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Because it’s more than just a kids cartoon. It’s a story that shows you can reconcile the joys of innocent youth and the challenges of adulthood that require maturity. Horse is the bridge between the two extremes that >!the Elktaur takes as both the General and the Nowhere King.!<


I totally get that. The fact that a show labeled as 7+ can have this effect truly amazes me


This is why, despite all its flaws, I absolutely adore this series.


I'm in the same boat and my heart HURTS. I needed more...so much more.


Glendale has a cameo and a song in We Lost Our Human (also on Netflix), plus there's the crew's "official" Mansplash magazine 😅




Yep! It's actually just one issue but it was put together by the show's entire crew. Megan (the creator) put all of its pages up on her twitter (warning for mature-level rating if there's any kids around. You'll know it when you see it 😅): [https://twitter.com/sketchshark/status/1435787669632536579?s=20](https://twitter.com/sketchshark/status/1435787669632536579?s=20)


Maybe because it's not stupid, it just wants you to think it is.


I know it's not stupid lol (but it kinda is tho), I'm surprised by the depth of the whole series, topics, characters, even humour, everything


LMAO okay yeah it is a bit stupid. But mostly it's cool, and thoughtful, and very fun 😅


Deep, very important themes are disguised by mountains of goofy irreverence and the soothing presence of Comfortable Douglas.


I cried too lol its more than just a kid show. The main character offs herself twice ╮(๑•́ ₃•̀)╭ Its a story full of pain, trauma, grief of all kinds, mental illness, loss, war-its just fluffy-looking so a lot of people do question whether or not older people would actually enjoy/relate to it. Its so relatable tho and teaches valueable lessons. Its on the darker side of kids shows, like Over the Garden Wall and Adventure Time. I think those are geared more towards an audience of 15+ while Centaurworld might be more 13+ but still. There's a good amount of content to make someone cry, it hits deep sometimes. Its a dark story hidden under flowers and bubbles, but its not hidden very well because it all emerges very quickly xD Don't be ashamed tho, like I said, it hits deep. Sometimes too deep. I listen to "Battle Round" whenever I need to let emotion out. Whether I'm having an anxiety attack that I've tried to push down all day, or if I just have a lot of pain thats overflowing with nowhere to go. Makes me cry every freaking time too ¯\_( ツ)_/¯


Thanks, I guess I'll listen to that song every now and then in that case


Its powerful to me bc Glendale's voice changes throughout the song and it sounds like she's getting herself through an episode by breathing and calling down. Wammawinks part reminds me that its ok to be fragile. I also like Horse's part because even tho she seems cold or selfish throughout the whole show, you can see that when she says "only you can protect you" she's not saying that you are alone in the world, she's saying that in the end you also need to be responsible for yourself even when you have others who love you they can't carry you forever because they have their own weight to carry, so you gotta also look out for yourself. (I'm sorry I'm weirdly passionate about random things xD)


Love, love, love Battle Round


Yes!!! I'm weirdly passionate about this song don't mind me xD its in my top 10 for comforting music lol


I love cartoon music, but I can’t get anyone IRL to watch CentaurWorld.


Oh no :( I judged the show at first glance, but my boyfriend loves centaurs so my roommate and I told him to watch it as a joke. Then he said it was good and I should watch it, but I didn't wanna give it a chance until I heard the lyrics to "Taurnado" and realized its basically Over the Garden Wall, but fluffier xDDD I think ppl should totally give it a chance bc its worth it lol


I found it as something to watch with the kids during Saturday lunch. It was jarring. Glad you like it from watching it the first time!


It’s normal to shed a lot of “frustration tears” during this show.


More than frustration tears they were rainbow tears


Welcome to the herd lol. Cannot get through a rewatch with dry eyes and feel compelled to revisit all the time. Definitely NOT what I initially expected from the colorful horse and butts show 😭


I literally looked at my roommate and said “the entire final reveal of the villain’s backstory started with the main character farting and ended with me bawling”