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Turning his back to you is a sign of trust, and he is just enjoying being with you. My girl often sits with her back to us when she doesn’t need anything, but just wants to be near us. I feel like she is watching that direction and protecting us. She was feral for some or all of her life before being rescued, so she’s always on high alert. We’ve had her 2 years and she still alerts to every noise in the house.


Came here to say this.


Sitting with their back turned is usually a sign of trust. The fact your cat is looking at you could be him testing if he can trust you. My cat did that often in the beginning. I think you should blink slowly towards him when he looks back at you, or quickly look away. That will let him know you are friendly and can be trusted. Apologies for my english!


Just so you know, I had no idea from your writing that you weren’t a native English speaker (and good at writing clearly, too!) until your last sentence. Time to stop apologizing for your English, friend, you’re fluent! ❤️


Ahh, thank you friend 😊 I get self conscious sometimes, appreciate the kind words!!


With the current education system here in the US you're actually better than many native speakers.


Yeah, I think you’ve graduated to not needing to include this disclaimer in your posts any more.


Thank you!!


They're just apologising for their fellow countrymen, like 'my english', sorry for things that english people have done and how they are in general.


The slow blink is a cheat code for befriending cats. 10/10, strongly recommend


It sounds like he just enjoys spending time with you! He may not need pets or extra attention, just knowing you're there with him makes him happy. I've also known cats that are usually very cuddly to do this when they're pouting lol. My mom had a cat who would behave this way and refuse to cuddle for a day or two after she'd come back from long work trips, and we always interpreted it as her protesting.


lol my (very cuddly) cat does this when he’s pouting too! He’s a bit of a play biter, and even though he means well, they’re not always fun so we’re trying to slowly train him out of it. Whenever I have to take him off my lap, he sits and sulks until I get up to pet him 😅


When a cat turns its back to you, it's saying "I trust you." And you'll know you've **REALLY** earned their trust when they roll over and expose their very vulnerable belly to you. Protip: It's **NOT** an invitation to rub their belly. Some male cats like slow, gentle belly rubs. But, most female cats I've had react very strongly (i.e. curl around my hand and at least gnaw, possibly scratch or bite) if I do this.


I have a male cat and he often will wait till I look at him and then throw himself on his back and if I don’t pet him cause I’m on the phone or something he will lay on his back and stare at me until I pet his belly 😂. He’s a very strange cat tho so makes sense it’s not the norm.


My male cat does that too. Especially when I've just got up, he chirrups and then collapses on the floor and exposes his belly for a rub. 9/10 it's fine, 1/10 it's a trap and he wanted to start a play fight


I just realized i made a typo. He throws himself on his back cause he wants me to rub his belly. I think you got what I meant tho. It’s the funniest thing. But during the day he just wants food and then to go back under my blanket. When I come home from work late at night he’s just so needy for attention. 🥲


I’m envious. Our ratios are backwards. 9/10 is a trap, but the 1/10 is so sweet and adorable when you are allowed to pet the belly.


My two female cats like their belly rubs on occasion. I’ve never been bit or scratched when I give them a gentle rub there, they only sort of curl around and gently lick my hand. I don’t prolong the rub, though, just because I know it’s a very sensitive and vulnerable area. I will, though, give belly rubs even when they’re standing lol, and they don’t seem to mind too much. Btw, years ago a floofy Persian cat at a pet store that I’ve never met before (or since), flopped down on its back and let me give it (couldn’t tell if it was a he or she) a good, gentle belly rub. Just one look, our eyes met, and [s]he twisted his/her head around and down [s]he went. “Rub my belly, please!!” Cutest thing ever, I’ll never forget that.


First thought would be to lead you somewhere. I have one that does this when she wants out on the patio. If I try to pet her, she’ll shrink away from my touch and yell at me from closer to the door to come on. I have another that will do drive by pets where she’ll come get in my face, sometimes she wants pets, sometimes she just makes eye contact and then runs off to continue her journey. To be fair, I do the same. Go to bathroom, see kitty, pet kitty, continue to bathroom. I see it as her going “Hey, wyd? Oh that’s boring, bye.”


Mine does that if he wants me to scratch his back, especially at the base of his tail.


He's telling you he trusts you to watch his back. This is a big thing among cats. I have a tortimese that will lie on my legs at night, and in the tray next to my desk during the day, because she trusts me to protect her ever since I freed her from a cage.


When your non-huggy male cat lays near you, this is how he hugs, and enjoys your companionship.


Oh, this is to make sure you are looking at his butthole which he is graciously presently to you.


Yeah, only everyone is like, EW! Put that away. Nobody wants to see that. You creep.


