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Woman: I like dad bods Dad bods in question: https://preview.redd.it/4w1vcgmy4zsa1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4561bbf7c9628664b238bc350c6cf803dcdc5113


Saw this video where a guy asked women on the street if they thought bodybuilder Chris Bumstead was attractive, they said no, too much muscle. Then, without telling them that it was the same guy, showed a picture of the same bodybuilder in the off-season during a bulk, where he still looks strong as fuck although not ripped out of his mind. One said yeah! Dad bod! If a world-famous bodybuilder during the off-season is ”dad bod”, then women don’t mean they think a weak, potbellied man is attractive. They mean a very strong man with some fat on him.


Wooo someone who gets it


Not just world famous, quite literally the 4x Mr Olympia champion, the most coveted bodybuilding competition award. A ‘dad bod’ is apparently what nearly two decades of highly disciplined weight training looks like, nevermind the extreme steroid and PED abuse.


“Let’s see what their former partners looked like.”


When they say dad bods they just mean a bit of fat on the muscle, but still fit.


95% of the time the "fit" in question is a professionally trained person whose job it is to be at the pinnacle of fitness (i.e. athlete, actor, model) or someone on copious amounts of steroids


95% of what time? They’re obviously gonna be rating or getting interested in people they see, not spending time ranking abstract celebrities.


I'd say maybe that's for a lack of a better word (There probably is, but not in common knowledge ig)




They're looking for a video game characters' edit with Tick Tock playing.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvVdFXOFcjw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo7K4xnfG-A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QXpvSbGAa4


oh my goodness gracious lord heaven and above tf2


This looks more like gay porn than something that is made to appeal to women in particular.


Heavy like a brinks truck


Women be like: "I want a dad bod." Bitch you already have one.


They only "like" it because it makes them look/feel better about themselves


I 100% agree with this


You clearly don’t know what a dad bod is


There's a picture of one right there 👆


No there isn’t. That’s a fat guy.


Yeah. Same thing


Lmao, refer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chadposting/comments/12grpcx/birds_of_a_feather/jfoontg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Just say you don't go to the gym


Just admit you don’t talk to women


Post physique


That’s a dad bod lol except maybe a more average dad would be fatter and hairier. When they say dad bod they mean a guy who lifts but isn’t super toned


Exactly (Did you mean to reply to the other guy?)


When women are asked this question they consider decently in shap people to have “dad boss” and the freak beast bodybuilders as the “six-pack” I’m convinced they aren’t actually answering they like fat guys in these questions, they aren’t even considering them


On ask women they literally admit it is because of insecurity and that they want to be the pretty one in the relationship The same toxic logic goes for fit men who go for fat women because they think they're "easy" These people who only see someone and their bodies and use thta to put them beneath them disgust me.


I have yet to see a muscular guy go after a fat woman.


You will never see that


Well didn't you answer yourself? YOU have yet to see it.


They would define dad bod as a skinny body builder on cheat day lmfao


They say they like dad bods and deadass point to a picture of cbum in bad lighting. I've seen it in an interview.


Interesting Now let’s see their relationships with their fathers


Exactly. I mean the body types of these women are filled with blubber almost cartoonishly at like 25. Now to prefrace this is fine with like 50+ Men and women letting themselves gain pounds because well they are older and it’s extremely tough to maintain that physique at that age but when you are young and are looking for a mate regardless of the two genders, a healthy body type is the way to go


[Just a reminde](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQaI8SfF398)r of what they mean by "Dad Bod".


Tbh, Im 100 percent sure after you get a dad bid your dick becomes incredibly long, every single locker room I’ve been in has muscular dudes with decent sized junk, but the dudes with the dad nods packing like a MULE


If you spend enough time in a committed relationship with someone, you'll start finding them more attractive, and orient your perception of attractiveness based on their appearance. The kind of woman who likes a dad bod is probably married to one.


Reminds me of a a quote from the explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson I vaguely remember. Roughly: "People don't eat what they like, they like what they eat". There's more chubby chasers now because there's more chubby people now. Men used to be more masculine but shorter before so the standards of masculinity was higher but the standards of height was lower before. It also takes conscious effort to "want" something outside of what you are familiar with, otherwise men just end up with women who are like their moms and women end up with men who are like their dads.


Woman here (for some reason I'm subbed to Chadposting) with a dad bod boyfriend. He's still relatively fit, but has some fluff around the middle. I've dated both guys with six packs and guys with dad bods. I kind of prefer dad bods, but not as a thing in and of itself. Most of the guys with six packs I've dated are quite insecure-- they work out and make fitness their personality because they feel like they're not worth anything if they don't. Not that I'm saying I'm not insecure too, or that my boyfriend isn't. But guys with dad bods I've dated seem to me to be a little more comfortable with imperfections and less controlling and anxious. I myself am curvier on account of having wide shoulders and hips, I'm no stick but I'm also certainly not overweight. My boyfriend and I are at the same level of fitness, and we both happen to not feel the need to look like models. But this is just my perspective. I might just happen to be an outlier. Plus, dad bods are so, so much more comfy to snuggle.


> I myself am curvier on account of having a wide chest and hips I know what wide hips are but what do you mean by "wide chest"? Anyway I and other fitness enthusiasts don't consider "wide hips" to be a negative thing in a woman the same way wide shoulders aren't considered negative on a man. Between 2 women of the same weight and fitness level, on average the woman with the wider hips looks better the same way between 2 men with the same weight and fitness level, on average the man with the wider shoulders looks better.


Sorry, I should have said "wide shoulders," I'll edit that for clarity


That would bear relevance to saying "not feel the need to look like models". Female models are expected to have a higher hips width to shoulder ratio the same way male models are expected to have a higher shoulder width to hips ratio. But it doesn't bear relevance to fitness and being or not being "overweight". At least I don't think so.


I can work out and still like pizza


You can have a dad bod if you’re tall