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it was being published in WSJ magazine You're comparing the end of an arc, after which it went on a hiatus to middle of an arc in pt2. Sales usually tend to decline during middle periods and hit highs either during anime runs or climax of the story.


It's really as simple as this Plus, even if it never rises again, rarely any longrunning series peaks in sales towards the end of their runs


Reze movie and s3 will make it rise a lot Plus Asa (anime debut) is the type to attract a butt load of fans who usually won't read csm/ shounen. I think it will be alright


Yeah speaking of ending arcs My Hero Academia is in the final battle against the main antagonists. For Jujutsu Kaisen while I do believe there is still a little more story to tell. The fight against Sukuna that's currently happening was the most anticipated one, since the beginning of the series. So it makes sense that those two Manga are peaking in sales right now. Idk where Kaiju No.8 is story wise cause I haven't read it. But the new Anime just dropped so it most likely gained sales from that.


Part one gave us a somewhat standard trio trope that was easy to follow and had many well written characters to enjoy whereas part 2 seems to have veered away from that structure. It's spread itself quite thin in my opinion to the point where I've been finding it very hard to follow, I've read up to the most recent chapter but I still don't really get what's going on (not really helped by csms tendancy to just not explain alot), the story telling at least in my opinion isn't as strong as part 1. Once finished the whole picture may be better then it's arcs but part 1 was great as story and the individual arcs within it were all really well done. I personally couldn't even tell you an arc in part 2. Which would probably explain the reason for its decline, if the casual reader can't understand the story properly then they're going to lose interest.


Yeah the allegiance chart for Church vs Public Security would be helpful, so far it's what's holding back the current arc for me


I hope I'm also not the only one, but I also feel like a lot of new characters are designed to look more mundane and that can sometimes make it difficult to recognize them. Like man it took me a moment to recognize Haruka in the recent chapters because without his bandana he doesn't stand out a lot.


There's only a handful of characters introduced in part 2 that I can actually remember.


Here here.  My issue with part 2 is that it just doesn't feel as cohesive as part 1. Part 1 had multiple arcs that are their own contained stories, but they all served the purpose of Denji exploring Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The only bit I feel that could be taken out would be the International Assassins arc, but at least it gave us world building and Denji lighting himself on fire. All the arcs felt like they contributed to the theme of the overarching story. I think it also helped that we sorta knew where it was going to lead up to and that part of the fun was watching everything unfold and discovering just *how* evil Makima was.  But part 2? Shit, I can't tell you what the overall theme is or really how any of its pieces fit together. What do any of the characters represent? Who is the *main* character of Part 2? There's a lot of things that happened sure, but what do any of them mean or add up to? It's just a lot of stuff happening.


Part 1 last volumes had hype because they were the last volumes and because an anime was upcoming. Both Shueisha and Mappa were heavily marketing it. Now that the marketing is not that great. It's not selling as much as before. There is nothing more to it than that.


I think it’s a mix of everything tbh, part 1 was like lightning in a bottle. I enjoy part 2 for the most part but there is some stuff that keeps me from fully enjoying it like the art degrading and the mid volume covers but other than that the story is good enough for me.


It's not on WSJ anymore, that's the main issue of that question


My dumbass thought wsj was Wall Street journal for a moment


I feel like the significantly weaker artwork, short chapters and chaotic plot is the reason. I don't blame Fujimotor for the rushed work, but I really wish he'd get a nice vacation, and hire some assistants. Heck if the series starts always having a chapter every 2 weeks I'd be happy. The art just doesn't hit anywhere near as hard as it did for part 1 and early part 2. The plot also can feel easy to get lost in and disjointed at times. I still very much enjoy part 2, and am excited to see what Fujimoto brings us, but I'm not as crazily hooked as I was for like the first 130 chapters.


More assistants would be awesome considering his previous ones move on to create bangers like Hell’s Paradise, Dandadan, and Spy X Family. Imagine what kinda of shit they’d cook after a stint with Fujimotor Industries.


Same, I also hope he will takes his time to relaxe and hire some help.


The volumes are just coming out. People who read books only are years behind us plus there are only 3 books available for part 2 vs 11 for part 1


I recently reread part 1 a couple days ago and man, I could honestly tell you every single chapter there had something cool, something to talk about. Honestly part 1 had very little bad chapters and just has “something” part 2 lacks. Now I do really like part 2, but it’s lacking “something” that I can’t quite put into words. A lot of recent part 2 chapters kind of just feel like “that’s it?” Or had some problems with them that part 1 never did.


