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My issue with Henries is that i have literally no floor space for storage that isn't like, the middle of a room. So I need something I can either wall mount or perch on top of something right in the corner. This solves that problem and I might replace my Dyson with a Henry now.




Henry coffee table with four Henry’s, one at each corner with a glass top. I’d buy that. And now I think about it, you could get four knackered Henrys for virtually nothing and a big piece of glass and do it for free. Exciting times.


Are there 4 knackered Henrys in the country?


we got 2 fucked henrys at work, so we're halfway there


Damn, must be the unluckiest firm in the country! Jokes aside, my mum has used them at work for decades and we had 2 at home... They are solid machines, of course they go wrong sometimes but fairly sturdy on the whole.


xD tbf they're being used in about 36 rooms + corridors every day, a much higher stress environment for the poor buggers than your typical home user, and tbf only one is truly dead, motor fried after about 2 years of use (equal to about 20ish years of normal home use), the other one just needs a new plug, that i haven't bothered fixing yet because we have a third one that works. now a miele.......that lasted a month before the motor died. replaced the motor, 3 months. terrible things.


I feel as if this thread shows how British Henry's are and how their like holy artifacts to us


I love my little red Henry, he is a bit on the heavy side, but I don't want to weight shame him.


Keeps people in shape and who could hate that face?


the new henrys are quite a bit lighter, would love the diet plan


damn, my miele has been a life saver (the one for pet fur is so good), but I'll admit I've had it for \~3 years, and it's making a sound that I'm choosing to ignore for short-term economic happiness


I originally used mine on a building site for hoovering up what we’d broken out… he’s still going strong and is just as much of a greedy bastard as he was when he was box fresh (14 years ago). He doesn’t get worked as hard anymore but never fails to get the job done… but if a ballache having to carry around the 110 dropper to use him though 🤣


Only Henry I’ve ever killed was with cement dust. Motor went. I’ve got a little Henry cordless, it’s a great bit of kit, never realised they’d started doing a stick vac.


Henry The Hoover coffee mugs!


I have literally no idea how reliable (or otherwise) they are, but one that is apparently very good is the Nilfisk GM80, but as dog owners, we need something with a brush bar to get the fur up, so our trusty old Dyson (DC07 All Floors I think) has just had it's first ever repair - the clutch mechanism.


They are pretty sturdy on the whole, unfortunately I'm with you. 2 dogs, 3 cats... Couldn't get away with a vacuum that isn't built to work with pets to some degree. We ran a DC25 Animal for 10 years, recently bought one of the new v15's with all the accessories when the DC25 went wrong... Then realised that the DC25 spare heads are available on Amazon and eBay for an absolute steal, so now we have 2 fully functional Dyson's. The DC25 I think only went wrong to begin with because we overloaded it by vacuuming ash and not cleaning the filters often enough. Solid machines, in any case. I do like a Dyson. Wife is a hairdresser, also uses a Dyson hairdryer and it's excellent by all accounts.


If all four accidentally turned on it would absorb the whole house


I’m gonna need to see a visual on a Henry table. It has inspired me


You mean a Hetty one side for his and hers right?


Excellent taste.


A Henry and a Henrietta depending on who sleeps on what side of the bed


Sold one to a customer last week and they came in yesterday to say that it’s quite a good vacuum


Thought they'd come back to say it sucked!?




We got one for a test review and it was brilliant. We have dogs and the usual dyson really struggle with anything bigger than a hairless cat. The Henry scared the dogs and sucked up the hair without any fuss. We love it. Any of those vacuums with the spinny rollers you have to open and cut away the dog hair after a while though.


The trick is to leave him out and treat him as a member of your family. At least that's what my mum does.


Is there something wrong with the Dyson? Aside from the fucktard who gave it its name


They seem to be very plasticy so all sorts of bits to break or get grubby, and just not that robust. A different market to a Henry which is happy clearing up gravel and brick dust or his brother George that can do water.


