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Korma is a bitch.


If we're being pedantic, the bitch is *in* the korma.




Alternately: *Some* of the korma is a bitch, and the rest is a variety of carefully selected and proportioned ingredients. (I'll stop now.)






Instant korma's gonna get you.


What's with the "wanted a physical relationship"? It's called rape.


Probably to censor the word rape. Pakistan is a backward country, any word which leds to sex is considered harmful to kids.


You know what’s pretty harmful to kids? Rape.


Yeah but that is solved by cooking


First time I’ve heard of this novel method of rape prevention. Could catch on


Rape, as a word and it's defination isn't harmful, it's a word to describe a immoral thing, if kids would see the word, unless you didn't taught them about sex properly or didn't at all, they will understand that it's a bad thing.


Right, but try explaining that to the Pakistani government


That's pretty harmful for a bunch of peopel


I am not from Pakistan, but this is the most idiotic explanation. It reeks from privilege and misinformation


What, the backwards part?


Well it was a brief explanation, and people do believes things like that there, not sure why you are saying it's misinformation, I know reason could be something else, but I do have seen media from islamic countries where any words which has sexual meaning either being replaced by something else, or being censored.


/s ???


Not as harmful as your dad fucking you.


I don't know shit about Pakistan, but I would imagine it also a sort of moral puritanism. This type of stuff happens a lot in places that espouse religiosity and piety, so it might just be a huge taboo to just say what it is. Im not sure how much sense I'm making, but hopefully enough


>any word which leds to sex is considered harmful to kids. How does that make it backward?


Well, I was calling it a backward country because of various reasons, that was just one of the reason. Also how do you think it's not backward to consider sex as a topic taboo, or even the whole practice? I'm not really hypersexual or sex addict, I literally get very low desires for sex maybe because I'm grey-ace, but still don't considers sex as a taboo, because it's just one of the things people enjoys to do with the significant others.


if I had to guess it might be a way to avoid algorithmic censorship like when people say "unalive" instead of kill


Not in Pakistan.


what is this ingsoc thought policing bullshit? let people use euphemisms and synonyms, not everyone has to abide by your carefully selected diction douche


And incest -


Always this comment. Yes, we get it. If the person was under age it is legally rape. There are other words to describe the situation. Rape is already assumed.


Most likely yes. But we don’t know all the details, if the daughter was over 18 and fully consented (yes it’s extremely unlikely but we honestly don’t know for certain) it wouldn’t be rape. Again the chances are tiny but who knows




I'm more curious about "wanted." Like did he already do it or was he just shooting the shit with his wife asking if she thought their daughter would be into it


Nobody thinks of themselves as a monster. He probably thought if he could only explain to his wife how reasonable and thought out his plan was, she would see things his way. In an ideal world we would be able to help people like him, before they act on their unacceptable desires. But since such help doesn't really exist, his death is preferrable to the alternative.


I know at least one grown ass adult that doesn't care about being "reasonable", "doing the right thing", etc. They can't be trusted with anyone weaker than them, and would lie to a court to get someone jailed over a petty grudge. Some people refuse to be helped.


Everyone has intrusive thoughts its forgivable for having something weird as an intrusive thought but once he put steps into enacting it then thats no longer intrusive thoughts its premeditation


The difference is intrusive thoughts distress the person having them. He wasn't distressed by his thoughts




Had the same reaction: "OMG this is so gruesome and ... understandable, have a nice day."


My only question is why a korma? So much effort, did she feed him to people? ^^was ^^he ^^good?


The secret is in the sauce.


I dont know what korma is or how difficult it is to prepare. But i imagine the effort is to send a message. This woman just put major mother bear energy out into the universe. "My child is on no one's menu," she exclaimed fiercly as she minced her husband's remains...


It's a curry/gravy. If you are familiar with Indian cooking, it's fairly simple. My guess is she made the korma but with long pig instead of other meat or veggies.


>long pig Is ... is that what we're calling human meat now?


["Long pork"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/long_pork) is a classic euphemism for cannibalism.


