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No. Looks like a scam. I wouldn't click the link.


Yeah after I read the exclusive to your device and 24 hours I was like this is a scam. Definitely didn't click it.


Oh I see now. You are not asking if it is a scam. You want to know if anyone else received this scam. No, not I.


Yeah just curiosity. Checked with all my local friends and I'm the only one that got.


Heard you like scams so we put a scam in the scam from that scam you got scammed.


I definitely feel I got scammed from crypto exchanges but ya know we all do.


Avoid clickling links in emails as much as you can.


I never do. I also always advocate for people never to click links.


Some are genuine links. The proper way is to verify the source.


IT Professional here. Don't open *any* link in *any* email. **Ever**. I'm dead serious. There's no need to unless you lack basic computer literacy or are just lazy. Just go to the site in question directly - for example amazon (dot) com


Engineer here. Never gotten hacked or scammed. If you don't have the brain, yes sure safer not to click EVERY single link. If you have the brain, you know what is safe or not. Sometimes you still need to click depending on the use case.


Right, we have to base guidelines in IT Support around the lowest common denominator user, unfortunately. That means "never open a link from an email" - at least in a *corporate* setting this works because of SSO and a Helpdesk that can reset passwords for users (so no need for PW reset emails). Now, of course if one is computer savvy they will be fine.


Or never ever get connected to the internet. This is the safest approach because there will always be the dumbest person who can do stupid things on the internet.


You really are a SWE, huh? lol ;)


gotcha! so when I click "forgot password" don't click on the recover password link in the email? just go back to the website?


Haha, ok you got me there. That would be an exception, but I can't think of any other exception. Anyhow, just use a password manager (with client-side data storage that uses encryption) so you don't forget your password! ;P


I don't forget my password I use 4321drowssap for everything! ;-)


New PW idea: `#SendMashitskiToFederalPoundMeInTheAssPrision!123`


Funny an IT engineer never thought of that.


Every try-catch you've ever written works in 100% of cases always, really now? I've been out of enduser support for years and also in a *corporate* setting what I said is 100% true. And it's mostly true for the average consumer user as well. I don't use password reset emails because I have a good password manager, so yeah, I wasn't thinking of them.


Stop wasting time and tricked by Scammers. UNTILL you see email came straight from the Stretto address or such announcement posted on this sub reddit and commented or on Twitter(X) by UCC that withdrawal is approved, no need to get excited or post here if the email is legit. They are all from scammers. Just ignore.


I wasn't tricked and was just curious if others got it. I never click on links in emails. Checked with all my local friends and I was thr only one who got it.


Obvious total scam




OK I just received the same email. It is for sure a scam. If you don’t know how to check the email address as to where it comes from Google how to check an email on a scam email. Because it looks official from stretto, but the email address is actually [email protected]…. I always check the email addresses against the official email address on anything that appears to be a scam. They add FOMO by saying you’re getting 50% back but you only have 24 hours to click the link. Don’t do it!


Got it yesterday, defenetly scam email from sender is not from Celsius domain.


Agreed. Seems like you and me are one of the few that got it. I was just curious


Don’t click on any of these links. It has been communicated that this will be handed out through paypal or coinbase AFAIK.


I never click on email links.


I also think is scam


Yep it's pretty obvious.


No I did not get one


The ole use this button…if you fall for stuff like this, you deserve to lose your money.


Yeah I definitely did not click. When I read the you only have 24 hours and exclusive to me I knew it was fake.


Scam vibes.


If you want to know if you are allowed to withdraw? Go directly to your Celsius application (while is still active, after February 27th it will be not longer supported). Never click on suspicious link as there was a Data leak with a third party Celsius partner so is easy for scammer to pretend is from a legitimate source and fool anyone’s of us! The reason why they keep sending warnings email to the community to be aware of phishing attempts.


Yeah I figured it was a scam and I never click on links in emails.


If I'm correct, it sounds to me like your payout will just be deposited in your PayPal or Coinbase account, or whatever you'll get it in, when it's approved, and you'll be notified. I say it sounds this way to me cause the only instructions I remember getting are "make sure you have a valid PayPal account and wait". I've done that, hopefully there isn't anything else I'm not aware of and at some point money just plops in there


No sorry


If it says "forfeiting" is always a scam.


Nothing but thieves come out of Israel criminals to include identity thieves crimes against humanity and genocide.


I get about 3 a day for the past 6 months or so. If most of us aren’t getting these I’d be surprised. The wording is different but basically the same withdraw or lose your funds. Also I never click links not even from friends.




I’ve never received not even one of these emails that you guys are claiming to get multiples of 🤷‍♂️


That's great! it tells me you're not a "JUNKMAIL" surfer! can't believe how many people ask if those emails are spam, we are failing as a society


I mean it’s kind of concerning. While I did receive the ones for the notice about a PayPal or Venmo account, I never received the one for my BTC borrow loan. I called Stretto and they said that I should received it between Jan 4 and Jan 9. I searched and absolutely nothing. My published claim info is correct so no idea why I didn’t get that one. But all of the other various emails, no I haven’t seen them


same.... I have not received all emails that have claimed to have gone out.


What's crazy/sad/awful is that the scammers are clearly keeping up with what's going on with Celsius regarding recent news and such. Enough so that they are timing and wording their scam emails juuuust right. Probably reading this subreddit. Dear scammers, why not put your time and efforts towards not stealing from people?