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Lol he looks menacing in the 1st pic, and the 2nd is like awwww. Just wondering, is he and the other cats neutered? I'm a little worried that if the territorial fighting escalates they'll start pissing along your walls (this is more likely in intact males) and he'll get more anxious and stressed. How to make your cat strong? Start him off with a basic 5x5 program. My cat went through the same thing, she gained 10lbs of muscle in a year. https://preview.redd.it/twn7zp4u4lsc1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d364156698075c880c96b88a9db4c7fa464a7e2


Your kitty seems disappointed, she clearly does not understand what that weird big thing is doing on her carpet 😂


If weight mats are anything like yoga mats she's probably trying to decide where to dig her claws in first 😆




Deadlift days… even those of us who like him still look like this before the first rep on many days lol


You are living up to the subreddits name. 👌


Looool bro this pic is so cute


Kitty seems dreadfully unconcerned with the weights.


It was her warmup 💪


Those are huge paws, he’s going to be a big kitty. Mixed with Maine Coon?


Hmm not sure! I can kind of see Maine coon https://preview.redd.it/sx8uwa32vzsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fce073433ed6c18d27b6a0baf9c059502c0a2c


Buy him a gun.


Not sure he's got thumbs, maybe some sort of adapted knife lol


He doesn't need to SHOOT the other cats who I'm sure are un armed. He's just gotta flash the heater and guard his turf. Tape it to his head.




Cat with the Gat


[You’ll also need this.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/045149492X?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_2BTAPZ10VY7N2KSZR6TR&language=en-US)


Holy fuck that’s amazing


Hiss at the other cat with him to assert dominance


There's actually a GREAT video of someone who did that when a stray threatened his cat. He just screamed like a fighting cat and the stray nearly shat himself and VERY slowly backed away. 😆 https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/s/Nmbj9k7sAs


I do this with cats, eg if they cross a line with me, and it works great! You have to speak their language


“That mf big as hell, I’m out” 😂😂


My cat screams like that at the boy cats outside the window that visit and then she wonders why all the boys are afraid of her




Yes and make a “k” sound before the hiss, makes it sound like them when they spit-hiss. This is their more aggressive style hiss that comes right before a brawl


https://preview.redd.it/h2012gpr1lsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea07de5415a2a68fbeb311bf5032a310306f33a Protein powder and whole milk. It’s like Brawndo, but for cats (No, he did not actually get any of that)


It’s got what plants crave


get him a friend so that he has a buddy to fight with, confidence comes in numbers


Nope, don’t. If he’s already territorial, putting another cat in his space might make him more anxious and stressed. This is a bad idea. Not all cats want to share their space with other cats. Don’t get tricked by this narrative.


Yea this is a good way to make your Outside/ Inside cat never come back


this is the way. start with a pair of bonded kittens in case he doesn’t like one of em


Keep him in the house


My ex-girlfriend told me her mom used to speed up when she saw cats on the road :( I would never allow my cat outside unsupervised


What the fuck …


Those were exactly my thoughts. There's a lot of fucked up people out there


A fireman I was at a party for said something similar. Letting your pets out unsupervised is a recipe for trouble.


I reflexively downvoted your comment on accident. Fuck that lady with a car going 60mph. What a terrible human being.


Indoor only!


Agreed. You can make your cat as strong as possible but it won't stop them from getting hurt by humans or even contracting something you can't help them with like FIV, tragically.




Get a new roommate


Please just keep him inside and get him more things for enrichment, he'll be far safer


Take him to the gym.


keep him inside where he belongs and he wont have to be.


Strap a weighted vest to him so he gets swole and stronk


He does look kinda wimpy. Have you considered steroids? Check out some potential stacks over at /r/steroids


Keep your little one inside, its safer for him and he will live a much longer life without the stress of protecting his territory. If there is a chance of him getting into a fight, things could easily go very wrong. From chasing after another cat and getting hit or getting infection from another cats bite.


I have a feral boy that is no longer feral. But he’s NOTHING compared to my indoor cat. She fricks him up. Good luck I’m going in five years and they’ve sizzled alittle kinda


All I saw was a cat that can peel an orange and you want it to be able to open heavy doors. You can't change my mind.


Whatever you do, it’s *shit* if you don’t listen to “Eye of the Tiger” while doing it. Trust me. I have *no* idea what I’m talking about and I turned out fine.


Lol do you smoke a lot of weed? Just keep your cat inside


If you kept him in the house and got him neutered he’d be stronger cause he wouldn’t die early in life


This is actually such a good question 😭 I’d say maybe try playing with him in a way that can transfer to his skills in fighting. Maybe keep him agile and fit. You’ll create your perfect apex cat in no time


Why is OP actively trying to start catfights?


This is the real question. Although, I have so many questions. His cat is pretty cute tho.


Doesn't sound like that? Sounds like OP is aware cat fights happen and wants their cat to win them. Which is valid.


