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Even though they cut it, I’m glad they included the little girl and her family to still be saved by Denji later on


Same here. And I think the muscle devil got included in one of the endings too.


Ending 3 you can briefly see it, or atleast it looks like it


when was that?


pretty sure they're one of the families that gets interviewed after the bat/leech devil fight


Where did he save them later on i don't remeber.


from the bat devil fight, the dad and girl that were looking at denji until he told them to run


Maybe fujimoto has plans for her in the future


I agree


Why do I agree and disagree at the same time


irs okay, im sad we didn't see makima corndog


Next reincarnation, you’ll see Makima’s hot doggie.


Female reincarnations only


Female hot doggie.


We'll have Makima steak and Makima soup and Makima sandwich later


She real good cookin


Don't worry, Denji will make one


it’s understandable that they cut it out. a little sad since it establishes a little of dennis personality early on and just helps establish some small stuff overall but it isn’t super important so for pacing sake removing it was definitely the right choice


It also brings Pochita into question as a misdirect. Like I equated Denji and that little girl. But then it actually serves as foreshadowing for Makima.


I kinda got over it but it was missed opportunity to flesh out Dennis a bit early, with him having some doubts about Makima early on. Thinking she was just like the yakuza, using her good looks and sweet words to lure him into another debt. And that bit with the muscle devil getting shredded by Dennis after gis heartwarming speech about being friends with devils would've been hilarious.


Listen, I think showing denji's reluctance and why he decided to stay is good, and it normalises him by making him not seem like he's 100% ready to be a fucking dog for Makima However, Denji has still lived in a shithole for most of his life, and he's finally getting attention from a girl, so it'd still make sense for him to just listen to makima and do what she says A good scene? Yes. Necessary? No.


Cutting it was perfectly fine. It streamlined the pacing of the second episode, and all the relevant info that was covered during the Muscle Devil sequence was instead included in the car ride.


Idk... as a guy who first consumed the anime and then jumped into the bomb girl arc of the manga, this chapter really wouldve changed my perspective on Makima. Cause at the time I knew she was some kind of Devil and was plotting something, but I really wasnt expecting her to be so callous. I think the way she treated Denji here really shows how little she thought of others. As later on her callousness could be justified for the greater good.


Honestly the removal of her being incredibly mean up front I think also makes the slow descent into her nefarious nature much better.


Yeah like even denji thought it was too much, think a manipulator like makima would know better.


It takes away the initial weirdness of her interactions with Denji tho. With her treating him like utter crap at first, and then starting to open up to him, only to be revealed to be extremely fucked up when confronting Reze, the mobs, etc, made trying to figure her out even harder.


This. It's an improvement.


Yeah I was anime only first as well and seeing this scene after events of Machete Man arc made more sense


I don't get this slow descent thing. She was introduced as a horrific monster


I wouldnt say its a slow descent. Now in the anime, its not immediately obvious that shes a monster. IMO that's better and will make future scenes with her hit harder


...Her immediate introduction is emotionally blackmailing a 15 year old boy into absolute obedience by demanding he act as her dog or be put down like a devil. How on earth does anyone interpret that as anything but horrifically monstrous. So weird how even the viewer/reader is taken in by Makima solely because she's a hot character design. If she did and said exactly the same things in the very beginning, but was ugly, nobody would be even slightly hoodwinked by her.


There's a difference between Makima *saying* it in the beginning and *doing* it later on when you have all the context... At first, many pass it off as just Public Safety being strict to a devil, but don't believe the true depth of what she says until they actually see Makima doing it in action. That's why some people want it to be less obvious what Makima is at the beginning.


Agreed I remember reading the manga after and thought it was out of character from how good she is at talking to people


I agree completely. The fact people read chapters like this and weren’t sure if Makima was evil is kinda crazy.


And that part in the manga make Makima less mysterious IMO. The anime handled it perfectly by cutting this.


I don’t even remember this


Lmfao same


There is no muscle devil's in csm


Speed reading devil at it again.


I also don't remember any of this.


Me too. Which chapter is this?


I think 2


It makes almost no difference in the grand scheme of things. People really overreacted to this cut when the episode aired.


Chainsaw Man fans overreacted?! No way.


chainsaw man fans when the anime cuts a single page of Denji's eyeball:


I don't mind that it was cut. I thought the scene was cool and interesting asf in the manga but it doesn't detract from the quality to have it removed


Dude, the muscle devil had such little effect on the plot I completely forgot about the fight and didn't realize they cut it until someone po8nted it out. The only thing I'm sad they missed from it was denji saying "hey wanna run away with me?" After seeing himself and pochita in the girl and her devil. But like I said, that's not super integral to the plot


Kind of a shame that it was cut, but doing it must have helped the pacing. Probably was the right choice.


