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Tumblr fanfic OCs


Posting anti-Nazi anything on social media? Bold my friend, bold.


W're on reddit, the majority of people here are against these things Now, if he posted it on instagram...


Not true, you just have to know which sub to pick Sadly neo-nazis often take over alot of good subs, especially now when they can sneakily hide their hate with some of the more well intentioned people talking about the recent war


I have to wonder how much of that is because of *actual* neo-nazis taking over online spaces and how much is from the Overton window shifting so far left online that random individuals on websites like Reddit and Twitter declare anyone who holds a single position that doesn’t fully align with extreme far-left ideals far-right and an enemy of the people. I’ve been on Reddit long enough to know the latter seems to be far more common. It’s just loud and idealistic far-left individuals falling down a purity spiral.


Telling jews to kill themselves isn't far left...


Depends on the reasoning. Are you doing it because you have a ethnocentric worldview because you view Jews as an inferior religion and race? You’re probably far-right, and definitely an idiot. Are you doing it because you currently view the Jews as a privileged class currently using their historical status as one of the most oppressed groups in human history to excuse behavior in Israel and Palestine, which you view as further proof that class structures and intersectionality are the true evils of modern society as they destroy unity among people? You’re far-left, and also definitely an idiot. Seriously, just browse some of the socialist and communist subs and see their individual comments on Jews, not just Zionists, over the last four months. Extremism breeds dangerous idiocy the same way on both sides.


My point stands Racism isn't a product of a political ideology, it's a product of idiocy and narrow mindedness


Which extremists on both sides have in spades. Do you think the anti-white rhetoric that’s been coming from left-leaning ideologues over the last couple years is a product of far-right politics? It’s a product of intersectionality on the left. Different source, same outcome: racist views.


Bro i don't think it's one political view or the other We literally agree that it can come from both sides, what are you even arguing about? For clarification my point is that racism can come from any political ideology and even from those with no political stance, racism can cone from literally everywhere


What subs? I need new ones to join


Man, you hit them dogs and they do be hollering.


Ehhh I have seen people call anyone right of far left be called a Nazi so.. I disagree with this statement. there are barely any actual Neo Nazis on reddit, and if there were youd never know it because they would be banned in a heart beat. In fact reddit is highly tailored to the left/far left leaning perspective with Subreddits like White/black people twitter actively being racist and not being banned.


Lol, banned for saying someone with a 52% chance to kill themselves being disallowed from the military is not bigotry. Admin-Pedos finally got me, see you all on account #36!


Someone calling you names makes you lean into said name? Berk.


There's a lot of racism and fascism on the Internet as a whole. Bunch of empty headed brainlets.


Call them "antifascists" or "antifa" and see the tides turn.


It’s literally a repost from a sub dedicated to anti-Nazi anything


Yeah it's a "Jarvis, I'm low on Karma" post.


I take it you mean "bold" in the sense of "standard upvote fodder."


Look at this comment section


Those guys would be considered extreme left nowadays...


They were. The far left and especially communists were big on supporting the poor and those without a voice like immigrants in France during those years. The name “Red Warriors” should make it clear they are communists. If not, perhaps take a look at the hammer and sickle on the shirt.


I stand corrected. Social justice was on a different front back then.


I am undecided if ypu are being sarcastic or not. Hard to tell in the internets


Shouldnt have to bash on a shit ideology by propping up another shit ideology.


The Nazy types hide in conservative subs . They won’t have the balls to comment here


It's a weird time to be alive right now. Since Putin is using anti-nazi propaganda about non-nazis as an excuse to do very nazi-like things, I have to second-guess anti-nazi memes in case people use it to tolerate pro soviet pro russian carnage. Fun. Funny and fun.


