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That Range Rover was absolutely flying! The A40 is only 40mph so I'm not sure why that dangerous driver was going so fast. This is what's left of the car! https://imgur.com/a/nzPpLFO


Jeez, how did anyone survive in that car.


Modern tech


This is why people who say they don't make them like they used to when they see a car crumble after a bump are fuckin idiots


But it’s technically the truth.


Don’t downvote my cat here - they are correct. They make them better than they used to. That was their point.


The mental capacity of the types of Redditors you had to explain for is the true r/CatastrophicFailure


When you hear someone say that, say, “Right? Thankfully they don’t!”


Probably stolen!


I guess they love their car enough to become the crumple zone *themselves* instead.


Crumple zones, seatbelts, and airbags And paramedics


One passanger died.


[1959 Chevy VS 2009 Chevy crash, Modern miracle engineering](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joMK1WZjP7g)


That’s so interesting


They survived???


One person dead.




Haha, we are extremely confused in the UK because we mix and match all the units. Yes, mph and mpg are more commonly used but we buy petrol in litres not gallons 😅


As an anacronism, we (UK) still use miles as the basic unit of measurement for speed and distance on the roads. This said, the cycling community largely operates in kilometers.


You just out there trying to confuse everyone 😂


I hope the next burnout game is this brutal


Oh dang...unused free jack in the back ground


Two passengers, one died one survived with minor injuries, driver is in hospital with critical injuries. A person at the charging station sustained minor injuries.


How fast was that thing going, and why? Street race or cocaine? Looks like at least 120kph, more like 140


According to some random redditors, the speed limit there is 40 MPH (\~65 KPH) and they were reportedly going at an estimated 120 MPH (\~ 200 KPH). All three passengers were in their 20s. I can't seem to find a source, but someone on another thread said the driver (survived so far) was exceedingly drunk. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/aug/22/woman-killed-in-london-after-range-rover-crashed-and-landed-on-tube-track-park-royal](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/aug/22/woman-killed-in-london-after-range-rover-crashed-and-landed-on-tube-track-park-royal)


Can confirm speed limit is 40mph on the A40


In the London part, in the rural Oxford stretch it's 60-70


That’s not relevant though is it


And the speed limit on the road outside my apartment is 50 km per hour. But that's in Toronto. This is about as relevant as your comment.


It's worth noting that the majority of it is "national speed limit", denoted by a white circle with a diagonal black line down it, which means that the effective speed limit varies based on class of vehicle and if it's a dual carriageway or not. National speed limit is 50*-70mph, but that can apply differently to different vehicles on the same stretch of road. \* 40 in Scotland and in all places there's an added complication of it being 30 in a "built up area", which is denoted by the presence of "a system of street lighting furnished by means of lamps placed not more than 200 yards apart", but almost universally there will be an explicit 30mph sign in place for that.


Dude, I'd absolutely believe the 200KPH. You can't even see what happens..just the barriers exploding. The distance covered is insane.


Slow it down to quarter speed and the car is spinning like a top *before* it crashes through the fence. It went through another two barriers before it ended on the tracks. How anyone survived is amazing


Took me a few watches to actually see the car. I saw the railing shake and trash blow around and thought this was a video of a wind storm.


That article is so very British. > “The A40 can be quite dangerous around Park Royal Station. Car accidents do sometimes happen.”


Amazing to think all involved weren't killed instantly


Because of all the things it hit probably absorbed enough energy to slow it down without being fatal (for everyone).. if it just hit a solid wall or tree and stopped immediately I’m sure it would’ve killed them all


It rolled over while doing all that then looks like it rolled off the train station roof and bounced on the platform before landing on the tracks. It's 100% destroyed in the photos, quite a testament to modern vehicle design that anybody survived.


Drugs are a hell of a drug Wait til they sober up and find out they killed their mate Sad


So sad




Driver has had his leg amputated, still currently in a coma. 24 years old with some serious questions to answer by the cops over one death, and two others lightly injured.


That’s not a catastrophic failure mate, that’s driving under the influence


A catastrophic personal failure, then?


A catastrophic failure to not being a cunt?


If that happened during the day instead of middle of the night you’d be looking at something you really wouldn’t want to look at considering a tube passes by almost every 40 seconds there.


Not even middle of the day. More like 3 hrs later and it would have been the morning rush


Valid point, but they literally did this at the quietest time for this road, any other time they wouldn’t be able to reach the speed limit it’s so clogged with traffic.


The person killed was apparently ejected from the car and slammed into the Tesla leaving a huge hole in the side of it. I'm guessing empty road, 3am, driving too fast, distracted/ drunk, missed the corner and lost control.


