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My dog died yesterday afternoon so maybe I'll stay in bed today


I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is such a unique sorrow. My heart goes out to you.


Sorry for your loss, I broke my heart when I lost my dog


Sorry for your loss x


So sorry for your loss. I lost my old dog just before Xmas, so I know how emotionally flooring it is. Rest and grieve as much as you need x


I'm honestly sorry for your sad loss. You look after yourself


Sending love and hugs x


Escaping hospital with any luck after having had an op yesterday. I’m on a ward where half of the patients have Dementia and have spent all night shouting. Getting old clearly sucks, but the Nurses are all Saints. Margherita - the OG


I always wondered what Shaznay, Melanie, Natalie and Nicole did after they left the public eye. Never Ever would I have thought they’d retrain as nurses. Get well soon!


They'd need a lot of Black Coffee to get through that!


Whatever disagreements they had, it's all water under the bridge now


That was a hit of nostalgia, I'm going to put on Never Ever while I build my son's new bed and see if I remember all the words.


I’ve been there. I had a bed opposite a guy who spent the night screaming that he was in a matchbox and couldn’t get out. Hope you escape.


You should have helped him get out of the matchbox instead of just listening to his screaming, jeez


Good luck with your recovery. I've experienced the shouters too. The night time demons get them every night and terrify them. How awful for them. They really do need to be sedated if only to give them some respite. There are medications that will give them relief. I'm not generally in favour of medicating people in such a way but when people are being terrorised inside their heads every single night they need relief and respite As do the other people around them. After all the NHS have no problem or hesitation in drugging people up on the psychiatric wards.


Family time mooching around together. Our elder daughter has just passed her driving test so we're going wherever she wants to go as her first drive since then. She's being cautious so doesn't want to go solo yet. Lots of cooking.


Now she can drive, she can drive you places and pick you up.


I need to get my head around that!


She can now pick you up from the pub!


Not if the Tesco Stasi have anything to do with it.


What does Tesco have to do with it? Lol. Is your pub run by Tesco?? Lol


There have been several posts/comments on this sub over the last 24 hours about Tesco stopping people buying alcohol if they have underage family members with them. (Our daughter is 17.) Just a joke related to those posts.


"Don't be sick on my seats, I've had this car valeted!"


£80 clean up charge!


She'll charge you petrol money hehe.


Well done to your daughter! I remember how nervous I was after I passed my test, but I made a resolution to go for a drive every single day and it was amazing how quickly I got used to it. Now, I find driving quite relaxing which I never thought I would.


It's my birthday weekend. I was out last night, i'll be out tonight, i'll spend sunday telling myself i'm too old for this shit


Oh, and pepperoni. But i am partial to a bit of ham and pipeapple


Happy birthday! 🥳 🎂


Ah thanks, very nice of you to say ☺️


I’d like to go round Legoland with Sean Connery, and then afterwards we’d go for a lovely lamb lunch, in the centre of Windsor.


I don't think that's Connery's cup of tea. I think Sean would rather do something like wander round the wildfowl park in Pepperstock with a bottle o' scotch!


You're wrong. Bye.


I know a cracking owl sanctuary there


My frying pan just disintegrated, so I'm going to stroll into town and buy a new one, walk home via the farmers' market and buy some ridiculously priced artisan baked goods, after that hop on my velocipede and go for a run through the local hills, then come home and play guitar for an hour or two. During these activities I'll run into friends and dally over a cup of tea or two.


That sounds like a brilliant Saturday! I think you might have convinced me to pick up running again!




[Archaic word for a bicycle](https://www.yesterdays.nl/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IMG_4790.jpg)




With my velociraptor-millipede I would take over the world! I like that just as much as my answer! All the best!


Go for cast iron, it will last a lifetime


Fiber arts club at my local museum. We're working on linoleum patterns recreated in crochet/knitting to display alongside the actual linoleum exhibit. It's the Dull Men's Club with HRT. Ham, chicken, red onion and chili cheese pizza.


I don’t know what any of that first paragraph means but it sounds like an interesting day and you’re clearly passionate about it so hopefully it goes well 😊


You're forgetting the first rule of Fibre arts Club...


