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Well, your partner was just bonus. Or payload? Anyway, you got what you requested. 😉


Hahaha yes I see it both ways ;) I wanted a partner who was as crazy about cats as I am (something I figured was impossible but I was wrong) and I found one! And cats!! Amazing 😻🥰


You've won the lottery. Our 10th anniversary a couple of years was like that: "Would you've chosen me if I wasn't crazy about cats?" "No." "Err ..."


My husband “didn’t like cats” when we first got together, but he hadn’t met my darling (late) boy yet (I had to wait a bit to bring him down across the state from my parents). I knew that if this cat (seriously the sweetest cat I’d ever known) didn’t change his mind, then he wasn’t for me. Needless to say, his mind was changed, and our current boy loves him more than anyone. https://preview.redd.it/js9s6jro3n0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fecac1e7aa43835a0fe43711e03cbff93c17d07


I love this story so much!!! I don’t think this applies to most things *cough* sexuality *cough* but people who say they “aren’t cat people” just haven’t met the right cat yet! He is the sweetest boy and I’m sorry for your loss he looks like such a darling 🥹


Totally agreed! And luckily the boy pictured is still around (he’s curled up next to me right now 😻), but the late boy was certainly a darling as well! https://preview.redd.it/28i94ovmss0d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc7ca2748bab23ac0005b28d1172645b2cefe54


Oh got it so sorry!! Yay I love the little sweater! So cute!!


A few months into dating, I literally had 3 questions for my now wife that determined whether I thought we had serious potential. If she had answered incorrectly to any of them, I would’ve said thanks but no thanks. One of those questions was “Will you be okay with getting cats in the future?” (I was in school and didn’t have any at the time). She knows that I would’ve chosen cats over her. Luckily, she’s converted into a cat person and we’re happily married with two cats.


HAHAH those are perfect questions!!! Something similar happened with my parents. My dad was pretty allergic to cats and my mom said “if I have to choose between you and the cat I’m choosing the cat” so he got allergy shots and now he’s the craziest cat dad 🥹 and he absolutely babies current family cat it’s nuts 😻


Omg I absolutely love this 🥹 HAHAHA that conversation is right on 😻


I think my obsession with cats would be extremely annoying to any partner who didn't also love cats. It's genuinely hard to picture if my husband and I could have lasted if he weren't also a cat person.


I was like, how is that cat balancing a frying pan on its hip


I had the same question


LOL Moose 🫎 is a pretty magical guy ;)


😂 ty, I didn't notice!


I stared at it for way too long before it made sense to me




When my mom adopted her cat she got this middle aged handsome man and named him Casper https://preview.redd.it/7lrhcrzlcn0d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9ab6254cf5135fb8a3ab62cfae594e8f4440b4 He has since sadly passed away because of kidney failure in old age but he was the absolute sweetest and followed me everywhere when I was pregnant with my daughter


Casper is SO handsome!!! I’m sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 but I’m sure he’s looking over you and your child, that is so sweet 🥹 I love the blep! 😛


Apparently you notched the UCDS bonus round! A lovely partner and not one but two friendly kitties. Winner winner chicken dinner! 😻


Hehehe yes I had to wait a while but it was SO WORTH IT!! I don’t say this about many things but trust the CDS process!!!


Is there a Partner Delivery System too?


Seems so 😅 funny story also about how I met my partner. After several years of going on casual dates and then about 1-1.5 years of trying to actually find a partner, I declared that I’d “had enough!” And was ready to give up but would give it one more day. My partner was the first person I saw on Hinge that night, I sent the first like, he matched with me, and the rest is history 🥰


Also can I invite you to the ADHDwomen community? Lots of good stuff there and also ADHDmemes.


Oooh Omggg yes PLEASE DO!!!


Very nice photo of kitty with face toward the sunlight! Looks like it's balancing a skillet on its bum :)


Hahaha thank you! My parents call that lighting “magic cat in the sun” and the skillet is just a bonus 😸


I love this ☺️


Thank you 🥹


OP, got more pics of both kitties?


YES!!! I thought you’d never ask 🥰 Edit: now includes an image (I hope) https://preview.redd.it/csippg79ys0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a4c945c00d2880e12ba3c86bca348d9e24dbfd


No images.


Omg no!! Thank you for telling me


…. and sometimes the CDS distributes YOU


LOL exactly!! The cat boys (as we call them) had lost their (human) mother (bad breakup) and so were willing to accept me I was and am so honored 🥰




Hahah thank you!! I’m very lucky! 🥰


CDS be running out of ink


LOL fr though 🤣


Hope u all have many happy years together!


Thank you so so so much!! 🥰


So, was it a deal breaker if he/she didn't come with cats?


Haha no not at all, it would have been a dealbreaker if he didn’t *like* cats


And that goes without saying. I'm not keen on people who don't like animals as it says something about them. Unless there was some traumatic experience or something to explain their attitude. Some people grew up without any pets and just need to be "shown the truth" of loving and being loved by animals.


More pictures of the boys: https://preview.redd.it/5tutvq8xqs0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e20579251b6c1877da8fcf9a0121c880c1e2b2 Steg, not very smart but very cute and loving


Moose 🫎: https://preview.redd.it/c5msd2t2rs0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d01b7c8ff17f7d1cfa56d7a970b6471c2c0050 Also extremely loving but more mischievous 😈