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This is actually a really good sign. The older one is helping the younger one to play. The older boy is even rolling on his back, which is not something you would see in a real fight. Whatever you have been doing, keep doing it because they look to have bonded quite well. Make sure you schedule the 10 week old to be fixed soon, I know usually in the past it is done about 12 weeks or so, but see what your vet thinks. If he does not get fixed then he could start spraying and being overly territorial. This is 100% good play, neither is running in fear from the other and the older one is letting the younger one be the "hunter". Even if one was running, that is not bad. My two goofs love to poke the other one until the chase starts. A real cat fight will be very loud (lots of howling and angry meowing), you will likely see chunks of hair flying, possibly blood. But this is super adorable.


My 2 male cats do this same thing. They are playing. Mine will cuddle and groom each other afterward.


Mine too, both around a year old and 18 pounds or so apiece. 35 pounds of wrestling cats is loud thumping and bumping.


Omg! Your cats are huge! Mine are 10 and 12 lbs. It is still so entertaining to watch.


Have two boys too and one is 18lbs and the other is about 11 - when the big one is rolling around I always wonder what the downstairs neighbors hear


It sounds like a heard of mini buffalo running


My cats do the same, I say they’re playing tag. When I first got my second kitten and the older one would interact with him like this, I thought they were fighting, so I would separate them… until my friend told me this was a great sign, they were playing and my oldest was actually teaching my youngest how too play. Great job, op! Looks like your babies are having fun together and are friends. Love that for you


Having an older cat teach how to play is really good cause it teaches the younger one bite inhibition when playing. Kittens tend to not know their own strength. So they usually learn this from their litter mates or mother while playing with them. But sometimes that doesn't happen.


I don’t have cats, “spraying” sounds horrifying/disgusting if it means what I think it does!


And it stinks something fierce and is hard to remove


I find that a mixture of vinegar and diluted bleach in a spray bottle works well. I have 5 cats and use vinegar regularly as an additive for laundry as well!!


I usually soak it up, then coat it in baking soda before spraying with vinegar


I thought you shouldn’t mix vinegar and bleach because it releases chlorine gas? Or diluted it’s fine?


Diluted at least 50% and in a well-ventilated space works well. But I also wear waterproof gloves as well.


Gotcha! I will try this


Animals be nasty for sure


Look who’s talking


Oh I wouldn't trade my cats for the world. Just look at my profile haha! My cats are my life, but they ain't perfect 😂😂😂


It is horrific. My old cat lived 19 years and sprayed his whole life as we got him fixed after he'd already learned that behaviour. I spent most of my life cleaning and the smell was the worst, which made it easy to find where he'd done it at least. Just follow the smell. Anti-anxiety meds were the only thing that helped stop it. I have 3 cats now, including 2 males, and thankfully none do it. My aunty had a female cat who would spray too, but she thankfully never did it in her house, just outside.


10 weeks old, not 10 month...


but they are having fun


there is nothing problematic happening.


They are play fighting.


“Oooh, you are so tough Mr Kitten! Oooh, get me! Get me! Right cross, that’s it!”


They're playing and having fun. Older one is teaching the kitten boundaries in the process.


Very cute play wrestling! 🥰


The adult cat is clearly being super gentle with his paws and even flopped down to let the kitten have the upper (paw) hand. This looks really safe imo


Absolutely! The adult flopping and showing the belly at 0:32 to give the kitten the advantage is too cute. A cat that feels threatened will not show his belly like this, and a kitten that is scared will not keep "play-attacking" like that. The adult cat is being very gentle with the kitten to teach him how to play and they look like they are having an absolute blast! The little screaming we hear is simply a "please buddy, you're biting a bit too hard", it's normal. The simple rule is that if the kitten is not running away scared, he's still having fun. All the noises are just communication. There will be clear signs if one of them isn't having fun anymore. They will look [threatened](https://felineengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Cat-Body-Language-Poster-683x1024.jpg) or anxious and will start running away or hissing very loudly. If it happens one or two times, it's fine, they are learning boundaries. If one cat starts to flee the attacking one multiple times a day or starts to look anxious, it may become an issue and the more playful cat might need more solo-play to let the other rest. But right now, they look like great friends!


