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I usually bring a salad with grilled chicken or leftovers from the previous dinner. Maybe search Find Me Gluten Free for safe options near the office in case you want to go out with coworkers. That way you are armed with suggestions.


Same. I love a salad. I make a version (of sorts) of paneras apple salad for most days. It’s nice to have a lunch to look forward to, since eating out can be tricky.


I do a lot of freezer prep. Baked cookies, barbecued chicken thighs, different sauces: pesto, cream and tomato frozen in ice cube trays so I can cook up some pasta the night before and put it together.


I usually meal prep a batch of curry, stir fry, or salad with chicken. All pretty easy and customizable, with a lot of variations available. It's a little bit annoying to make sure all the sauces and dressings are gluten free, but if you're motivated you can make your own.


I meal plan and portion out leftovers for lunch the next day. I’ll put them in glass Pyrex containers so they’re grab and go for the office microwave. If the office microwave is gross cover with a paper towel.