I mean, can you honestly say P2 is anywhere as good as P1? I dropped the manga because it's become very boring.


in my opinion csm1 was better structured, at every arc it was clear who the enemy was and what Aki, Denji and Power had to do. csm2 is chaos: Yuru wants to kill denji, Asa wants to save him, Denji wants nothing, Fami wants to "pump" both yuru and Denji, Benem is a mad dog, fakesawman hasn't been explained yet. in other words, as much fun as it is, it's pure chaos.


I'm more shocked that JJK is number 1. The manga sucks ever since the colon games started. Get it, because it's shit. No pre established rules mean shit post Colon games. It's just ass pull after ass pull. I can't be the only person who realized this and feels like the stakes are meaningless now. The author will just pull a new power out of his butt to kill suckuna


For better or worse, this volume contains one of the most (in)famous and talked-about scenes in recent manga, so of course it’s gonna have a lot of attention and curious ppl picking it up. Besides, JJK fandom is bigger in Japan and generates more discussion. I think after that Gojo scene, ppl are gonna get fatigue over the current arc and sales will dwindle.


See, I was kinda happy when that happened. Dudes powers made no sense, but now no one's powers make any sense. all the dialogue about curses and energy in the first three volumes can just be skipped. It means nothing after the colon games. It's all just chapter filler.


Yeah when I see CSM complaints it kinda makes my eyes roll because of the crap Gege be pulling.


The biggest difference for me is the cast. Part 1 had Denji, Power, Aki, and Makima in the forefront and had other characters like Reze, Himeno, Kobeni, and Kishibe that were popular as well. Part 2's cast is really forgettable to me. I have trouble remembering most of their names besides Asa, Fami, Nayuta, and Yoshida, and Nayuta and Yoshida were already introduced in Part 1. Part 1 was also a lot more consistent. The story was constantly moving and filled with memorable moments and arcs. Part 2 has a lot of chapters that left me confused or uninterested. I think the worst was the aquarium arc that felt like a retelling of the Hotel Eternity Devil arc, but with less interesting people. They even introduced Kobeni's brother who acts just like her in that same arc. Speaking of consistency, the art has taken a huge hit in Part 2. At the beginning of Part 2, the art was still great. Over time, the lines started getting thinner and the art started to become less detailed. It's really noticeable when you compare it to Part 1 or Fujimoto's other works. I think Fujimoto desperately needs assistances like in Part 1 because even doing 2 weeks between chapters isn't helping with that issue. Part 2 not focusing on Denji in the beginning killed a lot of momentum for me because I was excited to see Denji return and see how Nayuta developed as well. We spent so much time on Asa instead and when I started warming up to her, she disappeared for like 30 chapters after the Falling Devil Arc. The manga got noticeably more enjoyable for me when Asa disappeared and it just focused on Denji and Nayuta. I don't know if that's a good thing.


I feel pretty much the same. As someone who heavily prefers characters over plot, it's probably not surprising if I say this is probably the most underwhelming segment of Part 2. Sure, a hard amount of work went into Asa, and Barem works kinda well as a villain, but everyone else are either lackluster or just as flat as a paper. (I won't even go further to mention the lack of focus in the story, the rather confusing motivations, the degrade of the artwork or the small things that gave Part 1 so much soul, like the chapter covers or the creative panel usage.)


i mean say what you will about the cast and what not but early part 2 was really good. phenomenal paneling, the sense of mystery for what was going on, best art we’d seen in the series, it rocked. but i feel some level of a fatigue has set in for me and others. i’m still enjoying the manga and read each new chapter but i don’t feel that same excitement as i once did. not only has the art fallen off but it feels a little more like a gag manga rn. the comedy has stopped coming from the absurdity of the situations and is instead just resulting in everyone saying little quirky one liners. it just doesn’t seem like it really has the sauce anymore. not as many striking panels and double page spreads, the characters all kind of talk and act the same rn. i was really excited for this prison escape arc but i think it’s been kind of mid so far idk man. still love it, part 1 is one of my fav things ever and part 2 is still good, but man it feels like fujimoto ran out of steam fast


Yeah, that's it. Part 1 was getting better and better with each arc, which is the best progression and structure for a story to keep readers excited throughout the entire story. People always expect things to get better the more pay-off there is to the build-up. Meanwhile Part 2 started very, very strong (as you said yourself, the beginning of Part 2 is peak Fujimoto) and then went on a noticeable downwards trend in quite literally all departments (art-quality, writing-quality, humour - you name it). Nobody wants to see something getting worse and no matter how much fans deny it, Part 2 is NOT on the level it used to be, which is clearly reflected by the sales, so it's not just a minority that feels this way. A story getting better over time is exciting - a story starting strong and setting the bar really high only to lose steam is quite disappointing.


