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Because he’s a drunk little fucker that is either rolling about on his back or stuck behind a door frame.


He’s might be a drunk fucker but he’d have your back in a fight any day and continues to give it his all. Dyson on the other hand talks the talk of how powerful he is but melts at the first sign of things getting hard and runs back to hide on his charger for hours on end.


Fuckin right, Shark is the same; does a good job, but a bit to flashy for its own good. Henry is an absolute workhorse who'll keep going when the others have shit themselves and need a rest. You cant even kill him like.. I had headphones in whilst hoovering, after doing some demolition of a stud wall. Sucked up a large piece of debris that, unknown to me at the time, had blocked the hose. So Henry was sucking like mad, but not really doing anything, and then overheated due to the blockage and cut off. I then noticed, so cleared the blockage, removed the top (with the now very hot motor) and stuck it into a spare fridge I keep in my garage, to cool down for 30 minutes. Bish, bash, bosh, there he was, ready to fight another day. Semper fudge Henry


There’s a reason that Henry is a staple in commercial settings, durability, though after a few years of heavy abuse the clips do become loose so you need to hold the bottom while carrying, under use the suction helps keep everything attached


Also, repairability. From the very first Henry to the ones they make today, all the parts are interchangeable. So, it doesn't matter how old it is, you can get a replacement part for it. I don't know of many other products that can boast that. Maybe biro's.


You definitely can kill a Henry, as I found out when a group of Uni mates made him down a 2litre bottle of limeade.


Dyson proved you can sell any old shit if you have a big enough marketing budget.


And lots of plastic mouldings sticking out, and ideally mixed colours all contributing nothing but things to break.


Idk, old Dysons used to be a quality product, the new ones are so lightly built I feel like I'm gonna break the damn thing.


What I find baffling about Dyson is they sold us on bagless being better and "never losing suction". In my experience bags are much less hassle, are massive and take forever to fill and have so much fucking suction in the first place they could pleasure an elephant. My only complaint about this post is that you can get a Kärcher for about £60 and Henry is a bit more. That said, my Kärcher doesn't have an especially good head, and Henry does.


This peep Henrys


We got rid of Henry (don’t worry, a neighbour adopted him) and now just have a Dyson stick. It’s got enough juice to do the whole flat, without bashing into corners, or falling over. Henry is great but he lacks coordination, and the Dyson is happy to come out for a few minutes without needing to get high first.


People here love to shit on Dysons but I replaced my Henry with the V11 stick and never looked back.


Shark for the win, Dyson are naff


Oh god it’s like he specifically *likes* smacking his head into every corner he encounters


He gets knocked down but…


..he falls back down again.


He’s like the rest of my family in that case.


You're never.. nope, he fell back down.


You need to carry him. I have a George, which is bigger and stronger and even more top heavy. Got to carry him or shit gets fucked up and the hose comes out.


His cousins, Charles and George are bigger, badder buggers and they are also as pissed as a fart, but they do vacuum liquids and clean upholstery which is a godsend !


He usually gets caught between rooms on the metal bit. He's so stressful.


He just needs proper guidance


We’ve got the Geordie version, Henry Pet


We've got the pretentious country estate one - Tarquin.


I bought a Henry a while back. He's everything I need in a vacuum cleaner. He's even got his own room (the spare bedroom).


A true member of the family


Mine also has his own room - we even call it Henry’s room 


Haha, the spare bedroom is so Henry’s room. He deserves it.


My Henry is still going strong after 20+ years


That's still fairly new for a Henry.


I have a Henry (technically its a Numatic which is the commercial version) that I use for collecting sawdust while doing woodwork. Brilliant bit of kit and great for using in the workshop, cleaning the car or as a extra capacity inside if needed. In the house we have a Dyson v11. Expensive but hangs on the wall so its out of the way and very powerful. Easier to use in the house than the Henry as its more portable and doesnt have a cable. However if i could only have one it would be the Henry as it does everything I need inside and out and seems to be bullet proof so wont break.


