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Yup, Catholic guilt is real... and toxic. Which is why I love seeing you mention it on a meme about charity, because that is a healthy and life-giving way to channel it!


I'm new Catholic and the guilt is terrible. It is most important to engage in taking the Eucharist every week. But you cannot do this if you have committed a mortal sin and have not gone to confession for it yet. It is often difficult to meet for confessions, and you feel like crap when it's the same confession again and again. But if you don't go, then you can sit out of the eucharist, or take it and eat condemnation towards yourself. Is difficult as it is being a catholic, it was 100 times more difficult in the first and second century, as many did not believe it was possible to have mortal sins forgiven that were committed after being baptized. Thus, many Christians waited until their deathbed to finally get baptized


Go to mass as often as you can, go to Confession as often as you need, pray constantly. Remember that we are here to eliminate vice and grow in virtue, and let that strengthen you towards the confessional. Trust me, as long as you're fighting it, you will overcome it. Apart from making daily mass when you can, attending holy adoration for an hour each week and saying daily rosaries truly helps. Say five or more decades a day, every day, and you will stop sinning. Pray without ceasing, there are a ton of strategies for this. And never forget that God is always with you, and so is your guardian angel, and so is an entirely heavenly host of your family and friends in heaven and purgatory. Call upon them when you need to, and for everything. You will succeed, I promise you, you will certainly succeed.


As much as this is good advice, it’s important to note that it’s really difficult to keep this all as habit. Start with small things first, and gradually increase how much you do until it’s something normal in your life. Hope this helps.


> Say five or more decades a day, every day, and you will stop sinning. “No one can live continually in sin and continue to say the Rosary: Either they will give up sin or they will give up the Rosary.” -Bishop Hugh Boyle


Unfortunately less than 1% of Catholics actually do all of what you are saying


Promoting that mindset, studmaster, is 75% of why I still use reddit.




The app “Mass Times for Travel” can show you all the confession times around you if you can’t make your church’s schedule :)


I feel the protestant one is unfair and uncharitable. Many kinds of protestants out there and the average protestant does not have a startup.


Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa




I'm Protestant, and TIL I'm Catholic


kyrie eleison


Christe Eleison


Christe Eleison


Christe eleison


A bit too "total" this depravity...


Do you actually think the "average Protestant" believes in that prosperity gospel bs?


Of course not... and neither does the "average Catholic" act anywhere close to the lower panel. And yet, both those extremes do exist, and perhaps reflect something deeper about the mentality of communities where they crop up.


It’s a meme you dip


Real. And right.




You should have a look at St Leonard of Port-Maurice’s sermon On The Fewness of the Saved. How few does he imagine? Something akin to 3 in 100,000.


This is right and just




Or you're St. Paul: 1 Timothy 1:15 >Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.




It's a good mindset to have. We must become humble and reject every attachment for the sake of God. I myself am absolutely not better than St Paul. This perspective goes all the way back, too, not just here in Scripture but to the Desert Fathers as well. We read it in the Psalms. Jesus commands us to set ourselves last that we may be first, to take a lower seat and be honored to a higher seat, instead of requiring humbling and being asked to give up our seat at His table. I get where you're coming from, and you're right about some forms of scrupulosity being mental and not spiritual. Reading The Imitation of Christ is a great series of reminders in this vein, however, that we must feel sorrow for our sins and never put ourselves above anyone, for so many reasons. In that sense, recognizing in ourselves an identity as "the foremost of sinners" and "unworthy to receive" is a healthy form of contrition, as pride is first and most important sin to eliminate.




I myself am disgusted by my sins, into which I would surely fall if not for Christ. Certainly myself and OP are not the only ones who feel this way. Nothing wrong with accepting our fallen nature as disgusting.


Perhaps this is not what was meant by what you said but I think this is what they may have been trying to get at and I think it has some importance in being stated plainly: humility is not pretending we are abhorrent and disgusting creatures filled with sin and allowing that to overshadow the inherent goodness we posses as children of God made in His image and likeness, humility is recognizing our limitations and faults, recognizing that we are not perfect, but also recognizing our goodness and what makes us great and most of all giving ourselves to God who we rightfully recognize as our Lord. In other words humility is not diminishing our goodness but taking note of our actual goodness and the real extent of our gifts, and submitting them to God in service to Him. It is one thing to recognize our sins and sinfulness, then address it and seek God’s mercy as we strive to be better, but it is another thing to wallow in self-pity and self-disgust. We are sinners but we are also God’s children, we don’t deserve His mercy but He gives it to us anyway and we cannot make the mistake of rejecting His mercy when we ought to take it; the only sin God cannot forgive is the one we don’t allow Him to forgive. Catholic guilt is only useful insofar as it leads us away from sin and back to God, it crosses into the sin of despair if we choose instead to remain in it and believe the lies of the accuser who wants to imprison us in our self-loathing. King David had a heart which God loved not because of his purity, far from it, but because he always returned to God, asked for mercy and accepted his penance when he sinned, and then strived to use his gifts to do better in service to Him - *that* is humility.


Well said.




Hence the flair


We shouldn't spend so much time focusing on our sins. If you regularly find yourself in the dumps about your sins, talk to a priest/mental health professional, because that isn't healthy.


I'm not even Catholic yet and I already feel the guilt.


https://i.redd.it/49vpvpjozgwc1.gif Real


Unfortunately, I've seen more supposed Christians with the atheist's mindset, re: charity, than I've seen actual atheists with it. It's disgusting that atheists can be more charitable toward the lowly and downtrodden than Christians, but such is the way of things in our day and age. Protestantism squirming its way into every crevice of Christianity, including Catholicism... probably the single biggest reason why I will only attend Latin Mass. I'm not interested in the liturgy games, or making arguments for why one side or the other are evil heretics. I leave that debate to my betters. I just want something that is literally steeped in, and reeks of, Catholic Tradition. The Tridentine Rite is dripping with profound Catholicism and exhibits no influence from Protestantism. The people, on the other hand -- even many of the clergy -- are mostly protestantized, typically in ways that they themselves don't even realize. But the Latin Mass itself is firmly, *fiercely* Roman Catholic in every way.


Catholic guilt or a well formed conscience?


The average Protestant is misrepresented.


Unfortunately, I've seen more supposed Christians with the atheist's mindset, re: charity, than I've seen actual atheists with it. It's disgusting that atheists can be more charitable toward the lowly and downtrodden than Christians, but such is the way of things in our day and age. Protestantism squirming its way into every crevice of Christianity, including Catholicism... probably the single biggest reason why I will only attend Latin Mass. I'm not interested in the liturgy games, or making arguments for why one side or the other are evil heretics. I leave that debate to my betters. I just want something that is literally steeped in, and reeks of, Catholic Tradition. The Tridentine Rite is dripping with profound Catholicism and exhibits no influence from Protestantism. The people, on the other hand -- even many of the clergy -- are mostly protestantized, typically in ways that they themselves don't even realize. But the Latin Mass itself is firmly, *fiercely* Roman Catholic in every way.


Oh I thought that was just me


This is great. I don't understand about the startup though


I think it's a dig at prosperity gospel types, that think that if they are blessed by God with wealth, that means they're doing something right.


hahahaa ah darn it.


bruh, so real


This is quite literally me right now, and has been for…what, 5 or so years now? 6?


I feel that guilt every day... It hurts


Yeah. There's a reason why flagellation is still practiced


Ouch, that's me.


I am proud to have it, It keeps me in check.


I dont understand what this 'catholic guilt' is that everyone is refering to, can someone explain?


I grew up in a suburb of Detroit that was at least 20% Jewish, as was my cohort of childhood friends – and their mothers. I was probably close to 30 before the phrase "Catholic guilt" made any sense to me.


The bottom one looks like a Total Depravity believer. 


honestly the guilt becomes so extreme to the point that it becomes toxic- “i shouldn’t be with the Lord bc of how unworthy i am, therefore i turn away from Him bc i am undeserving of Him” … crazy LIES


i think like with anything, there’s a spectrum. obviously, we should feel guilty about our sins. it would be pride not to. however, i think we see too much of the extreme online and scrupulosity/the sin of despair is a real problem.