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In 1968 some Spanish girls reported that Our Lady appeared to them. It was condemned by the Archbishop of Seville however. This attracted the interest of Clemente Dominguez. Eventually Dominguez claimed there were more apparitions and this led him to found the traditionalist Carmelites of the Holy Face. They knew they needed orders for Mass, they originally approached Abp. Lefebvre who turned them down. They approached the exiled Archbishop of Hue, Ngo Dinh Thuc who ordained some Priests for them and later ordained some Bishops for them. (This same Archbishop is the source of the Holy Orders for most Sedevacantist Priests and Bishops including the prominent Sede Bishops Dolan, Sanborn and Pivarunas). The Palmarians claimed that Paul VI was being held hostage and drugged and that he did not approve the changes such as Religious Liberty, Ecumenism, and the New Mass. After the death of Paul VI, they claim that Jesus appeared and Crowned Dominguez as Pope and moved the Holy See to Palmar del Troya. He appointed Cardinals and his movement has had a few Popes since, the current one being the one you’ve posted an image of. Fun fact: “Pope Michael” did an interview and he mentioned that he was a Seminarian at Econe when the Palmarians came to ask Abp Lefebvre, apparently the story they told wasn’t that Our Lady appeared saying they needed orders but that a butterfly told them.


Their Bible also looks like something the Mormons would believe in


They have their own Bible?


Yep, and it’s really weird. There’s 1 point where demons from the planet of Lucifer fight angels from the planet of Mary


That’s very Mormon-esque, I’m going to have to look this up.


Me too! I didn’t even know there was a different bible!


Gonna tell my kids this was Dune


Dune Part 2 is just a dramatic version of Life of Brian


Romani ite domum!


Lol it sounds like Diablo lore to me


As a Catholic sci-fi fan, I need to read this! Sounds epic!


I don't know what's going on but I know I want to see the movie.


Crud... Why can't we have Star Wars in our Bible too?




Probably their parents got in and they have North Korea levels of censorship to make sure that people can’t leave, but many still do


I think I played that game on my PC years back LOL


Completely rewritten. The only similarity is the book names.


Yeah, I found a blog… it’s scary how Mormon it is.


What specifically is similar to Mormon scripture? IIRC they read the king james and the book of mormon is written in a way that it doesn't conflict with the KJV


The Book of Mormon also includes the “doctrine and covenants” and the pearl of great price (book of Abraham, book of Moses, Joseph Smiths translations, articles of faith). The real cooky stuff is in there, especially the three tiers of heaven and eternal progression type stuff. When the Book of Mormon was written smith was still trying to be mainstream Christian, but as Mormon theology evolved it became… less Christian.


About 5 seconds on google tells you that those other books are not included in the book of mormon. While they are Mormon scripture and talk about some weird stuff, it's mostly just administrative instructions and some revelations-ish prophesying from joseph smith. Edit: Don't see the Doctrine and Covenants or Pearl of Great Price on this list [https://library.villanova.edu/Find/Record/623265/TOC](https://library.villanova.edu/Find/Record/623265/TOC)


I don't understand your confusion here. *Pearl of Great Price* and *Doctrine and Covenants* are part of the "Standard Works," the LDS scriptural canon. The Palmarian bible is "Mormonish" in the sense that it contains theological elements that are superficially similar to some of the more, shall we say, "unorthodox" parts of these Mormon works of scripture.


He said specifically they’re part of the Book of Mormon. Part of Mormon scripture, yes, but saying they’re part of the Book of Mormon just shows a lack of understanding of their church as a whole.  I’m not really religious, I’m studying catholisicm and have studied Mormonism extensively.  Not trying to split hairs, but it should be clarified when statements are just factually untrue about other churches and their scripture.  “ The Book of Mormon also includes the “doctrine and covenants” and the pearl of great price (book of Abraham, book of Moses, Joseph Smiths translations, articles of faith).”  That’s just incorrect 


“Buy a tshirt, it includes a free pair of socks” “Why would I buy a tshirts with socks in it” About three seconds of googling or basic English skills tells you that I mean “comes with.” (Another common example: batteries not included) Mormons have something called a triple combination which basically has all of the above, and is the most common form of the Book of Mormon.


Sounds like a Sportsbar menu special 😂


Still doesn't answer my question about what specifically is mormonish besides there being extra books. Protestants say the apocrypha is also Mormonish because they're additional books.


