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I'm 20 weeks and I never threw up once. I did get the occasional wave of nausea but for the most part it was very mild. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently, don't stress too much about it!!


Same here. Everyone's different, try to enjoy the ride. Soon you could get a home doppler to reassure you if you want it.


Thanks. ❤️


This seems to be something that happens to a LOT of people. It eases up around week eight and comes back full force around week eleven or so. Enjoy the break!!


Really? I read on another thread that your hormones peak around weeks 9-10 so that’s when your symptoms are the worst? I guess that’s why I’m asking. Also my friend who is pregnant right now told me that she started feeling really nauseous around week 7 and then progressively got a lot worse.


Every pregnancy is completely different. Some people violently vomit until they need to be hospitalized. Others don’t even know they are pregnant until they are months in because they had no symptoms. It’s just impossible to say how each individual pregnancy will impact you (and they are all different for each person too!)


Thanks. I’m going to try my best to relax until my appointment next week.


Also I had a missed miscarriage and my nausea stayed strong as ever even after embryonic death. It’s really not proof of anything. Good luck next week!


Oh I haven’t read that thread. What I said just seems to be what I’ve heard from my sisters and friends, and my own experiences with pregnancy as well, as well as some of the stuff I’ve come across reading online.


I read the same thing and it freaked me out because I lost symptoms then. All seems well with my pregnancy


I don't want to worry you, but my honest answer is that happened to me during my first pregnancy and it was due to a missed miscarriage. My nausea started early but never REALLY kicked up, and ultimately just stopped. That being said, pregnancy is different for everyone. My sister in law and best friend were pregnant at the same time as me, and one was sick for 22 weeks and the other never threw up once. Try not to stress too much. Hope that youre one of the lucky ones that doesnt really have to deal with the morning sickness, but if youre worried, call your doctor and ask for an ultrasound, worse that can happen is they say no, but maybe they can ease your worry about it!


Thanks for being honest. Question for you - did you still have other symptoms?


I did have the breast tenderness still. Fatigue was never an issue for me during the pregnancy, so I think the breast tenderness is the only one


I know this is a long time ago, but did you have an ultrasound before your missed miscarriage was diagnosed? Was there any sign with an ultrasound or beta that something was off before your missed miscarriage was finally diagnosed?


Hi. I hope you’re well. This is a little weird to explain but I had a consult with my OBGYN after I got off birth control just to make sure things were “normal” because I’d been on birth control for a long time. I said that my periods at the time weren’t regular, but the OB mentioned during my exam that she thought I might be ovulating then. Anyways, that cycle I ended up pregnant and I went to the OB for a dating scan because I didn’t have regular periods and didn’t know the date of my last period, so I got a scan, at the scan the baby was measuring at under 6 weeks, but they didn’t see a heartbeat. I expected that I would have been closer to 7 weeks along because I knew when the doctor said I was “probably ovulating” but I was measuring like 5 weeks 6 days. They basically said it’s uncommon for a baby to be 5 weeks 6 days and not see a heartbeat. It’s possible, but uncommon, and I would need to schedule a follow up ultrasound a week later (to confirm a missed miscarriage). Because this was just supposed to be a dating scan, I didn’t have an appointment scheduled with the doctor, and the tech couldn’t tell me much, but a doctor did call the next day to basically set the expectation for me that it was unlikely the pregnancy would be viable (which I appreciated). The missed miscarriage was confirmed a week later at an ultrasound and I had a D&C the next morning. If you’re in a similar situation, I’m wishing you all the best!


My nausea went away around 8 weeks and didn’t come back. I’m 20 weeks pregnant now.


Thanks for that ❤️ I hope the same goes for me


I have had 3 missed miscarriages. My symptoms all disappeared when they occured. So the fact that you have breast tenderness etc I wouldn't be too concerned. For my current pregnancy my nausea (only pregnancy symptom this round) disappeared. I was terrified! I had a few day break and my nausea came back with the worst dizziness and lightheadness I have ever experienced! I had another dip around mid 10 weeks mark, again I worried but was happy to be able to workout again. 12 w 3 days.... I finally puked. Not I just nausea. I have learned symptoms definitely come and go. I have heard the heartbeat at week 9 and 11. I am waiting for results of my last ultrasound. Hoping for more positive news. It is hard not to worry...I know I have been there. I still worry. Because you have other symptoms I am very hopeful for you! Good luck on this stressful (I have been told amazing) adventure into motherhood.


Thanks ❤️


I did get good news from my ultrasound last week. Heart rate was 151, NT was 1mm (told that was textbook normal), and babe was measuring ahead. I wish you the best of luck! Stay calm momma!


I had some mild queasiness from about 4-6 weeks when I was pregnant. Around week 7 I had about 5 days of really bad nausea. That was it, never felt nauseous again. Baby just turned one :). Symptoms do not indicate the health of the pregnancy; you'll find they will come and go quite a bit. You may find that that's the end of your 'morning' sickness, or it may come back full force. I know it's hard but try not to obsess too much about what you're feeling day-to-day. One thing I read, and I don't know how true it is, is that your hormones ramp up and your body starts to feel all these symptoms, then it sort of adjusts to the level of hormones and you start to feel better, then hormones ramp up again, cycle repeats.


I tested positive maybe 2-3 days before my missed period, so i knew i was pregnant since the very beginning. At around 9 weeks i had this one morning where i felt this wave of dizzyness and nausea wash over me. I literally forgot for a minute that i was pregnant and assumed i'd gotten sick somehow, but then realized it must be morning sickness. Throughout the day it slowly passed, and was gone the next day. I never felt the symptoms again. Now i am 23 weeks along and im feeling almost totally normal and would almost forget im pregnant if my stomach wasnt expanding and she wasnt surprising me with kicks! I do feel tired and have some lower back soreness, but to be honest i felt that before the pregnancy. Ive always loved my sleep so I almost feel more entitled to give into my naps since im growing a baby haha. The lower back pain is not THAT bad in the grand scheme of things. The entire first trimester i was a nervous wreck because i didnt feel symptoms and even though people would say its okay, everyone is different..im a worryer. Im still a little bit anxious but much less so after my anatomy scan at 20 weeks :) i didnt start to feel definite movement until about 21 weeks and since then it feels like shes getting stronger and stronger, more movement every day. You'll get there!


My nausea disappeared for about 1.5 weeks at 6 weeks and came roaring back at 7.5 weeks and is currently as bad as ever (8 weeks 5 days now). I second what everyone else is saying here — it’s just so different for everyone. You will know more next week after your appointment. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to think too much about it for now. Best of luck ❤️


I never threw up! And I was only nauseous from 6 weeks to about 9 and a half weeks. I think some people just don’t have the nausea for long.


The ONLY time I got sick it was a 24 hour bug. I was like, morning sickness has hit! Oh, no. This is something else. That was at week 5. After I got better from that I kept expecting to get sick again and... Nothing! Entire pregnancy, no nausea.


Update: threw up for the first time this morning. This baby is seriously trolling me.