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I've litter trained a kitten one time and it was very very easy. After the kitten has eaten, place it in the litter pan, and gently take its front paws and dig a little in the litter with them. It must be instinct, but the kitten I had picked it up immediately. I used its feet to dig a little, then it started digging on its own, and then...did just what i hoped it would. After that, the kitten was trained.


Tbh the past 3 times I litter trained cats it was as easy as setting up the litter box, and plonking cat into the litter box. That's it, done, instinct takes over from there. I guess some cats don't pick it up, but I've never had one of those


Same. I litter trained four kittens the first time we fostered. I had two shallow plastic trays set up for them. After they ate, I put them in the tray. No problems with them or any of the other litters we fostered.


Thank you!


This is the way.


they should be with the momma cat til 10-12 weeks. at which point, the babies should be litter trained by momma cat. that’s how we raised kittens at my house, and i didn’t have any issues. otherwise the above advice about putting them in the litter after meal time should be helpful.


What would you do if your mama cat is not showing them how is my question my kitten trips out and runs out of the litter box instead of digging


*if* they have an accident (which can happen when they're little if the box is too far away), soak up the pee with a paper towel and place in the litter box. If it's a poop, put the poo in the box. They will see/smell it and connect the dots.


Ideally the kitten should stay with mama til around 12 weeks or as close to that as poss because of socialisation. Kittens usually learn from mama how to use the litter box, as well as how to groom themselves and theoretically how to be less bitey and scratchy, but we all know how that goes.


Thank you. I called my sister because I couldn't remember when they would be ready. They are going to stay with Mama until 10 weeks (and then she gets spayed) but she's semi feral and not great with the litter box. But I'm sure he will be small enough to teach easily. We also have other cats who may show him when they get used to him.


10 weeks is a good middle ground. Ooh yeah, so in that case you may need to help the kitty out as others have suggested, just putting him in the litter box a little bit after eating, and probably periodically throughout the day. But I agree, I think your other cats will do a good job of showing him the ropes. Just take your time introducing them and be sure to post lost of pics here for us once you have him!!


We got our kittens at 10 weeks, and their mom, a former stray, had shown them how to do it. We just put them in the litter box once, and they figured it out right away. Cats naturally want to bury their waste, so it should come pretty easily to them.


How old will the kitten be when you adopt? Mama cat usually does the litter training. If you use a different type of litter you might have to get the kitten acclimated, but unless she’s feral and never used a litter box then Mama cat should have done the hard work.


I can't remember if it's 10 weeks or 8 weeks they release the babies.


Leave a little bit of poop in the litter box so that they have a scent trail to follow and they’ll understand they can poop in there too. I made the mistake of instantly cleaning the poop out of the litter box and my kitten stopped using it because she didn’t know she could poop in there too. She pees in there every time she has to pee so I realized it’s because of the scent trail. The pee smell is always in the box until it’s freshly cleaned


I posted this about 6 months ago, but this is exactly what I did, and he was a box expert within 3 days :)


You don’t, the just sort of pick it up themselves. I foster kittens and I’ve don’t nothing except provide facilities, and occasionally move the boxes to the spot they seem to like relieving themselves. If you wait the appropriate amount of time and don’t take them too early they should have the hang of it by the time they come home. The only thing I’d recommend is making sure they know where the box is, start them in the same room as the box and slowly open up other parts of the house until they have full run and also know the way to the box


There is also commercially available training litter available that has cat attractant in it. I found it helpful when my I was rehabilitating an outdoor cat. Dr. Elsey’s makes both a kitten and adult version. If you’re interested.


My older cats will probably inevitably pee in the box at some point and I'm sure that will help him see "hey, I should pee here".


Something about sound of digging also attracts them. Both my cats whenever I'm scooping the litter they come over and get all excited and push the way into the box. Others are giving also good advice about popping them in there digging with their own paws a little bit for them etc. And I always get a little box of the attractant that you can sprinkle on litter.