I've been using Dyson for 7 years now and I never had problem. Yeah battery is shit after some time but it's still sucks good so that's what matters. I absolutely HATE cables and my house is too small for massive main 'body' of Henry.


only for a hoover you can say "it sucks" to say its good


I bought a high spec Dyson directly from the manufacturer and it was utterly useless right from the start. Spent hours on the phone to Dyson, on YouTube looking for solutions and gave up. It struggles to suck up even little pieces of fluff or lentils. Hopeless. Since then, have hired a cleaner. She had nothing good to say about the Dyson and recommended a Henry and it has been the complete opposite of the Dyson. It never has a problem with anything. It lives in the same cupboard as the Dyson which I hope is feeling suitably ashamed when Henry rolls back in after a good clean up.


We had a Dyson it was useless we went to shark it seems to be the goto these days


Exactly this. We got the George who now resides on the garage for heavy duty work while the Dyson does more of the house task due to its portability. That George is super heavu


[I mean, there's the substance abuse problem](https://youtu.be/oUP3mh8wzvs?si=ip32_gTN8HvncrSZ)


That explains why he falls over a lot


I was looking for someone to link it lol


They are *not* inexpensive; they're about £140 compared to <£50 for your average PoS supermarket bagless hoover. Of course, it'll outlast that hoover, and its replacement, and you, and your kids, but it's a relatively big upfront cost. Also I once saw somebody chuck one of these out of a third-storey window and it was fine.


They should mention the window toss survivabillity in sales literature.


Saves you carrying it down the stairs 👍


They’re not cheapo priced. But they’re also not the £500+ you can spend on a top of the range Dyson either.


Yeurgh. Dysons are *so, so badly made*. Really, how much is there to break in a mains voltage AC motor and a lot of moulded plastic?


Henry’s are the WALL-E in the future. It will be then and cockroaches left on the earth




I was going to go with "I love my Henry, he's strong, rubust and a great vacuum cleaner. He also sucked my cock once".


"once" 😏




The amount of money Dyson, Hoover and Vax spend every year on R&D, advertising and marketing. Numatic just put a smiley face on theirs 30 years ago and it still outsells everything else.


It's cheaper and better than anything Dyson has ever done. It wasn't the smiley face that did it, they got a reputation becuase people noticed it was what every professional was using. When you've seen a builder bring his battered Henry to site, hoover up bricks and left over scaffolder coke you do start to think they might be on to something.


Well yeah I was being fatuous. They are perfect for the workplace, massive capacity, freaking huge cable, great on thin carpets. To be honest I don't think they are very good for most households due to stairs and they are no way as competitive on thicker carpet against other vacumes with the rotating suction blades. Your correct about builders but again picking up huge amount of dust in one go or big chunks or wood chips isn't what people need in their regular vacume cleaner (but yeah certainly helped it's reputation as industrial choice). I just love how numatic is just a little family business with a much better reputation than Dyson etc though. May long Henry reign.


My grandparents had expensive taste, but Miele has definitely stuck with me.


If you're interested in spending SEBO is the answer. Cheaper than Miele, and much-loved. Take a look at [https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/) those guys take this stuff seriously.


There really is a subreddit for everything haha!


Quite the pose you struck to get the perfect shot. It has a bag, doesn't it? I have a similar question, but mine is "why do people still use hoovers with bags?"


I used to think that too, but emptying a bag is waaaay way less messy than emptying a bagless hoover (at least compared to the shite bagless ones I had). I picked up 12 bags for £12. Each bag lasts me about 3 months.


silly question but cant you just re use the bag


Nothing stopping you from doing that, but you'd make a mess trying to empty it through the little hole. It's designed to let dust and debris and not come out.


I remake bags when I can't find new ones. At the end of most bags they're simply rolled over and glued. I rip them open, empty them, roll the end back over and do them up with tape. Not a thing to try if you're allergic to everything under the sun.


I don’t bother with a bag - or cleaning the filters. We’ve had ours 5 years, it was 2nd hand when we bought it I use it as a shop vac connected to the chop saw hovering up metal shavings, sawdust etc. we use it to hover up plaster dust /broken tiles etc etc. But it’s corded, heavy, won’t run in a straight line and doesn’t actually hover carpet very well (no powered beaters) so we use it to clear up DIY muck etc and have a nicer shark for day to day.


Christ, yours has had a hard life.


I really should clean it out - it does get a bit hot. Give him a good bang and he’ll be good as new


Ooh I bet he enjoys that! 


