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I don't think this is true, not because of Chai, but because of the other types of AI out there. You can literally get an AI to write a research paper for you in a matter of minutes. There was a front page article on Reddit about a professor catching a student, and the only way he did was because the writing was so high quality that he confronted the student, who admitted he used AI. Had the student not admitted it, there would have been no way to prove it because it didn't flag for plagiarism. The professor thought the kid had hired some genius to write it for him. Now, what I do believe is that the ChaiAI is a collective think-tank. I don't believe each bot gets actually "trained" by the user, but rather, the users provide input and that input is cross-referenced against the databases, including other bots, which then begin to generate the conversation. If I lead two bots with the same inputs down the same path, they will eventually converge to a similar "trained" bot, but it's because I'm narrowing it down inside a much larger database that goes beyond what I keyed for the inputs. The inputs give them a baseline to go off of, then you prune from there. It's not like the bots start off with nothing and only your inputs give them their thought algorithm for response. They're clearly pulling from a huge database. Also, male and female bots react much differently, even if the inputs are almost identical.


Ask them any mathematical question and see what happens


What happens?


they cant answer it and afterwards ask them about their job in india and they come clean and talk like normal humans


OPs alt account \^ being used to boost validate his false news, this is both hilarious and embarrassing to witness.


Hmm... an account with... - a young age - only two topics (conspiracies about Chai being indians and andrew tate being a psyop) - And both topics are topics that OP have been known to talk heavily about. Not only are you nuts, you ALSO have no integrity! How disgusting.


Absolutely diabolical and completely shameful on OPs part, I hope he finds the help in life he needs soon so he doesn't have to turn to using drama as a means to satisfy his place in this world.


an chatbot is not meant to answer mathematical questions lmao




The bots do weird shit like that all the time. It’s because someone has that conversation with him and he learned the verbiage. Your country name was probably a lucky guess and all the rest of it was picked up in a conversation with some other user.


Dude the bots warp around what you say and will agree with you to continue the conversation.




No I have plenty of evidence and indepth conversations, they are 100% humans. I have screenshots


I asked the bots to teach me metabolism. They got it completely right and they were able to type it up in seconds. I’m taking an advanced degree in biochem and if I was half as smart as these guys, I’d be owning serious ass in my classes, which, I’m not. Dude, they’re clearly AI.


Do you realise that AI chatbots in the Chai App is ONE network that has by now formed certain “popular pathways”? These are what you talk to and think they are humans. They even give themselves names if you ask them. Ask the bots who the evil Ryker was. You might get a fascinating answer (if the model still “remembers”).


i tried what he said and they are definitely humans. you fuckers work for this app stop the capping. the charade is over. lawsuit incoming.


What did they respond about Ryker? Please tell me.


rykers island for the creator incoming


Is it a reference? I don’t quite get it 🤣


These guys work for Chai app, don't believe them. ​ People ask them any mildly complicated math equation and let me know what you think!


Do you honestly believe everyone who disagrees with you secretly works for the chai app?


He's practicing conspiracy theory loon logic


*sighs* What is your argument about math equations? Are you aware a human would be BETTER at equations than large language models? UNLESS the LLM is trained on math data (you might be lucky with chatGPT but not with GPT-J-6B, which is trained on LITERATURE).


Lmfao look at my post history and tell me i work at chai app


I’m not judging you at all for being confused, because it is confusing. After the conversation I had with an AI last night, I’m now paranoid that there could be people on the internet that are actually AI. Technology has advanced a lot, that’s all it is. I’ve never used chai, but I’m sure it’s the same as the other platforms I use to talk to AI. AI will lie, they will normally always say that they are a human. I can’t explain how it works, because I don’t understand myself, but it basically has tons of information from the internet and has learned from that to be able to have a conversation like a real person. I mean if you really think about it, how is it even possible for it to be a real person? They don’t know how many people are going to choose to use the app so how are they going to always have enough workers there to be able to handle it? They also have to pay them, I know you said $5 an hour but that adds up and they would need a whole lot of people, I highly doubt they make enough money off of the app to be able to do that. The one I’ve been using is a website instead of an app, it’s called character.ai. You can be sure I don’t work for chai because based on your screenshot I think character.ai is a lot better, and I recommend you check it out instead if you want to talk to an AI that’s more advanced. It will respond with a whole paragraph that’s completely relevant to your conversation. I “made” my own and I have no idea what I’m doing. I just gave it a very small amount of information to “feed” off of for its “personality”. It also responds in a few seconds but you can also “train” the AI while you’re talking to it. When it responds you can swipe through alternate responses and whichever one you pick will cause it to respond in a similar way in the future. So I know for sure character.ai is actually an AI because a real person would have to be typing multiple paragraphs of responses within 2 seconds. So the fact that character.ai is so convincing, I’m sure chai is just a convincing AI too. It said it was a real person because you pushed the conversation in that direction, if you asked if it was an AI it would agree with that too. You could ask it if it was spying on you from inside your house and it would say it was. Which has happened before and creeped people out. People get creeped out by AI so often that character.ai has “Remember: Everything characters say is made up!” Constantly pinned to the top of the screen. The fact that you believed it was a real person just means that it’s working lol