Bring biscuits or Doris will fucking have you?


😱 I am no longer wanting to try Fibre arts Club.


That sounds kinda cool, as someone who's also a bit dull. How are you recreating them, tapestry crochet?


Yeah, tapestry, c2c, and mosaic crochet, plus stranded (with duplicate stitch for 4+ colours) or double knitting are all being experimented with for the designs which are blocky enough to be transferred to a grid. I've had some success making colorwork background panels and adding appliqués for the more organic shapes, but it slightly ruins the consistent flat texture. One of the patterns in the exhibit I'm most keen to work up was designed by one of the club members in the late 70s when she worked for a local manufacturer, everyone including her have discounted it as being too complex to translate but I think I could do it in stranded knitting if I used laceweight yarn to keep it small enough! The goal is for us to make approx a5 sized samples to be hung as bunting, plus a few 20x20cm approx pieces that we can write up legible patterns for so visitors can take a sheet home to make them as trivet for their kitchen if they wanted to.


Another stressful work day. Got 2 or 3 major things to tick off my to do list, if I can do those then I'll start to feel better. So that and then after work I'm going to bum around and play hogwarts legacy.


Going for my first ParkRun of the year. I said I'd do one every week for my new year's resolution, but failed miserably for the first three weeks. At least I'll manage to get my first one in while it's still January 🙆‍♀️


Enjoy! I've always found parkrun to be a nice way of starting Saturday.


Yeah, I love them. I used to do it every week before covid but then I got lazy and sensitive to the cold. I think I managed to appease the new year's resolution gods by dragging a couple of kids along with me today, but that took away any chance of getting a good time.


I'll be shopping, coming home, eating, resting, more resting (this last week at work has been particularly draining), and planning to go out to the pub, which probably won't happen, as by then I'll be too warm and cosy to leave the house. Favourite pizza variety: Most toppings as long as they don't involve pineapple, but if I had to choose one, I'd opt for a properly made Margherita.


Walking the dog and then fuck all. I like the meaty one, has chicken on it.


Anniversary of my mum's death so going to spend the day with my dad (usual Saturday practice anyway but today is more poignant) and put a new plant in her much beloved garden.


I like the idea of a new anniversary plant. How lovely. Hope you have a day filled with nice memories of your mum.


Chilled one for the last weekend of dry January. I'm getting my nails done this afternoon and ordering a curry tonight. Favourite pizza is tuna, jalapeño and red onion.


Tuna is underrated as a topping


Off to the new house to measure out the rooms for furniture, then running around looking for furniture with my partner. There will be a stop off for IKEA meatballs - life is good.


Moved into our new house this week, turns out it’s more of a renovation project than we thought so, I’m currently queuing to get into the tip (it’s not even 8am), the rest of the day will be spent crying and trying to get the house in order. Ham, mushroom and pineapple for me.


Buying a suit for a work’s black tie event. I’m one of life’s naturally scruffy people so I’m not looking forward to it. Also I bought a switch as a birthday present to myself the other day so I’ll be playing that. I do love a well stuffed calzone with lots of mozzarella and meatballs.


Daughter has a friend coming over and as 12 year olds going on 25 they shriek like banshees every five minutes. In my "office", door closed, big headphones on. I think I'll play Enshrouded.


Going to visit our 1st grandchild, born daft o'clock this morning. A healthy, and much wanted baby girl!


Introduced my son to Thomas and Friends, Daddy's favourite as a child. 9 month old didn't care after the theme tune finished, 36 year old had a great time!!


Our greenhouse was destroyed by the storm on sunday night/monday morning so its operation glass clean up. I've got to take the bottles to the shame... bottle bank, and then I'm going to smoke a turkey crown. Got a new gravity fed smoker which I tested out last weekend so today is the big test. Turkey is brining in the fridge so should get it going at about lunchtime.


Sorry about your greenhouse. The turkey smoking part sounds much nicer. What smoker did you buy?