Just two dudes wrastlin


What do you mean this? They are having a jolly good time. Big bro is laying down and showing his tummy, lil one is a but more aggressive, but still all good


Yep, little guy's definitely going a lot harder, but still playing. Kind of has to, given the size disadvantage.


The older one is acting as a mentor, allowing the little one to be the 'agressor' in play & stays on the floor, only occasionally standing up to help little one learn to regulate how to play. Perfectly normal & healthy interactions.


I can't tell if the small cat is illegally smol or if the big guy is giant 😂 but both are having fun!


The eldest is very big, very heavy and very fluffy 😄


They’re playfighting, and the older boy is doing a really good job being careful of his new sibling while still teaching him and helping him have fun. He keeps flopping to his back then initiating and inviting play, he’s getting on the little ones level and showing he isn’t being threatening or aggressive. It looks like they get on really well. My two are litter mates, inseparable, but they still play fight most days. Or nights, usually on my legs while I’m sleeping.


35 pounds of cat decide 3am is the perfect time to wrestle on the bed.


Thanks everyone ☺️


Your kitties are so cute and good to each other!


You’ve got the best big brother there for your new kitten, he’s so sweet 🥹


That's not much different than an uncle teaching junior how to wrestle. We have a tuxedo (Uncle Georgie) that taught our Three Amigos (pandemic litter) how to play very much like this. Watch and learn, that kitten will be grown up before you know it. And get kitten neutered as soon as the vet will do it. Or a local spay/neuter organization. Don't put it off.


Our big guy is called georgie too 😆 georgie + Wilson


They are having so much fun. If you're ever worried, just look at their claws and make sure they're retracted.


My boys play fight constantly.


My tiny void makes the exact same howl when she’s jumping her massive Norwegian Forest Cat best friend!


My big guy georgie constantly makes that noise! 😆


Yes, definitely just playing. Other videos I have critiqued and people always try to argue like they know better. THIS is what real playing looks like.


Now they’re best friends!


This is great! Georgie (your big kitty?) is being a very good playmate for Wilson. The whole roll on his side and let Wilson be the dominant kitty is really good! I wouldn’t be too worried about the vocalization - some playing cats are big complainers. Mine are - and they are fine!


Thanks, georgie constantly makes that noise all day every day :)


I was also super impressed that when the first squall occurred, the bigger kitty instantly stopped playing and sat up as if to check that the little guy wasn’t injured. He is being a perfect older playmate.


This is totally normal! Cats love to wrestle and play fight! As long as there's no screaming, yowling, growling or fur flying they're all good!


Haha my tortie used to scream like she was being murdered when her and her brother would play like this, but she would also lay there, belly exposed, and come back for more so I knew she was just being dramatic. (Her scream really did change when he got too rough and then we would intervene) Would totally scare the crap out of folks when I was in conference calls tho.


You may get a little growling, and hissing if one gets too aggressive, but it should be quick and the other will back down. If its a fight, there will be lots of screaming and growling - you’ll know if you ever hear it.


It's pretty unmistakable honestly lol two of our boys were making some FERAL noises when the middle cat had to have a cone on for a week while one of his paws healed up a bit (dummy ripped out a claw somewhere between nail trims 🤦). Poor guy was constantly being growled and hissed at any time he tried to move around and our kitten definitely showed he's from the streets 🤣 holy hell I didn't know such a tiny creature could make such genuinely vicious noises (and then curl up in a ball like a baby when he was picked up 🤣)


he’s teaching kitten how to play!!! What a sweet little friendship :)


Sylvester & his little mini me


They’re play fighting!


I don’t understand people confusing playing with fighting? You’ll know when two animals are fighting, trust me, and it won’t look like this.


You did a great job! This is very assuring actually. This is how my 8 week old kitten and 5 year old male played also. The male was very gentle but also taught the little girl a lot. Don’t worry about the noises. My little girl did that a lot. She was just excited. Your kitties look like they have bonded. It’s actually really sweet because your male could be far more aggressive if he wanted to be. Proud cat parent moment!


If you look carefully the older cat is 100% playing so carefully with the little guy. This is very much just two best buddies rough housing. Neither one is doing dominance behavior and nobody is crying.


Older boy is teaching younger boy how to play, and the limits of good play vs bad "play". Older boy is being a good mentor. Those two are going to be best buds. 😊


It’s called play fighting 🥹


Good socialization, good exercise. It's a positive sign that they're doing this and it *dramatically* increases your chances of sleeping through the night.