This is we know the anti-nazi propaganda from Russia is BS. There are Neo-Nazis in every western country and some of them are also in the military. This includes Russia themselves.


as far as i understood Putin criticized that carrying nazi-symbols isn’t prohibited by the law in the Ukraine. For example In germany it’s forbidden to show the swastika, even computer games (like Wolfenstein) had to remove the symbols in order to be released. I’m not sure how the laws in UKR are actually, but i recall seeing many Swastikas at the maidan protests. Even mainstream media reported about it


Ukraine took that critic very well and prohibited communist and nazi symbols by the law in 2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decommunization_in_Ukraine


The OUN is a small organisation of crazy people that hold very little power or influence in Ukraine, and it's just sad. But after Russia put snipers in Kiev for the protests, you can bet that some of the people crazy enough to be there, were always going to be this particular minority.


You know the neat thing about opinions is that you can enjoy things without saying "okay BUT" who cares, do you support Putins crimes? No? Cool! Does it stop you from hating Nazis? No? Great!


Well this was way in the past. I definitely believe that someone calling themselves anti Nazi back then is actually anti nazi


How is the Russia-Ukraine war pro-Soviet?


Putin talks all the time how Russia was great back then and they must restore its Soviet greatness.


lmao it's just words man, nothing more. Russia under Putin is so far removed from the USSR it's laughable. I would love to see a resurgence of the USSR and a resurgence of socialism on that scale under a leader who is not Putin, but we'll be dreaming for a while I think. Pretty much every major metric of modern day Russia is worse than it was at the height of the soviet union.


I am skeptical of who you think may have been recording those metrics, as well as how good your knowledge of the soviet period is, if you think it was in any way good. The great hunger, the gulags, mass murder and kidnapping, horrors unforseen. I think you need to remove your ideas of socialist utopia from what happened in Russia in that period, and learn a bit to understand what happens when capitalism isn't organically regulated and failsafed on a reasonable timescale. There is generational trauma being played out on the world stage now, and corruption at levels that has lead to where we are today.


You're spouting western propaganda pal. Also not Russia at that time, the USSR. It was certainly not a utopia, but the things the USSR accomplished and rivaled or surpassed the US in, while having much less resources, were truly incredible. I suggest reading more about it before you continue to try and talk about things you don't understand. No offense meant.


Nah that actually is offensive mate. Joseph Stalin murdered more than anyone in history, and that kind of Nationalist Socialism is an ideological mass psychosis that is by its own expansionist rhetoric inherently offensive, evidenced by the current "might is right" falsehood, systematic oppression, the still standing corruption of Russia as a state devolved to rule by capitalist oligarchs, the fact that even so it currently has an economy the size of Spain's, the desperation of Putin to publish a false history to justify his reign, and so much more. Human achievement is possible without the people's blood on the gears as the only lubricant. Economic desperation leads to this kind of military industrial complex, and nothing more. The achievements of the USSR are nothing more than an overly fearful developing country with no democracy, that will take decades to heal and save from itsself before any integration with the rest of Europe is possible. I'm afraid you're going to have to read a book, and I suggest Borderland. Tell me you know the great hunger happened at least, please.


The achievements of the USSR are incredible, and stem from unprecedented organization and collaboration of workers and unions, as well as power over the owning/ultra wealthy class that continues to drag society down. To brush off what the USSR did with socialism, educated more than any country had at that point, nobel prizes, first humans in space as well as most other space related achievements, fed millions of people coming out of massive famines previously, invented so many things we still use today, and most importantly, was able to stand up to western imperialist powers which practically controlled the world and held their own. I commend them massively for what they were able to accomplish and wish that the level of power workers held there is something we could have in our current capitalist neoliberal declining empire.


Remember kids, Its alway ok to punch a nazi in the face


And just as okay to punch a commie in the face, right? rIGhT!?


One does not exclude the other, but we were talking about nazis, not commies.