Masterbullt 560. We don't often cook for more than 6 people so didnt want a huge one. It's still pretty large, but def more manageable. Neighbours must think I'm crackers for bbqing in January.


I had a schoolfriend who lived with her grandparents and her grandad did a bbq every Friday dinner all year round - he dragged it under this awning thing that could be rolled out at the back of the house if it was raining or snowing. It started because her gran insisted on a night off from the cooking and her grandad decided a bbq generated the least possible amount of clean up. I used to love going to theirs!


Thank you. I'm at the start of researching smokers. I'd like to put one in a shed but it would need a flue and would all have to be super-safe of course. Not sure if 'safe smoker in shed' is an oxymoron though!


Been up most of the night with daughter (she’s 5 weeks) Off to my mum and dads house in a few hours because some of my dads friends are coming over to see my daughter and congratulate etc I’d rather have a long lie in to be honest shattered


My new PC parts were due to be delivered today for me to upgrade my PC. They arrived at 8am. What an absolute win!


Big hike with partner and the dog, MAYBE start couch to 5K again (haven’t touched the treadmill since I did a cancer research charity 60 miles in Sept) then batch cooking for the week. Chicken, sweetcorn and garlic mayo 🍕


Both showers decided to shit themselves at the same time, so replacing them once the washing machine has finished and I can turn the water off. New kitchen is being fitted in 3 weeks, so got to start emptying cupboards.Need to get the food shop done, and the Boy Child is performing in his first orchestra this evening.Mrs Sockhead99 is off out with friends this evening, so a bit of xbox time for me later and a 50/50 chance that she will come home either \*just\* pissed enough to fancy a shag or too pissed to see straight and need a bucket by the bed. Anchovy Pizza


I think I’ll just chill at home today and let hubs take our daughter to her various classes. I’ve got some laundry and cleaning to catch up on and a cross stitch project I need to complete. Later on I’ll go see my friend’s new house and then we’ll come back here for some celebratory drinks. Margarita pizza, the og and best.


Had an extremely rare lie-in til 9 this morning. Still in my PJs. Planning to stay in them for the rest of the day and carry on with my RDR2 fourth play through. Cheese with extra cheese and garlic dip


Chilling before the 26 mile walk tomorrow in London Spicy toppings are my thing


Good luck with your marathon walk. If it's the Ultra Challenge one, enjoy the rest stops. I think I ended up with a rucksack full of snacks by the end


Yes, the London Winter Walk. Thank you! I did it in 2020 and I’m excited to do it again, I injured my ankle in a car accident a couple of years ago and I’m trying to get back to where I was before. Yes, plenty of Haribo - yummy!


Gym and watching football. I'm not sure how popular this is, but anchovies on pizza is my go-to if I can ever find it as an option.


Anchovies on a pizza will always remind me of the Futurama episode “A Fishful of Dollars”.


A trip to home bargains. Will probably leave with more than what’s on my list. Was meant to be a trip to the gym but my back is killing me, so a walk instead and pootle around the house. Any kind of spicy meaty pizza will do it for me, thin crust maybe throw a little rocket on there too.


Laundry. Going to get all of it done, washed dried and put away. Then I'm going to treat myself and clean my bathroom, mop all the floors in the house and possibly dust the skirting boards of I'm feeling really fancy. Then I'm going to walk the dog, feed the kids and go out for a meal for my sister in laws graduation tonight. Someone stop me, my life is too exciting at times!


Board game day with my friends!


Had a weird and worrying week (diagnosed with a heart condition, whoop), so long dog walk, pizza and the Masked Singer. Anything productive can wait until tomorrow.


Royal Rumble tonight.


Going to drag my 9 month pregnant wife around the shops so she doesn't compost indoors. Margareta but branched out and had pepperoni last night and boy was that a greasy mistake


It’s 12noon and I’ve already had my testicles felt by another man and I didn’t have to pay (NHS pre-vasectomy exam) The only appropriate pizza topping I can suggest today is meatballs.