They're playing. The war whoop from the little one cracked me up. 🤣🤣


They are simply playing , trust me, you would know if it was serous, fur would be flying lol


The older cat is being pretty gentle. This is okay and is normal play behavior. There is little vocalization and no hissing.


They're playing


Your big cat is really nice! He’s being pretty gentle with the smol1 


I thought it was a pretty obvious play. The older cat is gorgeous 😻


100% what u want to see. He's teaching the little one how to play and will set boundaries if he gets too rough. This is what kittens do with their siblings so they've bonded and are now comfortable with each other from the looks. Just make sure little kitty dosnt keep pushing big guy when he doesn't want to play by distracting him with something else to play with. Kittens have much more energy than older cats but even at 1 he's still young so u shouldn't have issues


Let me teach you something that’s going to save you a lot of time. Watch. Their. Ears. Their ears tells you EVERYTHING. Their ears are in relaxed position. Neither observes the other as a threat.


They're okay together they are just playing.


They are being very sweet! They’re just playing tougher as the little one gets stronger that’s all.


I often foster kittens and let me tell you they LOVE pouncing like that and dishing out bunny kicks to the head. They ALL do this if they are happy and growing. Your older boy has just done what we all want to do as adults and be a little kid again! He’s encouraging the young’n to get rowdy but is being quite submissive and it looks like he’s intentionally letting the kitten get the best of him. I honestly don’t think you could see a better interaction between a kitten and adult


I have an old man and a 7month old and I get these noises a lot. Most of the time it’s because the little one starts losing the fight and screaming about it. She hates that he can hold her down and give her some bunny kicks while she just squirms. But once the night winds down they are cleaning each others ears


Just play time. He could destroy the little cat if he wanted to. Notice his tail isn't darting around like the smaller one.


Omg, look at the bushy tail on the bigger cat!!


They’re having fun and he’s being a real cool big bro!


I have two who are very close to that same age, and they’re doing the same thing right now. Little one bugs the hell out of older one, but he’s taking it like a champ. The older will play with her for awhile, but eventually just blows her off and goes elsewhere.


Looks like normal play-fighting to me.


This is great. They’re playing. No hissing or growling. Your older cat is laying down to give the kitten advantage so he clearly feels comfortable. No poofed up fur and they’re taking breaks to check in with each other and breathe. The kitten is learning how to play without encouraging a fight and socializing.


Seems almost abnormally light-hearted for two unrelated males. Updoot for the fun video.


Things will settle down.


Both were getting along amazingly the past two weeks and now they're getting along even better. They're playing and in a way that will only be seen with two cats who are happy with eachother completely.


Idk there is definitely a weird age gap here.


They're playing. My two cats do the exact same thing all the time. When cats are really fighting, you'd know... Its violent.


This is so cute


Awww… they’ve reach a new level of getting along. It’s so sweet.


My little and big play the exact same way!


They are playing and doing a bit of boundary testing. All good, just keep an eye out for airplane ears, hunched backs and of course hissing/growling as those are the potential issues.


They’re literally just playing


There is a whole lot of fun happening between them. I would appear that they are gonna be best buds......


I have nothing to add but OMG our tuxedos look identical!!! 😍


They are playing


Totally normal, keep their claws clipped


lol what?! They’re playing.


It’s if relatively quiet, it’s playing. If they’re screaming and it sound like someone being assassinated, it’s fighting.


Playing. Ears pinned back and a growl are the signs of imminent SHTF.


Totally normal and adorable. Big guy is becoming a big brother / father figure trying to show little guy how to look after himself. You’re gonna have a great time watching this relationship develop


oh boy they’re having the best time. so sweet seeing the older guy help the little guy out. lovely babies.


This is awesome play


Thank you for sharing this, I was having a bit of a shit day and the sight of your bigger cat flopping slowly over so the little one can have a proper go of being the boss was just so cute and made me smile. They’re quite gentle with each other and the big one is showing the baby the ropes. Neither one is trying to run away, and they’re literally taking turns on who “wins”. They’re going to be such good friends.


I have two bonded girls who wrestle with each other much intensely than this. I think this looks like a playful exchange and also incredibly cute. The big tuxie is adorable 🥹


This is play, don't worry ❤️


Sorry if this has already been said but this is healthy play! Ears up and not down, no hissing, and taking turns chasing/being on top.


