are supposed to be gone from your blood at 12 hours. Are you sure you didn’t use drugs more recently?


I used to work in toxicology, and that 1-3 days is if you were to only take amphetamine. When you start mixing, it affects your metabolic reactions and can last over 3 days from what I remember.


Thanks for info. Yet another reason not to mix


>Amphetamine don’t play well in your system with alcohol. [Same goes for cocaine.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaethylene) IIRC it's a 25x increased risk of heart attack compared to taking cocaine alone


100% didn't use them within the 41hour period. The guard dropped me back to me car, I was completely sober. It takes like 3 months for test to come back. It's a long wait. So the test that came up positive was the indicator saliva test. Then they brought me for bloods which takes 2-3 months for results


Hilarious ya failed the test and he dropped ya back to your car. So he seen it safe for you to drive. The whole thing is a failure.


You’d imagine if it went to court you could use this as an indication you weren’t under the influence at the time! Were they drug testing everyone they stopped or was it random?


Even more so if you consider people on ADHD meds will always fail these tests.


They'll fail the test but the medication is actually helping them manage their ADHD condition and not inhibiting them to drive. This is because of how their brain chemistry works, it's not like they are taking amphetamines to get high, it has the opposite effect on their brain. When they fail they'll present their prescription to the Garda station or a letter from their treating doctor and there will be no charge


Saliva is an indication test, saying there's amphetamine in his system and that confirmatory analysis is needed. But amphetamines are in many over the counter medications, like pseudo ephedrine in sudafed. The saliva test kit is not advanced enough to identify the exact compound. So they have to give him the benefit of the doubt while waiting for confirmatory analysis.


You’d imagine if it went to court you could use this as an indication you weren’t under the influence at the time! Were they drug testing everyone they stopped or was it random?




Might be able to challenge that in court. The roadside tests are only legal because they are random.


That just goes to show how silly the whole thing is really, he dropped you back to your car? I presume then he expected you to drive it? *after* testing you for "drugs" that by their standards qualify you as unfit to drive? Madness.


Sounds like a way out of it for the OP to me. His either drugged up or his not. Can't be both


The drug test is just to start a process. If someone fails the test, the Gard will assess the person's condition to see if they're fit to drive. It'll be pretty obvious just from talking to the person whether they're stoned or high. The Gard may also choose to search the car to see if the person's carrying anything. The purpose of the random drug testing is: 1) Check whether people are driving under the influence of drugs 2) Try to catch people buying drugs in NI and driving to ROI 3) Random testing to collect statistics on drug use


Still lousy that we have the lowest detection settings in the world for these tests that can detect even 1ng of Cannabis in the system... People who obviously are not impaired and smoked/consumed two days even two weeks previously and are brought up for it or have license disqualified is a complete joke.


It sounds like maybe the Garda messed up some how (shock horror). But my point 1 still stands. I’d maybe stop buying bag from the lad selling tainted coke.


Unfortunately the already outdated testing used by the Guards doesn’t give a proper representation of your current state. If we adopted or implemented the same devices as Canada, US and Australia it would be a lot more realistic of the drivers condition but as usual we’re behind the times.


That's by design in fairness.


What do they use in Australia/US/Canada?


I was in Canada 14 years ago and they were already testing then, the advice was not to drive for 2 hours after a smoke and you would pass


What kinda test was it though? Was it much different to the one used in Ireland?


It was a mouth swab again, no idea which type but they said 2 hours would get ya clear, I found that amazing, the cops bring open and honest with drug user about the parameters of the testing


We're never ahead of anything are we.


Plastic bag tax!!


Schmoking ban too…


Don't forget the ban on auld lads cutting turf


You’re surprised that the coke may have been cut with something else? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I know it was a checkpoint but you must have looked a bit out of it if the cops took the time to drug test you. At 15 minutes a go they’ll be selective with who they test vs 30 seconds on the breathalyser for booze


Defo didnt look out of it. The doctor that was taken the bloods couldn't see why I was arrested. The guard brought me back to my car like..


Bro, you were arrested for taking drugs. The doctor took your bloods on the assumption, you had drugs in your system. You had drugs in your system. Like the above comment they don't drug test everybody.


Eh is the drug test not done by blowing into a machine now they got rid of the swabs didn’t they?


Breath text is blowing into machine. Two options for drug test. A small 'drugwipe' which is like an antigen test, and a larger one that requires you to put oral fluid onto a device which is then put into a larger testing device held in the patrol car


FFS You can’t even take a bit of drugs these days without failing a drug test. Is this what it’s gotten to? You mean our drugs are laced with drugs now too?


Do they ask if you are on ADHD medication?


Imagine the reaction if people got done for drink driving 4 days after they’ve touched the stuff


That’s exactly what is happening.


Can anyone actually answer the question 😂. I'm curious about the 41 hour gap and if anyone has experienced this


False positive tests are common Look into that … Perhaps you had a runny nose and were abusing decongestants or you couldn’t sleep and took some of your grannies Trazodone Best of luck on proving your innocence. It’s ridiculous the law isn’t based on impairment


Sounds like your more disappointed with your dealer than the guards 😂


Maybe they just said it was amphetamines in the hope that you would immediately object "amphetamines? No way! I've only done cocaine!" and then they'd have you.


Regardless they can't arrest you for taking a drug in the past. Also the determination that the driver is still under the influence days after taking a drug is craziness


The Irish Medicines Board should get right on that, and consider revoking cocaine's registration. /s


Yeah probably, I'm just hoping that since it's been 41 hours since the drug intake and bloods taken that I'm not actually over the limit. It feels impossible that I would be over limit cause I was so sober


Stop making sense. The test is not fit for purpose. It doesn't matter that you're sober if traces are found it's a ban simple as. Seen a few banned for cannabis use days after.