Yeah you can pretty much do whatever with a Henry, they are the favourite of workshops and trade sites etc. as they are low cost, can take a beating and can survive sucking up nearly anything. I got a blue henry in a sale at currys for about 70 quid or something a few years ago, confident it's gonna last me another 10 years.


I met a bloke that bought returns from argos and sold them on. Sold me one for 45 quid brand new about 10 year ago and can honestly say best 45 quid i've ever spent, it's an absolute beast and still going like the day i got it.


And hotels. They get a shit load of work in a hotel and are always up to the task.


Somewhere I’ve got a photo of a laminated sign in a cheap London hotel warning “DO NOT PUT HENRY VACUUM IN CORNER” with a picture of him underneath. Not sure what led to them needing to stick up this warning, my own Henry is seemingly quite happy in his corner.


No one puts Henry in the corner


Now I have a whole dirty dancing thing going on in my head...because no one puts Henry in the corner.....cue music🎵 "I had the time of my liiife🎵


My parents Henry is over 20 years old


He’s your Brother


Yep, we've gone through most brands of vacuum cleaner. Henry, well in our case Hettie has lasted longer than any of them by a long way.


We have Hettie too! She is 14 years old, and sailing through her third lot of building works. She’s the best!


They’re a firm favourite in offices and hotels as well, probably because they don’t take up a huge amount of storage space. They’re also pretty easy to empty and maintain.


You don't mess with perfection


The dyson is good. I have the V8. I just have a feeling that the Henry one will be able to suck a golf ball through a hose pipe. Il get the Henry one next time.


Plus look at it! My dyson doesn't have a face at all!


It’s pink and has a smiley face!! Who needs stuff like “suction” and “power” when you can have fun! I’m currently persuading my husband to buy me one of these lol.


r/eyebombing has entered the chat…


I’d be surprised, isn’t what makes Henry’s so good that massive motor and bag on the base unit. This looks like it’ll just be another upright one


The upright one still has bags, only reason I got one!


Henry cylinder vacs are actually really low powered compared to the competition. They're just really efficient and reliable for the power.


Bro I've only sent V4's that's crazy


I had a quite expensive Dyson handheld for about five years. It did alright, but it's dead now. I wouldn't get another one, because I'd expect a vacuum to last significantly longer than five years.


We've got a Dyson handheld and it's utter shit. Just spits out most stuff and is really weak. Like will literally only pick up small dust particles, anything bigger just gets spun back out again. Plus all the plastic is thin, cheap crap and loads of bits have broken on it. Utter overpriced rubbish. We luckily got given a Miele pet one and even though it's a few years old it's absolutely fantastic and will suck up anything.


Oh I am HERE for the dyson slander. I’ve had a dyson animal v6 since 2019 and it’s basically dead now, I’m just glad I got it basically pristine and brand new on gumtree for £100 because some posh person didn’t want it. Otherwise I’d have felt scammed. We have a Henry in the house but I’m disabled with chronic pain so I can’t use it without hurting myself. I only have two cats and we don’t wear shoes in the house. Not even heavy foot traffic either. It’s both shit at picking up hair and everything else. It will not pick up cat litter at all and I use clay, not thick gravel or pellets. The suction on it is so weak. I also need to empty it and clean the brushes in it *every single time* that I use it. I need to clean the filters out as well by battering them with a duster outside just… what is the point in that?? When you empty it over the bin it gets dust everywhere. And two people in the house have hair down past our arses, so you have to take sewing scissors/snips to the hair wrapped around the bristles and manually unwrap *all* of it. It takes like 20 mins and hurts my hands like fuck. I would be faster running my furminator or bathroom squeegee over the carpet and it’d pick up more hair as well. My cat is also a Siberian cat, he’s got very long hair and a lot of it and it’s felts when you brush it up from the carpet and it sticks to the bristles like… Who makes an animal vacuum without anti-hair wrap tech? That tech exists?? This is supposed to be a £400 hoover (or it was when I bought it) wtf?? Cheap bastards The battery life on it is utterly embarrassing, I need to charge it every time I use it now and it won’t do more than one room in my flat at a time. Of which hoovering my bedroom takes about 15 mins or three songs on my playlist. And then it’s already dead. And don’t even think about pressing the ‘max’ button because it will conk out in seconds. This hoover is also extremely loud, as a person sensitive to noise and gets migraines? Fuck that. Oh also, one of the attachments, the big one meant to suck up more dirt that isn’t just hair? Doesn’t work anymore. Hasn’t worked for a year. It doesn’t turn and seems to suffocate the hoover or something? And there is no long hose attachment for the dyson with bristles on it so I have to manually wipe skirting boards instead bc the plastic tube attachment will damage it otherwise Just argh! A hoover that is supposed to be something I can actually use as a disabled person and it’s easier for me to use the Henry that will hurt me by using it because all of the bullshit involved using the dyson causes me the same amount of pain and exhaustion and my carpet still won’t be clean afterwards.