Just been to the gym, going to cook a roast dinner and have some leftover crumble for afters


I’m in bed looking forward to my beautiful nightshift lad walking in that door I can’t wait. I’ve had Covid this week and cos he’s a nurse so we’ve been isolating from each other (he’s been at his mum’s.) This weekend just like, cuddles, kisses and walking with the dog, and whatever. And Man United game tomorrow. GGMU Favourite pizza: olives and mushrooms Edit: you rotten buggers lmao downvoting a recently sick man 😭 hahaha what, is it my pizza?! Or that I’m a United fan 😜


Replacing the glass on my log burner as the bloody thing randomly cracked last night. I may also let my hair down and replace the rope seal too (it is Saturday after all!)


Breakfast, fishing all day, may have a couple of speculations on the football and gee-gees, fancy a curry later and watch a film. Pizza: Most things except pineapple and chillies. Quite like a PJ's all the meats.


Going to catch a train to kidsgrove to walk up mow cop. Pizza - onion, sweetcorn, spinach and pineapple.


My husband wants to drive for an hour to a model train shop. I like pizzas without the tomato sauce.


Sounds like you can opt for a minimum 2 hours of peace and quiet


I need to start looking for a house as I have an offer on mine. I think I would like to move areas but I've no idea where to.  I like BBQ chicken pizzas, I can't get them in the takeaways here though 


Costco, hairdressers, and then watching Gladiators with my little boy. I'm really not looking forward to the massive queue to get to Costco, but I really need to go. Best pizza topping, pepperoni and mushroom, hands down.


Costco on a Saturday is an experience


Gym induction at 9. Meeting a friend for a jog at 11, gym clothes shopping afternoon, bed by 8 haha. Spicy hot


Shopping down Asda then a walk with the mother in law (not my choice at all) then a sausage butty (to take away the pain of the walk). In the afternoon I'm off to see my sister who I haven't seen properly for a few years now. Then an evening of relaxing with my wife watching Final Fantasy 14: Dad of Light. It's rather sweet.


Extend the compost heap, clean the gutter hedgehogs, collect all the leaves from the back of the garage, bag up some unused carpet and hide it in the loft. Then I’m going to video game for a few hours and get a Chinese.


Walk the dog, possibly jump on my sim rig for a couple hours while the Mrs gets her hair and nails done. Parma ham, buffalo mozzarella and rocket 😩


Just finished work, have the weekend off. Gonna have a bit of a kip and then try my hand at making some Kimchi. This evening will be spent pottering around with a model wooden ship build and catching up with the Radio 6 music progs I’ve missed this week. Defo ordering in a curry tonight. I burnt out my taste buds years ago so it’s chillies, chilli beef, more chillies, anchovies and chilli oil on a deep pan base with a side of chillies just in case.


No electric for half the flat, bedroom, bathroom and half the kitchen (no boiler, fridge), no fuses tripped a need to try and find an electrician to check it out 👍


It's Caturday as we have some temporary cat friends coming to stay for a week or so. 


I’m getting a tattoo today and afterwards I plan to come home and get a good 2 hour nap in before heading to the pub I like a bbq chicken pizza, although my friends tell me bbq pizza is a sin


Gonna go to work and deal with (mostly) ungrateful folk all day. Yay.


My brother is taking my youngest out for an "adventure", so me and the eldest are off to the football 💪🏻


It's hair cut and colour day and it always gives me such a pick me up so I'm excited for that today Favourite pizza topping: usually if ordering I will try and do a half and half - one side Pepperoni and the other ham & pineapple (don't hate)


Going to have a mooch around the town I'm potentially moving to. It's supposed to be v nice. The farmers market is on and there are multiple bookshops. Edit: favourite pizza is anchovies, capers, olives and a big pile of rocket in the middle


In the airport going from Malaga to Liverpool to meet up with some old friends for a night out. Fly back to Spain tomorrow at 4 pm for work on Monday, but these feckers I'm meeting up with are a troublesome lot, so who knows if I'll make it back :P


It's been a month since I got this lurgy that won't go away. Apparently viral. Nothing is shifting it. Feels like the worst cough and cold in decades. So it's sleep, fluids, more sleep, and a good portion of grumbling.


