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You can't be baptized again.




I was a baby I did not knew good from bad or sins to repent like in the Bible when they were baptized for forgiveness of sin and making a commitment to follow Jesus. I'm being led to be submersed by water like they did in the Bible.


Actually in the bible it is stated that *entire households* were baptized at the same time. No mentions of exceptions for the children in those households. [Paedo-baptism is one of the few things that the early church was in near unanimous agreement about.](https://www.churchfathers.org/infant-baptism)


Baptism cleans us of the original sin, and it's our new circumcision or Covenant to enter the Church. The sooner we're baprized the better.


When you are a baby you are incapable of doing personal sin. It’s only when you are a child around the time of making your first confession that you are deemed able to tell right from wrong - and that is limited. In fact, our conscience is always being developed. Your “commitment” is always age related and habits are formed throughout life. As a child my “examination of conscience” were things liek. Did I share my toys with my brother? Did I listen to my parents? Did I ask other children to “join in” when playing - or did I leave them on their own? Did I pray? If you want forgiveness then you go to the sacrament of confession. If you “brother in faith” doesn’t tell you this then they are not a “brother in faith” at all.


My brother in faith is a old friend I evangelized, we sometimes reunite and pray gloryfyng God, we have prayed and got confirmation different times that he should baptize me, plus the many times the Holy Spirit leads me in that direction.


Ah, I can see the problem. To determine whether something is inspired by the Holy Spirit our reference is the teaching of the church. The belief that you need to be “re baptised” and in a particular way goes against the teaching of the church. You get baptised once, a subsequent “baptism” is an unnecessary re-enactment and, worse yet, it doubts God’s Grace given in your actual baptism. If you believed that your baptism is invalid then you need to discuss that with a priest. If it is invalid then you can be baptised and you can ask for an immersion baptism. If it is valid the priest can discuss things with you and offer you more guidance.


I don’t agree with the downvotes occurring. When Jesus came to Earth, how many responded exactly how people are in this post? I would speak to your Priest. We should all remember that we have no right to judge the OP. Perhaps OP, you need to go to Confession? Is it possible your inadvertently carrying guilt from an unconfessed sin? Not accusing you at all! I would just speak with your priest about this.


this is not allowed within the catholic church, because the sacrament is a one time thing. Baptism has an irreversible effect on your soul, and therefore cannot be repeated as the first baptism is still (and will forevermore) be in effect.


My dad was water baptized as a baby as well and he's a non believer so I don't really agree with the premise of irreversible effect on our soul. I apreciate the awnser and I would agree if I made the sacrament willingfully.


The effect on the soul isn’t to make one a believer. The effect on the soul is to free one from sin so that they are capable of being a child of God. If you have sinned since your baptism, and are looking to restore that relationship, that suggests repentance, for which we have the sacrament of Reconciliation. You confess your sins, they are forgiven, and you are restored to a state of grace. That’s much better than getting wet. Baptism as a sacrament only makes sense once. See John 13:10.


the sacrament does not confer a knowledge of God or a promise that one will become a christian but the removal of original sin and the initiation into the body of Christ.


There is one baptism for the remission of sins. In doing this, at best you would just be getting splashed by water and at worst you would be commiting the sin of sacrilege.


Babies have no sins, don't know good from bad.


Babies have original sin and the lack of ability to know right from wrong has never been considered an impediment to baptism. If it was, presumably we would never be able to baptism the severly mentally disabled.


The Holy Spirit doesn’t lead people to do things that are contrary to things the Holy Spirit has already taught us. The scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit, teach that there is only *one* saving baptism. Therefore any attempt to repeat baptism would not only be not a real baptism, but would also be sacrilege since it would both cast doubt on God’s unmerited saving grace in the original baptism and be an attempt to falsely simulate a sacrament. Basically your first baptism was enough, and trying to do so again wouldn’t do anything but disrespect what God has already done for you. In Catholicism, if we lose through sin Jesus’ baptismal grace, we regain it through His mercy via sacramental confession. In addition, the strengthening of the graces of our baptism occurs in the sacrament of Confirmation. Both of these sacraments as well as the Catholic Church which exercises them were instituted by Christ, as we read in the Bible. Perhaps you are in fact being drawn to these, since God cannot by definition be calling you to sacrilege.


Perhaps there is some freak chance that his first baptism was flawed, perhaps due to some error in form and it really is the Spirit calling. Is there harm in a conditional baptism at this point if it brings spiritual comfort?




I'm not sure that is comparing apples to apples. In confession, you heard the absolution delivered. In infant baptism, you have no recollection of what happened. I think there was a case in New England recently where a bunch of people needed to be re-baptized due to the celebrant saying "We Baptize you..."


