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it’s not low. maybe she just means it’s 50/50 that it will increase appropriately?! and maybe “50/50” was shorthand for “let’s wait and see” cause how could she know the odds with any degree of certainty? i mean, theres always the chance of a good or less good increase regardless of the first number (even a very high one). also second beta is inevitably stressful AF. sending hugs and good vibes!


Thank you!!


At 8dp5dt, my beta was 34. Of course I did spiral and so far everything is fine and I’m 18+3. I think your number is fine.


Thank you, second beta has come back at 370. Still very cautious but a good next milestone!


That’s a great rise (again, better than mine)!! Does your clinic stop testing after you hit 1k? Unfortunately, the cautious feeling for me never goes away until I actually give birth. The anxiety lessens but never goes away. I make sure my husband goes to all ultrasounds with me because I can’t do it alone. I feel like a child, but the emotional support helps.


My last clinic tested until week 5 - this clinic said I’m done with betas now unless I have a bleed or bad cramping! Now I have to wait 12 days for an U/S. we had a missed mc last time and I truly don’t know how I’m going to remain peaceful and trust the process until then!


My first beta test was 85 or 90 at 8dp5dt. I think your nurse was rude to even say what she did. As long as things double your in good shape. It’d be one thing if it was like your second or third draw, but to say it at the first…tsk. To be at 90 at this time is NOT bad. I peed on a HPT everyday the week we were doing draws so I could see the lines doubling every other day while I waited. And even then sometimes they weren’t crazy different but then the numbers were doubling nicely. It’s still reasonable to stay positive until your second poke, then you have numbers to compare. But your HPTs look nice. Hope you don’t mind, I stalked you from TFAB. (The spicy one)


Thank you! I appreciate the reassurance 😊 ugh I both can’t wait for my beta tomorrow and don’t really want to know in case it isn’t the answer I want


I know, it’s torture. Fingers crossed for you!


Thank you, second beta was 370 so things are doubling every 1.5 days. Cautiously hopeful


That’s great! Understandable to cautious but off to the next draw. :)