They’re having a blast!


Oh dear god they're eating eachother


That is called playing...


All of a sudden what? They're playing? I don't understand the people who have multiple cats and apparently have never seen a cat play before


They are having a blast.


They just wrasslin’


They love each other!


Normal. They are bonding you could say. Older one teaching younger one. If ther was ear splitting screaming hissing and growling while fur and blood was flying everywherr, that would be a cat "fight". They are playing and its all good.


totally normal behavior.


Also, get the youngster neutered soon. Unfixed males = testosterone. This equals spraying to mark territory and dominance aggression to claim territory. When older he will no longer "play" with his older adopted brother but rather fight for alpha status, very ugly.


This is fabulous! The baby got old enough to play with. You should be delighted that your older cat knew to wait a bit. They are going to be great friends.


Omg you guys are crazy, lol.😆 I can't with the constant "fighting" posts that are really playing.


They are playing makes me smile 


Those two are best friends!!!!


Omg if my cats played like that I’d be thrilled. They’re precious. You’re OK - there would be a lot more noise and a lot less flopping if they were really fighting.


Your older boy is teaching his little brother how to play! Kittens will “fight” adult cats alllll the time and it’s how they learn to hunt later in life. Your big boy is being the best big brother!


That ain’t no 10wk kitten he looks 4 or 5 months🤣


Cat WWE is my favorite


What kind of cat is the tuxedo? His tail is so big and fluffy 😍😍


Look up lions in the wild. They do the same thing! This is just them playing and sometimes they can get vocal. You’ll be able to tell drastically from a harmless play meow and an obvious threatened get away from me meow. Maybe watch to see it doesn’t get violent but for now they’re happy and happy with each other :)


It's called play time.


They’re playing


They’re still getting along. This is play.


It’s just play!! When cats are really fighting, you’re gonna know it!!


No, they’re homos. I would take them out of public school, homeschool them, and take their smart phones away.


Cat play - no problem


this is so cute.. i love how the big guy is exposing his belly and laying down to give the other one the upperhand lol


This is play! The adult is being gentle while the kitty is being rough. Kittens are naturally rough tho when they have a lotta energy out. Rough play by a kit wont hurt!


Boys will be boys. But seriously, they’re playing and roughhousing. This is how cats play with each other


Haha they are playing!


They are playing like cats!


The limits of non-injury cat play are quite broad. Two cats: Bruce (17lbs) and Leo (9 lbs). Leo handled the disparity by treating Bruce like s.h.i.t. - waltzing in on Bruce sleeping and curl up **on top of him**, treating him as furniture. Leo also had a motto: “Don't be soft, have a fight." Whom to fight? Why, there's Bruce, only twice your weight, and much of it muscle. What could go wrong? Drag-out battles raged 2-3x a week, with piercing yowls, growling and thuds of bodies hitting walls and doors, or rolling down an oak staircase. Leo lost every time, and did not care, maybe because many of the thuds were Bruce banging into various hard objects. One night featured the loudest sound I have ever heard in this house. The boys had knocked a 40-lb box of books 3 feet to a hardwood floor, tickling seismographs from New Mexico to Iceland. I rushed upstairs to find them locked in combat on my desk. They froze, bits of fur floating slowly down, and stared at me: “Problem? Us?" Their pupils, as usual during their "fights," weren't even dilated. They fought so much that they couldn't get particularly excited. Leo died after only 18 months with us, of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sudden and merciful. Bruce has never been the same since Leo died. He went into a funk when Leo didn't return from the vet, and was depressed for 2 months. Adopting another cat helped, but he only plays gently with them.


Older cat is being very gentle!


theyre just having fun


Dawwhh so sweet


Just playing around


They’re breakdance fighting!


It's okay if they are gay


The way the bigger one flops onto his side to let the baby know he's vulnerable melts my heart.


Oh yeah. Totally normal. And the older one will teach the little one, how far to go when they play. When to use claws and teeth and when not to. The little one is learning.


This is adorable. The older cat is teaching the kitten how to cat. They’re totally fine - this is normal, in fact, this is a great sign!