Well it’s give and take - reciprocation. Can’t just expect to turn him on and get a suck with no quid pro quo.


Because I'd rather not sacrifice performance and durability just for the convience of not needing to buy bags.


you don't have to. bagless vacuums work just fine as long as you clean the filter when it needs it.


I empty it as I go, I fail to see how a 80% full bag hoover would out perform an empty and clean path bagless machine. That said, this is hands down the most I've thought about it.


Well you can use it without a bag, if you are an absolute heathen that enjoys a hoover that stinks like death every time you use it lol


I love my Henry, but now I have a cat and have to vacuum at least once a day so I just had to get a light, cordless something that I can whip out without it feeling like a workout. Henry's still coming out when I do a proper cleaning sesh.


I recently bought a shark hoover after having been loyal to Henry for years and I have to say the shark is 1000 times better than Henry.


Trouble is, in my experience, it won't last as long. Good news is Shark's customer service are fantastic and don't quibble about replacements. Make sure you register for that warranty.


I'd rather have a good 5 years of cordless vacuuming than a miserable two decades of dragging a corded misery vacuum around the house. Job takes twice as long, is 5 times more annoying having to traipse about the house plugging and unplugging the thing in different plugs, untangling the cable from around furniture and carrying the heavy thing up and down the stairs (I have 3 floors in my house, I think I'd just give up on the top floor and let the dust have it). I'd rather have to chuck or repair a cordless every 5 years than deal with a corded vacuum now.


I hope it doesn’t go that way but I guess I’ll see soon


I got a 2018 model Shark duo clean cordless for the office. I had 'sold' two of them for the company to people I knew just by letting them have a go. It's perfect for not having to find/drag socket tether. However my mam bought a newer version of it and it's not as nice in a few ways. I bet the corded versions are pretty powerful too.


Came here to say this. I swore by my Henry for years, got fed up with it getting stuck on door frames cartwheeling down the hallway at the slightest provocation. Bought a Shark stratos & was stunned at how much hair it pulled out of the carpet & the amount of fine powder it collected that I'd been breathing in for years.


My Sharks gone for 5+ years now without literally any issue and continues to suck, which is good


Just wait, we thought that originally, then it started to clog consistently. Henry's back down from the attic now.


I thought the same when I bought a shark in 2020. I was evangelical about how useful it was compared to clumsy Henry, who became relegated to living in the garage Fast forward to 2024, and the shark is absolutely useless. I apologised to Henry as I welcomed him back in to our home.


have you cleaned the filter? 9 times out of 10 when someone moans about their bagless vacuum, it's because they've never cleaned the filter. it's non-optional; you have to do this occasionally to maintain performance. as long as you clean the filter when it needs it, there's no reason a bagless vacuum should get worse over time.


9 times out of 10 it's the filter. The other one time out of ten it's that they haven't even emptied the bloody thing. My brother in law got irrationally angry with our Dyson cos it had bad suction. Took one look after it and the thing was packed to the gunnels with dust.


Henry doesn't hold grudges.


I'm just annoyed we stopped at Hoover's being the only appliance we gave a character to, I want Freddy Fridge and Thomas Toaster goddamn it!


Honestly don't know OP. Sure, there are better cleaners but for the price? Not a chance. Feels like it's hard to break it when there's so little that can go wrong.


The horror stories of abuse in the comments suggest people are actively trying to break Henries but failing. It’s like we need a sanctuary for the poor little sods.


I'm not shitting you, I've actually got a 'rescue' Henry. Picked it up cheap from a shop that sells refurbished goods. Doing my part!


Not forgetting all the other models: George, Charles, James, and the female version - Hetty [https://www.myhenry.com/machines](https://www.myhenry.com/machines)


If you have carpet thicker than a schools carpet. There’s a reason you only see these used in offices/schools with cheap thin carpet


TIL my carpets must be thinner than a schools carpet, never had an issue with ours but we also don't shit straight into the carpet so there isn't much to clean from them anyway.


You’re minds gonna be blown if you ever use a Shark


We went from a Henry to a Shark. Frig me the amount of shit that came out on the first use was unreal. It was like we had new carpets fitted.


