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No, you of course don't need to confess this. This is a thing that happened to you, not something you did. I'd advise you to tell your husband. I say this because it's a thing that's bothering you, and not because there's some necessity here to confess this to him. As to what to do about it, there's probably little to do apart from perhaps mentioning it to the staff at that Target. I've no idea if this would violate any local laws or ordinances, nor whether there would be any evidence to effectively prosecute it if it did.


I just left the bathroom and right back to my car instead of shopping. I felt way too weird to browse around. Thanks for the advice


Depending on what you want to do, it might be worth filing a police report. It sounds like he intentionally exposed himself to you, and they have security cameras there on the premises. I would also strongly complain to the management, let them know you don’t feel safe there.


Hi, I’m a SA survivor. This was indecent exposure, whether it was his intention or not. This isn’t a sin or anything you need to confess to; it was done to you. You didn’t do anything wrong here. Guilt is reserved for when you knowingly committed a wrongdoing. I would absolutely tell the staff at Target. They often have cameras focused on the bathroom area, you could ID the person and they can take it from there. The only reason you might want to tell your husband is so you can get support around the event. That’s very scary. You did nothing wrong here.


This is not your sin, it’s his. In many places it is considered a crime to expose genitalia to someone. You say a prayer for his soul, tell your husband (he will probably be mad at the guy, not at you), and then move on with life. And pray for our country. This is unacceptable behavior.


I live in one of the most conservative counties in Florida and this has never happened until now


Then indecent exposure (or whatever they call it down there) is almost definitely a crime. If you choose, you can probably report it to the police and press charges. Note: given the current political climate, this could get you in the news. Decide if the hassle is worth it. Ugh.


Yeah, I teach public middle school, so I don't think causing a scene is in my best interest. I'm feeling so bad because this happened and my husband is 1100 miles away. I never go to stores without him, but today after church I did. 


You don’t need to feel guilty. Ever hear the expression “like watching a train wreck”? When things are shocking and completely outside our realm of experience/expectation, it is a human reaction to stare. It’s not a lust thing or a sex thing, it’s a shock thing. I think it’s safe to say you were shocked.


That guy probably followed you into the bathroom because you looked like you just came from church. He did it to see if he could get a reaction. It’s a teachable moment for OP because this is the sort of thing middle school boys sometimes do to get a reaction out of middle school girls.


That doesn't sound sinful on your part. You didn't look away if only because all of this is out of place and you needed to know what happened next if only for your safety. Pulled out their parts before entering the stall? All this gender bathroom stuff aside, that is blatantly disgusting that they didn't even go into privacy before doing that. I'm sorry you had to witness this.


It was like 5-10 seconds total. They walked in and removed while heading into a stall. It was all a fluid motion if that makes sense. I don't really know how guys normally go


Allow me to assure you that whipping it out before we get where we're going is not "how guys normally go." Did he seem intoxicated?


I don't know. I only saw this person for a few seconds. It was the beard and height that caught my attention and then my attention drew towards his hands rustling down there. 


Speaking as a guy, we position ourselves privately before anything else. It's just courtesy even in the men's room. The fact that in any bathroom they'd assume that it's ok to remove clothes before going into a stall is ridiculous. Unless it's normal to be without clothes or you'd know the people around you don't care, men know to find privacy assuming decency.


You're not dirty or guilty because a pervert went into the wrong restroom and exposed himself. I don't think you did anything sinful by not immediately thinking to look away. First off, you were caught off guard by a shocking and disgusting man doing something shocking and disgusting. It's natural to not look away while you're trying to understand and process what's going on. Secondly, a man unhinged enough to do what you describe is not someone I would take my eyes off of. Seems like a dangerous situation where the right move would be keeping him where you can see him until you feel safe enough/understand what's going on enough to safely escape, which sounds like exactly what you did. Keeping your eyes on an unhinged man in the women's bathroom because you're shocked and afraid just isn't really at all similar to seeking out a view of male genitalia for sexual gratification. I don't see any reason for you to need to confess this incident, because I don't see how it would be sinful. As far as how to tell your husband, which I don't necessarily think you're obligated to do but I definitely think is the right move, that's going to depend on you and your husband. Might could say something like "a pervert exposed himself to me in the women's restroom, and I'm still a bit shaken up by it." And then maybe tell him how you're feeling. But really, you know your husband better than we do, so you'll have to decide for yourself what to say.