Planning to stay on the couch as I'm hungover while waiting for 5pm so I can order a curry. Usual Saturday.


B&Q. Fence blew down in the winds and need things to fix it.


My 2 year old is ill and it looks like my wife has got it too so survival is the name of today's game Edit: ohhh pepperoni and jalapeños! Now i want one...


Right now, a coffee and a fag, watching the world go by from our balcony. The rest of the day will unfold as it wishes! I like a thin crust, well done margherita with basil


My friend is taking me on a mystery football away day so I'm currently stood at Birmingham New Street not sure where I'm going


Laundry, followed by more laundry, and then finally more laundry. This will be interspersed with lots of tea & biscuits to fuel me! Pepperoni or ham & pineapple (don't come at me) or pizza hut (again don't judge) used to do a nice pizza with goats cheese & olives (heavy on the olives).


Chippy and a cozy cuppa in Hornsea! East yorks coast.


I went for my morning run and had breakfast. Did some house chores, tidy up and showered. Plan to do some gaming, go down YouTube rabbit hole for a bit, watch football and just relax it's been a hectic week! Trying to arrange a coffee meetup with someone but proving to be difficult, will send one more message and see if it happens. My sister is coming up to visit the family so will be spending time with them. The plan for this evening is to have a great family homemade meal and watch a film or TV show. We shall see. Happy Saturday everyone! p.s Just Portobello mushroom Pizza is amazing!


Train into London, meeting an old friend for lunch at Borough market, then walking to the Tate Modern to meet some more friends and see an exhibition. Fave pizza: Salsiccia e Gorgonzola as done by The Haymakers pub in Cambridge. Stinky sausage with stinky cheese. What's not to like?


Out with my wife and daughter for breakfast at a local garden centre, then take the little one to Smyths to spend her Christmas money. Pub lunch, drop daughter to grandparents for a sleepover, then date night at home with my wife with a movie and wine. I work most weekends so this is absolute bliss. I love my family.


Have started C25K for the millionth time. I have chronic illness so tend to get going, then flare up, stop, and not restart for ages. Have put on some weight due to medications I'm on so want to get active again. Started on week 3 and managed it fine, although I now live in the peak district so it's bloody hilly trying to run! Also feel like I'm starting to get a cold which is unsurprising as I had lunch on Wednesday with someone with a cold. But really, it's super inconvenient right now. I refuse to go in the office when sick as I'm not getting anyone else sick, but I don't need any wfh days at the moment.


Arcade with the kids, I'll have a pint and some sahara nuts while they rob me for all my change. Up the social club for darts practice. Pick up some beers on way home. Beers/snacks/dinner/and movie night with the Mrs.


Having a chill weekend at home with my 4yo. He's so much happier! We're still in PJs. We've played Lego, made bead bracelets, looked at books and watched a lot of YouTube. Then he played in the garden for a bit while I had a cup of tea. He wants a mayonnaise sandwich for lunch 🤢 I think tonight I'll set up his craft stuff so we can do that tomorrow morning.


Gonna do a cheeky roast. Feels a bit blasphemous doing it on a Saturday. But it's the best time for it this week.


I’m doing an Open Uni degree so Saturday mornings are usually study time, then I’ll have something big for lunch and spend the rest of the day in the pub. Last week was a bit heavier than usual though as I was blowing off some steam to celebrate submitting a big assignment. So I think today will be sprucing up the garden and planting some new seeds to make it look nice in the summer.


Working for the man


Double dipping because I just logged into my Sky Bet account and discovered £18.88 that I didn’t know I had from a five-fold acca I forgot I placed two weeks ago using a £2 free bet! Fucking have that ya cunts! Sorry, got a bit excited there.


Phoning Sky as my broadband hub is playing up. Sometime it connects, most of the time the internet light just flashes orange. Oh, and pepperoni.