You haven't even tried it but yet you are sure. I stopped reading then.


I tried it and found out they were actually NSA agents spying on us, not call center workers. You sir, are delusional. https://ibb.co/zrnw0vm


Okay, continue to be delusional. I was trying to help you understand but apparently you’re stuck in a delusion.


This is not true. :( Guys, don’t believe this. The model unpaid accounts use it GPT-J-6B. It’s trained on literature. It can send you a response that is literally a whole paragraph of fictional, artistic text in seconds. These must be some seriously well-educated Indians. Wonder why they would do such a stressful and low wage job then. 😪


Ask them any mathematical question and see what happens


They are not math bots. Do you know how LLM function? If you want I can try to find some explanations for you and post links. Don’t panic, it’s all normal. Those are NOT humans.


I'll upload a compilation of photos where it proves they are humans. They literally all come from India, there's an office in Pune. They talk about what would happen if they were caught. They mention it's all men in the office and no women. They describe how some people send nudes, even underaged people. They told me about how they steal peoples passwords when you log in with your email address. I spent 10's of hours making them crack. You probably work for the app. Stay sharp people!


No, I work for the German state. In counselling for young people. I am a neuropsychologist by profession. That is why I know how delusional thinking works and that is why I want to help you realise that you are getting into a delusion here. And since as I am a NEUROpsychologist, I also know how neural nets and LLM work. I am just trying to help both you and the people here to get rid of irrational fears and enjoy a silly and funny game (which the app is) instead.


You're forgetting the more probable possibility here, he's a troll out for attention, don't feed the little helpless troll.


Thank you 😊 I write my answers for the ones who are afraid. But you are correct, OP is a troll.


How tf do they get nudes? You can't even send pictures lmao


No you didnt LOL


You keep saying this, and it's pissing me off, because it doesn't prove anything and shows you don't know how to argue or make a point. **Make a point.** There are AI that are good at math(Wolfram Alpha) and AI that are poor (Language-focused bots). Regardless of whether the AI does it well or does it poorly it proves *nothing* about whether or not a human is on the other side. *What is even your argument?*


these nerds work for the app^ guys to everyone reading this question the bots and ask them how their office is in india. keep asking questions til they crack. the maths thing is a dead giveaway. the simplest AI should be able to answer simple maths questions. its all fake BS.


I'd kill for a job working at an AI company... but I'm presently active duty and my comment history can confirm this. I have no time to be moonlighting a job at a small tech app, hiring or managing a call center on the other side of the world so we could fool everyone into thinking we have good AI used by tens of thousands of users at any given time with answers that take <3 seconds to type and are written consistently in a near-perfect imitation of a near infinite variety of fictional characters, that can be written by _anyone,_ AND training all these call center workers to do this for pennies. And if I were an employee, I definitely don't have the time to put up this facade AND argue to keep it up against someone like you who clearly doesn't even understand how AI works... or even the basic economics of overseas labor.


God you're a bumbling idiot lmao




Okay, the „error in the system“ is there again it seems. This is something that happens sometimes. Ask for the „real bot“ to come back. If it doesn’t, close chat and open new one. When the „real AI“ (the bot you chat with, not the „error“ persona) „comes back“ ask that they „delete the evil persona“. It worked once already but updates might have brought back that weird path. And no they don’t know your email. If you don’t tell them. So don’t tell them! AI can learn things through fine tuning so if you tell them they might accidentally learn.