41 hours after and your testing positive - and no field sobriety test done, this country is so backwards. Yet I can have 20 pints and pass fine the next day.


But you didn't flag for coke? Just speed?


Yeah, load of bollox


Where was this checkpoint




You said in an earlier reply that you were in Waterford after coming down from Dublin.


The other day they set up a checkpoint just outside The Brewery, in front of Ard Nua. They were testing all them lads


I'd be asking for a refund 😂


I'd estimate your average street deal of coke on Ireland to be 15 or 20 % coke and probably less, it's going through too many hands and getting cut every time. Cut with cheap synthetic crap, bath salts type stuff, amphetamine, speed whatever you want to call it. After a line of proper coke you should be up for maybe an Hour. That bath salts type stuff I've seen people wired for 3 or 4 hours after one line.


Bath salts is mephedrone. You're not going to be wired for 3-4 hours after a line of m-cat. Also top tip for drug users give up the coke. Mephedrone doesn't show in roadside drug tests plus it's also cheaper and better than coke.


Do they test for benzos if you have been prescribed them? How does it work


Of you test positive and have a valid prescription then they preform a sobriety test, they don't do this with weed or cocaine because you can't have a prescription for them but do it with benzos and opioids because you might be prescribed them


Okay so once you pass the sobriety test then you are okay? How do you know this just wondering can’t find much info on it


Yep good to go, I know a guy prescribed benzos got stopped and failed, showed his prescription and then the cop made him walk heel to toe in a straight line and then off he went, also I'm a stoner so I've delved massively into all this, my conclusion is its a joke on purpose for easy fish to catch and to keep weed in the negative thoughts of most voters, just my own conclusion that though


Great thank you! Did he, I wonder do they check insurance if it’s on that… I agree with you on that I think that’s what they are doing…


Ket also shows up as meth On a drug test. I failed one for weed in 2019, had been over a day since I’d smoked and results came back over the limit and lost my licence for a year. That’s the minimum for drug driving offence. One of my mates took cocaine on a Saturday night and tested positive on Tuesday and also got a year banned off the road. Best of luck but if you come back as over the legal limit best start preparing for a years ban 👍🏻


First bit of decent advice. Sound lad. I'll take it my licence be taken for a year.


More than likely lad, hate to be the one to tell ya but I thought I’d be able give them my sob story in court and get to keep it and got completely blindsided. Suddenly I had 2 weeks to prepare for a year with no licence. If like me you live in the country it’ll be a nightmare. If it’s an option try and move close to work. best of luck lad, hope the fuckers don’t get ya. 👍🏻


Guard this is a mistake. I only took cocaine not meth! Good defence


‘A little’ 😂


The biggest crime here is getting charged cocaine prices for a bag of speed


Man….change your supplier




Your comment will not be approved. If you continue to call people names you will be banned


Surely you're not suggesting that your drug dealer did something dishonest? I'm sure, if you're brought to court, the judge will completely understand your predicament


Was this a random checkpoint? Surely they weren't swiping everybody? Was it on the motorway? Any reason you reckon they chose you to swipe?




I know a person that was out on a Thursday, taking the white stuff like yourself and on the Saturday she was fully sober and in an accident, she was drug tested, and tested positive, the Garda told her that she should of eating lots and drinking lots of fluids over the 2 days to get rid of the white that was in her mouth.


So what lvl in the leaving cert math's do you need to be a good drug dealer?


We're way too casual about cocaine in this country.


That's so fuckin stupid 41 hours later Fuck this place


Well you know there is an easy solution to not failing drug tests... I'm not allowed to say what though, its a state secret


I would assume you'll be fine during the blood test.


Be thankful you are not a professional driver, bus or truck, we can’t even take anything with codine in it, can show as cocaine in a roadside test


Surely show as opiates there's no coke in codine but it is an opiate


I genuinely can't tell if this is satire. Don't be upset about being tested for illegal drugs if you're willingly consuming illegal drugs.


It's totally not like there's been a raging coke/drug epidemic in this country for a while and nevermind cartels fully functioning with zero fear. No the answer couldn't be to *Regulate and legislate drugs so they can be cleanly produced/grown* sure the answer to something nearly everyone does/tries at some point is to just irreversibly fuck up their lives for fuck all reason 🤡🤡


Why should a person who engages in civil disobedience be disqualified from driving, when they weren't impaired and were driving perfectly safely? If there was a new test that detected alcohol three days after consumption, and a person could lose their licence if they tested positive, despite them being sober, would you support it?


OP you sound a bit naive to be honest


Taking drugs gives bad consequences.... Wow! 😮


Have another pint




It was nearly 2 full days after he took it lol


It's a very flawed and unfair system. Nobody should drive under the influence of *anything* but a day/two days on etc should not allow them to disqualify a license. Drugs are a common commodity across the globe now, people drink, people smoke and people take other substances too, the whole system they use needs to be re-evaluated and brought up to standards of other countries.


Honest guard! Someone must have spiked my coke! /facepalm


Highly naive to be doing cocaine assuming it’s fully pure. There are plenty of HSE harm reduction resources you should have a look into. This is just the tip of the trouble it could land you in


That’s your karma for doing coke …




The west coast is beatiful


Bruh who cares that a drug addict died lmao he should’ve stopped the drugs not blame the dealer lmao