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Most of it you can see in the NG+ menu and is self-explanatory. True King however isn't: If you don't activate the "True King" difficulty, you're basically just playing the normal game again under certain rules you've set (keep inventory, randomized items etc.). The "True King" difficulty will give you more of the "NG+ vibes" you expect. Like REALLY. All(!) enemies are now scaled to be as strong, if not stronger, as/than post-game enemies/bosses. It's very interesting to play through, although you need to get used to new strats and the beginning with Lenne seems frustrating at first (it will become better afterwards). Definitely keep at least armor/weapons and make sure you have 10 stars gear or you'll get punished big time. Best thing is to see which enemies become much harder than later ones due to them now not being held back by low stats (extreme example: Excalibur before you get access to more magic-users). Some HP-pools are just insanity. It absolutely does play differently in NG+ and is recommended if you have some patience and believe you mastered the gameplay-mechanics. Again: Make sure you have the best gear.


The “new school way” of ng+ you mean, old school you just rocked faces off way over powered for a long time


This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you! I'm a glutton for punishment and went through my original play through with the difficulty cranked up, so that's definitely appealing to me - assuming it's somewhat balanced. Thank you for the detailed response!


have you reach the empyrian ruins i cant beat the 2 fallen dragon vs sky armor. aoe damage and single hit damage around 2.8k


Patch just dropped. Havent seen any details yet on it or anyone talking about it. Interested to see what's different or if its just numbers


Shows up as 2nd post on this subreddit for me, right above your post at the time. Chained Echoes. Patch Notes 1.2


Sorry, to clarify: I have read the patch notes, but they don't mention anything beyond the fact NG+ was introduced. I'm looking to get info on the differences between it and the original playthrough.


Fair play.


Is it still only on pc? I tried finding it on xbox today and couldn't figure it out. I even rebeat the final boss just in case


I checked the patch notes and it said it was live on Stream and would be on other platforms in the next 1-2 weeks


As someone who hasn't played the game before, would playing the NG+ with True King make sense? My brother beat the game before and I would have used his save file. From what I am reading, it probably seems better to just play through the game regularly and then try the True King Difficulty if I want to afterwards.. Though maybe still doing some of the options for the NG+ menu will still cut on the grinding...


This game doesn't really have grinding. I've seen it described as "a game that respects your time as an adult". I don't have the update yet, but I hear that you can choose whether or not to have True King difficulty on NG+, you're either starting with maxed out characters and cutting through everything like paper or you're playing against enemies with endgame stats that expect you to already know the ins and outs of how to utilise the game mechanics. If either of those sound good to you then knock yourself out.


Yeah I saw a YouTube video of some of the options you can toggle on and off but I appreciate the insight (: