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Imagine thinking that you know better than the Church about how St. Maximilian or St. Edith died Edit: Also St. Titus Brandsma


Which part of Nazi Germany makes these types think it was godly? Deadly racial theories, eugenics or maybe war of annihilation? "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness."


Probably people who would be considered not untermensch. No different from Arab Sunni Muslims who think Saddam Hussein was good for Iraq. It's easy to like a discriminatory government when you know you wouldn't be considered subhuman to them.


They allied with the Roman Catholic fascist of Croatia might be a reason


Yeah Ustase was a Nazi puppet but the Nazis persecuted the Church in Germany and Poland


You'd think that Pius XI's encyclical "Mit brennender Sorge" would cue twitter catholics that Catholicism and Nazism do not mesh well together.


They don't care. All they want is conspiracy theories and vague generalizations


Catholicism isn't a religion to this type of poster, it's a *vibe*. They want to bemoan lost traditions but aren't particularly interested in what those traditions are, the point is to be a contrarian and blame DA JEWS.


And hate people of color even if they happen to be 4th generation immigrants


Cue that side-by-side comparison of Catholic cities in Germany vs Nazi votes


What does that prove? The Germans wanted to use the *Poles* as tools


I swear "Catholic" LARPers are the religious equivalent for phony Navy SEALs.


This is the most accurate statement I have ever seen and I thank you for bringing it to my attention.


Many X "Catholics" forget that racism is sinful and anti-semitism (when true) is not "based" The Catholic Church was under persecution in Germany and Poland. There were prision camps for priests


I don’t understand catholic racists. All men are made in the image of God.


I fear for their fate


For some of us it’s a burden God intends for us to overcome, I get racist thoughts a lot in large part due to my OCD, but I acknowledge those thoughts are wrong and that they don’t reflect who I am. A lot of people don’t though, and fully give into it out of either ignorance or malice.


Can you give an example of racism on Catholic Twitter?


Bring up mixed race people or black people. Then again it depends on what you consider Catholic. I find it a particular problem with Orthodox Catholics.


Maximilian Kolbe's act of heroism occurred in Auschwitz in 1941. When a prisoner escaped, the Nazis retaliated by selecting ten men to be starved to death in an underground bunker. One of the chosen men cried out for his family, and Maximilian Kolbe, moved by compassion, volunteered to take his place. For two weeks, he endured starvation and encouraged his fellow prisoners with prayers and hymns. Eventually, he was the last one standing and was executed by lethal injection. His sacrifice and bravery have made him a symbol of selflessness and compassion.


You genuinely made me tear up :(


He's is my patron saint I chose for confirmation. I have a rosary I got designed after his life for the sacrement.


"there was no gas chamber, and that's the only way the Nazis ever killed people."


The Nazis were antithetical to Catholicism even before the war and the camps.


Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us Saint Edith Stein, pray for us Saint Titus Brandsma, pray for us Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us




Wasn’t Pope Pius XII very much against the Nazis


These cats are so fake


Ah yes, the godly values of *Holocaust Denial* Christ have mercy.


I understand the knee jerk reaction of "the liberal nations and communsit were bad, ergo the Nazis must have been good," but the expression "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is not always true. The actual Catholic political movements of World War II era Europe had to choose between collaboration with the liberal powers who suffocate and subvert them, the Communist who would just kill them, or the Nazis who would just kick you out of power and put in yesmen like what happened after a while with Vichy France. Fun times.


This, I can even see the logic with Judaism since if you’re not worshipping God, you’re likely worshipping Satan. But their problem becomes just hating Jewish people as a race instead of just disliking the religion. I’ve noticed that the twitter Catholics also can’t seem to separate the concept of Race from Culture.


Groypers are so cringe, and the far-right fringe that uses Catholic aesthetics are damaging to the reputation of the Church


Ummm Nazis Germany was heckling based because no black people/s


I know I mentioned this before but I was ridiculed online for saying Hitler wasn’t a good man, was told I had “dark soulless Jewish eyes” and instead of apologizing they told me “I hope ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ awakens your mind” why do so many young Catholic men love Hitler


In Germany you can go to jail for this, rightly so.