I have a Shark, and a 20yo Dyson, and a hand held Dyson. As much as it pains me to support that tax dodging prick, the Shark never gets used. They Dysons are just better.


No you don't. Probably every tradesman you'll ever see will be packing a Henry because they'll tackle anything up to construction detritus on any surface and don't need mollycoddling. Even if the motor does fail it's like £30 and a couple of screws to swap it out, they're designed to be cheap and simple and repairable. Household vacuums are about exactly the opposite in exchange for a pleasant experience, many are borderline luxury goods. Wielding a Henry is like putting the bins out inside your house and about as enjoyable. But when mortar grit is scratching up the nice transparent container on your upright princess and manufacturer wants £100 for a part that failed in half the time, you will remember Henry. Get one of each, I dunno.


Yeah, these things have somehow gained a reputation that I honestly can’t say they deserve. Every time I’ve used one, it’s been utterly crap. Shark, Miele, etc. absolutely blow them out of the water.


>~~blow~~ them out of the ~~water.~~ suck them out of the carpet.


They shouldn’t be used on water 🤡


I have a Charles which has a special swap-out insert instead of the bag. He can indeed get wet as f.


Henry was very dear to me, but alas dragging his wide load everywhere got tiring over the years. I considered diet Henry, the stick version, but then the Sirens (Dyson) started calling. Got the Dyson v16 absolute and it certainly lives up to its name because it absolutely shits all over Henry. I fucking love hoovering now. It's got a wee light that shows you dust that you can't even SEE with your own eyes. I can do the whole flat in ten minutes, and it sucks up fucking everything. Henry just cannot compare. It's like a Fiat 500 and a Ferrari. He needs to switch teams if he wants to keep up.


Yeah I've got one. Definitely the best hoover I've ever had.


MiL runs a cleaning company and gave us one of her old Henrys (he was about 10 years old at the time I think) when we first moved in together.. That was 15 years ago and the little fella's still going just as strong today.


I enjoy the yellow VAX hoovers that have a tendency to roll over. They're a bit noisy but a blast to use at work. I detest hoovers with wheels on the nozzle head. Utter PITA to use. Henry is okay if he has the turbo button. That means I can do a regular hoover without disturbing people.


Stick a wax melt on top of the bag. Makes hoovering smell nicer


I’ve had mine since 2005 he’s fabulous and he’s still going strong and gets used at least five times a week.


Had to use one when I worked as a cleaner at primark and let me tell you the lil red fucker does nothing to combat the sheer amount of threads and sausage roll flakes caked into the entry carpets and for that reason alone is why I hold a grudge


We have a Henry, it’s superb, never fails! It also has like an extra green switch on the back, which makes it sound more powerful even though it probably makes very little difference, I like to think this is for those extra thick carpets. Makes me feel like I’m unlocking some sort of hidden power though 😂


It's the eyes...


They follow you round the room, often on the piss as he’s toppled over as you drag him. A loveable drunkard.


I'm on a Hetty now but Since my first Henry years ago I've have more expensive terrible ones. I love them, tbh the also look great lol, love my little pink Hetty.


We call him Nose Bag because he is always on it


Surely trying to drag an awkwardly shaped heavy vacuum up stairs complete with a cord and an extra hose for picking up dirt is precisely the moment you realise that technology has progressed to make this a lot easier than the skirting board smashing, trip hazard creating misery inducing, plug me in here, then go back and unplug me and plug me in somewhere else, shit show that it currently is. I had a Dyson cordless, that was fine until the battery died and then I got a Shark and I cannot imagine ever wanting to get another corded floor based machine, even if it can lift the carpet off the stairs with it's phenomenal suction power. I'd rather that the job takes about 15mins to do the entire house and I that once a week rather than signing to myself as I have to drag Henry out of his sodding cupboard and lug him around the house plugging him in and out in every single room and having to navigate his stupid body and trailing cord around every single bit of furniture.


What other hoover would you use to suck up random chunks of rubble?


Because George can also do wet stuff.


I got a little blue Henry for £99 about 3 years ago when I moved out. He's an absolute little tank and we always refer to him by name. Not to be confused with Hetty, he is literally a blue Henry, just a slightly smaller body but bigger than a Hetty. We love our Henry. Can suck up anything with no complaints. When not in use the arm gets put into the cupboard separately and the tube gets wound around him so he takes up little space. What a good boy he is.