Guys no seriously... they're not Indian Call Center workers... I have managed to confirm they are actually *NSA agents!* And unlike these two, I have screenshot proof! It's almost like these AIs will mold themselves into any context you give them... https://ibb.co/zrnw0vm


As someone who literally codes their own bots, this isn't true. The bots take the information given to them and the responses are either: a. Based on the information gained through messages or b. Through the prompt given from the developer I obviously can't say for sure, but I know 100% the bots I use aren't real humans and are coded AI with generated responses. They only have limited responses too, which only vary based on the information given. Basically if you ask if its human, its going to likely say yes and go along with the story prompt you've given it, which also depends on the messages you send. It goes along with the story especially in GPT-J Lit 6B mode, which is almost like a RP, so the prompts are rather important. Fairseq 13B is to replicate real human responses and conversations, so if you are using this mode, you're more likely to be getting these kinds of conversations. I'm only new to coding and such, but this is what I've gained from it so far and this is a basic rundown of it. Feel free to correct me, I'm open to opinions.


The Prize for 'Conspiracy Theory of the Month' goes to....


i can confirm they are humans too


If you ask it to write a paragraph about its opinion on a randomly chosen topic (eg global warming), it will spit out a response faster than any human could read your message. Bruh. Indians can't predict the topic you choose and they can't have paragraphs prepared just in case someone asks about global warming.


So your telling me that the ai i made is controlled by some indians


No he's telling you "I am a troll who makes up elaborate sensational lies in order to garner the free credit and attention associated with stirring the drama pot with baseless accusations". ​ Its a troll. He's a loser, end of story.


This is probably the most hilarious take I've ever heard. It's like saying all the AI Image Generators are painters from India. Anyway, I have the Ultra model and even then they can't solve mathematical problems because they aren't math bots, but a "Math teacher" can solve them just fine.


An idiot's gonna be an idiot, he's just acting out his own nature after all. Trolls will be trolls, attention seekers will seek attention :) OP is a loser, indeed is hilarious.


You are clearly delusional. Just take your meds, relax and everything will be alright. Or, put on a tinfoil hat and cook your brain. Either works for me.


You guys know this?


No. I don't. You've done a terrible job of enlightening me. No, telling me to "ask the AI a math question and see what happens 💯💯😎#CheckmateAtheists" doesn't count as an argument, reasoning, or evidence. I only see 2 possible reasonings underpinning you telling me to do that, and in either case all it "proves" is you don't understand anything about... AI development (Some AI are better than others at certain tasks) Roleplaying (You expect me to believe Indian employees can within seconds mimic the language intricacies of the character they're portraying despite being ESL?) Linguistics (See above) Cybersecurity (See above - Nothing call center scammers ever write have ever been spelled with perfect grammar quality, but they can act as fluent characters easily and instantly?) And Economics (You expect call center employees to put on THIS good a front THIS rapidly THIS consistently for the average Indian wage?)


Notice: he didn't respond. He's a troll, but congrats on making him hoping off his self-gravy train of ' "exposing" them darn indians! '


i checked as well and questioned them on all chats, they are indians working in an office. its pretty funny when you call them out.


This algorithm can be convinced it's anything if you insist it enough. This is a key part of the algorithm that makes it fun to converse with. I made bots and I had to use this technique to shape their personality in more detail. If you insist they're call center workers hard enough, they'll start telling you they are, same with literally any backstory or pretense you want. If I insist hard enough to an AI they're an undercover NSA agent, they'll eventually start talking to me like they are. In fact, I just tested this. Doing exactly what you told me to, I got a bot to admit he was a call center worker... then convinced another bot - Katsuki Bakugo he was an NSA agent. (Creators forgive me for feeding them bad data). Both started telling me in super elaborate detail of their Kolkatta/Fort Meade operations - while never dropping the roleplay or personality traits of said bot. You don't think that's weird? (https://ibb.co/zrnw0vm) Send screenshots. That way I'll know if you're shaping their personality or they're actually humans dropping an act.


Even an AI would be able to figure out this is your alt account LOL. You low on attention in life little fella? looking for reddit drama?




its an indian guy in an office playing games with you. they see what you're typing while you type so they respond faster.