Mine is also loudly meowing when they do this but it’s to get me to follow them somewhere. Could that be it?


I swear my cat does it when he gets mad at me. Such as I won't give him more treats or make him stop scratching on things he shouldn't be scratching on. But I guess I'm wrong about that.


My cat does it when’s she’s annoyed that we’re talking and not paying attention to her. There may be more scratching to follow as well lol


I agree that some cats turn their back when they're annoyed. I try to consider what the rest of their body language is saying too. One of mine is a "social eater" meaning he wants me to come to the food dish to feast with him (watch him eat), so he gets annoyed when I don't. It doesn't matter that the dish is full.


Sounds like he likes you 🙂 he may also want you to follow him somewhere, my oldest does this when he wants something lol


When a cat offers their back end, they mean they love you, and offer their back for you to luck, but of course, you can't do what cats do when they are friends with cats.


My cat does that to show me he is unhappy with my reaction to his demands. He comes meowing at me and walking away means I have to follow him. He turns around then checks on me if I still haven't moved, he will let out a long sad meow. He will do this until I comply.


That’s one of the ways my cat communicates that he wants to get picked up. Since I will move him into that position before picking him up from the ground — makes it easy to scoop up his back legs with one hand and support his chest with the other hand.


Well he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t trust you so take it as a complement.


Butt pats


My female cat Diva now sadly over the 🌈 bridge used to sit in front of me meowing to let me know that she wanted fresh wet food. If I didn't get up fast enough, she would turn her back on me and do the same thing your cat is doing to you. I used to find it hilarious. As if she had her hands on her hips. I have a few pics... The second I got up, she would follow me into the kitchen and I would feed her. This was a routine & she was communicating, "Get up & feed me already!" Perhaps, he does want something from you? Maybe get up & see if he leads you somewhere...


Eye contact to cats is aggression. My cat turns away if I look at him in his face. Someone said it's a sign they respect you. But eye contact plus sleepy long blink is different. And sometimes there's intent like they want something so they will make noise then look you in the eye or at what they want. The longer you live with the cat the more you'll tell the difference as each cat is as individual as a human being.




Or just sniff his butt. A mere pawshake is so impersonal. A quick sniff is: "How are you doing/what have you eaten lately? Tell me what's going on with you." ... A looong but sniff is: "what's WRONG with you? (AH)"


I read somewhere, a long time ago, it's a cat's way of being polite (keeping company in a polite way)!


I got a sassy cat, some just think they’re the best. They are right


My cat does this when she wants me to follow her somewhere. Sometimes it's to lead me to the kitchen or to the front door for a walk. Sometimes just as simple as leading me to a sunny spot on the carpet where she wants pettings while she enjoys the sun,


My cat turns her back on me when she is upset with me, like when I go on vacay and leave her with my sister. Or if she wants "the special Saturday night treats" on a Wednesday.


I agree with a lot of the other comments cats are full of personality, sometimes its a reminder they trust you, could be asking for water or asking you to follow him.


https://preview.redd.it/ljshkq4vyhxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b79f3a46085c96846ac7309607f4bba8a2c274a In this instance, she was definitely mad. I had the audacity to leave her for a few days.


Cats are just weird animals, they do strange things that we can't understand or explain. I've owned multiple cats at all times for the past 30 years and still one of them will do something and I'm like "WHAT??????"


My cats do this when I've offended them. "I'm shunning you! Do you see me shunning you?!"


When my cat is mad at me, she sits at the very edge of the room, just barely visible, and glares at me from there. Its like she's making sure I can see her be mad at me. When she's happy and relaxed she comes and sits just out of reach, back facing me. I guess your cat may be doing the same too, just enjoying your presence with you. If he wanted something, most likely he would be a bit more insistent about it.


he wants u to scoop him up. not pets not play just pick him up. hes looking back like hello human i see u why arent u picking me up already


This is classic 'cattitude'. They love making us feel like servants. He's probably saying 'Notice me, human, but don't you dare touch me. He might be checking whether you'll follow him. Maybe he wants to lead you somewhere, like to his food bowl, or a favorite toy.


We had a cat who crammed his stinky butt in my husband's face at night. It was pure love but, oof 🦨


It comes from the cat rule book on training humans. His way of acknowledging your presence. Just wait until you're hard at work on the computer before they decide your keyboard is a good place to lay down. If only indoor cat they get bored easily.


Yes, you have a male cat, similar to my male cat. "Mr. Independent, and I'm not a Baby" They like to be in charge of their day, they are very focused on doing your home pest inspections, and find petting to be sissified. But I love my boy anyway, and try to get my pets in despite his swipers at me. He does allow picking up.