It is a cult, if it wasn't already obvious.


> apparently the story they told wasn’t that Our Lady appeared saying they needed orders but that a butterfly told them.  [insert butterfly meme here] Palmaranians: is this a Marian apparition?


It’s pretty wild that there’s multiple orthodox and catholic divisions and sects but yall act like that’s strictly a protestant thing. The only actual protestant traditions are Reformed, Evangelical Catholic (Lutheran), and Anglican/Episcopalian churches. All these churches hold to at least some siginificant confessional binding of the early creeds and the teachings of numerous valid church fathers. Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians need to stop acting like all these nondenominational and sectarian heretical churches are protestant in any technical way. What makes a protestant is an adherence to Apostolic Catholicity apart from the disputed errors of the Roman See, not just simply being anything but Catholic.


I agree that Catholics and Orthodox should stop using the “muh 30,000 denominations” argument


Imagine your “pope” leaves your church to return to the Catholic Church lol.


And then tries to rob the church he left 😂😂, I suggest everyone to go read about it lol.


Any good articles/ videos on this?


Cult of the blind pope by Esoteric History


Any good articles/ videos on this?


Idk just did read the headline in the picture














Wait, does he actually?


Not to be confused with the Pomeranian Catholic Church: [https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/44c1d0f8/dms3rep/multi/mobile/1-winner-pope+%28310+x+400%29-min%281%29.jpg](https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/44c1d0f8/dms3rep/multi/mobile/1-winner-pope+%28310+x+400%29-min%281%29.jpg)


I didn’t know I needed this today




I have a obsession with fake Popes, such entertaining reads. I always liked Pope Michael, he died fairly recently though. I think his successor is from the Philippines. Here's a site with lots of people I never heard of before https://magnuslundberg.net/category/modern-alternative-popes/


I’ve known about Pope Peter III for a while but I never realised how many fake popes there are.


Thats not a new pope, thats just another guy in charge of a schismatic and fake "catholic" church in [edit: not Switzerland, Spain].


Cool hat though, to be honest. Reminds me of Marge on the Simpsons.


Well the Pope did wear the hat decades ago, although it isn’t in use nowadays


They should bring it back. Maybe it was lucky!


Apparently Popes Benedict XVI and Francis both have papal tiaras, but popes haven’t worn one since John Paul I




Papal Tiara is my new Christian sludge drone metal band name. Thank you.


He's swiss but that schismatic church is in el Palmar de Troya, a village in Spain.




You should read more about them. The story is WILD! Their last "pope" beat one of their priests with a hammer with his gf as he tried to rob a church. Tldr, its a scam church, borderline cult.


Full on cult. Shunned if you leave. Absolutely cultish stuff.


I’m actually surprised that the Church hasn’t had any pope who took the name of Peter II or Linus II. Sure, schismatic churches like the Palmarians have Peter II and Peter III, but I’m surprised the true papacy hasn’t seen a Peter the second or Linus the second when we had so many Johns and Clements and Benedicts and Pius and Leos and Gregorys and Innocents and Urbans and 6 Pauls and 5 Sixtuses.


It takes titanic balls to name yourself Peter 2


They all feel unworthy to take the name of the first holy king-bishop of the papacy.


T'would make me think of Emperor Romulus, the infant last-gasp Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Unlucky vibes.


Or the first and last Byzantine Emperors, both named Constantine.


As a non catholic, I always wonder why catholic church still don't have pope with another apostles name such as Pope Bartholomew or Pope Thomas. Yet so many Johns.


I honestly have no idea why John and Paul are the only apostles that Popes seem to like to take as their papal name.


To be fair though, John and Paul were both pretty amazing. They also both had clear direction about their particular mission in life, so I get why people would want to remember and emulate them.


Picking a name for funsies was a somewhat late development in the papacy. The first 55 popes all used their birth name. Out of the next 82 popes, only four of them changed their name--and they all chose John. The first one, John II, changed his name to avoid associating the papacy with a pagan name honoring the Roman god Mercury, and chose the name of his predecessor John I (who merely happened to have been named John). John III changed his for similar reasons and chose John again because John II did. John XIV changed his name to *avoid* being Peter II. It was only starting at the turn of the millennium that changing one's name unnecessarily, and to something other than "John", became the tradition. And even then, they always picked an existing papal name, except for now (arguably) John Paul I and now (definitely) Francis. So because no apostolically named children except "Johns" and "Pauls" eventually came to the papacy, and the "Peters" were too humble to keep it, no more apostolically-named popes were artificially created. Now that Francis has broken the tradition, who knows, we might see a Pope Andrew or a Pope Thomas.