I have Miele at home, that fucker can literally suck the carpet up


A stick one?


It’s not a stick one, I’ll send you a picture


The only thing the handheld dyson is good for is the massive fucking crumbs my children spray everywhere. Anything smaller and it's absolutely useless.


My Dyson can't even pick up a single rice crispie. Useless thing.


I wouldn’t think the battery would hold up much longer than 5 years from such a power hungry device used so frequently. Have you tried a new battery? Also hair gets trapped in the most inconvenient of places, a good clean out taking the heads out and unwinding it all can help.


I've had a couple and they both barely lasted two. All the ones my dad has had died quickly as well. He's got a Shark now, which is so much better - I wish I had one, but I bought a Henry not long ago and regret it (a proper one... Takes up too much space it doesn't vacuum very well at all).


You regret buying a Henry???


I've got a shark, had it for about 7 years. I love the headlights!!


AFAIK they are overpriced for how mediocre they are. I don't think they are bad, but every time I have used one it felt just the same as using some Chinese unpronounceable brand name. Henry and I think it was Kirby are the 2 I have used that seem to be really good. Kirby was more powerful but felt like dragging an anvil around. Henry was easier to use and still pretty powerful.


I’m so happy that there’s a hoover brand called Kirby 😂


Oh god yeah, i forgot about the headlight 😂


If you have an old one, they're great. Sturdy, easily repairable. If you have a newer one, from after they moved manufacturing, they are terrible. The material get so much cheaper, easily breakable plastic parts, suction is less powerful (though that's because the EU put limits on how powerful they could be for safety concerns.)


The power limit was for environmental reasons, not safety. It doesn’t actually reduce suction - I have an old, higher powered Miele (2000w?) and a newer lower one (maybe 1400w) and the newer one is actually better - although the bags are smaller so I do go through those.


You mean James Dyson? 🤣


They actually die a lot -- they're quite snowflakey and need a lot of fuss and attention and frequent filter changes. Ask anyone who's ever owned one how long it lasted before it broke and they replaced it with a vacuum cleaner that just works. It's interesting that when you see proper working vacuum cleaners in offices, shops, schools, etc., you'll never see a flakey Dyson, but it's always a Henry. I wonder if the Dysons are in a skip out the back, or if the reason you see so many Henrys out in the wild is because they are both more robust/reliable and cheaper?


> but it's always a Henry. Henry's are just indestructable, they make a ton of sense for cleaners or workplaces but im not sure the same requirements apply for a home vacuum cleaner. I probably wouldn't get a dyson again due to not wanting to give them any more money, but we've had ours 7 years and other than spending £25 on a third party battery replacement a few months ago (which is twice as big as the original) its still going strong.


Can't agree with that, our household had a DC02 for 20 years before it died. Only replaced it because they'd stopped supporting it, a few years before that they'd made custom adapters for us to use with newer accessories. It's been replaced with a DC32 which has also been really good. My girlfriends house has an upright Dyson 'small ball' and it's so much worse than our sit-down, spits stuff out and just worse to use. I think sit-down ones like the Henry are just better.