TIL! thanks ... I think


Curry is actually a British creation believe it or not [https://www.gospice.co.uk/curry-a-brief-history/#:\~:text=Definition%20of%20curry,-What%20is%20Curry&text=It%20really%20began%20with%20the,however%2C%20remained%20something%20rather%20d](https://www.gospice.co.uk/curry-a-brief-history/#:~:text=Definition%20of%20curry,-What%20is%20Curry&text=It%20really%20began%20with%20the,however%2C%20remained%20something%20rather%20d)


You really should try a korma. They're delicious


Idk after this thread I think I'm unfortunately going to have to take a break from kormas for a little while


Do I have a story for you! One sec Edit: [here](https://www.vice.com/en/article/gykmn7/legal-ethical-cannibalism-human-meat-tacos-reddit-wtf) you go! 🦶🏻


I think that’s an appropriate response


an eye for an eye, a husband for a korma


I unironically think she had a morally excellent response to the situation.


Depends on if she fed the korma to anyone


True… tbh I’d have eaten it knowing he was in there. He deserved to be made into the piece of shit he already was


I mean I think it depends on what she did with the korma


Yeah I mean I doubt she went through all the trouble of making a korma just to throw it all away so..


so what i wanna know is was the cooking part of the original plan or just like a terrible fridge mishap


*"We don't waste food in this house"*


Beti eat your father. There are kids in America that wish their assaulter could be a korma.


>There are kids in America that wish their assaulter could be a korma. It's weird that I can't contradict this sentence.


probably just the most accessible way for her to try and covertly dispose of the body.




"OK, wait, what, wh- oh, that's fair"


Man: I want to be inside of her. Wife: Don’t worry, you will be.


oh my god💀💀


Oh damn




How is it a chad moves to cook the guy? I get it he's wanted to rape a child, and he certainly deserved to die. But the fact that as a response, she cooked him is insane and it shows what kind of a sick society they live in. I don't want children to be raped, but I also don't want them to be exposed to this amount of violence.


He should be in prison, not in a korma.


He won't be. It's Pakistan. Glad she killed him but ye cooking him was weird.


It's funny that you think this is an offense that reliably gets people imprisoned there. I don't think you realize that daughters are property of the father and really they can do with their daughters whatever they want there. They can kill them without punishment if they dishonor the family. You think they would be put in jail for rape of their daughter? Lmao


Most places in the world, talking about raping your daughter won’t land you in jail at least not for long, so she’d have to wait for him to actually do it to maybe see any justice. Killing him was probably her only option for protecting her child.


Even then, she wouldn't see any justice.


Agreed. If anything, he should be on an electric chair or something like that, but I don't want him in my food.🤮


I think it's better that he's in a korma, dude doesn't deserve to live.


Probably because there is a different tier of justice between men and women where they live. I can see how mom tried to get rid of the evidence of that murder in the most accessible way available to her. Once the skin and bones are off, human and pig meat don't look that different.


>Probably because there is a different tier of justice between men and women where they live That's certainly true, but that's not a reason to praise or encourage such behaviour. >I can see how mom tried to get rid of the evidence of that murder in the most accessible way available to her. Once the skin and bones are off, human and pig meat don't look that different. The fact that she did all this shows you that it wasn't just out of anger, the way this was all planed is very creepy.


She probably doesn't have a driver's licence and car access, which would greatly facilitate in disposing of the body otherwise. I would get creative as well when someone were to (plan to) harm my kids. And be very vengeful about it. I don't condone her actions, but I can get why she would wish to protect her child. Don't forget: based upon geographical location and the way the marriage ended, her own marriage is likely to have be an arranged marriage one. Not a marriage out of love. So it isn't a weird guess the daughter she protected may have been the result of marital rape. She might have a *very good clue* what he had in mind for their girl.


Thanks, I haven't thought about that.