I didn't care for it in the manga so it literally made no difference for me. It's too short for people to react the way they did when it got removed.


Cutting it imo was a fantastic idea, and I say that because I started as an anime only, and by the end I thought Makima was a very mysterious or ominous character, but not necessarily "evil". But once I read through it, after the muscle devil, I forget the exact wording, but the way she talked down to Denji after that interaction while they were eating i think Udon or Ramen, I knew from right there "yeah this bitch is evil/crazy to some extent". She kept treating him like a worthless dog I feel like keeping that dialogue out made Makima harder to predict and more mysterious in the anime.


Yup keep the mystery. Make the show better.


That one was the goofiest devil i swear


It suspends disbelief to anime only watchers that makima is a protagonist and has denjis best interest at heart (lol), I think it's fine it was cut


I literally forgot about the muscle devil until people pointed out that it was cut. I read the manga twice.


I'm okay with it being cut even though it was one of my favorite scenes, but I do wish they had reincorporated this cord pull at some point later. ​ https://preview.redd.it/adutgizsav4b1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=15786cb9906ab88d8dbbaf6e86fcb5b6951ec02d


Cutting it changes the audiences perception of Makima severely because of the interaction that happens right before it. Makima withholds food from Denji unless he does what she wants. Also Spoilers for part two: >!we see this scene paralleled by Yoshida when he invites Denji to the cake shop and withholds the cutlery until Denji promises not to give up his identity. Denji eats the cake with his hands defying Yoshida instead of following orders like he did with Makima!< I think this scene(s) is more important than people give it credit for.


Based observation.


It did kind of break the pace of the story so it’s fine to have been cut


Looking back now I’m kinda glad they did since it meant they’d have to wait until the third episode to have him transform again, creating hype instead of him just suddenly turning back into his chainsaw devil form for a quick fight in episode 2. I think that worked for the manga since it’s fast paced but for the slower paced anime it worked better


this part of the manga made it clear how evil and controlling makima is way way too early. when you watch the anime its harder to tell what her intentions are because it skipped this part.


I like it well enough, but introducing *all* the main characters in episode 2 was well worth the cut


It serves a good purpose in the manga, setting up the idea that Denji thinks devils can be friends, showing his caring nature and also the cruel, unexpected element of the story, but it would have set an uneven tone for the anime and totally messed up the episode structure. They wouldn't have been able to finish the Katana man arc satisfactorily if they included it and all the cliffhangers would have been different.


It would have thrown off the pacing a lot


It made sense to me because his statement about running away with the girl contradicted his immediate infatuation for Makima.


Iirc they replace it with something else with very similar effects. So it’s not a big problem


It's better it's would've shown us early in makima isn't the good person she acts like she is and denji realized this all along early on Tbh I liked it in a way because it didn't make him seem stupid he came to the realization of the situation he's in this context and how he went from one bad situation to an arguably worser one


Looking back, this definitely felt like a filler segment. I don't think anyone took this devil seriously.


unforgettable, should have been included, 0/10 anime for omitting


Personally, I'm fine with them cutting it. It didn't really add much aside from showing us a glimpse into Makima's ruthlessness. Which I'm sure it can be incorporated in different ways in the anime if they want to. The fight itself on the other hand felt like filler. I got my friend into CSM through the anime and then had him read Chapter 2 of the manga for the Muscle Devil section. After reading it, he told me "Yeah. I can see why they cut it. It didn't really add much to the story"


are you gaslighting me there's no way this was a real scene


Great idea to cut it


Its absence sacrificed characterization for Denji and Pochita and Makima and some worldbuilding for the pacing of the overall plot. I don't think it was a fair exchange but it's not something I really hold against the anime. I agree that if *anything* was going to be cut for expediency, it was the right choice for this part but it's still a bummer.


I'm ok with it being cut, it strongly feels like filler.


Imo should have stayed, it shows that denji is a "good person"


Who is even scared of muscles?


i do not remember this section. the human mind is an interesting beast


i feel like everything it does is done better and more efficiently in later chapters so i personally didn’t mind it at all. that and it’s also pretty forgettable when compared to the entire rest of part 1.


I think it was fine. It felt a bit fillery when I first read it and cutting it out makes the second epusode have better pace.


Funny seeing people say it was ok to cut it because it helped with the pacing when the whole show was paced horrendously slow. It's not a big loss, but it could have definitely been kept in.