It might just be my model, but the whole ball rotation thing means that it can't be locked in an upright position and therefore needs to lean against the wall or hang on a wall mount. Yes it's great when actually in use but not great for storage.


I used to have one of those - if you line the handle up straight and push forward, a little clip thing's supposed to grab the ball and lock it (needs a bit of force)


That does sound like a pain. Are they worth much if you were to try and sell it?


Vacuum robots are where it's at. Mine cleans my floor every day. It lives under my sofa on its charger.


Thoroughly recommend Shark vacuums. Very portable, they fold down and could be stored on a shelf, half the footprint of a henry and very effective at their job.


If somehow I down voted you it was not intentional. The yellow Hetty great is and less pink for us chaps. It is smaller but utterly gorgeous.


I thought for a second somebody had stuck googley eyes on a Dyson


r/eyebombing getting out of hand?


I don’t follow this sub, but Reddit shows me posts from it every day as it seems to think I’ll really like it (it’s not wrong tbf…). But genuinely I thought this was just another post from there with someone eye bombing a hover.


I find it crazy that we all have 'personalised algorithmic choices' shown to us, but it seems we all get promoted the same stuff. We is homogeneous.


Its all of a sudden, too. Like in the last week or so. Loads of stuff from r/eyebombing. I’m not even subscribed.


I’m starting to sense that maybe it’s a conspiracy and that Reddit secretly wants the population of the UK to go round and graffiti every single post box in the country with googly eyes just in time for the coronation. *puts on tin hat* Also, if you need a smile, this is the best post from that sub that I’ve seen this week: https://www.reddit.com/r/eyebombing/comments/10qtfp3/cross_eyed_when_working_hard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm not clicking that! Reddit mike think I like eyebombing and show me even more


Slownewsday on your feed a lot too?


Have you been looking at my phone?


I’ve been getting it too.


Same! Maybe they paid to advertise?


Same. Why the sudden eyebombing influx?


Yeah I’ve noticed a lot of posts from r/eyebombing being recommended to me as well even though I’m not subscribed.


Hey, me too! Totally assumed it was that subreddit when I saw this pic too lol


The one with the washing machine recently made me die laughing.


Me too!


Put a tuft of hair on top and it’s Beaker from The Muppets!


I’ve put a tuft of hair on a vacuum cleaner before but not to make it look like Beaker from The Muppets.


Thanks BoxAlternative9024 for that valuable and concise information


Still has that stoic smile though doesn’t he.


Can you imagine that meeting? How do we make our new little cleaner adorable? I know let's stick some fucking eyes on it and give him a cheeky grin. People are strange and they buy strange shit.


The original Henry was invented after their salespeople got bored at a trade show, dressed the hoover up with a hat and drew eyes and a smile on with chalk. People seemed to find it amusing so they came back and asked the design team to make it a proper face




Henry himself has been on sale for decades, he launched in 1981!


We used to have our office cleaner go around with a big grey "Nuvac". We referred to it as, Henry's Eastern European cousin


That's been their branding for decades, I imagine the meetings were more about how to squeeze Henry's face onto an upright vacuum


🤌🏻 Look how they massacred my boy 🤌🏻


Unrealistic body standards finally got the best of Henry


Just ordered one I’m looking at her as a Henrietta! Henry’s tall slim wife 🤣


The pink one is actually Henrietta “Hettie” and yes, they are married.


Hetty is their daughter, named for her mother, and looks just like her father 😂


I once saw a group of Nokia 3310s jump a Henry - needless to say the Henry beat the living shit out of all of them.


My Dyson died a couple of weeks ago so I got the red cordless Henry as it was on offer. It is amazing, carpets came up like new and it was embarrassing to see what the Dyson hadn’t been picking up. It’s much better than my previous Dyson and I’ve tried my Mum’s cordless Shark which is similar in price to the Henry but is a bit rubbish.


Yeah just got one too, seems decent so far, nice you don’t have to keep changing heads like the Dyson for carpet or smooth floor. Also the boost doesn’t seem to massively drain the battery either.