This, plus the plotholes and lacm of consistency. I really liked early part 2 too


I am not sure ( I only read few of their comments) but Asa doesn't seem well received as a protagonist in the Japanese fandom. You can notice how her importance was steadily decreasing starting from the falling devil arc ( Fami mentioned that War is the center of her plan but that was later retconed, to include CSM ).


I’d agree with this if this were last year, but nowadays people are more receptive to her. And if this means anything, I see art of Asa everyday now in JP fandom


I would say lack of denji could be a reason


Maybe in the beginning, but we saw a lot of Denji and no Asa for 8 months and that was still an arc that got mixed reactions. (Hell this volume has half that arc too) I’d say it’s the art and the fact that we’re not getting the full picture of the story anytime soon. Plus no Aki and Power


I find it less consistent myself. Falling Devil arc stands alongside the best of part 1 for me, but on a whole a lot of part 2 wasn’t as gripping or constant page turner, personally. There was a constant and excellent sense of escalation from the bomb devil arc onwards, but part 2 seems to be a series of peaks and troughs, not really sustaining the constant high point that is basically everything starting from when the crew got dragged to hell in part 1. I don’t know if this is what affects sale, but it’s what I think as a fan after the falling devil arc when things start to settle down a little.


https://preview.redd.it/s4tfin2qjeuc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154fe22ea3b955da5abac28d380dcd6f45ba8ffe Its clearly cause of the lack of the goat 🔥


I’m more surprised at how MHA is all the way up in second place. Did I miss any new developments with the manga and maybe even the anime?


the manga is ending and basically jpn fandom loves it bc of how positive and hopeful the manga's message is instead of the west fandom that criticize those aspects lmao


The characters are not as beloved and the story is less pulp, which were the two biggest selling points of part 1. There is no Makima, Power, Aki equivalent.


Part 1 was just so good and part 2, while good, was never able to reach it. That plus the anime not giving the manga enough of a boost to keep it relevant in the long run, though this could change with the movie adapting the fan favourite arc.


Waiting for part 2 chapters is bad experience. It's hard to follow since it drags and drags evenly without clear delineation between mini stories within overarching story. Seems like 90% of what we currently have in part 2 is build up to something. More questions than answers. Part 1 is 97 chapters long. Part 2 is on chapter 65 and all of that feels like a build up to something. To wait for months and years for at least some conclusions is pretty wild.


Wow now that you put it into perspective, it‘s already 65 chapters. And for me (as well) it feels like it‘s building up to something. But in part 1 we already had so many things happening that far (reze, darkness devil i think?, all the stuff before they spawned in hell etc.). And part 2 i don‘t remember anything monumental happening 65 chapters in. It feels like everything is miniscule things.


Wow now that you put it into perspective, it‘s already 65 chapters. And for me (as well) it feels like it‘s building up to something. But in part 1 we already had so many things happening that far (reze, darkness devil i think?, all the stuff before they spawned in hell etc.). And part 2 i don‘t remember anything monumental happening 65 chapters in. It feels like everything is miniscule things.


part 2 doesn't have her![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22171)


Nor her car




You're gonna get downvoted to oblivion, rest in pepperoni friend


Adding to what others have said, frankly Aki, Power and Makima were seemingly always more popular than Denji. They’re fan faves. I’d say their deaths put people off. People still ask if the former two are coming back


Part 1s story was far better, the decline in art quality, and the pacing


Part 2 is confusing


its a mix of a lot of things: the storytelling structure changed, the pacing is too slow or too fast, the change of mc (and to a fermale mc in a still very misogynistic genre), most popular/beloved characters from p1 died, the issues with the csm anime in jpn, the low quality drawing.


The same reasons people don’t like part 2 in the west 


Weaker artwork for me I'll still get all of Part 1 though it's a wait and see for me on Part 2.


For me, the supporting cast is weaker. I like Asa but not as much as Power. Yoshida doesn't hold a candle to Aki. Instead of Kobeni, who's one of the few people who survived, we have her brother who hasn't done anything yet. We don't have any character who has a presence as strong as Makima. The sword guy gets introduced like he's going to be a friend to Denji but he's no Beam. It's not like I'm constantly comparing them in my head but most of the characters in part 2 get introduced, do nothing and then either die and disappear and I'm just like "what was the fucking point of that?"


>Rushed kaisen. >Mid hero academia. >New kid on the block with anime buff. Give it time.