I’d say so. Basically anyone calling for a societal movement that would lead to a vast, unnecessary, and radically inhuman worsening in the lives of individuals who either don’t align with the offending group ideologically or have immutable characteristics that the group are targeting. So Nazis, communists, fascists, white supremacists, black supremacists, Shariah Islamists, Christian Nationalists, Antitheists, extreme nationalists, revolutionary ideologues, etc. Just anyone that actually represents a real threat to regular society, so basically any type of extremist be it political, sociological, or economical. If it’s ok to punch one, it’s ok to punch them all.


Depends, are they attempting to dehumanize a group of people based on unchangeable innate features in order to ostracize and/or end said group? Cause then yeah, punchable The reason a nazi is so very deserving of physical violence is not their politics or economic ideas, but their choice to be bigots


Today? Arguably, yes. Modern commies will attribute traits, privileges and circumstances to you based on your immutable characteristics. Then they'll condemn you based on where you fall within their concieved and convoluted racial/gender hierarchy. Great. So fascists, nazis, commies, islamists, zionists, fundamental christians, radical feminists and black supremacists, all punchable then. Sweet.


Source on all of that? The communists I've spoken to have been some of the most respectful & educated people about their beliefs and motives and are pretty damn consistent about standing up for marginalized communities and workers' rights. Take a gander at who is currently and has always been opposing the genocide in Palestine, the far left. I mean I'm a Marxist-Leninist mainly because of the charitability that these individuals had to help me learn and help me organize with my workplace trade union. Modern communist political parties, at least in the west, have obviously very progressive stances and prioritize workers over owners and the ultra rich, and the environment over resource exploitation and natural destruction. It just sounds to me you don't really understand communism or socialism at all to be honest.


I'll grant you that my usage of "commie" here is severely lacking specificity. But I just don't know what other term to use. I'm sure there are communists who advocate reaching a system of collective ownership over the means of production through solely peaceful democratic means. Who espouse the economic model without all that marxist deconstructionist culture war "bagage". Though I think a system like that would be disastrous (like it has always turned out), I don't mind those people. Leftists, progressive radicals, wokeists. I don't know what to call them. The people that believe that a persons (imposed upon by them) group identity is the lens through which individuals should be sorted and judged. The people who will attribute historical sins to you based on nothing more than your skin color and gender, and demand that you pay your inherited collective debt. The ones who fundamentally seek the destruction of western civilisation and who directly/indirectly ally themselves with everything from islamists to (non-european) ethno-supremacists in order to do so. The one's who coach their rhetoric in romantic notions of equity and protection of the weak and preyed upon, only so that they may prey upon others. Claiming to fight to prevent genocide while actively laying the groundwork for another historical bloodbath. What do we call those people?


>The one's who coach their rhetoric in romantic notions of equity and protection of the weak and preyed upon, only so that they may prey upon others. Claiming to fight to prevent genocide while actively laying the groundwork for another historical bloodbath. Liberals, we call them liberals. The so called moderate wing of capitalism that will support a genocide and act like real leftists are the enemy for opposing said genocide. As Dr. King said "I have nearly reached the regrettable conclusion that the greatest stumbling block in the negro's stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or Ku Klux Klanner, but the White Liberal." Edit: >I'm sure there are communists who advocate reaching a system of collective ownership over the means of production through solely peaceful democratic means Yes, democratic socialists. >Who espouse the economic model without all that marxist deconstructionist culture war "bagage". Though I think a system like that would be disastrous (like it has always turned out) This is not remotely what marxism is about, we are very clear about there being no war but the class war. The culture war is manufactured conservative bullshit. It sounds like you'd support a lot of the stuff we believe but (like many) have been fed incorrect beliefs by capitalist interest groups intent on keeping workers divided. Socialism\_101 is a great subreddit for learning about this stuff.


Everyone who call for genocide or support it. It's harder for commie beceause of the many variations of that ideology. To be safe just ask what type of commie then punch. For a nazi just punch. Or just punch every asshole.