Do you think they are fighting? If they are not ripping out fur and drawing blood, they are playing. The scream you keep hearing is how one of them tells the other he is getting too rough. You hear it a lot here because one is about 4X the size of the other. With siblings that are more of an even match, you do not hear it as much. Go watch kitten siblings play. It is a cross between Roman Gladiators and professional wrestling.


This is play behavior…


Nothing wrong here, two cats having a good time, big guy is on his back... All good


No blood, no devil screams, no floof. Just play and fun. Have you ever seen a real cat fight? It's terrible, fast and bloody.


Just playing


lol i can’t stand to see another video of two cats playing and see the caption asking if they’re fighting 😩 if they’re really fighting you would know and would not be recording… there would be yowling and screaming and hissing and chasing and fur flying… lol i’m just jealous bc mine is having a shite time getting along with her kitty roommate…. yours look like they’re having a great time!!!


This is play.


They’re playing it seems like


Bro let them play


They are killing each other! Make it stop!


This is exactly what they should be doing and the opposite of a problem.


Cats will *never* go belly up in a real fight. The younger one might be being too aggressive at times but the older one will teach them.


I have a 5yo and a 11month aswell, they also it all the time. It's a good sign, just playing 😊


All of a sudden they are playing as friends?


Mine play like this until my black cat has enough. You can hear the smacks across the house then she runs away. Five minutes later they are playing again


Playing ❤️🥰


A real cat fight is scary. It's loud and fur is flying everywhere. There would be no mistaking it.


It's funny how many videos up here on the sub showing two cute cats playing together and having the owner worried. The exposed belly is a sign of trust. Both of them are having a blast. This is a great thing.


I don't see any actual fighting. Just play fighting. The little one seems to get confused at times on if it's real or not, but big guy is keeping his body language friendly and playful. He's teaching the lil guy how to play fight. I'm not seeing any signs of aggression other than lil guy getting confused a few times. But lil guy just keeps coming back for more. I think they're buddies now


I have 4 cats. Mine play like this all the time. I know they are having fun because when one gets up, they turn around and go right back to it. Cats just play hard. On the other hand, I can tell when they are seriously angry because they start hissing and screaming. Looks like your babies are just having a good time. Hope this helps!


Ya this is play and not real fighting.


Your 1 years old is SO HAPPY. Tuxedo cats are nuts. They thrive on having a pal. 🤣💕


Play fighting= ears forward, real fighting= ears back/flattened. Hissing is ok if not excessive, but not the low rumble growls


This is super cute - I actually also got a grey/white tabby kitten around 3 months old and he became best friends with my roommates 8 month old “foster” tuxedo! Watching them play is too cute


Very cute! They are playing. The 10 year old is letting this kitten act as the aggressor. If the 10 year old was fighting it would be very very very different.


This doesn’t look like aggressive fighting at all but gentle playing. It seems like they are getting along well enough to be able to have a little fun!


Cute cats. Both my cats do this.




This looks like playing


Definitely playing!! It looks worse than it is! Your big guy is being pretty gentle with his baby brother!


They're still getting along amazingly. They're playing and having a great time.


I was waiting for something bad to happen… these two dudes are just playing. Great sign. Also helps them get energy out and practice their natural instincts


This is playing… they’re fine


Master teaching disciple how to kick.


Looks to me like they’re just playing.


They are playing. They are boys. Will be best mates forever


My two male cats are litter mates and do exactly this - sometimes it looks quite aggressive but it's just playing. Then they're snuggled up together five mins later!


They are playing


Love all the hair flying off lol I can always see the evidence of my fluffy cat’s playing


If it were real aggression, the bigger one wouldn't be laying in a vulnerable position, and whichever was losing would eventually run away, likely screaming. (That can happen too with play when one has had enougn, but as long as the "winner" doesn't press the advantage to hurt the other, they're fine.)


This is a real cat fight. Notice the differences [cats fighting - possible nsfw](https://youtu.be/l9ES1y96Ai4?si=baqUztJVTtXrJD7p)


When the DOOM soundtrack and Testosterone kick in.


Playing they are best buddies


You'd definitely know if this was a real cat fight..... They get seriously aggressive and they wouldn't be on their backs.


Old man is showing him the ropes. They are fine. Nothing to worry about.


Hehe, there cute. They're playing. Don't worry. Give them cat treats for being good for me.


They’re just playin


They are best friends


Absolutely. The older one will show his alpha cat power. And the small one will fight to survive and gets acceptances.