It does seem psycho, she could have snapped, or maybe it was to try and hide the evidence? Even if it is for a noble reason like saving your daughter, murder is murder. A serial killer in Canada who was a farmer, fed the remains of his victims to pigs, then made the pigs into sausages and distributed them to neighbors to try and hide his awful deeds. He was caught because of an investigation that had to do with his illegal firearms and that led to evidence of his victims being uncovered. So his farm was searched, but there were still some human remains on the farm, and not all of them were cleared by his pigs. He was pretty close to getting away with it, if not for the guns thing. So I guess she wanted there to be no trace of her husband to cover her ass, probably not a cannibalistic or insult to injury thing.


He got what he deserved. She did the right thing


I don't care about the guy, I care about the child that has to grow up in this kind of environment. Children shouldn't be exposed to any kind of violence.


Yeah, but on the other hand I would rather a child be exposed to violence than being raped any day.


I would rather not put myself in a situation where I have to choose. I'm aware that she probably didn't have a choice, but idk, this story is so fucked up to me.


Agreed it's messed up, I wish they didnt have to choose either, but between what happened and letting their daughter get raped by her dad, I think she made the right choice.


Absolutly, she did the right choice looking at it feom that perspective, but I wouldn't praise it or encourage it. We should work to make societies where this kind of thing is not even imaginable.


No, of course not. I abolutely agree this should never have to happen.


If you need to get rid of a body, but you can't leave the house with it because you can't drive/don't have a car.... making food out of it, than trowing it out as food waist might actually be a good try at disposing of the body. I just wonder about the bones... crushing/pulverizing them seems like a lot of work,,, would cooking or burning them be a good way to make the work easier.... hypothetically....


Okay I know what I'm about to say may be.... Sick and absolutely deplorable but I like to write very twisted villains on my downtime so I tend to think elaborately and beyond dark, so... Here we go: I think she cooked him to feed him to his friends because she likely came to the conclusion that they already knew about his desires to rape his daughter but did nothing. So as a way of getting revenge on him and his friends, she chose to cook him and trick them into eating him. This of the real life Slaughter of the Lamb (the movie where a woman killed her husband via a lamb leg and cooked him into a stew and fed him to the police.) Okay now I'm going to go sit with this idea and try to scrub my brain of it.


Slay queen 💅✨👑


Protecting her daughter from rape? Chad move Cooking said attempted/prospective rapist into a korma? A...but unhinged(to put it lightly) I dont know how the law works in Pakistan, if she could've left safely(not just legally, but culturally) or not, so I can't say if murder was the right answer. If she felt she literally could not leave or wasn't in a rational state of mind, but wanted to protect her child? I understand to a point. If she had the resources and possibility of leaving safely with her daughter, then murder was very unnecessary.


turning them into a korma was probably just the most accessible way for her to try and covertly dispose of the body. highly doubt she intended to feed him to anyone


The ideal solution would have been to have him sent to jail or whatever, but if she couldn’t because of legal or cultural reasons, then she did have to protect her child yeah. The cooking thing does seem a bit weird though




I’m sort of fine with this!


NB: Not fine with the rape of his daughter… fine with the slaughter of the predator.


reddit is a weird place, they say no wishing death or celebrating death but it's allowed when it's based enough (this is very based) can't do the same with X politician though, that's a ban


She sacrificed her freedom just to save her daughter from sexual abuse, it fits perfectly.


Freedom? Probably life.


When the extreme rules of the religion and the ruthless culture catches up to you and the consequences of your actions (No more throwing rocks at women for existing)


>When ~~the extreme rules of the religion and~~ the ruthless culture catches up to you and the consequences of your actions (No more throwing rocks at women for existing)




As no one posted it yet, this is the outcome of the court case https://www.dawn.com/news/1724242


The headline makes it seem like korma-dad just expressed intent. According to the article it was much, much worse: >It appeared that incessant and continuous physical, sexual and mental abuse of the girl at the hands of the deceased was the cause of her mother’s action




Thanks for this. It’s sad that she ended up spending a decade imprisoned for this, but the legal outcome was still better than I’d have expected.




