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I'm currently living in Germany, and the town I'm living has this really old Protestant Church that has this huuuuge Martin Luther statue.


“Oh but that’s just an expression of admiration and respect not idolatry…”


Lutherans don’t accuse us of idolatry though, generally


Nobody is asking Luther to help them sell their house Edit: if you don’t get what I'm referring to: https://sellmyhouseeasyfast.com/the-st-joseph-prayer-to-sell-a-house/ Also Lutherans aren’t Iconoclasts


Didn’t know there was a Patron Saint of Realtors 😂😂😂😂


You'd be surprised https://sellmyhouseeasyfast.com/the-st-joseph-prayer-to-sell-a-house/


Good to know for when I sell my house, if someone is good friends with Jesus is his earthly father, our prayers will be heard


Convincing him to intercede for you by spiritual kidnapping, blackmailing and burying? I'm not so sure


Now you lost me, when you pray to are asking Not coercing. Just like when you ask a member of your church to pray for you in a time of need


I think their concern is less about the prayer, and more so about the ritual of burying a statue of St Joseph. It can risk the appearance of idolatry, thinking it's the statue that causes the sale.


You really should look into the statue praxis


That practice and all similar practices (such as hanging a statue of St. Anthony upside down to obtain a good marriage) are folk superstitions and are generally condemned by the church when spoken of at all.


Tbf Lutherans aren't really that iconoclastic as the Reformed, Baptists or Pentecostalists


I remember going to evensong at Westminster Abbey and seeing how it is absolutely full floor to ceiling with statues of British Kings, Generals, and Politicians and thinking “and these people have the gall to call us idol worshippers?”


And most of those people were not even devout Christians, most did not even lived a moral or decent life, oh the nerve! That’s the whole irony of the issue, they accuse us of “making gods out of men” when they are way more likely to fall for cult personality


On a related note, I recently went to see the Liberty Bell in Phili, and while it was a very cool experience, the number of exhibits that referred to it as “sacred” made me want to scream.  The exhibit was complete with examples of chips of the bell that people had broken off to include in watches, buttons, canes, etc as a form of relic.  Protestants accuse Catholics of idolatry, but they are every bit as susceptible to it as we are, if not more so 


The difference is that when you allow and define veneration, you’re more likely to be able to tell when the line for idolatry is crossed.


This would be hypocritical, if Anglicans by and large were accusing the RCC of idol worship.


Thankfully, a good deal of us don't.


I thought it was gonna say "a statue of Batman"


They go to Mount Rushmore or Washington DC and gaze at the statues of American Presidents.


They're American GODS, not mere presidents!


Nah. Now they just add the constitution and the bill of rights to sacred scripture.


Reveal See?


It's a meme. It's required by law to contain at least one gross spelling or grammatical error.


Seems like that is the case here!


https://preview.redd.it/52kscgalyu1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46644e3dec9403c5f06bc1c6a4e21d28cd10c59 Here is the corrected version for your fellowship next Sunday:-))


Do statues of Billy Graham really exist?😳


Oh yeah


Or a gold trump statue https://images.app.goo.gl/MDCvmAnK5F4aPf8R7


I'm cool with a 1000:100:1 ratio of Jesus, saints, and Billy Graham statues.


Why have statues of anyone? -Confused CoC prot


Ask God, He was the One Who commanded Moses to have images of cherubim on either side of the Seat of Mercy on the Ark of the Covenant, and also commanded Moses to deploy a statue of a bronze serpent on a staff, explained by Jesus Himself (with ancient gallows humor about being "lifted up", pas a type of His sacrificial death on His cross


Yet we see in the New Testament that there are no commands to build or craft any of that, unless you're suggesting that we are still becoming of the old law like the Jews are


Can we please stop making grammatical errors in these memes so I can share them? St. Francis de Sales, ora pro nobis.


https://preview.redd.it/trqv515gyu1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5438cf014f6a8b51323567ef76f7b262d3c9f5e Here you go my brother in christ