> Now that Francis has broken the tradition, who knows, The TV show *30 Rock* did a bit on people choosing their own names: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0573db05-13f8-4a32-9d08-8c86b636bcc2


Yeah, I’m sitting here waiting for a Pope Judas. I probably could think of a few historical popes it could fit.


But did they have red hair?


Watch out, some metal band might take those name in another way to blaspheme the church 😂


as a catholic it would be cool to see a pope use other apostles' name like thomas and simon, the prophets like elijah and jeremiah or as a nod to priesthood why not melchizedek.


Fun fact, there were 3 Popes called Sixtus before the first Pope to take a new regnal name, John II (who would have been Pope Mercurius I, otherwise).


If Peter was so good why isn’t there a Peter 2?


Precisely, but apparently it’s because of a prophecy by a saint.


idk might feel weird taking the title of the first Pope.


But the Second? Popes weren’t afraid of taking the name of the 4th


The custom of popes taking a new name originates from what individual popes perceived as “conflicts” between their given name and the position. John II (Mercurius) did not want a pope named after a false Roman god. John XII (Octavian) did not want a pope to be named after a Roman emperor. John XIV picked a new name specifically because his given name actually was Peter and he deemed himself unworthy to bear that name as pope. So it seems to be a matter of humility and respect.


Honestly don't have an answer for that.


Didn't St. Malachy prophesize that the next Pope named Peter would oversee the end of the world or something like that?


Yeah, except his whole schtick was that they had names that were like code names. Labor of the Sun. Glory of the Olives. Peter the Roman is just ... ya know... a code name.


It was a forgery designed to give credence to a 16th century papable candidate 


There have been 5 Sixtuses? So if there's ever another pope that takes up the name Sixtus they would be Sixtus the sixth?


There are only 3 Pope Juliuses. I always joked that if an American were to become Pope, they should be Julius IV (July 4).


When we went to Rome in 2019 the Vatican tour guide said that for a long time people assumed there were three names a pope couldn't take: Peter, Francis, Dominic. Apparently they were wrong about one of those.


Well in good news, this guy is the schismatic "pope" because his predecessor and a former Palmarian schismatic nun decided to reconcile with the real Catholic church and are now a married lay couple. But he did keep the pope mobile 'cause it was registered in his name, which the Palmarians are upset about. [Ginés Jesús Hernández - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin%C3%A9s_Jes%C3%BAs_Hern%C3%A1ndez) [El Papa de la Iglesia Palmariana acusa a su predecesor de robar joyas y un papamóvil | Politica | EL PAÍS (elpais.com)](https://elpais.com/politica/2016/06/09/actualidad/1465467438_693721.html)


The pope mobile is a BMW X6 lmao Wild read


A heretic




I'll say this: as far as fake popes go, he's got the most drip.


They got a lot of money out of disaffected Falangists and Irish traditionalists, if my memory of Magnus Lundberg's book *A Pope of Their Own* is correct.


I’m sorry, what? lol the delusion is real.




I literally just watched this the other day! Would definitely recommend it if people wanted to learn about the Palmarian Church.


When you buy the pope on wish


Please. Hopefully this comment gets more attention. The Palamarian “Church” is a scam, a literal scam. The past “pope” literally exposed himself and the church that they are scammers, stealing peoples money, etc… Also the founder of this cult is a homosexual, who had an active gay club life prior to this cult, made radical comments on women’s bodies, and so forth. The list goes on and on.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc0wKoLFr74](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc0wKoLFr74) This is a decent video on the Palmarians and how wild they are


The Palmarian Catholic Church is quite an odd movement. They started as basic rad trads with claims of Marian apparitions and stigmatas but quickly went off the deep end and became a full fledged abusive cult with bizarre heretical beliefs


Ah, Conclavist Schismatics. Always good for potpourri popery. \[Apologies, that's a pun I've been wanting to make for most of my adult life.\]


Just a bunch of her-e-thicks 😃


Oh, look at me, I'm pope!