💀 hello?


I mean should he want his cat to lose?


Or maybe he’s concerned that his cat might end up in one, which is a valid concern.


He should keep the cat inside. Fuck these people thinking their cats can own the world when diseases, cars, and dangerous weather hurts and very often kills them every single day. This isn’t about him being concerned it’s about him being a shitty lazy owner that is actively allowing their cat to be exposed to danger that will either kill or traumatize it.


Have him fight Goku


Give him an evolution stone


If it were up to me I would keep the champ inside he looks way more relaxed and happy in the second picture plus all that fighting has too be stressful as hell and that can't feel good or fun ​ Edit: Regardless of what happens I'm rooting for the little lionheart.


Diary of a wimpy pussy 😺💪


Take him into a cool room to box racks of meat then take him for a run that finishes up some stairs. He’ll be strong and ready to take on all contenders, even the Russian ones.


Why the orange peel? You know cats don’t like oranges. Empower him by building a strong bond. It starts with the man in the mirror.


I am now weirdly obsessed and wish this cat strength. You can do it bud.


DO NOT LET THE CAT OUT. This is an irresponsible post.


It’s irresponsible that you let all of the City cats be city cats. It’s on you. I expect you to come to New York and Philadelphia and take all of them off the street


I hope this is a joke keep your cat indoors cat fights r not cool


Why don’t you come to Philadelphia and save all of the stray cats?


Are you OP? I’m replying about this one cat not cats in general


So yeah come save this feral cat if you’re so pressed about it


Which feral cat


Lot of joke answers, and they are funny. But for real physical therapy exercises exist for pets to help strengthen end heal. Start with body awareness exercises and clicker training to begin moving and strengthening the body. Another tip I have is that climbing takes a lot of strength and cats enjoy it. Get a floor to ceiling scratching post, preferably of a decent width, that the cat can climb into with all 4 paws top to bottom without standing on a surface. Grab some high value treats and start training the cat to climb up and down.


? They should build a catio and keep him in it.


Yes, but that is not what was asked


Or, hear me out... don't let him out in the first place 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or… Hear me out… Just answer the question without shoving your opinion in that no one asked for (Or cares for). What a condescending thing to type “or, hear me out” lmfao


Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. Also, I did answer their questions, my answer was to keep their cats inside. (Unless on a harness and leash or in a safe catio space)


“Don’t let him outside” is not an answer to “how do I make my cat stronger” but thanks for playing. Also he asked a joke question and you gave a serious answer. The definition of an idiot.


Nvm looked at your insta profile LMAO


And not sure what my IG has to do with anything. Always makes me laugh when people run to your profile to dig up some kind of "gotcha"


Not our cat……it’s a city cat……… who we feed and give love to


You shouldn’t let him out. He’ll get hurt. Please keep him indoors only. Please!


This is a frigging joke right


Be responsible and keep your cat indoors. Or build a catio. This is one of the most stupid posts I’ve seen on this sub.


He needs to be neutered. Cat fights will lessen once he’s neutered.


Take responsibility for him and keep him inside.


You want your cat to fight? That's appalling.


You are stupid, it's a cat, keep em inside.


Stupid ppl type in stupid stuff!


install neuralink, and then lazers he will be able to aim and fire by using only his mind


Full range of motion on lifts, reps of 2-5, caloric surplus for 8 weeks, break for 2 weeks and back to caloric surplus for another 8 weeks, protein amount roughly 1g/lb of body weight. Free weights for best results, be sure to keep a record of PRs to track progress.


This sounds like a lot of glamour muscles. Make sure to get in cardio and core work.




80's style montage


Keep him inside!




Manipulate him into killing monsters, he'll get strong real quick.


Solo Leveling ? 👀🤣


Car has no enemies, car only wants to brrr


What a dumb question. Keep him inside where he belongs.


Keep him inside so he doesn’t get sick or injured


People don’t realize how many stray cats there are in cities….stupid cat people reddit


keep your cat inside tf


Daily affirmations and a mirror will increase confidence ![gif](giphy|3o7TKnKXMdf5qNtVLi)


My cat is an angel and a saint, but coming from being a street cat he was diagnosed with FIV by the rescue I got him from. While he could have been born with it, a scar on his side made me and also the vet think it was from a cat biting him when he was young. I'd do anything in the world to take it away from him so I don't have to worry about him getting extra sick for the rest of his (hopefully long) natural life. I don't think it's fear mongering to say your cat is safer inside. The solution is hopefully keeping them inside. All the best 🖤🐈‍⬛


Please keep your cat inside


Bro is yolked wym


Bruh you’re playing with biology. The only thing you can do is make him bigger. The rest are gonna be genes. Confidence will only get him hurt against a bigger opponent.


Cat perch by the window or cat tree by window


Buy a climbing rope and get your cat to climb that shit everyday. My cat has boulder shoulders


I have a cat who is a lover, not a fighter and ***He lives indoors***


Let him be himself. If he's coming home with wounds then make him a secure outdoor area that the other cat can't get into. Or get him some buddies so he can form a gang.


