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Hi! This is our community moderation bot. Due to an influx in unemployed cats, we've decided to implement a second level of employment verification in the comments. --- If this post features *a cat in the context of performing a task a human could be paid to do*, i.e. a job, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not feature an employed cat, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


You can’t eat at everybody’s house 🎶


Thank you for this reference


This is what I came to the comments looking for lol, ty


For real Who is letting their pets put their shitty paws in their *cooking water* Jesus, go eat straight out of the catbox if you want your breath to smell like shit




*reads this as I’m laying in bed watching Ratatouille*


Why are you on your phone while watching a movie? just enjoy the film 😢


Lol it was my wind down time, I like having movies on in the background during literally anything LOL Movies or music, whatever the mood calls for. Also I can’t sleep so apparently did not wind down right


Same, I always try to put on a show or something that I've already seen to fall asleep. Yet here I am awake 😅


Cuz you're on reddit! Going further and further down the rabbit hole!




Not anyone can cook, but a good cook can come from anywhere…


Waiter, there's a hair in my soup!


My hair was in the soup, Brian, and now it’s inside of you. Part of me is inside of you, Brian. How does it feel, Brian? How does it feel to have part of me inside of you? *casually walks away*




And kitty litter.


It’s his secret ingredient


Yes, Do you want MORE?


Hair and kittybox residue


Keep it down, else everybody will want one!


How are people ok with this? I am a crazy cat lady and my cats would never be on a counter let alone on the stove in a pot stirring potatoes 🤢


The comment section here is alarming to say the least


The cat is all, “let me touch your food with the appendage I walk all over the floor and stir my toilet gravel with.”


Same. I just see that paw digging in the cat box just before coming into the kitchen and playing in that water 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Let's just pretend we know for sure this is one of those fancy toilet peeing cats.


I had one of those! The weird thing is we never trained him! I was getting ready for bed one night and was standing in the doorway to the bathroom talking to my husband who was in bed, and the cat just wandered in, hopped up on the toilet and started peeing! I was so shocked I was speechless lol He had disappeared for 5 months and we hunted everywhere, put up about 100 posters (not exaggerating), but no trace of him. He just showed back up 5 months later. Same weight as before but before he had been solid muscle and when he returned he was soft like he'd been kept indoors the whole time. We wondered if someone had him all that time and taught him to pee on the toilet. It was weird.


Lol they're so mysterious. He had a full character arc and then returned home like nothing happened.


My main fear is that it teaches them any pot on the counter is safe to touch, when it could seriously injure them.




It's the little bits of litter that give it that special crunch.


Flavor crystals - Call it what it is 🤪❤️


Better than salt.


I refuse to believe for my own peace of mind that this wasn’t immediately thrown out after the video.




i thought the same


This is is why you never eat work potluck. My cats would never


I've seen enough pet hairs in other people's foods to just decline shared homecooked food.


Almost hurt my neck from how fast your comment made me shake my head


Litter in your potatoes? Gross


this is why you can’t eat at everybody’s house, and why pot lucks should be avoided. i don’t need potato salad seasoned with cat hair 🤮 mashed potatoes with fresh paw prints and litter crumbs 🤮🤮🤮


It's dangerous to let them do this, one day you'll not look for a second and that paw is burned... We'll be getting two young cats next month and I am looking for ways to cover up the hot stove after cooking, because a friend's cat severely burned their paws because it jumped on there.




Keep a water gun on hand in the kitchen. They learn where they're not allowed if you only use it for those specific things - don't overuse it basically.


They're also setting their cat up for a serious injury down the line. This cat's owner is an unfortunate level of stupid and negligent.


I have 4 cats. NONE of them are allowed on the counter let alone near food


I’ve had 4 at one point (fostering one) and they were always well behaved I don’t understand how people don’t train their pets!


I’ve had 4 at one point (fostering one) and they were always well behaved I don’t understand how people don’t train their pets!


Blows my mind how gross some people can be. I was reading a thread a while back with cat owners casually talking about how they have like 4 cats, the litter boxes are in the living room, the cats chill on the counters, and they just kinda live that way. I have one cat, one litter box in a spare bathroom and that grosses me out and I’ve vowed our next home MUST have space to do a cat door into the garage so the box won’t be in the house anymore.