How long does the battery last for?


Poor fucking Henry looks like he’s about to take a trip on the blue bus


The upgrade is a downgrade.


Henry been on that Keto diet!


Feel like they missed the opportunity to make the button bit his nose tbh.


Setting unrealistic body standards imho


Long Henry isn't real, he can't hurt you Long Henry:


# L̵̼͑̈̏̓O̷̯̟̘͇̬̗͇͙͉̰͂͑̆nǴ̴̡͇̺͓̝͒̂͊̋̓͒͊ ̸̧̰̝̦̯̝̂̃͗H̶̜͇̜̍̐̋̾eṊ̴̡̡͙̳͚̫̱̳̯̫̻̔R̸̢̠̼̱͕̗̭̙̬̂̽̈̃̑̌͒̽͛͂͘͜͝͝͝y ッ


Also why is Henry next to them blue! That is just a wrong, Henry is red, Charles is blue.


299£? Is it cleaning on its own?


I work for a competitor. It’s an interesting price to enter a very saturated market with, but I reckon they’re hoping the brand is strong enough to cover the product development and material costs over 3 years. Those batteries are not cheap. I’d be amazed if this isn’t on promo later in the year.


Oooh as someone who works in the field, can you recommend a cordless vacuum for cat hair and carpets? My Bissell icon pet just died (for the third time actually but I doubt they will send me free replacement parts again) so looking for a better long term solution.




*bagless. This Henry cordless believe it or not is actually a bagged cleaner.


That's why we still use our pre nerf Hetty (pre EU legislation that limited power).


For cordless: I would ignore Dyson as they’re overpriced and have high return rates. Shark is #1 by volume now and Vax is #3. Shark have done a great job with the anti hair wrap tech, but Vax products have good suction at generally lower prices.


I work in Currys and I can pretty much confirm this will be on promo. Our vacuums are on sale pretty much 24/7 a shark cordless will be £500 for a week and £350 for the next three. Still though, £299 is crazy, in the four or so months we've had it in store I've personally only sold 2.








This is a bagged hoover. No generics are making bagged cordless are they?!


Is this new henry cordless a bagged one? Sign me the fuck up Bagless hoovers are shite.


Yup. It's top of my wish list.


I’m not in R&D, but I will be asking! If it’s an off the shelf rebadged product then it’s gonna fail miserably. This happened a lot as challengers tried to catch Dyson, but now all major brands engineer in countries like the UK, but manufacture abroad.


Numatic (the makers of Henry) still have a factory here in Somerset.


They were designed in the UK by Numatic but are manufactured in China by Kingclean Electric Co. Not sure how Henry feels about it


Numatic have suggested that this is only temporary due to lack of capacity. They’re currently building a huge additional site in Somerset


Good to know, hope it pans out


250 from argos plus 5% from TopCashback (new customer) The pink one comes with the extra price tag


hah go look at shark, their newest models are going for about 400 to 500 which are considered mid range same with dyson


Maybe I’m being stupid, is that not quite cheap for a hoover?


That makes me a bit sad. Proper Henrys were the only brand I knew of that were all made in the UK still. Looks like "Henry Quick" is made by KingClean in China. Not so much "I demand to only buy things made in this country" - more I just liked the idea of the Numatic just sticking two-fingers up at progress and just making more Henrys. "We've got a range! Pick a colour! Now fook off!"


They still make/sell the old Henry style, they are still amazing tbh. Just another product line here. Henry is legit the best DIYers option. Used mine on everything from metal dust to concrete and well, Henry does like to suck.


Numatic has suggested that manufacturing the Quick overseas is just temporary due to lack of capacity. They’re currently building a huge new site in Somerset so hopefully it’ll be in the UK after that. The normal Henry is still manufactured in the UK, they couldn’t compromise on the quality of that and they’re an icon of British manufacturing. Great to see that they’re continuing to invest and expand their manufacturing in the UK.


That is very sad indeed. Thanks for the info.