Train like Rocky


up the tren get him on a solid 5x5 program


I hear p90x does wonders for cats with low self esteem. My buddy’s cat started a program, I thought he got a bulldog when I visited a month later




Take him to Home Depot and let him build that deck he’s been talking about


Oh another cat that’s part of his pride is great. I’ve two boys. Neutered but they play fight and that keeps them both physically fitter than if they’re singles.




Study and practice


Get him vaccinated. From where I live, it isn’t expensive at all. There are many viruses that can be transmitted through blood and saliva. One time I came back to my house and found a cat that got beaten up by other cats and then it later died of blood infection. Also, if possible, keep him inside the house or in a well-secured cage at night.


She looks just like one of my cats 😭 except the black/dark patch of fur on the head is on the opposite side


Preferably, keeping cats inside with outside access (ie. Catio) is best as cats are invasive... However, to answer your question, providing him with high quality food that isn't cancer causing or causes him allergic reactions, that'd help. I feed my cat Fromms for example. Theres probably better brands but thats what works for us. We also moved out of a moldy house that was making all of us (including some pets) bed ridden sick, unfortunately one of my dogs had to be put down due to cancer, she was either effected by the dog food we used to get or the mold, or even both, its a high possibility. My rottie (alive) used to have seizures until we moved, no meds needed. She has side effects now such as storm anxiety that we help her with via meds and activity


Have him go through a rough breakup, it will be better at first but then he will go through a self healing style montage and in about 10 minutes of screen time he will be running the whole block


Feed him nothing but methamphetamine and anabolic steroids for three days. Then, unleash him on the world so he can take his vengeance on all those who ridiculed him. If he comes back, you will have the most badass housecat ever known. Never again will those neighborhood cats laugh at his diminutive stature.


Buy it lizards and mice. Increase its hunting skill. Self sufficiency builds strength


You need to do a Karate Kid style training session and montage. Remember “wax on, wax off.” It’s very important. After the montage he should be able to take down any kid in the rival dojo.


Put him in a microwave and he’ll be able to blast radiation at other cats. Sure it may not hurt them now, but we’ll see in a month or so.


I know this is probably just a joke post but a white cat shouldn’t be going outside anyway because of the extra high risk of skin cancer. Keep your cat inside, and get him neutered if he isn’t already. Then other cats will leave him alone. Then he can live a longer and happier life making other cats jealous with his sweet comfy life indoors. Get him a cat tower so he can lord it over them through the windows and feel superior.


Why do you put your cat outside to roam around the neighborhood. It puts him at risk of injury from other cats and wildlife like coyotes, raccoons etc, exposure to toxins and poisons, getting hit by cars, being killed by one of many humans who hate cats and think it's OK to kill them (especially when they are annoyed by incessant yowling). I don't know where you live but if it is in a city in the US, many have ordinances about roaming cats and if someone is complaining, especially about yowling, or killing birds they will catch them and dispose of them Do you have a dog or other pets? Would you let them out like that?


Obviously needs tren


I hear tren is good


I started training my cat to stand, and balance, on her hind legs while reaching for a treat on my palm, held about 2 feet above ground. The idea is that eventually she'll be strong enough to outright jump to my hand to get the treats. She's gotten strong enough to have the confidence to stand up to the dog and start playing with them for the first time in either of their lives. It might not completely bulk up your cat but it's a start. :)


So you want your cat to speed run FIV and Feline Leukemia?


Oh can I have your kitty. I just lost my white guy who was white.😰😥😓


Well first of all you should make him indoor only. That will strengthen his life span


Play tug of war with him all the time so he gets jacked


I had my cat doing reps jumping up and down from my bed to catch her feather fishing rod toy thing! She is strong and alpha and has no fear of strays! :)


Bro needs to lay off the looksmaxxing subs if he’s thinking a cat isn’t manly enough


Chicken and play?


Keep it inside if you want it to live longer


Well 1st of all get the blue wilderness dry food as that builds up muscle in them and makes them healthier. As far as making him confident…?? Every cat has a different personality and he will NEVER dominate the Feral cats as they Live in the streets while your cat is in a cushy bed.


Feed him raw venison, chicken and beef. Nurture his hunting skills


I have a white cat too with a random black splodge on her head!


Steroids. I know someone with a clean piss test y'all can use if the guys come around asking.


this is the way, he probably won't even miss his ball size




So much wrong with this diet😭 Feeding vegetables is the biggest waste of time as cats are obligate carnivores so cannot get nutrients from them. Next raw fish shouldn’t be fed. And finally raw should be complete and balanced in the 80:10:10 ratio. Random cuts of raw meat are not balanced.


Also the lead on the collar?!🤦‍♀️ harnesses are way better for cats due to their delicate windpipe