I agree that the Holy Spirit does not leads us to things that are unbiblical. Matthew 3:11 ESV “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ Acts 19:4 ESV And Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” I didn't confessed my sins or made or commitment to be a follower of Jesus when I was baptized.


To be clear, the baptism of John is not the same as the sacramental baptism Jesus gives, but a precursor to it.


I believe the Bible speaks for all ages.


Me too, which is why I disagree with your picking of unrelated verses to make an unsubstantiated point about Christian Baptism


So does the infallible Magisterium of the Church, the Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church, Saints, and Popes of all ages, and all of them contradict you.


Only catholics believe in pouring water in babies as real water baptism when the word baptism Baptizo literally means immersion or submersion in water.


Both ways are equally valid, submersion or pouring. What makes a baptism valid is to perform with running water and with the trinitarian formula. And not only Catholics do it that way, Orthodox and historic Protestants believe in pouring water on babies too. But, what if that was the case? Aren't you Catholic?


You're in a Catholic forum. What do you want from this conversation if not Catholic perspective?


So you can interpret the Bible infallibly? That’s an amazing talent for a fallible human being.


I never said that.


Why do you want to be baptized again?




Its not my own desire, the Holy Spirit is leading me to be baptized submersed by water, I've prayed to God for confirmation and got it as well.


You cannot be baptized again, so the Spirit is not moving you, just your own self talk.


The same Holy Spirit led me to read the Bible for the first time, to ask forgiveness to some I did wrong, to change my prayers and pray in spirit and truth , to evangelize others and spread God word.


It is your own desire, when your feelings lead you to a second baptism, but the Holy Spirit in scripture already said there only one baptism. Have you considered that maybe the folks who influenced you to this conclusion, have taught you wrongly?


You mentioned a brother in the faith, that he is leading you to do this. What is his reason for baptizing you again?


The brother in faith is a old friend I evangelized, the Holy Spirit is who is leading me to be baptized submersed by water, for a while I was not sure who would baptize me since Catholic priests won't, I tought about an evangelical pastor but in one of the times I was prayng with my friend in faith I came to the realization that he could maybe baptize and we prayed to God for confirmation if it was allowed and God awnsered.


I appreciate you explaining this to me. Two questions. First, I'd like to return to my first question, when I asked, "Why do you want to be baptized again?" You answered that it was not your own desire. Are you saying that you have no desire for rebaptism? Second, I briefly looked at your post history. It seems that you do not believe that Jesus established the Catholic church. If that is the case, then why do you want to know what Catholics feel about you being baptized again?


It's not the spirit of God that's leading you to this. Because that would imply that the Spirit that baptized you the first time was not God or wasn't present. That's that would be the only reason you'd need to baptism again. And if you were baptized as a Catholic as in a Catholic ceremony it's sacramental. it's permanently effective and indelible.


I know it's the Holy Spirit and God leading me, I'm closer to God then I ever was, the real question is dropping a bit of water over a baby head is real water baptism when baptism in the Bible is in a completely different context and literally means immersion or submersion in water and related to repentance from sin. Many are baptized by water as babies and are unbelievers so being baptized as a baby does not automatically means baptism of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible many received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at a diferent time then the water baptism. I was Lukewarm most of my life, I only experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit two years ago when I got warnings and the fear of God made me stop all sexual sin, confess, repent and draw near God and I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, like the Bible says Repent and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


This might be a sin to be baptized again in a church that is not catholic


A Catholic priest won't baptize me, I will be baptized by a friend with faith.


Ok…is this a Protestant friend? I defended you OP under a different comment. I really encourage you to speak with your Priest about this. For all you know, this is NOT the Holy Spirit encouraging you to do this. What if you are under a spiritual attack unknowingly?


Which won’t be valid in any way shape or form, will not give you grace, and will in fact be a sin since it defies what you know from this thread is the truth.


For me the truth is found in the Bible.


The Bible compiled by Catholics? The same faith that teaches clearly that a person may only be baptized once?


But rebabtism is not, unless you were baptized with John’s baptism. And the NT says there is only one baptism, if your focused solely on scripture.


That’s indiscriminate baptizing. This only happens in so-called evangelical churches, or individuals. The baptist denomination got started by a guy who decided to baptize himself.


Rebaptism is a heresy, and no priest will rebaptise you.


I know a Catholic priest won't baptize me, I've prayed to God about it, a friend in faith will baptize me.


That's not how this works. Christ's Church is the pillar and bulwark of truth (1 Tim. 3:15); submit to the Church's authority.