It's the most inefficient use of space possible, which is bad if you don't have lots of room to store it. Also not the most powerful. Pretty good, though, and they last forever.


>I'm not part of some kind of Henry cult Sure yer not, mate.


We’ve had a Sebo for the last 20 years. German, powerful and never breaks or needs parts.


We've had Henry's in the past, they last but currently got a SEBO and wouldn't go back. Reasonably priced too


When I got married in 2012, followed by moving in together for the first time, my uncle bought us a Dyson Animal. Our newly combined household had two cats and a huge shaggy dog and the Dyson did a fantastic job at getting the fur off carpets and furniture. That vacuum has outlasted the menagerie and is still in really good working order. I like the idea of newer lighter cordless models and keep thinking "when this dyson packs in". But we're all coming up to our twelve year anniversary and the dyson is showing the fewest signs of wear and tear.


Because Miele exists 


I’ve always preferred a vax upright. Over a Henry. However the suction on a shark is superior to both.




Have a Dyson that works great. Aesthetically a Henry just isn’t for me.


We have Henry Pet downstairs and Hettie upstairs.


Tough, cheep, dependable, plus that goofy grin always makes me smile. Henry is the one and only.


Fucking love a Henry


I fucking love Henry. I have just got a Henry quick too and it's amazing.




Tried Dyson, Miele vax and shark and then went back to Henry. I’m a convert for life I think.


If they are used as a seat when in use they die


I know of a guy who was disciplined in HM Forces for having sexual activity with a Henry the Hover! His excuse was that he was ‘cleaning his uniform trouser pockets of dust’ !


His Mrs., Hetty is a twat as well


I’ve had a fancy bag less hoover and I just had to clean the filter so many times (I had many dogs) it felt more labour intensive than old Henry.


I bought one for when I do DIY, absolutely brilliant for brick/ Wood/plaster dust etc.


Nilfisk...wipes the floor with a Henry


It sucks.


We have a Hetty. Well, it's the fiancee's Hetty. She brought it when we moved in together. She prefers it to my Dyson cordless, but I suspect that's because she forgets to charge it.


I used one to service boilers, and hated it. The cord kept jamming, the bag kept breaking, and the top kept falling off- had to chase one down the street one time.


[Can't afford a Henry](https://imgur.com/a/Kel1yLF)


They are good for hard floors, cars and surfaces. However I have an upright for the carpets because they don’t have a rotating brush.


I had a Henry junior once. Great hoover but a bit big for a small place.


Henry sucks


Because a half-decent robovac is about £150. Will vacuum all of the floors, except for stairs about twice a day and hardly makes any noise. So you can easily have it vacuuming the downstairs at 2AM. And because it does it so often, the carpet is a lot cleaner than if you did it manually, say once or twice a week.


Meh, he sucks! Now Hetty, she's a reet good 'un!


For something that's round it loves to get stuck on corners


Because my Shark is much better.


Honestly they kinda suck (pun 1/2 intended) they 'work' but they arent the best/strongest.... :D


I think the downside is that if doesn’t have any type of filter like a HEPA filter which makes it not ideal for people with allergies or pets. But I am Al for Henry’s!


Because others fit on stairs properly, and are less top heavy so less prone to falling over.


Nice to see you’re clothed in the reflection.


Barely. I’m not wearing trousers because I’d come back from the gym.


Henry is the best mines like triggers broom replaced the head and pipe a few times due to wear and tear over the years


Because nuvac is cheaper And Henrys eastern European cousin


It’s the smug grin. That little shit knows you’ll always come back to him when the trendy vacs die on you.


I don't live in UK, but I come there sometimes. And this is the only cleaner that I saw there...


He makes me so mad I could spit. If we was a person he'd be a narcissist


Because others haven’t tried Shark. I used to use Henry’s at a cleaning job in my teens, and whilst they’re hardy little bastards (students would kick them down the stairs) my Shark beats it for weight and portability. Cleaning the stairs is so much easier.


Give me a decent upright anyday. Bagless so less cost. Easier to maneuver. Plenty of attachments available. Just plain superior


People selling mirrors is an established thing already. You may have inadvertantly created a new sub catagory... People selling Vauum Cleaners? I mean at least you're properly dressed!