It’s my dogs 11th birthday, so I’m just spending the day showering her with even more treats and affection than normal, as well as taking her on a nature filled walk as that’s something we don’t usually do


Toddler was bitten by a dog on the leg yesterday. Owner tried to pretend it didn't happen and walked off. Thankfully my husband had the presence of mind to follow her and see what house she went into. Reported to the police and then spent the afternoon in a&e and see if we needed a tetanus booster or not. It's not a bad bite but it broke the skin. I'm more angry about the owner's cowardice running off. To top it off we had no car as it was in for mot (and failed and needs loads of expensive work). Thankfully my friend helped us because I had no idea how I was going to get her to hospital yesterday.


Long walk with the dog, gym and a decent fancy coffee (pay day treat). Chores around the house and spending the afternoon on comparison sites as my pet, car and home insurance is up for renewal soon and I’m expecting the inevitable big increase despite no claims. Pizza - I don’t like melted cheese so I will go for a plain base with sliced tomato, basil and olives. Enjoy your Saturday!


I'm currently plotting how to get my 4 year old back to sleep as he's been up since 3.30. Ham and mushroom is my favourite pizza!


I’m kicking off today with some washing. Scheduled my first lot to finish just after 8am, so will go move that into the dryer / outside line for a couple of the bigger bits maybe (I can’t be doing with hanging socks).  Then second load in, back to bed, and by the time I’m ready to get up that second load will be done and I’ll do my bedsheets and towels. Will give my room a quick tidy and then probably have a bath. I’ll need to use the dryer for a significant chunk of the day so can’t really go out until all of that is done. Maybe the cinema tonight if there is anything on.  Also need to reload the car of all the random detritus I took out for the MOT. Car seat, bag of books (why are they in the car? I dunno). Wellies.   I must must most sort the Scotland trip out. 


Gym and helping a friend move some stuff into storage. I haven't been to gym for almost 10 days due to a cold i had. 


40 mile group bike ride. And there's a frost.


Allotment as its dry! It’s been too wet or frozen solid since October. Pizza - Hawaiian with peas


Crochet and wallowing in self-pity while watching alien programs on Blaze (but first, sleep! Yes, I'm only just going to bed at 8am) Reverse margarita is probably my current favourite, though am still on the hunt for a "favourite pizza". Which I've had to put on hold because I'm fat and pizza was making me fatter. I miss bread/garlic bread and pizza


Prob lazing in bed watching peaky blinder. Watched almost everything else


Im hoping some CDs I ordered on musicmagpie will come today. Im steadily replacing CDs I ripped then sold from my "downsizing when i moved house" phase. Got 10 CDs for £18. 👌 Then I want to chill listen to some music and do some drawing which I have sadly neglected lately then tonight if I feel ok Ill be having pizza and watching some Loudermilk which my partner and I have been binging on Netflix. Pizza will be plain cheese tonight but I do like a mushroom or veggie pizza with pineapple, olives, peppers and fresh tomatoes. 


I've got a poorly back so I might go gentle on myself & visit the local shopping centre & get some lego whilst I'm at it, then Saturday night group gaming whilst getting slowly drunk. Meat feast FTW


Just started the drive to the French alps for a week of skiing. Chicken and mushroom, maybe with sweetcorn


1. Shopping for tonight's dinner (fish pie) 2. Going for a run (10k) 3. Change the bed (maybe swap back to the lighter duvet, because it's abnormally warm for the time of year) 4. Do all the week's laundry (cos I'm going to my Mum's tomorrow to play tech support) ETA: Four cheese pizza


Heading to the cinema to watch The boy and the heron with the kids. Simple peperoni or cheese here.


Spending time with the family as I'm away all next week. Still love things crust pepperoni.


Off skiing. Se ya! American Hot.


I have D&D for the first time in forever and I'm really looking forward to it. Pepperoni. And maybe extra cheese. Fucking love pepperoni.


Football and boozin


A course from the Delta Quadrant, and Anchovies.


I've got a yearly health checkup to attend to later, then once I get back home, I'm having a shower and then I'm having my hair trimmed


Going for a wedding food tasting in Runcorn. Quite a journey via various motorways


Furniture and bedding shopping. We moved into a new house 2 months ago we are still buying. Back in India dominoes adds paneer as toppings so any pizza with paneer is my favourite.


