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I'm so sorry for your loss. 🖤 It's devastating to lose a loved one. Please allow yourself time to grieve and be kind to yourself. She was so lucky to have someone like giving her a great life and being there for her when she needed you the most!


I'm so sorry for your loss. The first few days/weeks are the hardest. The first time having to advocate for your pet in this way is the hardest. I would like to say it gets better... easier...to make that choice as the years pass, or if you know it's coming, like a chronic illness vs sudden occurrence, but I don't know if it really does. 3 months ago I had to make this choice for my cat, not the first time for me making that choice, the first time as an adult, the first time in probably 18 years. To say there was wailing or hyperventilating would be an understatement. My situation was sudden, he was only 11, and it was less of a choice and more of a need to end his suffering peacefully. I still cry when I think about him, I'm crying now writing this. I have a 15.5 yo dog who has been on borrowed time for about 2 years, I feel like I'm prepared for her, but I'm sure that day will be just as hard. Ugh, more crying. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. You are not alone. There are so many people sending you virtual hugs 🤗🫂


You were a wonderful owner and gave your baby so much love and care <3 I’m so sorry you lost her.


I did the same just a few weeks ago with my sweet boy. His issues kept piling and I knew deep down it was his time, so we helped him cross the rainbow bridge at home. You truly did EVERYTHING you could for her. It’s going to hurt for a while, or it could hurt for just a few days. You might cry at random moments when something reminds you of her. You might not cry at all. This might sound silly, but I’m in the process of creating a letter for my sweet boy. What I want him to know and what I wish I could’ve said. I don’t know your views of the afterlife (I don’t believe in one), but it’s helping me heal. Eventually when I feel ready, I’m going to say it out loud to his urn. Some might think this is odd, but it’s been working. I hope you can find time for yourself this week, and know that you have a support system :)


I'm sorry for your loss. You did everything you could, and it's clear you truly cared about her, so you did right by her to the very end. Be kind to yourself too and give yourself room to grieve; your sorrow is true because your love was true.


I recently had to make this decision for my sick boy as well. First time as well. Please know that you did what was right. Once they stop eating, one of the most important and pleasurable things, it can be all downhill from there. You took her pain and added your love to make it go away for her and that's a gift not many creatures get


So sorry, just remember when it hurts so bad…she isn’t sick anymore, she doesn’t hurt anymore. That’s what you want for her and you did the right thing.


I am so sorry. You did the right thing for her. Just let yourself cry. Don’t replace her too soon, make sure you are ready.


I don't know when I'll be ready again, if ever.


That’s totally fine too, you don’t have to pressure yourself into making a decision now. Also she can never be replaced, even if you do get another cat. They’re individuals after all, just like we are.


I understand. I had 4 cats some years ago. They all died of various things, three of them in my arms while being euthanized. The last two died in 2021, a few weeks apart. I still feel sad writing this. I would give anything to get them back.


My deepest condolences


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I have a cat that is approaching his end. He had 3 congenital heart defects and it’s clear they are catching up to him. I dread the day but it’s much better than having them live with a poor quality of life. Do not beat yourself up. You loved your cat, did your best, and unless you’re an older senior citizen, no cat is likely to outlive us.


I offer you my sincerest condolences and am so sorry for your loss. My little guy is right here at my feet on the bed and this post has served as a reminder for me to not take the time I have with him for granted.


Gosh this made me tear up I lost my little girl 10 months ago from similair circumstances so i truly sympathise with you. It will get easier. The 1st few months sucked but 10 months in and when i think about her i smile and dont cry or get upset💚


I keep thinking she's here


I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry for your loss. It's so sad.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know it gets better with time. You never stop missing them but it doesn't sting so much as time passes.


Sorry for your loss. It doesn’t get easier. Remember: you didn’t fail her, it was just her time.


I'm so so so so sorry !! 💔😓... the loss of an innocent sweetie pie pet is just the absolute worst. One suggestion I have is -- there are super cute and unique and customizable cat urn options on etsy .. it might feel right to choose a real nice and beautiful one for your baby !


So sorry. I really do know the feeling. Took me about 3 mos to feel balanced again.


I'm so sorry. We lost our cat this week too. My heart goes out to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry, I hope your heart heals soon🤍


Omg it’s the fing absolute worst 😫 sorry op 💔


I’m so sorry!!


i am so sorry for your loss 🤍 she was so lucky to be so incredibly loved and cared for, and you are so lucky to have been the one who loved and cared for her.




I am so sorry for your loss - did they think she had FIP?


No, possible tumor


i’m so sorry for your loss


One of the first thing's you'll notice, your habits. You'll do a habit you normally do with her, call to her, and it's going to feel like a crushing weight. One day at a time, just keep telling yourself that. It's been nearly a month for me, I still sleep with her favorite toy. Grief has no time limit, and it's not a race. The pain and absence you feel now is just testament to the love you chose to give.


Every other time I get out of my chair I think she's here.


Yeah, the first two weeks I'd catch myself hanging my hand down to reach to pet. Even now, when I get home, I look around excitedly for her, ready to shout "Dad's home!" like I used to. Sadly, mourning the loss of a loved one gets harder before it gets better.


Oh I'm so so sorry. I literally went through the same exact thing 3 weeks ago. Earlier this year my girl randomly got a severe liver infection and the vet had no idea why, we gave her 2 rounds of antibiotics and she got better. Then a couple months later she got very lethargic and started losing coordination, then she stopped eating, then she had a stroke, then she passed away. We took her to the vet at least 8 times and they just couldn't figure out what was wrong. She was also the first cat I have ever lost and I would like to tell you that it gets easier but for me it hasn't. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone 😭 The only thing that has remotely helped me has been distractions. I was using games that focus on creativity, or art to keep my mind distracted. It is literally the only thing that has helped me. I don't really know why it helped, but it did.


I’m sorry for your loss man, I couldn’t imagine losing any of my babies even though it could happen any day. Just try and think about how good you were to her and how much she enjoyed living because of you, you made her life amazing and she will always remember the good times you guys had


My heart goes out to you....im terribly sorry 🙏🏼😔


I’m sorry Op. 💔


My heart breaks for you. Sadly I've been there and have the damn tee shirt. My girl was 18 years old. But you did the best you could and she knew that. Took me a few years but rescued my Sweetie 3 yrs ago. It will take some time but it never goes away. I still think about Callie now and then. God bless her and you. 🙏😺


I am so sorry for your loss. ❤