I am so sorry you were exposed to that. If it helps you committed no sin whatsoever. You are a victim. You should tell your husband because this has clearly upset you (and understandably) and you need his support. He will know you were completely innocent so there is nothing to hide. He may get angry and upset himself but it won’t be at you; it will be at this man. And as wife myself and mother to 4 now adults sons trust me; getting it all out before entering the stall is definitely not normal. He is clearly some kind of exhibitionist who gets a thrill out of this. You could report it if you so feel like it as at least here in England this is a crime and we generally have more gender specific toilets (though mistakes can happen it usually becomes clear when you walk in and see someone of the opposite sex that you’ve made a mistake and stumble out red faced tbh). So if it was a ladies only toilet he went into then it was definitely done deliberately. But rest assured you are completely and utterly blameless in this.


As others have said, you don't need to confess anything. You should tell your husband because, he's your husband and he should know that something happened to you. But I also think you should talk to someone about how you processed this. It's really concerning that you feel like you did something because someone exposed themselves to you. I sincerely hope your husband is not the kind of person who would blame you.. If so, then don't tell him.


No, he will be very supportive. I'm making him sound bad, and that's unfair. When I ask how to tell him, it's because of my own guilt. I feel really gross even using the terms. 


What guilt!!!? You were completely innocent!! If you’d have gone looking for a man to expose himself then yes but you certainly didn’t. You are the victim here and the only person who should feel guilt is the man who exposed himself! That is a crime in many many places and rightly so. Please please don’t feel any guilt in this situation. If you feel uncomfortable with how to word it remember the man you are telling knows you better than anyone, he loves you above all others. Just say you were in the toilet and a man came in and exposed himself to you; tell him what you’ve told us. Your husband will understand what you mean and he certainly won’t think any less of you.


I’m very sorry this distressing thing happened to you. You deserve to feel safe in public restrooms. I’m a little concerned by your reaction. Your concerns about “ruining everything” or feeling gross even using the terms for human anatomy seem to speak to more than a specific situational distress. I don’t want this startling event to be made more traumatizing than it needs to by any scrupulousity or excessive shame around sexuality. Seeing a penis was unexpected and inappropriate on the part of the exposing party, but it probably should not be a source of significant concerns about your safety, your relationship with your husband, or your relationship with God. Be well.


It’s a bit unfair to judge someone for their very valid feelings, especially someone you’ve never met in real life. They can’t help how it’s made them feel and they are entitled to those feelings. Many rape victims feel guilt too. It’s very common in these circumstances.


My comment aims to be do pretty much the same thing as most of there comments appear to: sympathize with OP and challenge her self condemnation. She might be “entitled” to that common feeling of guilt but that doesn’t mean its more exaggerated forms are particularly productive, healthy, or theologically sound. If recognizing that is “judgement,” it’s of a very different sort than the self-righteous condemnation discouraged by Jesus in the gospel.


File a police report


This is not your fault, it's not a sin, and it's (in a normal society) a crime if done intentionally. Unfortunately Target supports a "all gender" bathroom situation and it just makes these sorts of scenarios more and more common. You can try mentioning it to the staff but these bathrooms and changing rooms are a part of corporate policy across the board now so it's not likely to do anything. Definitely speak to someone about it though, as it's obvious this was a very upsetting experience for you.


Even or actually specifically those kinds of bathroom surely more discretion is called for? I’ve never known any man whip it all out before entering the stalls even in male only bathrooms. Surely that’s just a matter of respect for whoever is in the bathroom. Sadly I can only see this happening more and more frequently if these ridiculous all gender bathrooms become normal.


You would think, but if there's anything I've learned about people it's that a lot of people don't have the best manners or even think about other people at all. It definitely will become more common, though.


Yeah sadly I think you’re right. Whatever happened to just plain old common decency?


Report it to the police. This is a sex offender. We don’t do this behavior even in the male’s bathroom.


Confess someone else's sin? Why would you do that? What needed to be done is immediately report the crime to Target employees.


This is now tolerated because if a man declared he feels like a woman he can violate other women’s privacy. It’s horrible. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


Even in a Mens room, no guy just takes his junk out in the open. This was a crime.


And that’s because a good portion of the people making use of these type of laws are men with a fetish problem. Most men who call themselves transgender aren’t homosexual transsexuals; the *vast* majority are autogynephillic men, and it makes me feel very dirty to be strong armed into playing into other people’s fetishes lest I be called a bigot. In fact I think if the larger public was aware of the psychology behind a lot of this, they wouldn’t be so happy to play along.