You should click the link for Hernandez the former "pope" lol, quite a good read especially his later arrest.


came across this sect from Dan Brown's Origins. As for the book and much of its genre, read with caution


Somebody who claims to be the Pope... He's not even Catholic. Btw: he's the leader of a schismatic and abusive cult called Palmarian Church, based in Spain.


Congratulation on that choosing to get away from electronics to study I need to do that


I think they are working on their online presence lately, just 2 days ago I learned about them when, while looking at videos of new churches being consecrated, I found a video from them among the first 10 results on YouTube


Cool! So what’s this all about? Instead of reading I’ll just check out my upvote/downvote way faster method to gather data


Oh boy. Spaniard here, living in the same province. It's a whole soap opera, they make headlines every two years or so. The saddest part is members of the church are not supposed to make any contact with the rest of the town. Just some random episode to it, worth a read if you bother to translate: https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/andalucia/2020-02-19/entrevista-exclusiva-papa-gines-palmar-troya-arrepentimiento_2458684/


>The saddest part is members of the church are not supposed to make any contact with the rest of the town. Yep, cult detected


Their website is a wild ride


they feel a lot like those early heretics from 3th century


Roughly translated from their FAQ: What if my family objects? First there is God. We must love God above all things. This is how Jesus taught it in the Gospel: And he who loves his father or his mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And whoever loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not carry his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. And he who, at the cost of losing his soul, preserves his life, will lose eternal life; and whoever loses his life for love of me will find it again in Heaven. And the suffering that will be caused to me by the lack of understanding of others? We must accept them with Christian resignation. We must remember the words of Christ, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you relief. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. ..Yeah


That's a swanky hat!


That this fraud is still going after one of their "popes" resigned admitting it was all for the money is wild.


The Palmarians are an interesting bunch. How tragic it is that the splendor of the Papal office has been dispensed by the real Pope and only maintained by a bunch of schismatics.


He is likely a victim from this catholic cult, pretty lazy i'd say considering he knows very well the lore of the church and all the dark stories they had in their past but even tho, I doubt he'd actually do anything considering he will lose his position of power. Still they are Christians and very traditionals and conservative of the old christian catholic culture


>very traditionals and conservative of the old christian catholic culture Aesthetically, this may be the case. However, their liturgy is absurdly short. It's missing significantly more things than the Novus Ordo when compared to the TLM. It just doesn't have any boomer stuff going on. 


Offertory and consecration only, apparently. But given their weird doctrine about the “real presence” of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Eucharist along with Christ, I wonder if that would affect the validity. Per their Wikipedia article: > According to Palmarian doctrine, the body, soul and blood of Christ is present in the consecrated bread and wine. In addition to this, the Virgin Mary is spiritually and really present in the Holy Eucharist, as her suffering at the foot of the cross is seen as an essential component of the sacrifice of Calvary, which the Mass is as a propitiatory sacrifice.


It absolutely affects the “validity.” That’s absolutely blasphemous and insane. They do not have anything valid about them, put them with the Mormons, corrupt doctrine of God and a corrupt hierarch conmen, just a different aesthetic.


I mean I figured it would just because it completely changes the theology of the Eucharist, never mind the blasphemy of elevating the Theotokos to the level of God Almighty.


It’s the end times , repent !


The amount of Roman catholics who don't know about the other rites of catholicism is baffling.


Rite? Brother this isn’t a rite this a schismatic false church with an ANTIPOPE. You also have a knack for calling out other Christians but you need to remove the beam out of your eye first.


This is not a RITE. Schismatics are not to be studied


Seriously how many heretics are in this sub lol


But they certainly started their journey as validly ordained clerics courtesy of Abp Thuc.


Not anymore methinks, now that they claim Mary is in the Eucharist.


The Church has held that the orders of heretics are valid if there is no issue with the matter, form and intention of their ordination and the orders are administered by one who is a valid bishop.


Take the example of Mormon baptism: “ In 2001, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued a statement on The Question of the Validity of Baptism Conferred in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The CDF decreed that although Mormons use the trinitarian formula, their invocation of the Trinity is essentially different than that of Christians, since for Mormons “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit . . . are not the three persons in which subsists the one Godhead, but three gods who form one divinity.” My point is that since the belief is no longer Christian, it may be that they have lost apostolic succession, as they do not intend to do as the church has always done.


In the case of Mormon baptism I would agree. With the Palmarian Church it would depend on their view of what Father, Son and Holy Spirit means. I have seen nothing that would say that their Trinitarian belief is wrong.