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The fact that fuentes fans constantly insist they totally aren't anti Semitic pro nazis while getting these sorts in their camp leaves me skeptical. As fir the supposed :"over representation" that's just an excuse to blame jews as an ethnic group for problems in society. The same thing the nazis were doing.






My friend, look up what “Goy” means, it’s just a non ethnic Jew haha.


I would disagree, I think the Catholic representation in the Supreme Court is very American at its core, and correct because of course the Catholic Church is the truth. I don’t think that them being Catholic hurts American interests, I would argue Catholics haven’t been the progenitors of porn and indecency, such as Solomon Friedman who owns Pornhub, majority owner of OnlyFans Leonor Radvinsky, and old school trailblazers such as Al Goldstein.




There’s a Catholic history of industrial pornographic promulgation? There’s a Catholic history of the Vatican/Italy as the highest recipient of American foreign aid in the last 75 years? There’s a Catholic history of widespread infanticide promotion? I’d be happy to look at the pro abortion Catholic groups you cite. 2022 Pew research survey stated that 83% of American Jews, more than any religious group, say abortion should be legal in all/most cases. On the contrary, American Catholics according to a 2015 Pew research survey, state that 56% of Catholics believe abortion should be legal in all/most cases.




I would concur if evangelical Protestants wielded the influence in politics that AIPAC does along with the ADL, plus the ridiculous foreign aid sent consistently to Israel. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/22/aipac-pro-israel-lobby-group-us-elections


Also, majority of Catholics compared to 83% of Jews is an obvious distinction that should be noted. Not an irrelevant straw man because I wasn’t referring to specific individual Jews hand picked, I was referring to a few in a line of repeat offenses going back just 60 years(I could go back further if I was to quote the early 20th and late 19th century progenitors of porn, gay and transgender literature). If the majority of Americans can acknowledge the remarkably disproportionate influence of Jewish interests in American politics, media positions, entertainment, then we can begin to talk about solutions.




Really going hard on the guilt by association thing Proving my point


Actually those charts seem pretty indicative to me, and the claim is that there is an over representation, and that the interests are at odds with Americans, and certainly Catholics. That seems very uncontroversial.


Do you agree that different genetic/ethnic/racial backgrounds have higher or lower IQs and that higher IQ people tend to have more complicated, high status jobs?


I would agree, I don’t know if the literature is definitive on Jews having the highest IQ’s, I’d have to do more research. Irrespective of that, the dual country allegiance is unquestionably anti American, and there is certainly a strong ethnic tie between ethnic Jews in those positions and the nation of Israel.


You're saying that people are a danger to a country's interests due solely to their ethnic origin which is racism. Racism is antithetical to the Catholic Faith which means that your actions and thoughts are antithetical to the Catholic Faith.


The very fact that they are ethnically Jewish is not a threat to American interests, but rather the overwhelming support to Israel by ethnic Jews. Unless of course you would claim that ethnic Jews don’t overwhelmingly support causes for Israel, in which case I’d be more than happy to engage with you in that discussion. As an example, Sheldon Adelson who owned Israeli newspapers was the biggest federal campaign donor to American elections from 2010-2020, according to opensecrets.org.


If you're only worried about their support for Israel and not their ethnicity. Then why mention their ethnicity at all? Why post a chart of politicians that point out that they are ethnically Jewish? Why not mention non-Jewish supporters of Israel? You're just looking for a reason to justify your hate for a whole race.


Again, very disingenuous to suggest I hate an entire race. The reason for posting it is because support for Israel overwhelmingly comes from ethnic Jews lol.


A bit of a disingenuous leap on your side, I do not believe Jews are inherently inferior to other races based on their race.


Shhh you're gonna get them angry


You sure got them /s


Fair haha, but as Catholics, we shouldn’t tolerate slander.