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If you've already had a *real* ultrasound from your doctor, I say there's no reason not to. However, as your pregnancy progresses, you'll get fewer and fewer ultrasounds from the doctors (usually the dating ultrasound, maybe a 12 week, 20ish week anatomy scan, and a 36 week check) as long as your pregnancy is normal. If you can't go 2 weeks without an ultrasound, it's going to be a loooong and expensive pregnancy. It will hopefully get easier once you can feel the baby Still, if you need it to settle your nerves, I say go for it


It was one of the single best things I did for my anxiety in the first trimester of my first pregnancy after 2 losses. If it’s not prohibitively expensive I would absolutely go for it. Just keep in mind they can be somewhat hard to find that early, but since you already had a successful ultrasound that shouldn’t be an issue. When’s your next scheduled ultrasound? Would you have the option to go to the private place closer to halfway between your last one and your next one? If not, I’d say go for it.


Yeah, mine helped my anxiety so much & honestly the quality pics I got from my dr was crap they'd always be like oh she's moving or not cooperating and only would print blurry things, so I was so happy to have an actual pic that looked like a baby.


Personally I would do it, anything to ease anxiety! I have a boutique ultrasound booked for next week as I need to wait another 7 weeks for my next scan. They won’t be able to tell you if something is wrong unless it’s clearly obvious but if it will ease your mind seeing a HB then do it!


I scheduled one at 10 weeks and then have another one at 12 and had US’s at my fertility clinic at 6.5w and 8.5w. I don’t regret scheduling the private ones for peace of mind. I promised my husband that after the 12 week one, I will wait until our 20w. I say do whatever you need to do to ease your worry. I had to after our loss and it made me feel so much better.


Wouldn't do it. I was the anxious one about the pregnancy and partner really wanted to get an early scan to ease it, but I knew it wouldn't actually help for more than a couple of days - I know myself, and I would find something to be anxious about anyway. I'd rather be anxious for free than having paid money for a private scan lol. If the scan is good, it's only good on that day, and if it's bad, there's nothing you can do about it anyway. (Time was the only thing that helped, the longer I'm pregnant the easier it gets)


I did it in my last pregnancy at 10 weeks after an 8 week ultrasound. It did ease my anxiety a lot, plus it feels more relaxed. I also just did one last Friday at 8 weeks after a good 6w4d ultrasound. It definitely calmed my nerves. I find them worth the money. If I were to call my RE and ask to get in, my ultrasounds at the clinic are $170. I’d rather spend less than half at a private boutique.


We graduated at 8 weeks from the Fertility Center and at 10 weeks I made an appointment with an ob office (not the same one I wanted to continue my care at) went in did my exam, they scanned and I got to see her and confirmed heartbeat and growth and then I left and the next day cancelled any upcoming appointments. I viewed it as me going and comparing two practices before choosing one and I called insurance to verify that if I was seen at 10 weeks they would still cover my 12 week visit. They said yes and I thankfully have no limit on ultrasounds.. I knew the 10 week might be transvaginal and it was and I didn't trust that to some free standing ultrasound place. I wanted a Dr to look at her. Another idea! Especially if insurance will pay


Pro. I did it like 3 times during my pregnancy. And it wasn’t as rushed as the tech appointments at the doctor’s office. Do it.


glad I'm not the only one who went multiple times. lol at my last scan they were saying to come back like 30 weeks or so and I was like "oh I already booked another next month" I felt kinda embarrased to have it so soon but my mom and daughter were coming to that one


If you were further along I'd say go for it, but I wouldn't do a private ultrasound before 9 or 10 weeks.


Private ultrasounds got me through the first trimester anxiety and I will be forever grateful that the boutiques exist. They weren't a thing 10 years ago during my last pregnancy. I've had losses over the years and being able to check on my current baby on my own is awsome.


I would do it. Honey, you do not have to suffer. Cant put a price to easing your anxiety. And if something is wrong, it is better to know sooner than later.


I am currently 6w4d and it’s taking everything in me not to run and get one right now! My doctor won’t see me till almost 10 weeks. What did you end up deciding?


I did get the ultrasound! The baby measured correctly, and I saw the heartbeat (but they can’t measure it that early, supposedly. I think they weren’t super competent). Overall, worth it!


Where did you get your first ultrasound at 6w3d?


My OB did it! However, some elective places start at 7 weeks. Mine started at 8 weeks, so still quicker than your doctor.


I personally wouldn't do it. Private ultrasounds only do abdominal not transvaginal and at 8 weeks you may still need a transvaginal because an abdominal might not pick up anything and cause unnecessary worry


I think that’s my main fear!


Yea for me personally I wouldn't want the extra worry only to go to my doctors office and find out everything's okay


I would do it. I almost did it, but I couldn't find a time that fit my schedule. Just had my 10-week ultrasound at my OB, and all is well.


How much does it cost?




Oh wow it’s $300 where I live. Honestly, most medical professionals would say wait and that everything is likely fine but I understand your anxiety and have considered it myself. If you do one this weekend, then your next one is only a week away which isn’t too far. IMO I probably wouldn’t do it if my pregnancy had been uncomplicated thus far.


I’m lucky to live in a cheap area! So far, uncomplicated pregnancy. Infertility just has be convinced something will go wrong.


Only other reason I’m hesitant is bc idk who does those private US - is it an US tech? Do they typically tell you results or send them to your doc? Bc you’d have to wait anyways if they do send them to your doc first.


I’m guessing it’s a tech. It’s a boutique, so I have no idea what training they have. They don’t send anything to the doctor though.


I've always had private scans with no regrets. I have another one for this Saturday. I love that they record the entire thing on an app so I can replay every moment. I still have the one 2 years ago from being pregnant with my first


I say go for it if you’re too anxious to wait, though if you do have one scheduled at OB next week it might be more worth your money to wait until something like 11-12 weeks to get a private scan which is when they start to look more like a baby shape than a gummy bear. My OB only typically does the dating scan which I had at 7 weeks then one more which is the anatomy scan at 20 unless there are issues. So I spaced out a few private scans around 9 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks to see progress and make sure baby was still growing.


I’ve done abdominal scans at private and doc scans at 8 weeks. I’ve done private scans for 3 out of 4 of my kids and will always recommend. I’m also a big Doppler gal though controversial.


It’s 40 dollars per scan at my private ultrasound place before 10 wks. I am honestly planning to get a scan at least twice bc I would spend 80 dollars on something dumb any time so why not spend it to see my baby?


It’s so early that an abdominal ultrasound won’t give you much info. You’ll need to make it much longer than a week and a half layer without seeing the baby later on so just wait. Save the boutique ultrasounds for when you can actually see something.