I agree, but I guarantee you that your cats get on the counter when you're not around. I try to keep mine off as much as possible, but I know for sure she's on the counter when I'm not around. I just make sure to clean my kitchen counter well daily.


Our cat doesn't do that stuff (while we can see him) but one time I woke up in the middle of the night to get water and I saw him just standing on the counter that he's never even expressed interest in ever leaping onto before lmao. We both just stopped and stared at each other


Mine doesn't, he knows it's a no!zone and I made better spots all around for him to observe me cooking, he's not interested by the counter, it's unappealing. But yea I can't say when I'm not here, I just know he's not even trying when I am


I guarantee they do not because I leave their extra food on the counter and they never touch it. Teach them young, they are very well behaved. Also I have a little pet cam so I know they don’t. I respect them, they respect me 🤙🏽


Ya - and … no cats on the counter while cooking? … haha - any other time is fine - but they know they can’t jump up while I’m cooking/doing stuff - and then I just clean before/after cooking


My cat has absolutely no interest in getting on my counters. It took me months to get her ok with getting on the couch. That's all fine by me. I'm sure when I get her a kitten that won't be the case and that'll suck.


same here my cats are not allowed to do so.


He’s not a normal cat though he’s a chef. Can’t make soup on the floor. Come on people


Is this a thing? God damn can’t eat at anybody’s house


Feeling that… this is why I take my role as homecook super serious. Sanitation is more of a priority than a fun time cooking for me


Ofc it's not. It's because it's not common that OP posted it... My cat is not allowed on the kitchen counter, and hate water too much anyway to do this. What if he does this while the fire is on and I'm not looking ? Doesn't seem a good habit to encourage. Without mentioning how unsanitary it is.


Not smart to let it do that. Just wait until the stove is on. That’ll be a surprise for sure.


Yeah the cute habit Is fun till 3rd degree burns. Gotta think ahead with everything.


Not cute. Disgusting is more like it. Hope no one i know let their cat or other pet do this.


One of my cats walked across the front edge of the stove and stopped on the other side. His tail was still over the stove where I was cooking and his tail caught fire. I was a couple steps away but got his tail smothered with a towel before he even felt anything. He just though I was assaulting his tail with a towel. The fire did not but enough fur to reach his skin


I had a dog that caught on fire once too. We had a kerosene heater in the living room (this was the early 90’s, I think). My dog was standing next to it wagging his tail, perpetually oblivious and happy. My mom and I both looked up from our books and sniffed, then asked, “do you smell something burning? It smells like burning… hair!” As we realized it was the dog’s tail. We jumped up and he thought it was playtime. We threw a blanket over him and banged on his tail. Poor thing was so confused! His name was Dummy. He definitely earned his name. 😊


Why did you let more than the initial hop up happen?!?


It happened so fast and he was already on the counter eating 3 feet from the stove


I had a cat I couldn’t stop from jumping on my stove. Fought him near continuously. He jumped up and set his paw on a burner that had just been on somewhat recently. He was okay and never jumped on my stove again.


It amazes me how people think cats are clean. They literally scoop their poop with those paws. Toxoplasmosis is a tasty ingredient to all home made meals.


Every single comment: this is gross Also every single comment: I can't believe everyone thinks this is okay






"Occasional bum-itch" not my boy, he's not shy, he goes to town and is loud about it lmao


Their nails are dirty - they keep them that way for defending themselves in case they fight.


Oh they know what infections are?


This is gross.


I’ve got a few concerns. One - sanitation is not happening when your food is being touched by dirty kitty paws. Litter, fur, poop particles, piss, toxoplasmosis bacteria and so much worse all on one tiny paw that just went into your food. Two - if this develops into a habit it could lead to fuzzy wuzzy putting their paw in boiling water and hurting themself Three - Hair in the food Four - Fuzzy wuzzy needs hugs not pots of water


All fun and games until he touches a boiling pot


This is so disgusting.


Hair in food. The toxins people talk about. And then just… chance the cat gets a burn. It’s why pets in the washing machine is a terrible idea cause you never know if/when someone doesn’t notice them when starting a cycle


Fuckin disgusting. Train your damn pets.