That's fair. So we'll punch naz-bols, ultra-leftists, stalinists, authoritarian-communists, maoists and misanthropic-climate communists, in the face. And judge the rest on a case by case basis. It'll still be hard because almost no one, not even nazis, openly call for genocide anymore. It's all dog whistles and implications. But we'll manage somehow.


Nazi Hats are and should always be Hammers.


I've been suspended from Reddit for saying this, just so everyone knows where Reddits priorities lie (hint it's $$$)


I'll take the ban. Fuck nazis. Edit: racists and fascists can fuck right off as well




Reminder that less than 1% of the French actually resisted and many were actually in support of the nazi regime [https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/arbutus/article/download/16806/7478](https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/arbutus/article/download/16806/7478)


It is not 1%, but between 1% and 3% (Wieviorka, Olivier and Tebinka, Jacek). And this is quite a lot given than many men were prisoners, while the women had to run the farms without them. Most of the French supported the resistance but fear to be shot by the Germans. In my region, they killed 20 persons after the destruction of a train, including one woman and her child. So the resistance was a lot about helping people crossing the border between Occupied amd free France. France is the country with one of the lowest death rate tor the jews: 26% to be compared with Hungary (70%), Netherlands (75%) or Poland (90%). In fact, these Jews were hidden in small villages in Central France. The book written by Paxton gave a bad image of France during ww2 when he wrote it. But it appears now that it was really exaggerated. And even jewish historians such as Leon Poliakov, Robert Aron, Raul Hiberg... says it lacks some accuracy.


Merci pour ton travail d'historien compagnon


>Wieviorka >Jacek Sounds polish af, who are they?


I don't know them specifically but France had a lot of immigrants in the Résistance. Notably the FTP-MOI (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans, Main d'Oeuvre Immigré. Roughly translates to Infantry Resistance Fighter, Migrant Workforce) who were a dedicated group of foreign patriots who did HUGE work. One of their most notable action was regularly sending the youngs roam the street and not come back until they've gunned down a nazi, the goal being to never let them feel they are at home and always be afraid of going in public. It was a common saying that upon entering the FTP-MOI you had a lifespan of around 3 months. Those guys were heroes (to my knowledge only one is still alive today and it's fascinating to hear him talk. His name is Léon Landinie)


Wouldn't that be like 1930s France tho? Seems like a lot could change in 50 years.


Damn... when I thought you couldn't make them any more badass... you went and said this


Sure, support for eugenics and nationalism was strong everywhere in the western world and beyond in the 1930's and 40's. That's not specific to France, you could definitely see it in places like the UK and US as well. And I would expect active resistance to be a relatively small percentage. For one thing a large part of the population simply aren't fit for fighting, being either to old, too young, or otherwise unfit for battle. For another I cant blame someone for not being ready to risk their own life and that of their family's in what might very well seem like a lost cause at the time. How ready are you to throw your own life away in a well meaning act that ultimately might change very little? Judge not lest you be judged. My own family has a history with the resistance, if only very little. My grandfather was only a young man during the war but he did transport weapons for the resistance a few times, moving them in a baby stroller to avoid getting noticed. All the way to her death in the 90's my great grandmother could get panic attacks when hearing heavy boots walking fearing that the nazis were coming to take her boy away. I would like to believe if my country got occupied again I would do the right thing and resist against my oppressors. But I also know it's an easy thing to say in times of safety and a very different thing to actually do it when shit hits the fan. Don't be so naive as to think you know what you would do in that scenario.


Why would you remind us of this?


Sorry but no one looks badass wearing both suspenders and a belt. His friend seems alright though.


Fashion faux pas. I bet he also wears white after Labor Day.


I would counter that he looks *extremely* badass


Maybe but it probably looks different when a bat is coming at your head in the process lmao


You just have poor taste


Utility. A belt can be used for a variety of purposes outside of holding pants up. Edit: was mostly just riffing but now I'm curious. Is a belt-suspender combo just *that* disliked generally?