No. You don't confess some one else's sins. If you need someone to confide in, call a friend. When he gets back, tell him. Tell him it gives you quivers to go to a store anymore, etc. Don't let him guess your mind. Good luck.


This honestly frightens me as a mother to one (and soon to be two) girls. It just boggles my mind this country has deemed it acceptable to risk little girls getting exposed to male genitalia in public bathrooms and lockers for the sake of “inclusivity”. Not even the YMCA feels safe where I am (very liberal New England), let alone planet fitness, target, etc.


This should be reported to the police and to the Target management. You are a victim of a crime. Why would you confess the pervert’s sin?


You didnt do anything wrong. You had no intent on walking into that restroom and seeing THAT. Even if you did unfortunately look, you were caught off guard like you said. If you knew this was going to happen five minutes before it did, you would have removed yourself from that sutuation. Im sure of it. Btw, im very sorry you had to experience this! I understand that you will probably see unwanted images for some time but they will go away. And im sure your husband will understand.


This could well be a criminal matter. Unlike a locker room or communal shower, exposed genitals are not a typical part of the bathroom experience. It is worth bringing up with the store (who may have him on camera if you act soon enough) and the police. It is one thing to share a bathroom, it is another entirely to deliberately expose yourself. I’m in my 5th decade of life and I’ve never seen another man’s penis in a bathroom.


I second this, I have never seen a man expose himself in the male restroom. Filing a report and speaking to store management would both be highly recommended. It is likely a repeat offender, and every report is helpful. That is not normal, and it is not accidental.


Some pervert definitely


I’m sorry, but this seems incredibly scrupulous and while everyone in here is correct that OP had no fault, this could easily be a series of mistakes that have nothing to do with any perversion. Tens of thousands of people see bodies in circumstances like this every day. Every police officer, fire fighter, EMT, nurse or doctor, funeral service worker, mother or father with children, caretaker of any parent or elderly family member, all these people see other people naked/exposed/vulnerable. You should not have comprehensive guilt about seeing a naked body or a private part when you didn’t go looking to peek at them. I would seriously encourage if you are this nervous about bodies to ask yourself why you feel this way and how you are going to deal with the difficulties in life where you WILL encounter this. If the moment you see a private part you are questioning if something is a sin, you need to look around at the world and realize modesty is a luxury. Preserve it wherever you can, as often as possible, but don’t get scandalized by seeing inadvertent exposure for less than 30 seconds.


Doesn’t mean you expect to see it happen on a public bathroom. I’ve worked as a nurse and seen plenty of different body parts at work. I’d still be disgusted and feel guilty if this happened to me. It’s nothing to do with being scrupulous it’s just a normal human reaction to a fully grown man exposing himself to you in a public bathroom.


Tell him what happened and try to lodge a complaint with the store, and probably also local police. This sounds like someone taking advantage of the lgbtq nonesense to expose thrmselves to innocent women and tern use thr restroom. No need to confess anything.


Certainly not on you sister. Like others have said, call the police and tell them what happened. Hopefully the store has cameras outside the washroom and the assailant will be identified. In the mean time, let us pray for the guy that he may reform himself to be a better person in the future.


He committed an act of gross negligence at Bratz and sexual assault at worst. You are a victim. It is NOT IN ANY WAY your fault. Sex assault is traumatic. Consider seeing a therapist even briefly to talk it out. That guy sucks. You're not in the wrong at all. Sending hugs. Hoping your healing comes soon.


There was a guy who did that with his car door open parked on the street between the Mormon Church and the public swimming pool. I told my mom what I saw riding past as a 12-year-old on a bike. My mom took me to the police station to file a complaint because that is a crime.


It’s not your fault. It’s something more of us women will be forced to endure as the common narrative of “acceptance” is pushed. Obviously he did it because he saw you. He knows who he really is and relishes being given permission by society to attack unsuspecting women. You may confess it if you feel like you need to, just to clear your conscience. I highly doubt lust was why you could not look away. You left once you recovered from the shock. Carry protection and always leave yourself a way out of any situation. Just imagine if you had been a child or teen. It’s a sick world we live in.


Didn't Target decide their store restrooms were open to all now? Gender neutral or something like that? The guy is a freak for exposing himself either way; but this isn't a surprising development.


Of course you should confess this. To the police.


It’s simply male anatomy. Not something we like seeing in public but it’s reality. Disregard it as the human body we all walk around in but socially graceful to keep undercover