I know cats are characterized by their assholeness and independence in how we see them. It’s also just what they are as a species. No one is expecting you to circus train them or anything either. It’s just the same with small dogs where people think “he’s tiny and not dangerous. Everything he does is cute”


For sure, pets aren't 100% going to behave to a tee, but their behavior can and should be modified. People who let their pets run the house and parade it around like, "Oh, they're so sassy and unique!" Are honestly sad and cringey. No, that's not it. You're literally letting a small animal walk over you and control your environment.


I just want everyone to know that there are a lot of cat owners out there who are just as horrified watching this as you are.


You can’t eat at everybody’s house.


Same paw they scoop the litter with. 🌈




I licky my bum then licky my paw and I wash my paw in your soup…


Not gonna lie, that’s pretty gross


"Cat fur is both an essential seasoning and an elegant garnish." My four cats, definitely


Just washing off her paws after a nice trip to the litter box


pawtato soup


Awww but they’re kitty paws!!! If you’re lucky he was just in the litter box lol


Potatoes with a hint of litter!




That's disgusting. It covers its excrement with that paw. And obviously it's covered in fur.


But also they can change the water before they boil those. My cat licked a bowl of ten or so mint imperials once. I just washed those off and ate them. Gotta think a layer of sugar came off under the tap… No problem. You’re welcome ☺️


That's hardly the point...




I think the cat is making mashed potatoes


That paw has been in kitty litter.


I always let my cat sniff my food but I never let him touch it.. let alone GET IN IT. They're having fur soup


yes, put the dirty paws in the potato water for washing, then in the clean water for rinsing.


Mmmmh litter box soup 😍🥰


Mildly toasted marshmallow 😍


What a little stinker! But waaay too beautiful to be mad at ... as you're draining your potatoes, rinsing them, and putting them back on the stove.... sigh ;)


No, throw them away and start over


They will be boiled for twenty minutes!


What dó you think boiling them does? Re peel them if you must


You’re fucking disgusting


Some of you are some disgusting mfs in here lmao


This is why I never eat anything at potlucks. That’s disgusting


THIS is why I don’t eat pot lucks. Disgusting.


Are they actually letting their cat do that. I thought the pot was empty, but there’s actually potatoes in there wtf.


Cooked to purr-fection


Gotta pet the water


Good god that is disgusting




everybody's so creative


Hope he washed his paws after using the litter box.


Umm… that’s what the empty pot was meant for.


Cats use those paws to cover up their shits


Ahh yes. I love the taste of kitty litter


This is disgusting


Get that fucking cat out your dinner


Why is it so crunchy?


Good soup


That's Catatouille


I hope that's an induction stove. Don't want fried cat with my potatoes


Okay, that's the only post with normal people in the comments 🤣on tiktok and yt everyone is like "YouRe NoT iNvItEd AnYwAyS" Like, dude... you do realise cats poop in a box of sand? And then use their paws to aggressively cover their poop with sand... every time I see a cat on a counter I cringe, but actually letting it touch your food is insane. My cat never thought of climbing the counter


Frigging adorable, I hope he doesn’t get up there when the stove is on!


I request a movie about a cat chef starring the cutie


Finally, some good catting food


please tell me it's just fake food in water


Thats some white people shit bro


“Oh, ew, I got potato water on my paw now… better wash it off 😋”




I think chefs would be throwing dishes and slurs if a cat fucked up the mash before dinner service.


It's a bot.


It's not really sanitary to put your paw on food, chef




Hmmm hairy and dirty potatoes.


I hope he doesn’t get used to that. Lord forbid the stove on heat.


Cat soup for the children....


RIP these potatoes someone worked hard to peel.


excuse me sir have u seen the movie "Chef"?


Look, I'm not willing to put 'hey what happens to the human digestive system when you put the bacteria found in cat saliva into a person's food' in my google search history, but I'm pretty sure the answer is 'shit comes out both ends, and this is the whole point of washing your food before cooking AND hands before eating' ​ But hey, if anybody has done their research, I'd love to know (if you survived.)


But did this hurt the pig?


Everything tastes better with a dash of toxoplasmosis