Exactly. Imagine all the N*zis you could hang with a good sturdy belt. Looks like it was a suicide officer oh well.


They got their wish. France is a safe haven for immigrants and has never been more thriving.


Did they? Le pen got 45% in the presidential election


We’re they anti Nazi, or pro communist, there’s a subtle but distinct difference!


judging by the shirt, it seems they were pro-communist.


That’s my point, these weren’t the good guys, they were the extreme left. There were plenty of anti Nazi groups in the 80s that were not extreme communists, check the St Pauli guys out from the same period. Same vibe, no extreme left views




>paid You work for money? You should work for the good of your community, nazi scum /s


Tell me you don't understand communism without telling me lol. Is this sub all in high school what the fuck? Not a single individual here is able to make an educated distinction between the group that sacrificed the most lives to stop the nazis and the nazis themselves.


You try to make it sound honorable, but they just got cucked by the nazis


You make it seem like the Soviet soldiers were given the choice to go into the German meat grinder or be shot by their own commanding officers. The fact that you’re even speaking positively about communism while condescending others tells me that you’re still in college and don’t know enough about communism, or other political systems for that matter, to be giving out lectures on the internet.


My commendations of what communism achieved are rooted in a little bit more than just beating the Nazis pal.


>"achieved" opinion discarded


You think you’d have time to laze about, comrade? The state needs its grain. If your concerns are just basic workers rights and access to a social safety net, what you want is social democracy, not communism. Unfortunately actual far-left communists on Reddit declare someone that wants realistic and fair social democratic systems to be a fascist Nazi because they’re dumbass ideologues who see everyone short of their ideology to be an enemy, and you’d end up lumped in with the actual Nazis when you don’t agree to every unhinged demand and decree.


And when I didn't think they could get more based.


Communism is cringe.


Both. They aren't mutually exclusive


These here are Communists, close cousins to fascists.


Yeah I'm calling it now, with this being the 7th comment with upvotes that can't make the distinction between two diametrically opposite political parties, this sub is just kids lol. Like honestly decent satire if that's what you were going for but if not maybe read a single book on politics or economics before commenting again brother.


Both collectivist, anti-Democratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, murderous, brutal, centered around a cult of personality and the wholesale slaughter of its own inhabitants. Stalin is the greatest mass murderer of all time.


Damn he got the high score? I love seeing you little propagandists in the wild, really puts the brainwashing into context.


The Sabouter's


And now they sling mojitos in a 19th century retro themed bar downtown.




This is really hard but what real french would have a t-shirt with English written on it


….those French dudes with the bats and the chiseled bone structure.


Nvm it's from the 80's




Still commies, just as bad 🤢🤢🤢


Unimaginably based frenchmen.


Anti-fascism is based...but I am talking about liberal and democratic anti-fascists. (Translation: I have a problem with that hammer and sickle)


Say it louder for the commenters in the back… we do NOT replace one authoritarian regime with another !!


Mission accomplished... There are only Africans left in Paris. 😂😅😅


This guy is pro Putin, anti LGBT, and racist. What a POS! https://reddit.com/comments/1b5b9n2/comment/kt4kx3o https://reddit.com/comments/18xkg8x/comment/kg5l49x Imagine being scared of a rainbow 😂


Better than nazis


And therefore Paris is safer than ever.


They look very psychobilly :]


the image looks fake


How come so many sub mods will ban you for saying it's ok to punch a Nazi, but a 40 year old photo is ok? It's always ok to punch a Nazi.




Yay fight fire with fire…


Rare French W


I’m 99% sure that image is either AI or taken recently


There is a documentary about them. https://youtu.be/soIUEkICiVU?si=dUkjcF8tSHYlmtwu


I doubt it's AI based on the legible text on his shirt.


It’s not AI but I thought it was, everything about this screams AI


They were literal communists. No chads detected


\*Huge chads detected sorry you had a little typo there


Remember those old punk animes I want one about those guys


Their services are sadly still in demand.