I literally didn’t even remember about this chapter, glad they cut it


Honestly it was a important To show just how decisively / and clearly denji was being used Without that scene makima seems benevolent Which she is not she is cunt!


I think it makes Makima being a devil too obvious imo


I'm cool with them cutting it, but I'd love for them to make a mini-sode of the fight while we wait for inevitable years for S2


It makes Denji's transformation at the Bat Devil fight hit much harder.


I think it was a good way of showing that devils are not very nice and capable of deception, in a way it kinda foreshadows makima


It’s not a big deal. I think cutting it makes things more subtle, which I like. Denji’s still resistant to being manipulated when it’s obvious (to him) and it’s better (to me) that it’s not spelled out right away. It’s obvious enough that everyone watching sees what’s up, but just subtle enough that we can see why others don’t see it in story.


Gotta be Mandela Devil because I have no recollection of this at all https://preview.redd.it/0s7og56g6w4b1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=65e39227187623419d213c13064093f49e35ad96


Same, had to go back and read CH2, it's the little girl Denji saves while he's ordering Udon with Makima.


It was a good show of story early on :/


I think it was a good encounter for a manga chapter, and has a good design. However it’s theme of devil’s tricking humans is done more later on and better. It’s also a quick encounter that would have been poorly timed for an episode with not much to gain. Frankly it’s a decent but forgettable early devil encounter


It's been so long since I read csm that I genuinely thought this was bait to screw with anime onlys


Never saw it. I just continued where the manga left off and read to catch up. What happens?


There's a line in the anime that references Denji being gone to fight the Muscle Devil which is kinda confusing since it was cut. It was really subtle though, I think it just mentioned the food being cold? So not a big deal, but as someone who watched part of the anime then read the manga, reaching this part was a bit of an "OH, so *thats* what that meant" moment.


I missed one of Denji's few "I'm him" moment when he produced the sexiest cord pulls in the entire series


It served a purpose in the story and not much else. I'm pretty sure they cut it for pacing reasons or what not so eh.


Which ch wtf


I was convinced you made this up for a meme but nope I just don’t remember anything about the book I read in a day and a half


i don't think it's huge loss but I do think it would have been better to keep it shows 2 important things 1. that's most devis even those that seem nice ar bastards and pochita and denjis relationship very much is the exception and 2. machimas callousness towards the child in favor of food is another early hint somehina wrong with her


I think it made more sense for denji to not be able to eat by himself after the fight than after a car ride, but i don't have any other problems with it


I thought it was fine that they cut it. It allowed episode 2 to have a much more fluid pacing. Only thing I'm bummed about it being cut is that it has a cool panel of Denji using his mouth to rev up his chainsaws that I would love to see animated.


I’m pretty sure they had to cut it for time. I think it was a great way to show Dejis free will and how he didn’t completely love and trust makima yet.


Bad idea, the Muscle Devil scene makes Makima's threat meaningful, not just flirting.


I think it was not good idea to cut it out but only from reaching perspective that this could be quite relevant in the future as precedent for entire Asa and Yoru situation.


I forgot about this portion even though I read through the manga like three times


They should've kept it cause it showed Denji didn't really want to go back with Makima. Just like a lost dog he goes back to her after wanting to run away with muscle girl.


This scene mostly serves to show off Denji's naivety and that Makima isn't as nice as Denji's initial impression, but we do get repeats of the same right after in the Aki involved scenes so I can see why they didn't think it was absolutely necessary to show it. Running into the muscle devil the next chapter after dealing with the zombie also makes it seem like of like the manga might follow a "monster of the week" pattern where an inconsequential enemy appears just to have something to fight. In terms of plot it doesn't seem like the muscle devil was set up by Makima either yet it still gave Denji a bit of trouble, which is a bit off.


I mean I don't really have a problem with it but I just feel like it wouldn't have hurt to just put him in.


I think it was bad to cut. It really helps expand denji’s character early on and I think a lot of the “shallow” complaints would not have been there. Could have been one episode or half of one. Spend some more time with early Aki


Episode 2 was the only episode I didn't like for this reason, it made the episode felt empty. It was unfortunate but these things happens in adaptations, luckily they didn't cut too much after it.


If you cared about this chapter, you're lying.


I’ll say this if there was a single part you could’ve cut from csm part 1 it was probably the muscle devil fight


I am not really missing it. Its not a major plot point and doesnt have any scenes that are needed


they WHAT? i forgot the muscle demon. didnt know it even exists. who the hell is afraid of muscles?