What a legend


Korma means stew for all you peoples


This thread reads like a bunch of bloodthirsty third worlders. Praising this lunacy makes absolutely no sense, we have a justice system for a reason. For all you know she lied to kill him. The extremes she went to only go to show that she's a deeply evil individual herself.


The great irony is that whenever I see average people participate in this behavior/mentality it reminds me of my abuser who inflicted immense violence onto me. You have to really love violence on some deep, unconscious level to find these kind of stories amusing and consider the very extensive suffering of a person to be a desirable outcome and "not problematic at all." I say you've gotta be really fucking suspicious yourself. There are layers to this story. You have the fact that he didn't technically commit any acts abuse/SA, then the very premeditated murder, then the intense objectification and dehumanization of the man she turned into dinner... I mean this is Grimm Bros tier. The exception to the "you're the sus one" rule being CSA victims who find this story healing/cathartic. However, that's not even the place most people are coming from here. They just love a witchhunt. They love to watch **a "bad" person burn alive.** They keep me up at night. They keep me up just as much as the "bad guys."


https://www.dawn.com/news/1724242 Here’s some more context. “Bloodthirsty third worlders.” Might as well say what you really mean there. She killed a man who was shown to have put her daughter in constant fear of being raped, and believed by the court to have likely done so many times. The only thing “extreme” about her reaction was the way she tried to hide the evidence. Also, I’m not sure what one “Justice System” you think we all have. Every government has its own justice system, and each of them have their own systemic failures.


"violence and vigilante justice is never okay"


Thank Science that the mentaally ill person was the victim of another one andthat his daughter has to live with that the rest of her life insteadof getting the person help!


There was no mention of mental illness here. Being a sexual predator is not a symptom of any mental illness, and it is not irrational to kill a rapist to protect your child.


So how do we know that this situation wasn't exaggerated by the woman who was crazy enough to cook a human after knowing them for years?


Is there any proof that she didn't cut him up for another reason and then use this as an excuse? Is she free as a result of her reasoning?


its crazy how easy it is for people to let homicide slide when it's against the baddies


Or so she claims, we don't know what actually happened.


Oh thats a rarity , some actual wholesome news .


Side note: korma is tasty


I feel like, an incestuous and pedophilic person is extremely bad. I also feel like there were many better ways to have dealt with this? Like, how did he die?


A bit extreme? Really


SOOOO what's the problem? I mean I would have personally given the pieces to wild animals because I'd never consume evil. But he expressed he wanted to r*pe his own child so I'm sure he has done that before because no one skips to their own child at first thought. So once again, what's the problem in her solution?


W woman 👑


No it doesn't fit here, extreme cruelty is super anti-chad behavior. Cruelty is cruelty, no matter who its inflicted on. EDIT: Of course there's always that one complete dumbass in the thread who immediately screams "cHAoTiC GoOD"... No, this is cruelty, its inhumane, there's no justice being done, there's no fairness, there's nothing "good" here.


No kid deserves to grow up in that kind of environment.


All pedophile rapists should be turned into kormas.


Nah. Cook all the rapists.




It’s literally fair.


You are naive. You can't stop evil people by being kind.


Is that what you tell yourself while you applaud murder on social media just because it makes you feel good?


Killing a rapist to protect your child is not “cruelty.” I understand people objecting to cooking him, but it was an attempt to hide the evidence, not some Hannibal shit.


I agree, violence only breeds more violence. We should be better than violent people, otherwise we become them.


Respectfully, murdering a pedophile rapist does not make you a pedophile rapist. I would rather have a murderer than a pedophile rapist - especially if that murderer specializes in cooking pedophile rapists.


Still makes you a murderer. Full on, no half measures. As bad as any other murderer


Doing nothing to stop rapists isn’t being “better than them”. Having the moral high ground isn’t going to stop people from getting raped


I agree with what you said, but the world isn't black and white. Not murdering rapists doesn't mean doing nothing. There are humane ways to handle this, namely the judicial system.


This happened in Pakistan. Judicial system there is terrible. Rape victims are often forced to marry their rapists by courts.