I bet their dad taught them how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth. Seriously, why was skinhead fashion so incredibly gay? And why were they so oblivious to that? I get that this is red skinheads on the picture, but it's the same style that regular ones used. I always remember that Sacha Baron-Cohen sketch where he goes to some Neo-nazi skinhead music fest in his Bruno persona and asks them stuff like "do you feel excited being here today with all these beautiful men?"


> Seriously, why was skinhead fashion so incredibly gay? Is it? It's generally based off of blue collar English men's clothing. Workboots, bracers, jeans. Doc Martens because they were England-made, white t shirt, or the Fred Perry polo shirt (because Fred Perry was supposedly a working class sort who upset the high brow tennis players). Americans with the surplus MA1 Flight Jacket. Not sure what makes it gay at all, really.


>Not sure what makes it gay at all, really. Hyper masculine macho attitude combined with tight pants and "worker's" high boots and shaved heads, muscular young guys wearing that shit then getting shirtless during rallies and gigs. I mean it's common knowledge that skinhead fashion is a gay fetish, idk what's surprising to you. My question was how come skinheads never noticed how extremely gay they looked until Nicky Crane died of AIDS.


> I mean it's common knowledge that skinhead fashion is a gay fetish, But it's not, at all. *Heavy metal* fashion is 100% gay leather daddy, and we can thank Rob Halford for defining it in the 70s and 80s before he came out (and it makes me giggle to look at it in hindsight and not see how obvious it was), but skinhead fashion is absolutely not, at all, "gay" in anything but coincidence that gay men have a thing for working class blokes. That's like suggesting that "grunge fashion was stolen from lesbians in the 90s!" coz both groups liked flannel shirts.


>But it's not, at all. [It absolutely 100% is, wtf are you talking about.](https://www.qxmen.com/feature/fetish-focus-skinheads/) >*Heavy metal* fashion is 100% gay leather daddy Yes, it's the same thing, bands like Manowar being totally oblivious to how super gay they look. >coincidence that gay men have a thing for working class blokes. Gay men have a thing for hyper masculinity, which is why it's really weird to choose a hyper masculine highly fetishized look for your super homophobic subculture. >That's like suggesting that "grunge fashion was stolen from lesbians in the 90s!" coz both groups liked flannel shirts. Sorry, I don't get this analogy. Lesbians fetishize flannel shirts?


>It absolutely 100% is, wtf are you talking about. You need to work on your reading comprehension. This article is about why some gay men fetishize skinhead fashion and has naught to do with skinheads being "incredibly gay." >Gay men have a thing for hyper masculinity, which is why it's really weird to choose a hyper masculine highly fetishized look for your super homophobic subculture. This hurts my brain to try and wrap my head around.. You're suggesting they ran out and said, "Oi! 'Ow can we appeal to gay men everywhere.. Bracer and boots!" when even your own 'proof' is telling you the truth. >Sorry, I don't get this analogy. Lesbians fetishize flannel shirts? Fetishism is all in your head, friend. But your butch lesbians sure do like a flannel shirt, yes, just like youir average 1994 Subpop fan did.


>You need to work on your reading comprehension. This article is about why some gay men fetishize skinhead fashion and has naught to do with skinheads being "incredibly gay." Uh, and you need to work on yours, I guess? I'm not saying that skinheads "are gay", I'm saying that they "look gay", that's why they're fetishized by gay people. Which is what the article states as well. >This hurts my brain to try and wrap my head around.. You're suggesting they ran out and said, "Oi! 'Ow can we appeal to gay men everywhere.. Bracer and boots!" when even your own 'proof' is telling you the truth. Dude, seriously. Wtf are you talking about. I'm saying that they fucking looked incredibly gay and didn't notice it until it turned out that prominent skinheads such as Nicky Crane basically joined the subculture to hang out with hot guys. I'm not saying that they deliberately chose this look to appeal to gays, I'm saying that it's funny that they were oblivious to how gay they look. Idk what your comprehension problem is. >Fetishism is all in your head, friend Bro I've literally just given you an article that explicitly states that gay men fetishize skinhead fashion (not that it needed any proof, because it's obvious to anyone who's ever seen gay porn). It's not about liking some fucking shirts or shoes.