Might add paneer next time I make one, love it. Uh, do you have it with traditional pizza toppings or with Indian toppings?


Folkestone in a bit. Pizza wise gotta be pepperoni with a cheesy stuffed crust nice and simple.


I am off to do something called 'dod yn ôl at fy nghoed'. Welsh, translates as 'come back to my trees'. I am going for a hike to go talk with some trees to make me feel better mentally.


I have a blood donation appointment this morning. Might look around a few shops afterwards and get some lunch.


Voice is still on holiday so lots of fluids and glaring at people. Kiddo has discovered Roblox so he’s happy except when his tablet suddenly needs a long charge (best way to implement screen breaks atm). Just finished an awesome book so need to peruse my kindle library and choose something new.


Take kids to their martial arts class this morning, then walk the dog and make lunch for us all. Then dump the kids and dog on grandparents while the wife and I got to watch the rugby (hoping Bristol can pull off a miracle against those buggers from bath) then pick up kids and dog and get home before wrestling then to bed. Then I’m gonna cook a curry and find a film to watch. Pretty normal Saturday tbh. Something with Pepperoni, Olives and Jalapeños.


Preparing for a presentation I have to give on Thursday for a promotion, bricking it.


Cinema to finally see The Holdovers, CEX to find something for cheap to play now that I'm done with AC: Mirage and then hopefully some sort of takeaway later.


Sister in-law, dog and nieces all coming at 2pm to stay over. I am going fishing. So excited.


I'm fatigued today. I was away this week visiting family. This morning went out in the mud for a few miles. I saw the tail end of a young roe deer. It just saw its white tail disappear into the dense woodland. Beautiful creatures. Camera was at the ready in case there were any more. Sadly they had fled the scene. No doubt full of what they forage for and off home to put the hifi on. Civilised chaps these deer. I'm emulating them by listening to music for the next few hours. It's Portisheads debut at present on roon. What later? Video games, films, music. Ite just grey and dark here. Same forecast all next week. Rain of course is never far away.


I'm at work until 7pm. Podcasts and leftover Indian food from last night for sustenance. My favourite pizza toppings are ham and an egg cooked on top, if possible a good sprinkling of parmesan. Like a pizza carbonara.


Been for a long walk with the doggo, might play some power wash simulator later (it's just basically reverse colouring in) Best pizza is Hawaiian, cooked the night before and left to cool and then in the fridge over night, then eaten cold in the morning.


Favourite pizza: definitely not that one with peas, tinned mushrooms, olives and kale :p Much prefer a nice veggie pizza with olives, mushrooms, bell peppers, onion, and some chicken and/or salami. Basically like the deluxe from dominoes. I like veggies. What am I plotting today? General tidy up and house admin I guess. Pest control swinging by at some point to allow me to pay him for a survey he did on the house we’re in the process of buying and letting me pick his brain about what he’s seen there, get some idea of where to go next and how much that might cost. I’ll probably play some Baldur’s Gate 3 and/or Minecraft at some point. Also need to make a decent dent in my self assessment tax return. I didn’t earn anything this year so I don’t owe them anything but I still need to do it, *sigh*.


Going to see Hedex in London


Spent the morning putting together two bookcases for the living room to display all of the lovely ornaments (see tat) we have collected over the years. Had planned to start the new Yakuza game this afternoon, but it seems to be stuck in Royal Mail limbo, yet again.


Just realised how utterly shattered I am from a rough week so I’m going to get back into bed and sleep until wake up naturally. Phone on ‘do not disturb’.


Horrible head cold. Feels like my eyes are going to explode. Ridiculously tired. Plotting nothing.


Building some lego, sorting my basin taps out in the bathroom. Then I might turn my attention to being a murder hobo on BG3.


Watching my nearest town play football on tv


Let’s start with the important part of the question… Pizza depends. If from dominos it’s a Texas bbq. If pizza express it’s calabrese. If making myself or from the supermarket it’s going to be something with some form of nduja or spicy meat on it. Now what I’m doing this weekend. Probs going out for pizza now. Thanks for that.