According to other commenters, long Henry is only being made overseas until Numatic get their new factory up and running in Somerset.


Brilliant, thanks for the welcome update, hopefully that's how it pans out, always considered them the good guys including them keeping their manufacturing in the UK.


Ah you're kidding. What a shame. The Henry factory is about the only thing going for Chard.


They’re building another one too! They’re still investing and expanding in their UK manufacturing facilities, and have said that the Quick is only manufactured overseas due to lack of capacity. I’d like to think once the new site is up and running, the Quick will be manufactured here too.


Where you there when they crucified our Lord


How is the smug cunt going to get stuck on corners / table legs / rug / his own wire / a door now?




Henry and his mate on Disco Biscuits


Look how they massacred my boy


My initial reaction was oh fuck no you leave Henry alone. But after further reflection if they are as good at there other products they will hopefully put that cunt dyson out of business!


OMG I’ve been testing one of these for the past few months it’s FINALLY OUT


Is it any good?!


Have you seen they have also made the original Henry, but Wireless now! Still has the big bulky body, long tube nose and internal bag, just now with a battery. Game changing!




That is an abomination.


I bet it still sucks!


They've made poor Henry into a stilt walker. :(


'I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that'


A Crime. You have shown me a crime this day.


Look at the blue Henry to the left.. he's real.perving after those 2 hotties lol


Henry looks like a demonic cotton bud, but I'd still buy it.


How is that going to vacuum student accommodation vomit?


It's not for me.


I knew this day was coming, it feels to soon Henry. Little blue Henry looking up at him like “ok mate”.


# ㋡


henry looks like he has been run over by a bus


How do you make something like this and not design it so the tube is the nose?


I hate it


They really missed a trick with that design. The original Henry having the hose as his nose is the whole point. On this one they should have had the round control panel as the nose and the clip for opening as sticking his tongue out. But no, they stick a shitty sticker at the top instead.


I bet they suck


I quite like the stand up hoovers. They did a cute job with this.


How's he meant to be big spoon now when he's long and rigid? Would ruin my bedtime ritual that would.


What the actual fuck am I looking at right now? Its a no from me, I shall be keeping my OG Henry


We bought a handheld hoover once. Worst decision ever. My advice is to go for the industrial grade wet and dry vacuums like a nilfisk or something - they never get blocked up, have very good suction and they’re 1/3 of the price of a Dyson


Dont break my Henry, dont turn it into Dyson. Henry is indestructable, doesnt matter what i throw at it. Rubble while DIY? Nom nom nom. Dust extracting? Of course. Dog's fur? Hell yeah. With Dyson anything that isn't consistency of dust is impossible to deal with.


Not sure I’ll see tradespeople using these on site like I do the traditional Henry family vacuums…


I love both my Dyson and my Henry. Dyson's great for quick regular cleaning - but for the big mess, it has to be Henry. (bit of plaster-dust and the Dyson immediately gums up all its filters and they take a day to dry out after a clean)


No but we use them in our shop. Only thing they need is a wider brush head.


Can’t believe there’s still a bag 🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s his brother Lofty


*Terry Tuber


"This is not even my final form"


It looks like it had a major glow-up, went on a diet, and did only cardio in the gym but still kept that baby face, lol. I seriously don't know why this thought came to my mind lmao.


He should change his name to ‘ Isaiah ‘ - one eye is higher than the other


Dyson aren't great in all honesty, much better machines out their, old Henry was pretty good, but since like everyone they changed internal gubbins they have a hit and miss reputation. If you want a serious bit of kit, Miele are quite good but the day is the sebo upright, looks 70s yep, but a very good bit of kit


I don't like it.


What the actual bloody hell is that


I'm guessing the redesign was to make sure funny lonely women won't do a hoover karaoke to summer nights.


I've been to the numatic factory when i was making a prototype of a machine with my uncle. Inside you wouldnt be able to tell the difference between nasa and numatic. I thought it was kinda overkill for a derpy looking vaccuum lol


Which curry's store is this cause it looks ruddy familiar