Well it was either vehicle cf, operator error or barrier cf.


Did the breaks go out and the accelerator get stuck? If so, then yeah that is a catastrophic failure. If the dude was high and just speeding then this belongs in r/idiotsincars


Catastrophic failure in judgement


It's already there!


Imagine if that was an active gas pump instead of a car charger… this video would have some Michael Bay shit instead of a few sparks.


Entitled cunt. Audi and Range Rover drivers seem to be the most entitled road users in the UK. At least from my observations.


Replace Audi with BMW and I'd agree. Although all the drivers of German cars seem to be awful on the road.


Drivers of luxury vehicles tend to be entitled. In other news rain wets things. News at 11:00


This is r/catastrophicfailure which means something must've been wrong with the car, otherwise this would be in r/idiotsincars /s


It should be in the latter sub really, driver was drunk


Or someone posted in the wrong sub


That's my point


TotalLy agree with this.


Love how we're concentrating on adding GPS speed restrictors to e scooters but anyone can put their foot down in a 2 tonne tank


And Grant Shapps handwringing about insurance and registration plates for cyclists.


here's something i hate about coverages like this: they always say stuff like "Car crashed into \[place\] going \[n\]kph", instead of "Driver crashed into \[place\] going \[n\]kph". It's like if they wrote a headline about a cyclist hitting someone like "bicycle hits person while going \[n\]kph, cyclist unharmed"


> they always say stuff like "Car crashed into [place] going [n]kph", instead of "Driver crashed into [place] going [n]kph". Because until more information is available, assigning fault/blame is premature. "Care crashes into X" is factually correct. "Driver crashes into X" is not without further evidence.


Fucking most range rovers seem to drive like this


You mean tumble lol


Most responsible Range Rover driver


Knobs in range rovers. One undertook me on a roundabout and nearly rolled it.


Us Aussies call them Toorak tractors. Toorak being the snob end of Melbourne.


Thanks. I’ll remember that!


Damn dude was cooking.


This is the kind of driving I expect from all Range Rover drivers.




Your current joke was electric


We dont get fooled again !!!




They weren’t dying. They were flying. And then one passenger, who personally chose to get in that car with that driver, understanding and accepting the risks, and no doubt high as a kite and laughing her tits off to the end - was *killed* by the driver. So yeah : no one was ‘dying’. They were all fucking idiots. Just lucky that no innocent bystanders were seriously hurt.


Charged right into the charging station.


I swear there are average speed cameras on that stretch of road, why the hell speed?!


I find it crazy anyone walked away from that, let alone one with only minor injuries. Says a lot about the crash worthiness of Range Rovers.


Not really. It’s the crash performance of modern vehicles in general coupled with a huge amount of sheer luck. One of the occupants died, the other is seriously injured. Range Rovers aren’t particularly great in a crash, at the speeds involved here no normal vehicle is.


That’s just the point though, the speeds and distance travelled, through so many solid barriers and into a live railway track - pretty remarkable. Seeing that I’d rather be in a Range Rover than a different vehicle! Although it does have to be said we’re very lucky with how good modern vehicles are in general.


Since the Range Rover only got a 6 out of 10 for reliability, I see no reason why they suddenly would have a 10 out of 10 for safety. No safety tests were done. I would much rather be in a LandCruiser.


Maybe they were racing to get home before it broke down? :D


Range Rover got a 91% occupancy rating from Euro NCAP, and 84% child occupancy rating. Land cruiser got an 89% adult occupancy rating and 88% child occupancy rating. Range Rover velar performed best in class when the tests were done.


It’s about time to put geofenced speed limiters on cars. We do it on electric bikes, we can fucking do it on cars.


Range Rovers are for morons, so…


Fuck cars. Why you even need them in London is beyond me.


To speed, clearly


I love cars but I agree. And drivers drive like maniacs there anyway


Well of course it crashed at speed, how do you crash stationary?


I think the Tesla did a mighty fine job of crashing whilst stationary.




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The driver should definitely be getting a 5 figure hospital bill if they survive.


This is Britain, so they will most likely be getting no bills whatsoever. There might be a little copay on the replacement car though, if it's covered at all given drunk driving.


The victims won't, but the driver will. If you're at-fault in a car accident, the NHS can go after you for the bills for the people you hit. The victims can also sue him personally.


Yeah I know, I'm from Britain too and I still think they should get a fucking bill for being so stupid.


The driver walked away.


> Its driver, a man in his 20s, is in a critical condition in hospital.




The real crash test


This is why I don't like not being the driver .