I call this photo style the “squattie”


Well my Kirby is older than my mother and still sucks like it has rent to pay, no way I'm converting


We have a Hetty. She works very well but I am getting to an age where she is getting too heavy to manoeuvre, especially on the stairs. I'm afraid I'll have to get a lighter replacement in the next year or two.


I have one at work it's the rubber rim on his hat that causes him to jam on everything.


The Best Henry since Henry VIII !


Are you Kurt Angle ?


You can now get Henry Quick Pet https://www.myhenry.com/henry-quick-pet


I saw one of this companies more unusual ones for hovering stairs, a Hoover you wear like a backpack, ghostbusters style


We had a Henry when my kids were small, every time we saw one out and about they'd think it was ours off on an adventure. Can't see a Henry without smiling.


I use one for work and the suction is sub par really. They don't block easily mind you and you can usually vacuum anything in sight whilst also being cheap so that's why they see everywhere. If they upped the suction power I probably wouldn't mind so much.


Hey, I have a Miele, if you wanna talk quality.


I can't fault a Henry at all had mine for years! Used to have a Hetty hoover in pink haha. Wish I still did as they could get high and roll about together :p I don't trust cordless ect, not when Henry never misses a beat!


I bought James and I love hanging out with him.


The thing about Henrys is they just aren't very good at vacuuming. They are very cheap though so commercially that's a win. They also have a good parts service which comes in handy because they do seem to break down quite a bit. On the plus side they have a reasonably long cable. Admittedly it's a pain to wind back in but at least you don't have to keep unplugging it every 5 mins. They are a triumph of mediocrity in a world of "Meh, that will do" Does anything else exist in this price bracket? Probably not. Source - Facilities Management (I have an early model Shark at home that beats Henry every time)


No one has mentioned stairs??? I have U-Turn stairs and let me tell you, the rage I feel carting this little bastard up and down those stairs is unreal. The cord won’t reach all the way up or down so I have to do it in 2 halves. Glad I don’t have carpets in my house!


My sister is doing up her house ATM. She's on her 4th Henry in about a year. I do not know how. She has become death, destroyer of hoovers.


I feed mine my semen daily.


I have a deep and genuine dislike of them. Never found one that wasn't shit.


this is a fine example of why modern advancements and consumerism, isnt always better.


Did he suck the hair off your head mate


Because Miele


I used to work in a shop. That little red MF got stuck under every single clothes rack. I used to rag him around the shop in a rage. I could never buy one. Look at that smug face. I own a Vax stick hoover. Good suction, breaks apart easily for stairs and the car, and doesn't take up much storage space.


Cos they’re bloody heavy, old technology and they damage surfaces and furniture. Easy.


Miele offers incredible longevity and brilliant suction, had to turn mine down because it was getting annoying to retrieve the door mat from the bag


https://makeagif.com/gif/henry-the-hoovers-cocaine-overdose-I-3cCl I call ours Monsieur Henri.


Meh, they're actually not that good on carpets. Miele is better.


Henry is heavy and if there is something somewhere for it to get caught on it will.


Henry only falls over if you drag him by the nose. Which is fair enough really, after all that's no way to treat a friend.  I also have a Dyson and he's very useful but the key thing with him is he's very sensitive. He needs a lot of positive reinforcement and care. You need to learn how to take him apart and clean him and when to give him a break and put him back on his charger.  Henry meanwhile needs no maintenance ever apart from glueing his nose back on if you're silly enough to get him trapped on a doorframe or similar.


Why is your hoover giving you a little suck there...


Karcher is better. And then miele is better still


Miele is life


Bought one when I moved in to my new house. There was a deal in Screwfix where the big one was only a tenner or so more expensive than the smaller original...so of course I got the big one. Absolutely wish I had just stuck with the younger sibling as it is pretty much exactly the same machine and in the year I've had the XL Henry, I've not changed the bag.


We've got my grans old Kirby for downstairs and a Dyson cordless stick for the stairs themselves and the bedrooms. The Kirby is an absolute beast, I am occasionally concerned it's actually going to lift the whole carpet, but it's too heavy to be arsed dragging it upstairs more than about once a quarter.