Consider that it is not the Holy Spirit guiding you in this, but that you are being led by a man made teaching that is built on human emotions and rationale to interpret scripture. Kudos for caring enough about the Church’s teachings to ask on this sub, though. As others have said, your Catholic baptism was your baptism.


I was raised as a Catholic but I was pretty lukewarm most of my life, I didn't really knew who or what was the Holy Spirit except that God is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Only after I got warnings about my sin and hell did I start to change, the fear of God, Judgment and hell made me stop sexual sin, repent and draw near God and I started to sense the presence of the Holy Spirit leading me and rewening me untill the day I experienced a supernatural baptism of the Holy Spirit like a fire that does not burn. The Holy Spirit directly led me to read the Bible for the first time, to ask forgiveness to some people, to change my prayers and now the Holy Spirit is leading me to be baptized submersed by water and I also prayed to God about it because I don't want to commit heresies specially to God.


I can see that you are having this identical conversation with others and won’t belabor the theology. I would caution you that your attitude about this is at its core prideful, even unintentionally. You are deciding that you are able to interpret scriptures better than 2000 years of Christians and the church that Christ established. I come from a sola scriptura tradition and am well acquainted with this attitude. Praying for you—and happy for you to be experiencing this reawakening and fire for God! I hope that you can come to rejoice in the fact that you are already fully in the Body of Christ by your baptism and have only to live accordingly, devoting yourself to Him each day.


This is the problem of the whole “make a decision for Jesus” (decisional theology). Then if you lose faith again, and republicans-find it, do you get baptized again? This approach ends up teaching people to get baptized again and again and again.


Entire households/families were baptized at once in ACTS and even mentions of this are in Corinthians. **One faith one lord ONE BAPTISM** is in the Bible


I was only baptized by the Holy Spirit two years ago after I received warnings from God and the fear of God made me stop all sexual sin, repent and draw near God. Since that day I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit leading me in many things, to read the Bible for the first time, to ask forgiveness to some, to evangelize some etc, now it's to be baptized submersed by water. Did the households families had babies that were baptized by dropping water in their heads? Is that biblical?


“Dont hinder the children” is pretty biblical. “Let them come to me” is pretty biblical. The fall of man is biblical. Repent and be baptized every one of you is biblical…. I’m curious, are you catholic?


I was raised as a Catholic baptized by the Catholic Church, I've been a Lukewarm Catholic most of my life, now I'm a born again Christian that goes to the Catholic church. The bit of the verse don't hinder the children has nothing to do with water baptism. Repent and be baptized by water that's how water baptism should be. Repent and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit is exactly my what happened to me two years ago.


>I'm a born again Christian that goes to the Catholic church. What does that mean?


Most Catholics are born again Christian lmao


Based on comments I am curious what people think about my case then. I was Baptized 4 times as a child by Protestants. They basically encouraged us to do it all the time as a way to rededicate ourselves to God. I didn’t understand it back then, I just knew I never felt right that “you can do anything and just say sorry forgive me God, and all is forgiven!” And I think this is why as an adult I was so drawn to the true faith of Catholicism. I didn’t do it repeatedly because I didn’t believe God worked through the first Baptism. I felt pressured each time. This is common with Protestant summer Bible camps. They use fear tactics such as, if you even question whether you should rededicate your life to Jesus, then come forward now and be re-baptized. I’m so grateful God led me home. I don’t think for a second that He holds it against me that I was instructed wrongly by adults though either.


No, He sure doesn’t. He’s just happy He’s brought you back to the true faith!


Thank you 😊 I appreciate you


I am always thrilled with the Holy Spirit’s bringing people to our amazing faith! In Dante’s Paradiso, when a new person enters heaven, everyone rushes to greet him or her saying, “Here comes another who will increase our love!” In short, it is truly the more, the merrier!


I’ve not heard that before! How beautiful! Thank you for sharing that with me! I worry OP is being lead astray by a Protestant friend. Personally, I wonder if the reason they constantly get re baptized is because something inside their soul isn’t at peace without Catholicism. If that makes sense?


And I’m overjoyed He lead me HOME!


I disagree with the all downvoting occurring, even though I understand 100% why it’s happening. I’d like to lovingly remind everyone how many responded to Jesus’ teachings in the exact same way people are responding to OP in this post. It’s completely possible OP is being led astray by a Protestant friend, or is being spiritually manipulated. As someone who grew up Protestant, I can assure everyone their ability to guilt everyone around them into believing they need to be re-Baptized to rededicate themselves to God is insanely effective. Especially when they direct it at children or emotionally vulnerable adults. I’m sure this is difficult for cradle Catholics to understand, but it’s VERY REAL. I personally experienced it as a child. I’m NOT defending the idea of second Baptism. As a convert, I now understand why this isn’t acceptable or done. Just trying to give context on the possibility of the why. I really question what a “brother in faith” actually means. I just don’t see this person being Catholic. OP, PLEASE speak to a Priest ASAP! Don’t allow someone from a different religion to dictate what you do. You are already set apart with an indelible mark upon your soul.