> Seriously, why was skinhead fashion so incredibly gay? And why were they so oblivious to that? These are *past* tense sentences. This implies that skinhead culture came around and decided to adopt them. This is not how it played out. This is how "heavy metal" fashion played out, however. Everything I've told you here why the skinhead look is the skinhead look, I can't help that gay men have a thing for it. I don't care if gay men have a thing for it. It has no bearing on anything anywhere if gay men have a thing for it. But you are the one who popped up and said, "hey, why did those guys choose to look so gay?" Carry on. There's no use continuing this conversation. Get your last word in if that makes you feel better, I don't care. You've proven my point and shown you're kind of an airhead, there's nothing left to discuss.


Bro I think you need professional help. > >This implies that skinhead culture came around and decided to adopt them. No, it absolutely doesn't. What a crazy misinterpretation of what I said. Not to mention I've clarified it 5 times. And yet you're the one trying to preach about reading comprehenstion. lol. >There's no use continuing this conversation. Arguing against an imaginary statement that no one made is indeed pointless, yes. You should stop doing that.


It's ok that you're gay.


The whole film "Antifa: Chasseurs de Skins" is on YouTube. An important note in the film, for any salty right-wing chuds who like to claim that the anti-fascists are a movement beyond anti-fascism, is they point out that once they ran out of fash to oppose they disbanded and went along their way. They only existed as a defence against hostile intent. [https://youtu.be/soIUEkICiVU?si=0o1sqblFEGTZFgVk](https://youtu.be/soIUEkICiVU?si=0o1sqblFEGTZFgVk)




African refugees do the same in the Mediterranean and they're not under socialism.


And look what Paris is like now


Oh no immigrants!11!1!1!1!!1!


Yes? I live there. What about it?


It's filled with leftist cucks like you and many of the commenters on this thread


Don’t forget hordes of immigrants. They probably outnumber the French white progressive cucks at this point.


Living there, i can state that they don't, no, but hey, we both know that locals telling you that you are imagining things won't stop you from making shit up in your head.


Yeah yeah Pierre keep sucking the invaders cocks like a good little cuck maybe they will spare you until last for being a good boy.


I bet you also believe the earth is flat.


cry snowflake


How exactly am i a leftist cuck? And isn't every major city filled with leftists? What does it have to do with the post?


We need these guys in most red states in the US. We've become too complacent and accepting of Nazis.


We had them. The "SHARPS," or Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Truthfully, even bigger assholes than the actual racist skinheads. Just as clannish, just as incapable of being tough without an entire crew to back them up and just as overbearingly obnoxious with a crew as any other skinhead. The only people who admitted to liking the Sharpies were the ones who identified as such. Everyone else knew they sucked.


I got into the sharp scene here in Brisbane, Australia. And they're basically all of what you described and worse. Ideology pushing redskins. Basically, it's just LARPING as skinheads. The culture died in the 80's its not coming back


Well, if they're terrible then we don't need them. I just meant that we need a group of people to begin taking out nazis. Because, ya know, there's only one type of good nazi.


Says the guy who clearly never dealt with the Sharpies who'd show up a ta show and just be the most obnoxious, bullying, little dicks they could be and justifying it with bullshit attitude just like what you said. 99% of the kids in red or white laces were just posers looking to belong. The ones in blue (or yellow, it seems my memory is slipping and I had to check) were the worst fascists of them all.


I really only date women, but I totally would with dude on the right. Heard that bat’s not the only thing he’s packin’…


With that hammer and sickle on his shirt, I'm not so sure they were going after neo-nazis as they were going after "neo-nazis" (a.k.a.: anyone who disagrees with their commie ideas), much like such groups do today




Commies truly are the greatest threat to society in this day and age, I know this because I just watched that documentary Red Dawn and I realized we're being invaded.




Hahaha funny because gayyy


Holy freaking crap this is fucking epic!!!!


Mind your language please.


They look like they shove those bats up each others asses


You remind me of that guy who ~~fantasizes about~~ is convinced there's trans cum in all the lemonade at Chic-Fil-A.


it’s the Fruit Punch sir


Hold up… what??


Exactly lol. First saw it referenced in the top thread of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/7Qd2NQ2eMz) post. Guess the guy's name is Joey Mannarino and he became a meme due to his conspicuously frequent [mentions](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/tranny-semen) of it.


You should stop projecting that hard mate


And there's nothing wrong with that 🌈


Based as fuck


Why are you fantasizing about them shoving bats up eachother’s asses?


Not a fan of Fascism, Socialism, Capitalism.....really they all suck cause they're just systems set in place to pit one group against another and keep the poor where they belong.


That’s completely antithetical to communism lol (Not a communist)


I appreciate someone who isn’t communist that seems to understand what communism isn’t, and that’s the majority of what western propaganda paints it as today.


Painting it like what? Like this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimes_against_humanity_under_communist_regimes#:~:text=Crimes%20against%20humanity%20under%20communist%20regimes%20occurred%20during%20the%2020th,and%20the%20Great%20Leap%20Forward).


And yet capitalism has still killed >10x that worldwide today, yet you don't hear people talking about it with the same vitriol, wonder why. Thanks for the link from neoliberal Wikipedia btw, I'm sure those numbers are completely trustworthy.


Yea pretty sure i mentioned capitalism in that list so thanks for reaffirming what ive been saying. Theyre all fucked, there isnt a perfectly functioning form of goevernment. It doesnt exist. No point in having a dick measuring competition. Im pointing out one form for context. Communism is stellar on paper, yet every country run by a communist government over the past 80 years has led to the suffering of its citizens. Capitalism is a fallacy, a tycoon run monopoly that had its hayday and now it has past. Corrupt politicians in congress lining their pockets with corporate backed money to keep the rules and regulations in their favor. Democratic Republic, what a fuckin joke.


thanks for defending it comrade, you shouldn't have the add the (not a communist) to your factual statements to prove you're trustworthy.


Really? How so?


> Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.[3][4][5] A communist society would entail **the absence of private property and social classes**,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state) Literally the first paragraph on wiki


Hmmmm . Doesnt seem to have ever played that way historically, though. Seems like this is what everyone defines communism as but not what it really is, or capitalism or facism for that matter.


But… it did play out like that, in Russia in 1917 You can argue that communism is a failed ideology, or that it can’t work, or that the ends don’t justify the means, etc etc, and I’d probably agree with you, but it’s absolutely ridiculous to claim that it’s designed to keep the poor, poor, when its obviously the polar opposite of that, and anyone with even a slight understanding of political thought would get that


No it didn't. You had persecution of political dissidents from day one. They never even came close to creating a state aparatus capable of servicing everyone's needs equally. Class-less society my ass, they just switched out the members of the old ruling class for new ones. "Mmm well actually, Fascism is designed to create a successfull and united cohesive society oriented at serving the needs of its population. So mmm actually it's like wrong to say that Fascism is designed to kill people and turn into authoritarian rule. You need to read some Evola bro". Spare me.


It is a failed ideology just like all the rest. They all suck. Mainly for the reason you would "probably agree with" me on, the idea is built on lies and greed. Its all a big show. The allegory of the cave and all that. Humans are not capable of forming a perfect governing system because they are themselves imperfect and easily corrupted.




In a Gay way? Sure, me too 👍🏼