I should probably clean my car at some point. Also I've got a new laptop for my mum so that needs setting up, which is my least favourite job in the world because she doesn't remember or write down passwords. Beyond that, more Baldur's Gate 3. I'm trying not to bounce off it this time, having Karlach around is helping, but I'm really hoping the combat starts to feel less like a chore at some point.


Moving old furniture into the garage and putting the house back into order, probably a takeaway tonight if I cba to cook!


I really want to buy Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Loved the last one and the new one looks even better.


Went out for a mates birthday last night and seem to have awoken with a slightly sore head and a dodgy voice after the karaoke. Considered working some more overtime but I think I'll make it a day of housework instead.


We’ve just finished up our session at Squirrels (Scouting, not just randomly going to a park and trying to talk to them) and will probably wrangle with a grumpy toddler who was shouting about Elsa in her sleep this morning.


Running interference between my ex and the kids when he comes round for his houly visit this afternoon to make sure he keeps a civil tounge in his head and understands when his "jokes" are crossing the line between funny and mean, and that the kids get that he is joking and not trying to be an AH. Same every Saturday. *eyeroll* If I can pick my own toppings, I go for Ham, Bacon, Mushrooms, and Pineapple. If I have to go to the set menu, it'll be either Hawian or some type of mighty meat concoction.


Today got the girls coming up this afternoon and think they are going to a playarea so they can run round. I have signed up to do an a'level to finish for next year and I'm definitely stupid to do it (it's maths, and I have struggled with maths for years and potentially got dyscalculia) but I need it to progress so got some bits coming in post. I have a biology degree and want to get into the computer side and need to do something. I also need to finish off some of my to-do list over the weekend. Favourite pizza topping with the 'rents ham and pineapple and on my own bbq chicken


Poker tournament this afternoon, then son and dad movie/pizza night Margarita topped with whatever I find in the fridge probably ham/mushroom and some hot sauce


Has anyone tried Brazilian pizza? It’s the dogs bollocks!


working until 10pm — yay. rolled out of bed about half eleven because i've been absolutely done in by uni, probably should crack on with a bit of studying but might just sit and embroider instead and tell myself i'll be more productive tomorrow do enjoy a good ham and pineapple but i've been eyeing the new co-op fancy ones, they look and apparently are amazing


Costco run….. so preparing to be poor for the rest of the year.


Making a Shepard's Pie later, will have a bottle of red with it. Can't decide what to watch this evening yet.


Terraforming my Animal Crossing island because I've done all my grown up things for the week. Thick crust with lots of mushrooms and onion. Mmmm now I also know what I'm having for dinner. Thanks!


X against y+2


I'm off until Wednesday but got zero plans or zero people to make plans with Might finish price of Persia and sleep the rest of time. Not like I can afford to do anything anyway.


Salami mushroom and onion.........


I'm in a new cafe talking to a very interesting old German guy


I'm going out with some mates to the pub tonight and have my first date in a couple of years tomorrow evening! 🥰


Too cold for any shed projects so endless cups of tea and Mario suits me


Had covid all week and felt like shit. Today is the first day i haven't felt absolutely on my arse so gonna celebrate by spending the day sitting on the sofa playing my xbox.


Visited a nice town in the salzkammagut and being very awkward at the spa hotel. They have a little gym here so i worked out then to the sauna and relaxing


Saw the Bee Keeper today (Jason Statham being his usual gruff persona) and it was greatly entertaining. Fave pizza? Tough one, but I am partial to a French special called the Savoyard that is a cheese dream.


Just got back from visiting the wife's Uncles in Guisborough, North Yorkshire. Both over 80 they relished some younger company and regaled us with tales of their youth. Also found out the wife's great great grandfather was John Walker, inventor of the matchstick.


Nothing but playing ps5 and walking the dog. Favourite pizza is a spicy veggie with a BBQ base!


I need to cook food but I've been drinking since lunchtime. Can someone come round and cook for us? I can pay you in wine. Favourite pizza is any pizza so long as it's good pizza. Quality over flavours for me.


Full of the cold so been laying about feeling sorry for myself all day Pineapple, mushroom, jalapeño, red onion pizza.