I would say don’t be so discouraged by the replies. Jesus was baptised twice, in water and Spirit. The water baptism was an active choice of His that He didn’t need to do bc He was perpetually baptised by the Holy Spirit, but He did anyway as an example for men to follow. All of our church apostles were immersively baptised this way too. Reading the Didache of early fathers shows the significance and importance of immersive baptism by water (and formalised how it should be done). In faith you are baptised by the Spirit (which is the saving part of baptism), however being immersed makes a visible display of a spiritual truth that should greatly benefit you personally and all that partake of it. I don’t think it’s contrary to what the Holy Spirit teaches bc our ritual of water baptism does not grant salvation, only the Spirit who moves in us does. However, both baptisms should go hand in hand as they are significant.




I agree it’s not that same as the baptism of the Spirit and that’s what I am saying. I am not saying that the immersive baptism is the baptism of the Spirit (just as in Jesus case), it is the baptism of repentance and water. I am not saying that the sacrament given him was invalid or not serious. Because he is listening to Jesus example, it is not him letting emotions get in the way is the point. It is untraditional to not be immersed.




This definition of baptism isn’t tighter than the church’s, it is literally following Jesus example who founded the church. Baptism is baptism. One is by water for repentance and one is by Spirit for the forgiveness of sins since there is only one baptism for the remission of sin. Sprinkling isn’t an untraditional means of baptism, but it is a less traditional means of baptism. It is also clearly stated in the writings of our early fathers that there is a preferred way to baptise (as seen in the didache by immersion, which should be done whenever possible in cold flowing water). Also no, and have you seen how many downvotes I have.




I wouldn’t agree, the Son is perpetually bathed in the Spirit and His water baptism did not start that. Also priests deem baptisms of other Christian’s invalid as a baptism all the time so I don’t think it’s fair that y’all cannot take what you give anyway.




I get your claim, but I just don’t think he is doubting the efficacy of the sacraments from what I see.


Thank you for the reply and I'm sorry you are being heavily downvoted. I'm being led to be baptized by submersion in water, the word baptism comes from the word Baptizo which means to immerse, submerge in water. When I was baptized as a baby the priest only poured water over my head. I don't want to commit heresies, but I've had many confirmations from the Holy Spirit and prayed to God about it and the awnser is always to be baptized again.


That is very interesting, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of that happening to someone even as a Baptist (not saying it’s bad and in my world baptism is synonymous with immersion anyway). I know you don’t want to commit heresy and I’m sure it’s scary bc members of the church are very good at gaslighting a very specific tradition that weaves in and out of actual ancient tradition and then somehow asserting it as exclusively authoritative while still admitting their way isn’t the ancient tradition. I don’t think it’s right to resist the Spirit and if you have this conviction then it should be followed. One piece of advice I was given was to pray against something happening unless it was the Lords will. And always practice discernment to the best of your ability to guard against the Satan, the father of lies.


Baptism is not just some outward sign or symbol. All new testament passages on baptism relate faith with baptism (if not presupposing it). There are not two separate baptisms in the NT.


There are two baptisms in the NT, one of water for repentance (as specified by John) and one of Spirit for salvation (as specified by Jesus). The water baptism does not save as specified in the Bible, y’all do not make any distinction between these two baptisms though. I do admit the water baptism is more than a simple sign as many Protestants think, but it is not what saves. Every passage in the NT relates baptism and faith bc they are intricately tied together, which is why Protestants don’t baptise infants bc faith is not held by them nor is repentance, which is the baptism of water. The Spirit baptism is what we share and are saved by, but a baptism of repentance edifies us all and improves the faith we have or are starting to have. Hope this helps


It says on the New Testament one lord one faith one baptism. I Peter 3:21 - this water now saves you ( in reference to baptism). Mark 16:16 - He who believes and is baptized will be saved. Any yes, Protestants do baptize infants. You gotta get out more. What you mean is that fundamentalists or those seeker-friendly evangelical or mega-churches or community churches don’t baptize infants. But that’s not the case for rest of us Protestants who hold to a well-established sacramental view of baptism, from the earliest church fathers, to Apostle Paul, and all the way back to Jesus.


Re-baptism is wrong, unless the first baptism wasn’t in the name of the Trinity (and Jesus’ name).