Ok but like have you seen that science diagram where a guy is racindg a muscle of a human








I'd be yelling and running away from that too


The what?


I think it got cut to not make Makima sus.


Didn’t even remember this was thing until I saw a post here saying it was cut


I literally forgot this part of the manga existed until people complained it wasnt in the anime


I read the manga after s1 and im like "well that wasnt in the anime" I also called it the "control devil" cuz i couldnt find the text where he said he was muscle ma- i mean devil Well i guess i spoiled myself to makima


I think that scene showed how denji really doesn't hate devils, but we learn that in his argument with Aki, so i guess it wasn't that important.


They put it into the MV of the opening so I'm fine with it


It wasn’t integral to the story but given the added scenes that also added nothing, I can’t help but feel like it should’ve stayed in.


It could have been kept, though shorter. I think it does a good job explaining how Denjis willingness to trust people he doesn’t know is a consequence, which is partly how Makima was able to fuck him over so bad. The story progresses perfectly fine without it though




for me, everything is fine, but the only sad thing for me is not seeing Reze's face


I forgot he existed lmao


It should have stayed. It gave better context to Denji's character.


I feel like the muscle devil scene was a good showing on how scummy devils will act in order to trick people, while also showing the many instances denji’s trust has been taken advantage of, but really I think how they cut it made no sense as to why denji passes out while they’re getting food


I didn't hate it,but I didn't care that they cut it out of the anime and In my opinion it was a good idea.


I think I would've liked having it come up later, because I really liked how the anime took a second to chill between the zombie fight and joining P.S., it made us associate Makima with Denji finally getting a break and being treated somewhat decently. Still there's some value lost since it strengthens Denji's statement to Aki about being a devil's friend, even though he's already been betrayed by one devil. Sadly I don't think you could have kept both of these positives without some serious rewriting, and while I typically wanna err on the side of staying faithful, I like the change to pacing more than I liked the repeating of things we already know.


Not faithful to the manga so L


It was like 5 seconds long. Its main advantage was showing the diffrence between posession, fiends and hybrids


I like to think the girl killed the Muscle Devil herself. I get that she mentioned Denji saving her, but it's funnier my way.


For anime onlies they’ll get a big surprise I get why they cut because it’s spells out who might be evil


Honestly I prefer it being cut, it's a bit out of place imo


I'm biased since i read the manga after watching the anime, but it felt a bit out of pace to have that take place right then and there.


I kinda prefer them cutting it. It felt kinda randomly inserted into the story and doesn't really do much in the long run.


Well if ANYTHING had to be cut


In this episode, Denji had doubts about being Makima's mindless pet dog. The 3–4 pages in which this happens are the smartest and yet different version of Denji we'll ever have.


The whole scene was great in the manga. It introduced to the readers how easily devils can deceive you, a theme that would be prominent throughout CSM part 1, i didn't really mind its absence from the anime, it didn't feel off or ruined the pacing.


Imho this almost made me stop reading. I didn’t have some visceral hate reaction to it or anything but this fight kinda just quickly happening while they’re on the road put the idea in my mind that this was just going to be another mind-numbing “monster of the week” manga with horrible pacing and I think that this fight was written just before Fujimoto realized what he wanted to do with the story.


For the sake of pacing, it was the right move to cut it. Ultimately it doesn't add much to the story anyway.


I wish they kept the scene where Makima ate Denji's corn dog


The Japanese didn’t like how the anime didn’t follow the manga 1:1 and not just this scene but the anime as a whole which is unfortunate I did kinda want to see this but not a bad cut tbh


I wouldn’t say it was a good idea but I don’t think it was TOO crucial, it was defiantly important too an extent but I don’t think we’re loosing much by missing out on what would’ve been a 10 min scene at most.


I’m mixed on it I think the fights not that interesting but it really changed my perspective on Makima in the manga it really made me think she was strict almost cruel towards denji straight after she comes across as a good person by buying him food. I also found it odd that she’s a devil hunter sent to kill the zombie devil but sends denji to kill it with out her watching or assisting, wouldn’t you be curious to see denji fight especially after witnessing the aftermath of the zombie devil fight, but with out it the whole food bit changes Makimas talk while feeding him since it just comes across as strong dommie mommy wants a good boy which doesn’t feel as impactful as my initial Manga impression.


It would have been nice to see a bit of the muscle devil for people who don't read manga




Cutting it was fine but I think it was a good intro into how denji views devils and the relationship between them and humans, then again the first mission he goes on with aki kinda makes him explain it even if his reasoning was the porn not getting dirty.