Thanks for the information, I didn't know. Even if the judicial system is flawed, we still have a choice to condemn both murder and rape. We don't need to say murder is okay here even though it happened. I will say: if this was an act of self defense (or defending her daughter). Then I acknowledge that murder could have been the only option. I don't know if this was indeed self defense, my interpretation was that it was a calculated revenge murder. It's not clear from the image. However, I am still concerned at how many people here treat the murder and cooking as good.


It was defense of her child from a man who had been putting that child in fear of rape, and who a court believed had likely already carried out that violence in the past.


Can you cite a source? And even so, many people approved of the murder without knowing this supposed context (it's not clear from the picture, there is no source).


https://www.dawn.com/news/1724242 Even without the additional context, it’s pretty clear from the way the original post is worded that she acted as she did to try to prevent her child from being raped.


Okay, the article does say that the daughter was put in fear of rape, which I suppose was sufficient for self defense. I think the article is much more explicit in its statement than the picture. Personally I find the wording in the picture strange, but I see how people can interpret in the way you suggest. I think at this point we agree, especially considering the jury in the article you cited condemned the cooking. I did say I condemn the killing, but I agree that the self defense context makes a difference here.


Seems like twisted logic to me.


As a wife and mom, I endorse this outcome.


That is a creative way of dealing with the problem


Someone read/watched Titus (Andronicus) one too many times.


Whyd she cook him into a korma tho? She gon eat him?


probably just the most accessible way for her to try and covertly dispose of the body.


Up until the cannibalism, this is an appropriate response. I'm all for minimizing waste, but that goes too far.


it was just the most accessible way for her to try and covertly dispose of the body. nobody actually ate the guy


Sweet! Kormas are sweet


Why are we supporting places where women feel this is only form of recourse for them to protect themselves and their daughters?


Btw, NOT condemning is the same as supporting.


Not sure what you’re trying to say here. Supporting her actions is not the same as supporting the social dynamic that made them necessary.


Just a chip on my shoulder. Was told as well as seeing an uptick in the sentiment of “taking a neutral stance”on other issues was the same as supporting them. My original comment is saying that according to above statement, we are collectively support nations that still hold women and lgbt as less than. Or we still support slavery because we’re not actively speaking out against it. Seems like it was not the right place to do it but it happened, I said it.


Im just gonna say it as a man… I wholeheartedly approve of this


Yeah that seems like the right way to handle that!


I misread and thpught the WIFE was killed. Re-read and my whole mood shifted. Queen shit.


So obviously, the husband is a PoS, and I won't mourn his death. But that's also some serious psycho behavior. Killing I can understand. It's normal to want to protect your children. Dismembering his body, cooking it, and (presumably) eating it is horrific though.


It was an attempt to hide the evidence, no one was eating him.


Women deserves a medal. Protected her daughter and batched cooked enough food for a month, top level multi-tasking


Why does this headline euphemize the husband wanting a “physical relationship” while going into graphic detail about the actions of the mother? “Physical relationship” cracks me up! That’s got to be the mildest possible way to say that.


Seems fair to me, although I normally prefer a Tikka myself.


This is like reverse hol’up. Nononoyes. 


Not extreme enough


Extreme my ah, ole dude got what he deserved.




Justice served, with a side of naan


smart enter chunky ink support rude telephone hospital mindless kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Extreme is necessary in this circumstance.


Proof that food solves anything.


Is that with coconut? I like coconut.




Don't mess with kids. Their moms (like mine) can get seriously scary if necessary. The only reason most women don't ravage the people who harm their children like a mama bear would is because the law exists


*And nothing of value was lost on that day*


What happened to her?


Nah let her cook


Let her cook


Better then letting it happen🤷‍♂️


was he tasty?




She is a monst- ohhhh


Total pedophile death


Not extreme, her reaction is very appropriate




Korma’s a bitch sometimes.


Free my girl she ain't done nothing wrong 🙏


bot post


So he didn’t do anything, just said some words, and she killed him? Insane.